On the scene of the World Championships, after all the players passed the finish line one after another, cheers from the audience area were endless.

The contestants who reached the finish line either threw their fists excitedly, or covered their faces with a little disappointment. Others knelt on the ground after buffering and hammered the ground in a vent to express their dissatisfaction with the final result.

After Su Zhe crossed the finish line in fifth place, behind him, the French team's fourth stick, Adrian successfully surpassed the Brazil team, and crossed the finish line in sixth place, while Trinidad and Dopa Because of the poor performance of the game, the brother team made a mistake and finally only crossed the finish line in the last posture.

Chris loudly congratulated the teams and players present in the commentary: "This is a wonderful game. All the athletes are fully involved in the arena, which brings us a perfect game experience!"

At the same time, under the guidance of the director, while waiting for the final result, Birus replayed the highlights of the entire game with Chris.

The 360-degree photographic track and camera vehicles around the stadium capture all the performances of the players on the arena. On the huge screen on the scene, the audience follows the commentators and slow-motion footage, once again decomposing every aspect of the arena. A detail.

From the state of the players in the reaction stage of the first shot, to the dispute between the Brazilian team and the Trinidad and Tobago team when the first and second shots were passed.

Birus shook his head and said: "The Brazilian team did affect the passing of Trinidad and Tobago to the French team. The two teams seem to have filed complaints. Judging from the performance on the video, Brazil The possibility of the team being sentenced is still very high."


In the process of waiting for the final results, the reporters on the scene have stopped the athletes, taking photos of them and conducting first-hand post-match interviews.

After this period of competition, the players also knew each other. At the finish line, in addition to Nanshan Yuxi, Gate, Adrian, and Baragon also shook hands with Su Zhe.

For this Chinese player who appeared in the international arena for the first time, but seemed to have infinite possibilities, everyone released their kindness.

The media interviewed by the various countries have already had a certain impression of this exceptionally good-looking player among the athletes. Except for the media from China and Japan, the media from other countries have not forgotten that they photographed their primary target characters. Leave a set of images for Su Zhe.

There is now a relaxed atmosphere in the Chinese contestants' bench. The contestants and staff who came to watch the race discussed the changes in the 4*100m relay that just ended, while waiting for the final result. Announcement.

Zheng Wensheng smiled and said, "Old Su, you and Zhang Ye have worked hard. Thanks to your guidance, you can achieve such good results this time!"

Regarding Zheng Wensheng's flattery, Su Yinsheng curled his lips angrily: "Okay, stop talking, it's Meng Hao and the others who played well. What Lao Zhang and I can do is just before the game. Tsk, you didn't watch. Brazil, France and Trinidad and Tobago...do you dare to say that the coaches of these national teams are worse than me?"

Su Yinsheng deserves to be Su Yinsheng. This speech choked Zheng Wensheng on the spot. He could only smile and shook his head, pointing at him and sighing.

"But not to mention anything else. This time the relay team has entered the finals and has successfully won the Olympic quota. When Chen Zhi comes back, next year's Olympics, we can compete for the top four, right?"

Hearing Chen Zhi's name, Su Yinsheng's face sank again. His beloved disciple still doesn't know how he recovered after the operation, nor how much he can recover in the subsequent rehabilitation and training.

Zheng Wensheng obviously also saw Su Yinsheng’s worry. He patted Su Yinsheng on the shoulder and said: "Old Su, I didn’t say you, the national team has invited you back a lot, right? Only Chen Zhi entered the country before. The team, Su Zhe will definitely stay in the national team for training. In addition, Zhao Zhixuan’s results, but he is now the main candidate for the first leg of the relay team. Sooner or later, he will enter the national team for his sprint results. Can you really feel relieved to ignore them?"

Hearing Zheng Wensheng's words, Su Yinsheng's brows became tighter. Zheng Wensheng saw that Su Yinsheng had finally loosened his thoughts this time, so he made persistent efforts.

"I know you can't worry about the sports team in your province, but the talents must be placed in a more suitable position to play a greater role. You see, even if you enter the national team, your roots are not In the Provincial Sports Team? Besides, Zhao Changhe has been your partner for so many years and has accumulated a lot of experience in the coaching position. With him supporting your Provincial Sports Team, what else can you do? Don't worry? When something really happens, can't you go back and save a field? Or will you lose contact with him when you get to the national team?"

"I think you are temporarily seconded to the national team during this period, and the provincial sports team is okay! What kind of competition should you participate in? No players on your team have fallen, and the results are pretty good! Look, you Doesn't this have to give Lao Zhao a little room to play?"

Zheng Wensheng's words really have his reasoning. For a stubborn person like Su Yinsheng, his thoughts have also been loosened.

He rubbed his forehead, and finally let go: "Think about it, let me go back and think about things here. The final result is out, let's look at the result first."

In the commentary, the two Chriss have received the final results submitted by the referee team, and Chris began to announce the results.

"First place, Jamaica team, 37.42 seconds, second place, USA team, 37.50 seconds, third place, England team, 37.51 seconds, fourth place, Japan team, 37.99 seconds, fifth place, China Team, 38 seconds 18..."

The American team’s Gate succeeded in overtaking the British team’s Barragón in the final moment. Even if the first shot made a serious mistake in the response to the gun, the American team still relied on the strong personal strength of the entire team. , Took the second place in the final moment.

On the domestic network, all the sports fans waiting before the live broadcast also showed happy smiles-fifth in the world track and field championships. This ranking is already an extremely good one for the Chinese relay team, which is almost temporarily reorganized. Achievement.

On the Athletics Kingdom forum, even if it is already more than 3 in the morning, there are still a group of diehard sports fans discussing the results of this world track and field championship.

[On the promotion of star athletes' attention to the overall event-and look forward to the better development of Chinese track and field! 】

This is a long comment post published by Uncle Eye on the Athletics Kingdom Forum.

In the article, he praised the players who went to country D this time and expressed his sincere joy for the achievements of the Chinese track and field team in this World Championships so far.

For the Chinese sports world, track and field as a major sports event has always been weak and lacks a sense of existence.

In China, if you are looking for a passerby to ask the best table tennis player in China, most passers-by can mention one or two familiar names, but if you really want to ask about track and field related events, except for the two names of Chen Zhi and Song Chen In addition, the rest of the players almost all found no such person.

This is not only related to the overall weakness of the project, but also to the propaganda habits of the overall domestic public opinion-only those that can attract attention are important news. Only strong projects and individuals have eye-catching elements. Finally, even if the project is not Strong, if there is a strong base of mass attention, then there is value for discussion.

In fact, in the big event of track and field, in addition to the two powerful figures Chen Zhi and Song Chen, there have also been many strong players in the women's event. Even today, the Chinese track and field team is still in the women's event. Better than the men's team. But in the end, often because the audience involved in the project itself has too little attention and too low, or some other factors, the strong are still unknown.

Uncle Eyes sighed in the post: [But now the minds of the Tianguan Center and the national track and field team have also turned away. First, they conducted more than 20 days of live training, and then cooperated with groups such as Cyclonus. Promotion of various track and field events. And now there is a player like Su Zhe...]

Speaking of Su Zhe, Uncle Eyes almost burst into laughter: [To say that Master Zhe is really a treasure, you see, no matter how good the parents are, they are stronger. After that, from the entertainment circle to our sports circle, we have been advancing all the way. Not only did his performance improve quickly, but also brought more attention to the track team and our track and field circle! I don’t know if you have paid attention to the number of viewers and the number of broadcasts of the broadcast of the World Championships afterwards? I saw it, uncle, the data this time can be said to far exceed the broadcast volume of previous track and field competitions! Especially the number of viewers of the men's 100-meter sprint, 110-meter hurdles, and 4*100 meters. 】

[With Zhe Shao's current attention, as long as he continues to maintain such strength and development, in the next few years, domestic track and field events will not worry about exposure and attention. It is conceivable that with the increase in attention and project resources, in the future, there may be more elite athletes pouring into track and field events. 】

Finally, Uncle Eye concluded.

[Athletics, the future can be expected. 】

Under this post, many people left messages expressing their sympathy.

5L: [Uncle is right. To tell the truth, whenever this happens, I think of everyone working together to resist Shao Zhe, I was afraid for a while... If this is the case, Shao Zhe was really out of the circle by us... ... Then how about this year's World Championships, it's really hard to say. 】

7L: [Although it’s a Nikkei topic upstairs, it’s true, it’s true. I will go to Zhe Shao’s Weibo every day to compliment him, let him feel the love and warmth of our track and field fans for him, ha Haha. 】

11L: [Those fan girls of Zhe Shao are also very good. Recently, I think they have engaged in some popular scientific track and field knowledge content? That’s good. There are many passers-by who don’t know track and field at ordinary times, and they can also know a lot of problems that originally made them puzzled...]

12L: [Yes, I also watched their popular science number. It did a good job. For example, why the average speed of 4*100 meters is faster than that of a single person running 100 meters, and for athletes, the score is 0.01 seconds. How difficult it is to improve, as well as the impact of the stadium, track, athletes’ physical fitness, etc. on the performance of athletes... We used to be in the circle of the big Vs rarely do these things, always feel that these are people who pay attention to track and field. If you know the common sense, you have to think so. So where do ordinary passers-by who are just interested in track and field know so much basic knowledge? 】

From the outstanding performance of Su Zhe and the track team in this World Championship, everyone discussed how to increase the interest and recognition of passers-by in track and field.

In the end, a forum friend concluded: [Zhe Shao feels like a lucky star in the track and field circle, falling from the sky, born out of the sky, and advancing all the way in the project. Not only is he straight up, but Jun Ye and Jie feel like they are competing It’s more exciting to run up, and the relay team also uses him as the core, reuniting a breath of energy. This reorganization and exchange of blood can also rush all the way to fifth in the final... No matter the truth is really so mysterious, hope Zhe Shao will be able to carry this luck in the future, with the track and field events all the way to glory. 】

Country D, Asian Games Village

The final task at the World Championships has also been completed. For Su Zhe, the pressure on his shoulders has finally been temporarily relieved.

When he returned to his dormitory, Su Zhe was still in a daze. He opened the window of the dormitory and glanced at the already silent night view of the Asian Games Village outside. He was a little uncomfortable with the sudden relaxation.

He suddenly remembered Balmain, the naturalized Bahraini athlete who provoked him when he first arrived in the Asian Games Village. In fact, the two of them had never met in the arena, and he didn't know how Balmain's final result was. Just thinking of this incident, I felt, as if it was just a blink of an eye, the World Championship schedule has passed...

In the following time, he has not received any notice of corresponding arrangements, but he also roughly knows that it is now more than October and will soon enter the winter training period of track and field events.

Just on the way back to the Asian Games Village from Xilien Stadium, Zheng Wensheng has already conveyed to him the message that he will stay in the national team next, and the subsequent national team will arrange corresponding training and improvement plans for him, including the national team. He is equipped with a coaching staff, as well as arrangements for training abroad and participating in a series of indoor competitions.

Su Zhe noticed that when Zheng Wensheng said these things to him, his father Su Yinsheng's face seemed a bit stinky. After a second thought, he also roughly understood what Zheng Wensheng meant to say these things to him in front of his father on the bus. What is it.

It's just that these training plans have not been fully implemented for the time being, and he who has been used to constantly going back and forth between training and competition for the past six months now has a slight sense of emptiness.

Just when he was staring out the window in a daze, he suddenly received a game sharing message from his sand sculpture friend Jiang Hanning on his mobile phone-[I drew a peerless ghost king in Infernal Abyss, let's try your luck together! 】

? ? ?

Facing this shared information, Su Zhe was slightly stunned, and then finally remembered the sand sculpture system that he had forgotten in the back of his head.

After today’s 4*100m finals, the sand sculpture system once again carried out the final settlement of the individual events for him. In total, during the time of the World Championships, the most rewarded training space hours were still deducted. After the hours that have been continuously consumed since time, the current remaining idol space training hours is no more than 200 hours. A full calculation is only enough for him to maintain more than a month of uninterrupted training.

Perhaps it is because the three events he participated in have different difficulty in the system judgment, and the comprehensive rewards obtained by the three events are also different.

In addition to the idol training space, he also obtained a total of 6 free attribute points. At the same time, the sand sculpture system once again reminded him that the system data storage space is insufficient and he needs to convert his reputation into free attribute points as soon as possible.

This time the World Championships, as well as the pre-match training live broadcast, etc., all made his reputation value rapidly increase, quickly reaching the poor data storage limit of the sand sculpture system.

Perhaps it is to urge him to exchange free attribute points as soon as possible, and at the same time to consume the free attribute points that have been accumulated so far, this sand sculpture system also provides him with a brand new task.

Task goal: refreshing your physical fitness

Task requirements: Refer to the plan provided by the system to complete a comprehensive improvement of physical fitness. (Remarks: The task completion degree is based on the completion index of the corresponding training after adding points, and the complete series of training items are more than 90% completed before the complete task reward can be obtained.)

Task reward: height increase by 2cm, perfect idol training space usage hours*300

Seeing this task, Su Zhe rubbed his forehead a little speechlessly. The sand sculpture system is almost like "Come on, come on, hurry up and consume all the rewards so as not to occupy my data space." The words are written on the forehead.

Judging by the rewards of this task, Su Zhe knew at a glance that the difficulty of this task was probably easy without winning the World Championships.

After all, he just added 2 explosive power attributes for himself not long ago, and the training program given by the system for this can be called the devil, and if you really want to increase your overall physical fitness, the training difficulty will inevitably increase than simply. The explosive power is even higher.

But the shrewdness of the sand sculpture system lies in this too-for athletes, in addition to sports skills, physical fitness is also one of the most important basic strengths of athletes. In addition to technical content, athletes’ daily training must be Indispensable is the improvement of physical fitness such as their own explosive power and muscle endurance.

Thinking of this, Su Zhe finally confirmed once again that the so-called perfect idol system of this sand sculpture is constantly pushing him on the road of crazy training machines.

But what about this?

For him, it is already extremely lucky to be able to encounter this system. Under the training plan of this sand sculpture system, these large-scale and high-intensity training can bring him practical physical fitness and strength improvement. .

What he has to pay is nothing but training with all his strength.

After having a new goal, the sense of emptiness that had just come to an end at the end of the previous competition has basically disappeared.

After choosing to accept and adding all the free attribute points that can be searched in accordance with the plan provided by the system, Su Zhe turned his attention to the final reward-the system turntable lottery.

It was this lottery system that brought him hurdle skills when he used it for the first time. It was under the guidance of the system coach that he could quickly master the benchmark skills of hurdles, and accidentally discovered his talent in hurdles. .


Now let's draw a lottery, if we draw out another project skill... For his training madness character who is keen to train, he also feels that he is afraid that he is lacking in skills.

With the idea of ​​trying it out, Su Zhe still clicked on the turntable panel of the lottery, but unexpectedly, the small turntable opened this time, the lottery content displayed on it is no longer the same as the previous performing arts resources and sports resources. .

The red and white grids show the two categories of "Almighty Idol Skills" and "Sports Aura". Among them, under the category of Almighty Idol Skills, they are "Singing Skills", "Dancing Skills" and "Lens Expressiveness". Under the category of "sports halo", the content is very simple. There are only "one-time body repair halo", "one-time mental state stabilization halo", "one-time training halo" and so on. Limited content, and in the corners of each halo, there are several small fonts marked with 3 words-can be gifted.

These three simple words made Su Zhe startled for a moment, and then immediately remembered Chen Zhi who is now recovering in Germany.

The option of one-time body repairing aura has firmly attracted Su Zhe's attention.

Prior to this, he had been worried about Chen Zhi's rehabilitation status, whether it would affect his later competitive state, and whether he could catch up to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics.

If you can get this halo...

Thinking of this, Su Zhe immediately stopped hesitating, but immediately clicked the lucky draw button in his mind. But contrary to expectations, when the pointer on the turntable gradually stopped, what appeared in front of him was the "lens expressive" skill that was completely useless for him now.

When he saw this skill, Su Zhe smiled bitterly, and won this skill to make him run better when facing the camera lens while running?

Reluctantly tossing this skill temporarily, when Su Zhe clicked on the turntable again, he found that the grid on the turntable had returned to the skill classification of the first lottery draw.

Could it be...this lottery carousel is a rotation of two kinds of lottery content?

He gritted his teeth and clicked the lottery button again, but in the end what appeared was the same shooting technique that was of no practical value to him.

Do you want to try again for the last time?

Su Zhe sighed, and finally turned on the turntable again. Sure enough, the option to repair the halo once again appeared.

Staring at this small white grid, Su Zhe finally pressed the lottery button for the last time...Under his persistent gaze, the pointer on the turntable ran slower and slower. Finally, the pointer slowly stayed where he was watching. In the white □□ domain.

"Ding, congratulations for getting a one-time body repair halo. This item can be given as a gift."

When he heard the system prompt, Su Zhe smiled and sighed in relief, he almost heard the system's dazzling sound of water.

Looking at the cold, simple and inorganic system interface, Su Zhe said seriously, "Thank you."


_(:з」∠)_……Is the plan to save the paper for the weekend successful? ......Failed again...... (Now it's a dejected vegetable dish)

I had to touch the little angels quietly, and then slip away pretending that nothing happened... QAQ


A rare double interview today

Caicai: Ah, it's rare that you both are here today. Grandma has a question. Who do you think each other is yours?

Su Zhe: (Confused) Huh? Of course a good friend? ? ?

Cai Cai: (Looking at Dao Shao with a complicated face) Cub, cub, what do you think?

Mr. Shao: (face stiff)...Of course it is the same.

Cai Cai: (holding her head and slipping away) Today is also an unsuccessful interview. TvT...


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: super_su 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: Mu Chuqing, Mint Tufu Pear White, Qing & Yu, Zixi, Zhuzhu Fu Girl Ai Mei Nan Gong Su, Xing Lou, Garfield Eating Lemongrass, Yao Du, Evak, Douzipmy , Pickup, Pickup, 1 child;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

100 bottles of Lulu Road; 59 bottles of Qiu&Yu; 50 bottles of Walnut and Mu Qing; 40 bottles of yuffie; 30 bottles of Zixi; Honglian, soda, Zhuoqihuahua, Oh~Mr.White, Zhujiu, Mengxun *Lanshan 20 bottles; 3140, A is too lazy to name it, always hits the name again, a diving fish, laughs before you say a word,, leisurely at home, moon under the begonia, Jiangnan Yayun, Lala La Doremi, Hong Kong is scum , Shake the fan paper 10 bottles; left left, unyeong, Ying Baitou, Bingqiao Crescent, tina, Xiaoxiao, Luo, Momo’s silent 5 bottles; Nis 3 bottles; Luobei, Misty Saori, Yiye 2 bottles; Dalong The jubilant bubbles in cats, soda, Langque, mint tea, pear white, Ergou smashing legs, super short legs, displacement phantom, Su Tianshuang, career powder, Xiaomuyu, Xiying 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!