On the domestic Internet, netizens who were also following today's 4*100m relay preliminaries all breathed a sigh of relief after explaining and reporting the results of the Chinese relay team.

As a loyal fan of the 4*100m event, Huang Wenye is naturally following up today's race in real time.

During the entire preliminaries, he, like all other sports enthusiasts who care about the event, was hanging on his heart.

When the transfer between Zhao Zhixuan and Wang Ming was completed smoothly, he also called out secretly. When there was a mistake in the transfer between Wang Ming and Meng Hao, he couldn't help but screamed.

In theory, Meng Hao is a veteran member of the relay team. This kind of mistake shouldn't happen, but no one can explain this accident.

The Japanese team, which has always been known for passing and receiving skills, did not retreat due to passing errors in the game last year?

The changing situation on the field is also one of the fascinating charms of competitive sports.

Fortunately, when Meng Hao discovered his mistake, he also caught up in the third stage and successfully made up for his mistake. It's just that before he had time to breathe a sigh of relief, there was a slight delay in the communication between him and Su Zhe.

In this preliminary match, the passing of the Chinese relay team between the second and third and the third and fourth can be said to have stirred people's hearts and made everyone fearful.

Fortunately, the Chinese team finally made it into the finals.

This brand-new team, which was just formed during the World Championships, faced the first big test in a stadium like the World Championships. Now it is enough to be gratifying to be able to hand over such answers.

Many major sports players have also published their own commentary while waiting for the finals.

[The big exam is not over yet, but the future is still expected. 】

This is Tao Sheng's comment on the performance of the Chinese relay team in the morning. He objectively stated the pros and cons of several relay players in this game, and naturally also pointed to Meng Hao's mistakes and catching up.

"A momentary mistake is not terrible. As long as you don't make the same mistake again, this team will only get stronger and stronger after enough tacit understanding."

Most sports commentators are still optimistic about the future of the relay team. After all, in today's team, Wang Ming still exists as a weaker link. Even so, he already has a certain level of strength.

Many people are expecting that after Chen Zhi's return, after the relay team has a dual core, the results will usher in a leap-forward development.

In the Xilien Stadium in Country D, in the media area, domestic media are interviewing the four Su Zhe.

Xu Zhi handed Mai to Su Zhe and the others: "The relay team members have worked hard. First of all, congratulations to everyone for entering the finals of the 4*100m relay of the World Championships. For the relay team that has changed blood and players' positions, what you achieved in the preliminary round today is a very good result."

As a well-known reporter of the Sports Channel of Sports Channel, Xu Zhi has always had a very good relationship with the athletes-and he is willing to convey objectively the behind-the-scenes factors of the athletes’ difficulty in the competition in various interviews. Quite a good reason.

Just like in today's interview, he first endorsed and explained the difficulties of the current relay team for the audience.

All of Su Zhe understood Xu Zhi's kindness, and they all nodded their heads to express their gratitude.

Xu Zhi went on to say: "So in today's game, how do you feel about the team's running-in situation, and do you achieve your own psychological expectations in terms of strength?"

The first to answer Xu Zhi’s question were Zhao Zhixuan and Wang Ming. Wang Ming handed the microphone to Zhao Zhixuan and asked him to answer instead.

Zhao Zhixuan just thought briefly and nodded: "Today's results are actually above the level of our daily joint training. As far as I and Wang Ge are concerned, we have achieved normal and smooth performance. Of course This is also due to the fact that Brother Wang and I were originally old members of the team. Before that, Brother Wang had been training with the relay team as a substitute. In terms of tacit understanding and running-in, the relationship between Brother Wang and I should be the best. Those who have the advantage can perform as they should in today's game."

Zhao Zhixuan answered this very steadily, but when he handed over the microphone to Meng Hao, Meng Hao held a big one.

"...I am very dissatisfied with my performance."

The three Su Zhe and Xu Zhi were stunned. Wang Ming knew Meng Hao's thoughts, so he patted him on the shoulder from the side and expressed his comfort.

"In this preliminaries, the two passing mistakes were due to my personal reasons. As an old relay team member, I have no reason to cover up such mistakes." Meng Hao looked at the camera and twisted. Frowning and said: "In the preliminary round, my personal performance failed to enhance the team's strength, but almost dragged down the team. This is what I should reflect on. If it wasn't for me..."

Regarding Meng Hao’s answer, Wang Ming frowned. Seeing that he still wanted to say something, Wang Ming stopped him and said, “In this team, the most difficult one to adapt to is Su Zhe. The other one is you, this is one point. Another one, during the competition, no one can guarantee that everyone will not make a mistake. Relax and run the finals well is what we should think about now."

Su Zhe also seriously said on the side: "Brother Meng, you just said that you made a mistake in passing the baton, but why don't you mention your performance on the corners? Besides, as Wang said, the preliminaries have passed, and our goal now is to be in the finals. Give full play to our strengths. Tonight is the final battlefield."

Xu Zhi also smiled and said: "Presumably from the answers just now, the audience friends can also see the unity and care between everyone. The tacit understanding and friendship between you are believed to be the overall cohesion and strength of our team. Guarantee! Then, I hope you all have a good rest in the afternoon and regain your fitness. I will look forward to the performance of our relay team in the evening finals with all the audience friends!"

After the interview, Wang Ming also patted Meng Hao on the shoulder: "You are also a veteran in the team. Why are the momentary mistakes in the game still worried about now? Lao Meng, you can't change your mentality after the game!"

Meng Hao knocked on his head, shook his head and said, "You are right, I was the one who got the point. The finals in the evening are the focus."

Zhao Zhixuan, Su Zhedu and Meng Hao hugged Meng Hao, who was caught in excessive self-blame.

"No one can never make mistakes." Su Zhe said: "The preliminaries are over, we still see the truth tonight."

In the following time, after everyone had eaten, massaged by the masseurs in the team, and rested, they gathered in the training room again.

At the last moment when he was about to head to the arena, Su Yinsheng did not intend to put any psychological pressure on these players anymore. He looked at several members of the team and finally only said a short sentence.

"You guys, my only requirement is to run above your respective standards, maintain a steady state of mind, be stable and smooth, and then remember that everything is possible on the court."

Su Yinsheng's last words were regarded as a good blessing by Su Zhe and the others. After everyone smiled and nodded, they boarded the team's bus and went to the game together.

At 9:30 in the evening, Su Zhe and several people have completed their warm-ups in the preparation area.

It was the other 7 teams who were on the field to warm up with them.

They are the U.S. team with a pre-race of 37.65, Jamaica with 37.70, England with 37.72, Japan with 37.89, Brazil with 38.07 and France with 38.20. The team and the preliminaries played abnormally and only ran out of the Trinidad and Tobago team in 38.40.

According to the normal performance of each team, the performance of the Chinese relay team among the various teams can almost be called the bottom.

But so what?

In the real arena, in the end, it depends on the actual performance of each team, just like the Trinidad and Tobago team, in today's preliminaries, it just barely entered the finals.

As Su Yinsheng said, it’s stable and smooth, and then if they can be more smooth in the handling of the pass, then even if they are lacking in speed, they may not be the most in this game. Last place.

On the Chinese players' stand, Zheng Wensheng, Su Yinsheng and other players who came to watch the game were already seated on the court.

The men's 4*100m final is the last game of the evening. The audience has been waiting for it for a long time. The scene was full of noise and special arrangements were made in the contestants' stage.

When the game was about to start, the introduction of the participating teams tonight began to appear on the big screen in the staging area. At the same time, the gate of the staging area opened, and the players also appeared one by one under the passionate introduction.

In the commentary, Chris and Birus have introduced the Chinese players who will be coming on stage.

Chris: "Finally, the relay team members from the Chinese team are on the stage! They are Zhao Zhixuan (personal pb10.12), Wang Ming (personal pb10.22), and Meng Hao (personal pb10.22). Individual pb10 seconds 16), fourth ball Su Zhe (individual pb10 seconds 2)! Among them, Su Zhe also ran the fifth good result in the men's 100-meter event of this World Championship!"

Amidst the cheers and applause at the scene, the four Su Zhe wore the sprint uniforms of the Chinese team and boarded the arena. Following the instructions of the staff, they waved to everyone where the camera was.

When Su Zhe followed his teammates and waved towards the camera with a smile, there was another sudden wave of cheers on the scene, which made Zhao Zhixuan and others stunned for a moment and sighed with each other about the enthusiasm of the audience.

In the commentary, Chris clutched his chest and shook his head in admiration: "Oh, Chinese player Su, his smile on the big screen is even more impactful."

Beside him, Birus also nodded in agreement.

In the media area, apart from the Chinese and Japanese media who are already familiar with Su Zhe, reporters from other countries were also a little surprised by the appearance of this Chinese player. For a while, many reporters couldn't help but point their cameras at the Su Zhe went to the fourth track alone.

In tonight’s game, the Chinese team is located on the ninth track in the outermost circle. On the left side of the Chinese team, Trinidad and Tobago, who played abnormally in the preliminary round and dropped to eighth place, is the most powerful. The strong American team and Jamaican team are in the fourth and fifth tracks respectively.

After all the runners completed the measurement and pasting of the starting line, the scene where the human voice was boiling gradually calmed down, and the audience began to hold their breath to free up a quiet environment for the players who were about to start.

At the moment when the court was quiet, all the players on the court took a deep breath and entered the most intense and focused state of competition.

"Each in place."

The referee's voice began to ring through the broadcast.

At the starting point, the eight teams' first shots tightened their minds and began to wait for the next sound.



The sound of the starting gun is the final signal for everyone to activate!

The first shots of the 8 teams kicked off the starting blocks as soon as the guns fired, and started sprinting forward on the corners!

At the same time, all the audience on the scene also began to let go of their voices, sending the craziest shouts for the final tonight. It was just a moment, the originally quiet stadium shouted like a tsunami from the audience. In an instant it entered a boiling state.

"Come on!!! The Chinese team, come on!!!"

Outside the stadium, before the live screen, the Chinese sports fans who were watching the game also let go of their voices and shouted cheering in front of the screen.

Zhao Zhixuan, the top player of the Chinese team, also played very smoothly in the first stage tonight. His starting speed remained at 0.128 seconds, which is definitely not weak among the 8 teams!

The first shot of the US team accidentally made a mistake in the reaction of listening to the gun. The reaction stage of listening to the gun took 0.172 seconds, which completely exceeded the original level of the US team.

Among all the teams, it is surprising that the fastest response to the gun in this game is not the strong teams such as the United States, Jamaica, and the United Kingdom, but the Japanese team's Shota Shiraishi. He has reached the speed of listening to the gun tonight. An astonishing 0.117 seconds, which is almost close to the reaction limit of listening to the gun-once the reaction speed of listening to the gun is faster than 0.1 second, it will be judged as a quick run.

Shota Shiraishi relied on the speed advantage of listening to the gun and even surpassed the first shots of the United States and Jamaica in the starting stage of the first shot, and ranked second only after the British team.

But halfway through the first leg, the Jamaican team also accelerated the first leg, gradually overtaking Shiraishi Shota's position. All of a sudden, it was the British, Japanese and Jamaican teams that were surprisingly competing for the top three positions at the first bar!

As in the morning preliminaries, the Trinidad and Tobago team made another major mistake in tonight’s final. Their first player was even faster than the ones who had already made mistakes during the reaction stage. The US team is even slower!

The 0.233 second reaction speed of listening to the gun seems to be mocking them for the start of listening to the gun, which has completely lost the standard.

As for the Chinese team, Zhao Zhixuan’s start and stability have also laid a certain advantage for him. In the first round of the schedule, he accidentally maintained the fifth position, and was not covered by the Brazilian team, the French team and the rear team. The Trinidad and Tobago team successfully surpassed.

On the second pre-run line, Wang Ming also saw Zhao Zhixuan's position advantage at the moment. He no longer considered other things, but waited for Zhao Zhixuan to reach the starting mark line.

Hold on!

This is the only thought in Wang Ming's heart, and he is practicing it so firmly!

When Zhao Zhixuan's figure reached the starting mark line, Wang Ming immediately started on the pre-run line and began his own starting acceleration process.

Behind him, Zhao Zhixuan and Wang Ming were in a tacit understanding. He did not need to slow down, but continued to tell Mercedes to move forward. When Wang Ming also completed his acceleration in the pre-run zone, The two arrived at the transfer area at the same time. As Wang Ming completed his acceleration, Zhao Zhixuan also sent a signal to transfer the baton behind him.

"Brother Wang!"


With three simple words, Wang Ming did not hesitate to execute Zhao Zhixuan's instructions, and received the baton steadily and entered the second straight track sprint.

Wang Ming knows that his speed has no advantage compared to the second best players of other teams. All he can do is to try his best to run the best, not to make mistakes, and not to let himself become a drag on the team.

Even if he is tense, Wang Ming has done very well so far!

Behind him, the Brazilian team made mistakes in the first and second passes. When they finally completed the first and second passes, the Brazilian team members shouted on the track to cheer for their next teammates. This The move also affected the French team and Trinidad and Tobago, and the passing of these two teams also made some mistakes.

Trinidad and Tobago’s first baton was very angry at the Brazilian team’s behavior and loudly accused him of violating the rules of the game and affecting other players. Suddenly, within the range of the first baton pass, There was a slight confusion.

Brazil’s second bar and the French team’s second bar are both strong. Even if there were some mistakes, they quickly adjusted their state and started sprinting forward, as the two teams’ second bars were strong. Wang Ming in the front clearly felt the pressure from the rear.

But he is worthy of being a veteran for many years. Even if he feels someone is constantly approaching from the rear, he does not squat. Instead, he fully controls his breathing and rhythm of sprints, stabilizes his own pace and stride, and prevents himself from getting around. Out of control.

When the second player from Brazil and France was about to pass the third player, Wang Ming also reached the third player!

Meng Hao! Hold on!

Wang Ming said silently in his heart.

At the same time, Meng Hao had already seen that he reached the starting mark line, started quickly, pulled up his own speed, and quickly completed his own starting acceleration in the pre-run zone.

Speed ​​up very well!

Watching Meng Hao's movements, Wang Ming's eyes lit up. When the two reached the best pass and take position in the pass and take area, Wang Ming shouted: "Brother Meng, take it!"

This time, Meng Hao's movements were not misaligned, and Wang Ming's pass was also very steady and fast.

"it is good!"

On the Chinese players' bench, Zheng Wensheng saw the two and three shots passing and taking the baton neatly. He applauded and shouted hello. Su Yinsheng also nodded at the same time. So far, the team members have successfully done what he said. Stable and smooth, this is enough to lay a solid foundation for the final results of the Chinese relay team.

"Come on! Come on!"

In front of the live screen, Huang Wenye, as well as many sports fans who cared about relay races like Huang Wenye, or even ordinary people who were eating melons, were involuntarily tightening their minds because of the intense and intense competition on the field.

When Meng Hao took the baton, the position of the third player of Brazil and France was already on par with him. This is a speed competition on the corners!

The Chinese team is on the ninth track, which is the outermost track. Although theoretically speaking, the athletes on the ninth track are least affected by the centrifugal force of the curved track and can best play the speed of straight running. In track competitions, the ninth track is usually the track assigned to the four athletes after the semifinals.

No one can tell exactly how this kind of metaphysics is on the track.

What really determines the results on the field is the real performance of the athletes in the competition.

Perhaps it was because there was too much depression in the preliminaries in the morning. In the finals at this moment, Meng Hao had an urge to release the emotions that had been suppressed in his heart all day.

He breathed deeply, controlled his breathing rate, and subconsciously increased his pace on the track.

Due to the theoretical advantage of the ninth track for athletes in biology, Meng Hao indeed ran almost all his strength on the straights on this track!

The impact of centrifugal force on him has been small to a certain extent, and he does not need to spend more effort on fighting against centrifugal force like in the morning preliminaries.

In the commentary, Chris shouted in surprise: "Oh! China's third best player! He is very fast on the corners! The Brazilian and French players who have caught up with him have been left behind again!"

The audience was also surprised by the audience, followed by even more cheering shouts.

The entire Hilien Stadium is in a frenetic atmosphere. At the forefront of the track, the Jamaican player has already occupied the first position. The British third player is not far behind the Jamaican team, and the American team's second and third The baton pass is not so smooth, so that the Japanese team still occupies the third position.

The real-time changes on the field are really unpredictable. No one thought that at the moment halfway through the schedule, the US team was only in fourth place.

Meng Hao's speed in the corner temporarily left behind the Brazilian and French team members. He tried his best to complete the final sprint on the corner-the handover with the fourth bar is already near!

On the fourth pre-run line, Su Zhe was fully prepared, his eyes were fixed on the starting mark line behind him, his eyes sharp.

Meng Hao, here it is!

When Meng Hao reached the starting line, Su Zhe quickly started to accelerate on the pre-running line. The pre-running area of ​​just 10 meters passed in a flash. When he entered the passing area, Su Zhe had already completed his own The speed accelerated, and when he was approaching the best position to pass the baton, Meng Hao also called decisively: "Su Zhe, take it!"

This time, Meng Hao did not hesitate too much, but chose to completely trust Su Zhe after passing the stick.

And Su Zhe did not live up to his trust and expectations, firmly grasped the baton, and quickly sprinted towards the end!

"Good! Good job!"

On the seat of the Chinese region, Zheng Wensheng showed a look of joy on his face. Up to now, the Chinese team is still in the fifth position, and now it is Su Zhe's last shot!

After the difficulty of passing the baton, in the final sprint, Su Zhe's past strength instantly raised everyone's expectations to the highest point!

After Su Zhe, the Brazilian team and the French team also completed the last pass. Trinidad and Tobago has already fallen far behind due to many errors. Catch up.

In front of the Chinese team, the American team’s fourth club Gate deserved to be worthy of his 100-meter star. After successfully taking over, he completed the surpassing of the Japanese team’s fourth club Yuki Nanshan with extremely domineering speed. And he is still sprinting, trying to surpass the fourth player of the British team ahead.

Brazil and the French team are also trying to catch up with Su Zhe in their last shots, but for Su Zhe, who has completed the initial acceleration phase and entered the state of maintaining a running state, he is confident that this 100-meter track will not let him. The people behind have the opportunity to surpass themselves!

Just as Su Zhe was confident, Brazil’s fourth baton and France’s fourth baton player Adrian was surprised to find that he not only failed to close the distance with the Chinese player, but also the distance between the two sides. Is stretched!

How can it be? !

Will there be such a big power gap between them? !

The fourth bar of Brazil and France is full of incredible emotions. This fourth bar from the Chinese team is stronger than they thought!

In the audience stands, all the audience had fallen into this crazy final competition. Everyone yelled until their voice broke, and even the voices of Chris and Billus in the commentary booth became hoarse.

"Gate has approached Baragon of the British team, and Hilm ahead has a certain advantage for the time being!"

"The Chinese team's Su Zhe is constantly approaching the Japanese player Nanshan Yuki ahead, and the distance between the two sides is gradually getting closer!"

"The last 20-meter sprint!"

Su Zhe's eyes are staring at Yuxi Nanshan ahead. There is still a certain distance between the two. The Japanese team played very well today, but the Chinese team played tonight.

After entering the sprint stage, Nanshan Yuki also played his status as the number one player in Japan, even if there are top players such as Gate, Hilm, and Baragon, he is still chasing.

Nanshan Yuxi didn't give up the hope of the final sprint, should he give up easily?

This is impossible!

Su Zhe constantly adjusted his breathing rhythm, relying on his ability to accelerate later, and constantly tried to narrow the distance with Nanshan Yuxi.

3 meters, 2 meters, 1 meter...

In the final 20-meter sprint stage, when the strength and performance of the two players are similar, it is too difficult to catch up with the gap that occurred before.

The sprint and see-saw of the last 20 meters is more like a chase and competition of will.


Don't give up any hope, even if this hope is so slim.

Su Zhe has reported such a firm and indomitable determination to complete his final sprint stage.

Nanshan Yuxi apparently found that someone behind him was gradually approaching him, and he was also firmly striding towards the end, without leaving any extra energy to the chaser who was approaching behind him.

When Hilme of Jamaica crossed the finish line first, Gate and Baragon finished the line at almost the same speed.

Nanshan Yuxi also completed his sprint shortly thereafter, followed by Su Zhe, who had been close to him infinitely.

It's fifth!

Only fifth...

After crossing the line, Su Zhe still clenched his fists with some regrets. Whether it was the morning preliminaries or the finals at this moment, he still failed to achieve a repressive overtake.

In front of him, Nanshan Yuxi, who was also finishing the buffer, showed a somewhat scared look of surprise when he looked back at Su Zhe, and then he gave Su Zhe a thumbs up, expressing his wonder in his heart.

Zheng Wensheng showed a gratified smile on the contestant stand in China.

Su Zhe did his best, and the boys in the relay team also did their best!

The fifth place!

Zheng Wensheng held his fists in front of him and danced excitedly-this is really, great!


_(:з」∠)_Why, obviously it’s the weekend, I still have to code until this point to finish writing...sighing

Happily touch the little angels, ah, the copy of the World Championships is finally over! (But then there will be a series of copies of the indoor games and the Diamond League...Of course, there will be the most important Olympic copies...ah...bald)

Regarding the question of why the total score of 4*100 meters is faster than the speed of 100 meters alone, Cai Cai has seen that little angels have helped answer the question, thanks ing! Cough, then Cai Cai won't say much, love you all!


Interview with Shao Dadao who did not appear again today

Caicai: Oops, boy, congratulations on returning? =w=

Mr. Shao:......=_=Oh, I don’t think this is any congratulations

Cai Cai:? ? ? But you didn’t even show up yesterday, eh? Shouldn't you be happy today?

Mr. Shao: ...Thank you, my happiness is not so cheap

Cai Cai:......=. =Tsk, today is also an uncute cub. (Sighing face)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 nanar;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: == 1;

Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 4 Karry_Winter; == 2; 25809800, Asing Assen, Garfield Eating Lemongrass, An Jin, Deep Deep Deep Blue, Empty Air, Salty Filling Yinxian, Sweet Baby 2009, super _1 prime;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

80 bottles of nanar; 71 bottles of Xiao Xuanyu not very reliable; 60 bottles of Xiaoyang Xiaoyang’s test is not cold; 46 bottles of twice-cooked pork; 40 bottles of Xiao Sheng and Hongzi; 34 bottles of lurenjia; 32 bottles of Celistine; 28 bottles of Cecil and Jiufuzi; Xuanhan 25 bottles of 萏, loveleconte; light cold, two three four, Joker, Liang Xiaojing, 15957810410, Xu Yao, I love good-looking books, Qingqing Qianqian, 30332860, Coke without ice, I am diving deeply, moluki , Yangyang 20 bottles; Xiong Xiong is more willing to take 18 bottles; I did not take medicine today, feeling myself, Yiyi, parkmoomoo, Lin Xiye, tropical fish, quiet, dawn, not a bear @, Xiaomeng, baby in the egg, Qianchen Mubai, Jiangnan Yifeixue, Tutu, Gu Yu, Qingqing Rumo, jpg, Qingming, Dora is not Dora, and Southeast, advanced procrastination patients, nerds, spring is not too bad, Zoe Hu, It’s not Duan Meng, vic, MH10 bottles; Qi-color 9 bottles; Xia Lian, Adam, Jackfruit loves to eat 8 bottles; Diao Hanjiangxue, Gu Chenyi 7 bottles; Anjin, 14445592, Hanzheng, Qingyue, Rendering, cute cat canned food, end, imaginary leaf, kookie, Luo Chenwan, Xie Ruining, Taohuawu, Liuli Kongshi, Yueluofanchen, the end time, Rhubarb, 31824669, ssharon, 5 bottles of poem dimple; passerby 3 bottles; mc Mengmeng, Xiying, Chang'an, Big Baby Man, Little Guliang of Colorful Mushrooms, Lazy Lion, Tender 2 bottles; Yuhan, Guoliner Fruit Picking in Progress, Qi, Sunlight Golden, Jonquil-Sauce Sauce , Fenghua, Bai Ziqiu, Fu Yiyi, Karry_Winter, 19902331, Mo Xiao, Jubilant Bubbles in Soda, 1 bottle of Char;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!