Since publishing the report about Su Zhe titled "He chose the road of kings, there is no entertainment circle on this road", Zhuo Siming has quickly changed from an intern Caiji reporter to a full-time employee in the Pi Pear Public Account. Up.

The follow-up "From National Despise to National Hero, Su Zhe's road to the king, have you contributed obstacles?" 》This public account article, and the topic of #娱乐圈迎苏哲回回# simultaneously promoted, at that time also left a deep impression on the hearts of various entertainment circles.

It can be said that Zhuo Siming used these two hot articles to open a brilliant start to his entertaining journey.

Out of his keen sense of gossip, Zhuo Siming always felt that Su Zhe still stayed in the sports circle wholeheartedly at this time, but such an athlete with a top idol appearance, legendary experience and such outstanding talents, his news Points are never worse for passers-by than ordinary traffic stars.

What's more, judging from the public's tolerance and curiosity towards sports stars, topics related to Su Zhe are easier to attract attention while not causing disgust.

When Zhuo Siming used this as a basis to list a series of reports on Su Zhe from the perspective of the entertainment circle, he immediately obtained the approval of the editor of the Pear Official Account, and immediately booked a ticket to follow up during the World Championships. When I arrived in Country D, I also started to do a series of special interview reports and records.

What Zhuo Siming did not expect was that after coming to the World Championships, Su Zhe's reporting plan had not yet begun to advance, and he first caught a true top in the entertainment industry, Shao Xingchen.

While seeing Shao Xingchen, Zhuo Siming suddenly remembered the reason why he was sent to the airport to keep gossip on the day the national track and field team left for country D... What was said at the time, at the airport in city b, he could keep up to the top Stream news? ? ?

Unexpectedly, after going around for so many days, he really kept a piece of top news.

After feeling so emotional, Zhuo Siming threw out the news on his hand after several days of collecting materials on the last competition day of the World Championships.

The Weibo push posted by Zhuo Siming directly @ took the public account. After the public account was forwarded, the traffic exploded immediately. At the same time, a large number of melon passers rushed to the scene, Shao Xingchen’s fans" "Satellite" immediately transferred the relevant topic to the management group of the support club, and the management immediately contacted the staff of Shao Xingchen's studio to inquire about related matters, and at the same time, to discuss the direction of control and evaluation.

And under that post with only a vaguely hooded figure for the time being, many Chigualu had already begun to discuss it.

【_(:З」∠)_I still remember this! Previously, a radar-knowing boss discovered that Su Zhefa’s photos were taken from the media area and the shooting angle did not look like they were taken from the media area to the stadium. At that time, everyone was still rushing for a while, but in the end thought it was the national track and field team who brought a photographer...]

【? ? ? It’s not that I said, this dress is impervious to the wind, can you tell that this is Shao Xingchen? ? ? 】

[Sister, you are not professional enough! ! ! If this photographer is fine, in the desert of Country D, even if there is air conditioning in the stadium, can you wrap yourself up like this? Dressed like this, this in itself shows that the photographer is very problematic! 】

[The previous sisters are right! ! ! Wow, what kind of magic is this, the top in the entertainment industry is incarnation of the national track and field team with reporters? ? ? This logical relationship makes me dizzy...]

[Ahead of the battle report! I specifically went to find news about the World Championships for several consecutive days. On the first day, there was no Yazi of the photographer in the location area of ​​the track team. After Su Zhe posted the first set of photos, the next day of the game, this The photographer suspected of Shao Xingchen appeared! 】

[Tsk, like the sisters upstairs, I went through the photos that Su Zhe posted twice. It is obvious that although the shooting angles are all from the audience's stand area, the position angles are completely different. The position of the second group of photos is obviously more Better, referring to the location map that can be found, it can basically be determined that the position of the photographer is in the auditorium area of ​​the track and field team during the second shooting. (The attached picture is a connection diagram of the relationship between the shooting angle of a group of photos and the scene environment)]

[...OvO? ? ? My sister is awesome, now I don’t have any skills, and I can’t even eat fresh melons... Then I’ll have one too. I took the picture and used the software to do the camera and lens analysis of the picture. Two sets of pictures released by Su Zhe , The camera is the latest model of the invincible series of C family, and the lens is a 200-400 ultra-telephoto zoom lens... To sum up, Su Zhe’s two sets of pictures, the photographer is the same person, the problem is basically nowhere to go, now the focus Yes, is this photographer Shao Xingchen? ? ? 】

I have to say that the melon-eaters in the entertainment circle are not only full of infinite enthusiasm for melon-eating, but also their gossip skills are beyond imagination.

It took less than half an hour for Zhuo Siming to release the first set of pictures. The enthusiastic Chigualu has already made it clear that the two groups of photos were taken by the same person, and that the positions of the two groups of photos were inconsistent. problem.

Just when Chigualu was discussing whether this photographer was Shao Xingchen, Zhuo Siming immediately pushed the second series of pictures. In the picture, the photographer’s clothing photographed in various photos are all related to Shao. Xingchen's private server made a complete comparison.

From the observable range, up to casual jackets, T-shirts, down to trousers, hats, wrist-exposed accessories, neckwear, etc. You can find the source in Shao Xingchen's personal clothes wear photos.

At the same time, Zhuo Siming also provided very intimate reference photos of Shao Xingchen wearing a hat and a mask when he went out in a low-key manner, which was perfectly compared with the photographer on the spot.

At the same time, there was a Weibo who didn't know where the big guys and trumpets were, and unexpectedly released a smeared and blurred screenshot of Shao Xingchen's circle of friends. It was the street view of D country posted by Shao Xingchen on the evening of October 4.

【_(:З」∠)_...... This picture, if it is true, it is a hammer. At this time, I can’t help but want to ask a question—the top-ranking giant went to D country personally for The former entertainment circle is transparent and now the new sports stars take pictures on the spot...Why is this? ? ? 】

[Tsk, let me come to Kangkang... This picture was posted on the evening of October 4th. Looking at the time point, it happened shortly before Su Zhe released the first set of photos. Then, assuming that this picture is true, we can reasonably speculate that Su Zhe did not know that Shao Xingchen went to country D to watch the game. On the evening of October 4th, Su Zhe might pass through the circle of friends. It was discovered that Shao Xingchen was in Country D. After the two communicated, he took the set of photos of himself from Shao Xingchen's hands and posted them on Weibo. The next day, Su Zhe brought Shao Xingchen to the athletes stand of the Chinese track and field team, so that he had a better perspective to watch the game and take pictures... Then we saw the second set of photos released by Su Zhe...]

[Wow, this sister, the logic is perfect, the time point is perfect! Let us think again, why did Su Zhe no longer release photos after the 4*100m race, and there was no such "photographer for the Chinese track and field team" in the audience in the next few days? XDDD feels that this photographer only wants to shoot Su Zhe alone, and has no interest in other people's competitions! 】

[Ahem, the previous sisters are right, of course, there is another important point...=w=Why, except for Su Zhe, the other track team members have not exposed the single photos taken by this photographer for them? ? Hey, this kind of product, I suddenly feel a little bit sweet...]

[This picture has erased all kinds of information, and it is the stone hammer sent by our boss when we speak. Is it interesting? Besides, even if it is true, just go to the scene to watch a game, what can happen? You public accounts, you can't live without the traffic of our boss, right? 】

With the fermentation of gossip, the support club was still communicating with the staff of Shao Xingchen's studio for the time being, and was unable to give a unified control and comment caliber at the first time. Some of Shao Xingchen's loose fans couldn't help but jump out in a hurry. Under some suspiciously oriented snoods, they tried to protect their idols.

And some comments with strange scents and indistinguishable black powder began to appear in the comment area.

[Yes! Even if our boss wears these clothes, it does not prove that the one who took the picture on the picture is our boss! Besides, it's just going abroad to take pictures of others in person. Do you want to say that he is in love with taking pictures? ? ? 】

This comment can be regarded as a one-stone wave. It was originally a competition of the track and field World Championships. It is not a big deal to go abroad to watch the game and take pictures by the way. Although from the content sent by Zhuo Siming, it is true. Some are faintly oriented in secret, but it's another matter if someone picks it out so clearly.

At this moment, the late control and commentary army of the "Satellite" support club finally arrived on the scene.

[Thank you for your concern about our boss. From October 2nd to October 5th, the boss’s private itinerary is the boss’s private itinerary. Since filming the drama "Chasing the Light", he became interested in track events, so he arranged to go Private itinerary to watch the world championships in track and field. At the same time, out of his personal photography hobby, he took photos of his friend Su Zhe at the competition stage. Out of low-key considerations, Su Zhe did not disclose the identity of the photographer when he posted on Weibo. I am sorry that the discussion aroused everyone. Please pay attention to the next episode of "Chasing the Light" starred by Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe, and see the friendship between Xie Wei and Lu Ming! #邵星辰世锦赛摄影##邵星辰苏哲电视剧追光#】

At the request of the "satellites", the "philosophers" who came to the scene with hindsight also showed up, thanking Shao Xingchen for the beautiful photos taken by his cubs.

【! ! Thank you, Brother Xingchen, for helping our cubs take pictures so handsome! The two sets of photos are so beautiful, I have been saving them and licking the screen for days! ! ! 】

【thanks, thanks! ! ! Send you 10,000 compliments! How come the stars are so great! Just want to ask, do the remaining photos in your camera memory card take up too much space? ? ? The ball is up, post them together! Oh, the beauty of the world cannot be enjoyed exclusively! ! ! 】

Speaking of which, after all, the "satellites" are high-efficiency fans who have gone through various battles in the fan circle. Under a unified arrangement, the wind of comments under this gossip quickly rushed towards the direction of positive public opinion.

The friendship between Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe has also been topped by hot searches. In the past, Shao Xingchen's Weibo content on @苏哲 was also rounded by gossip parties.

Let’s say it’s ambiguous. The top traffic vacated a private itinerary to go to Country D, just to see someone’s game scene, and also took a lot of solo photos for him.

In this case, if you change your gender, I’m afraid that someone will be hammered to death on the spot, but he and Su Zhe were indeed in the same crew before, and the relationship between past Weibo exchanges seems to be pretty good, really want Tao Get up, the saying that the "satellites" have empty bottles is actually not a problem.

Besides, the hype in the entertainment circle is bizarre. This is Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe, or watching the World Championships in Track and Field. Who can say that this is not another hype of the Zhanguang crew?

For Zhuo Siming, he didn't continue to release any more information. He used gossip to grab traffic and attention to grab real-time reports, but not to make enemies with Shao Xingchen.

As a result, this incident basically ceased after a long period of trouble.

Su Zhe’s straight male sports fans have always been aware of the gossip news in the entertainment industry. When someone was bored and moved this series of gossip to the kingdom of track and field, the reactions of the straight men underneath were surprisingly consistent. .

1L: [Shao Xingchen? It sounds familiar, it feels like my girlfriend talked to me about him every day for a while...]

2L: [Hey, the brother upstairs has a girlfriend, class enemy! ! 】

5L: [Zhe Shao's two sets of photos were taken very well! ! ! Master style! ! I'm still wondering which sports reporter did it. I have never seen a reporter with such a high level of photography...]

6L: [I only have one sentence-it's nice to have money. The latest model of the C family’s invincible series is fine... There is also a 200-400 ultra-telephoto zoom lens. I have wanted to upgrade the equipment for a long time. I have been drooling after seeing the three generations of the white rabbit. People started with a 200-400. After the set of equipment, only the body + lens will be 10w+...]

8L: [...I originally saw the two sets of photos, and I felt that they were taken really well. Now that I saw the popular science of the 6L big brother, I went back and took a look at the photos. The picture quality is really fine, clean, rich in light and dark, and details. The catch is in place, it is poisonous, and the grass is planted. Now I only need this 10w yuan. 】

If it is the entertainment industry who sees this series of discussions, it must be stunned. The topics from who Shao Xingchen is to the price of equipment can be said to be easily digressed.

And in another mysterious corner of Weibo, a CP super talk called "Xing for You Zhe" was quietly built. Many frustrated trumpets found this CP super talk through various channels. There is a joyous mood of finding relatives, and in the super chat that the number of people is temporarily small, it can be said that it is boiling.

Everyone seems to be following the same tacit understanding, and does not really mention CP's full name in Super Talk.

[Oh oh oh! Finally found the organization! ! That gossip today is really kswl! I looked back at the two notices of Zhuguang. Whether it was Xie Wei Luming or Xingzhe CP, I wanted them to lock the lock! 】

[Ah, when the first trailer first came out, I secretly ate sugar by myself, but that drama had a heroine, and Lu Ming died of illness at a young age, it was like a knife in the sugar, cutting pain My heart...I have followed them after that, but their circles are so different. Except for drama collaborations, there is no sugar at all, and you have to pick up trash...Where can I think of it today? Do you pour me a big can of sugar water? Ah, I feel so sweet now, QAQ tastes so beautiful, I still want to continue chanting! ! ! 】

[Woo, the feeling that I have traveled thousands of miles, just for you, is really awesome! Xiaozhe didn’t know that Shao was also in Country D at the beginning. Shao was just alone in the audience, taking such wonderful photos of him intently... "Record the only you in my eyes"...awsl, this is right for CP me can! 】

[I just went to the ancient test, and the visual inspection has always been that Shao was in the dark. When the crew first started the promotion, it was Shao Xian@小哲. The most interesting thing was that Xiaozhe played in the national qualifiers of the World Championships. The first in the double events of the hundreds of meters and 110 meters hurdles. At that time, this topic was still hotly searched on dance. I thought that the first blog post should be the promotion of the crew. As a result, I watched it around and the first blog Congratulations to Xiaozhe, Shao is the first in the double event! ! As a result, the crew only sent congratulations on the hot search of Weibo Dance after discovering Shao Fa’s news...]

【? ? ? Sister, you are so keen! When I look back, I will go to take a test... It's a pity that they are almost in the same frame...]

Just when everyone felt that there was no sugar, a live recording screen was moved to the homepage of CP Super Talk-it was the live broadcast when the Zhuguang crew visited the national team's training base.

When posting this video, the girl who posted was sad: [Such a big mouthful of candy and the same frame! ! Didn’t anyone bring the resources here? ? ? 】

After the crowds on the Chaohua homepage quickly finished the live video, they lay flat and fell into a strange state of sage...After waiting for a while, some people started building crazy buildings.

[...Not what I said, the way the boss looked at Xiaozhe? ? ? I think that as the host, Sister Xiaoye has worked so hard, as if eating a bite of dog food on the side! 】

[Did Xiaozhe grow taller then? No data is available, but the boss can see that he has grown taller at a glance. What level of observation is this? ! 】

[XDDD, I’m actually thinking, the boss is worried that Xiaozhe’s height is higher than him... but it’s okay! Xiaozhe's height was only 177, and he was still a little away from the boss! Don't be afraid of the boss! ←The me who has burst into laughter. 】

[Xiao Zhe secretly rubbed and called Dao Shao to chant... Also, Shao's last words! The first time he met Xiaozhe was not on the crew! ! ! This is simply the colorful chapter of this live broadcast! Not on the crew, when was that? ? ? 】

[...Looking at the description of the big man's remarks, I blindly guess a Xiaozhe's draft stage! Xiaozhe just participated in the draft at that time and didn't know anything, but he was super hard. I saw Xiaozhe cut at that time and really worked hard...]

This group of darkly frustrated trumpets who wore a vest and came to the CP super chat to eat sugar, the real bodies behind them are basically Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe fans. Wan Zhi came easily.

While the previous poster just mentioned Su Zhe's deeds during the draft, another suspected "satellite" vest also quickly followed a post.

[Ah, at that stage, it seems that the big brother studio was just established and separated from the previous company! ! At that time, the company’s navy violently blacked him, and the two sides fought a tug-of-war for a long time. It can be said that it was the most stressful period since his debut... So, I suddenly remembered, he said in the live broadcast The passage I've passed seems a bit familiar, where should I have seen it! 】

Not long after, a screenshot of Shao Xingchen's Weibo from many years ago was posted to Chaohua. It was not long after his personal studio was established, and it was also the stage where Su Zhe was participating in the draft.

【May I be able to remember on the road ahead, always work hard, be persistent and never give up hope. 】



【_(:З」∠)_To be honest, before seeing this video and Weibo screenshots, I always thought very sensibly that I just picked up a little trash at random, but now I feel a little bit up. 】

[Confused, +1 on the top, so the boss knew Xiaozhe more than two years ago, and he still followed him all the way...I now look back at the @小哲's scarf he posted on the crew, suddenly I feel that there is a kind of him between the lines I am deeply secretly expecting Xiaozhe's feeling of returning to fans... Ah, this awkward feeling, sisters, hurry up and wake me up and tell me this is just an illusion! 】

[It’s true... I’m also... a little bit up, but do you remember that Xiaozhe’s sunspot series emoticons? Isn't that the dance of the big brother's fans? ? ? If it was this timeline, looking back, the boss must have known this thing at the time, right? Then he didn't stop it...]

[...For this matter, the team of Xiaozhe's company was indeed forcibly touching porcelain and dancing too much. At that time, the boss didn't seem to have much contact with Xiaozhe. If he talked to him at will, it would not only hurt the feelings of the fans, but also only help Xiaozhe. What should the other people who come to touch him do? 】

The whole cp super talk, at this time, from the inside to the outside, there is an atmosphere of inexplicable harmony and disbelief. In the limited frame and interaction between the two, they continue to dig some honey hidden deep in the appearance.

Country D, Desert, Cyclonus Group’s commercial shooting scene

The advertising photographer invited by Cyclonus Group is filming the current desert-themed advertising content for Su Zhe and Shao Xingchen. The two wear the same series of costumes and interpret the sense of movement and speed breakthrough with the running posture and the dynamic dance.

Shooting such dynamic content in the desert is actually not easy. Actions that can be done easily in indoor spaces are likely to accidentally set off a gust of wind or overflow sand and dust, affecting the effect of the film.

Originally, the photographer had raised this concern about Cyclonus Group, but what he didn’t expect was that both Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe quickly adapted to shooting in the desert environment, and adjusted their range of actions extremely quickly. The smallest limb changes highlight the greatest effect.

Throughout the shooting process, the photographer was constantly surprised, and the person in charge of Cyclonus Group was also very satisfied with the overall effect of the two.

Towards the end of the filming, Li Cheng handed the gossip news on Weibo to the two of them.

Looking at the gossip still on the hot search, Su Zhe couldn't help but sigh, Shao Dao deserves to be Shao Dao, he was so tightly wrapped up to watch a game abroad, he could still be picked up like this.

Shao Xingchen was very calm. He took the phone, found Su Zhe's Weibo, and reposted the group of photos that Su Zhe first pushed, and added: I'm glad you like it.

Seeing Mr. Shao's actions, Su Zhe was also happy, and immediately took out his mobile phone and forwarded: [Thank you for the wonderful photos taken by Mr. Shao. I am very happy that my good friends came to watch my game! 】

The two simply forwarded and admitted that they immediately hammered the previous series of gossip to death. At the same time, the two were frank and frank, and there was no aftertaste of gossip for a while.


_(:з」∠)_……! ! ! Cai Cai, I only discovered today that even the sand sculpture system is more popular than Dao Shao! ! ! [Old man in subway shocked face]

Fortunately, these two days just happened to catch up with the boss's meal and the operation was fierce, and today I finally gave away all the stalks I had buried before.

PS: I saw that many little angels are curious about shooting skills. I explained in the comments yesterday. I will also bring them here today——

Shooting is indeed only a “redundant” skill at present. Given the intensity of Su Zhe’s current competitions and training, it is impossible for him to participate in shooting events at the same time. Among other things, it is impossible for the Tianguan Center to make Su Zhezhen Such a cross-center and large-scale project.

Shooting skills are currently a little useful for Su Zhe, but their usefulness is limited. However, in the future, there will be some other arrangements. I won't talk about it here =w=~~~ At present, Su Zhe’s main project is basically already The finalization is within the scope of the track.


Ah ah ah, I'm going to be late, finally, everyone! Love you guys!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 3 Jingdai; Mu Chen., Miaojiang, Doll, Lai Lai, the author Da Knock Cute, Angel Jia, Ba Ba, Garfield eats lemongrass, there are dumplings, the shipwreck, Bai Yaoshu, Nancheng Yiqing, indulged in climbing the wall to see the cp star chaser, Liebende, Wei Wei 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Tattoo 100 bottles; Dust margin dust margin 77 bottles; Summer Chansheng, Xinqing 50 bottles; Small candy 46 bottles; Doll 40 bottles; Summer Qin, 30 bottles of full moon; Youxi shallow shallows 24 bottles; Crystal, pineapple cans 20 bottles; Qingjia_Atobe , Tea Eggs, Feiyu is not a fatty fish, 666666666666, Lu, fujixima 10 bottles; Liebende 8 bottles;  6 bottles; Summer Weibo 5 bottles; sorceresslin, faint Wumiao, Jiuyue@拾月2瓶; Mumuxi, Chunshu, One bottle of Summer in Clear Sky, Quechen, Ergou smashing legs, Xiying, Ling, Angel Jia, Hua Yixuan, Jessie, Reunion Grass

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!