On the second day after the end of the military training, the scheduled winter training of the national track and field team began as scheduled.

Winter training is one of the most important training cycles for athletes every year, and it is also the preparation period for athletes to prepare for the competition throughout the year. In this cycle, according to the athlete's own situation, technical improvement adjustments and special physical fitness training will be carried out.

The reason why this training cycle is arranged in winter is mainly because the winter climate is not conducive to athletes to exert their own strength. If outdoor competitions are held in winter, it is easy to switch between warm-up and rapid outdoor body cooling, which makes athletes in the competition. Injured.

Therefore, the winter period is basically the offseason for athletes by default, and it is also a good reserve period for athletes to save and improve their own strength.

The winter training will last from November 9th to the beginning of March, and then athletes will usher in the first major event of 2020-the World Indoor Championships.

As usual, the World Indoor Athletics Championships will be held in the following year of the World Track and Field Championships, and in the coming 2020, this session of the World Indoor Athletics Championships is particularly special for the Chinese National Athletics Team.

Because the 2020 World Indoor Athletics Championships will be held in China for the first time!

Can you be worthy of a race held in front of your own home without a good result? For this reason, the various coaches of the track and field team also marked the beginning of March as an important node in order to adjust the athletes' competitive status in time.

Compared with the outdoor competitions of track and field events, although the indoor competitions are much less than the outdoor track and field competitions, and their attention is not as good as the same biennial track and field world championships, it is still one of the top international track and field events. , It may be a bit more difficult to win medals in indoor competitions with reduced items than in outdoor competitions.

As far as Su Zhe’s own project is concerned, there is no difference between the men’s 100m and 200m in indoor races. All the world's best players in the 100m and 200m will compete for victory on the 60m track in the indoor race.

The same is true for hurdles. In outdoor competitions, the men's 110-meter hurdles and women's 100-meter hurdles are all 60-meter hurdles indoors.

"In short, don't think that you have achieved good results in the World Championships. Whether it is the 100-meter or 110-meter hurdles, your first half of the strength is not enough. The indoor competition next year will be an important test for you."

In the track and field stadium, Su Yinsheng is analyzing the key events of 2020 with Su Zhe. The first one to bear the brunt is the World Indoor Track and Field Championships in March.

According to Su Zhe's current results, he has reached the competition standards for the men's 60-meter and men's 60-meter hurdles. Of course, the national team has prepared the relevant registration stone statues for him.

But as Su Yinsheng said, in these two events, Su Zhe’s first half strength is lacking. In the 60-meter race where starting and acceleration are more important, Su Zhe’s advantage is greatly reduced. weakened.

In addition to the indoor competition in March, the most important event in 2020 will naturally be the four-year Olympics. During the Olympic cycle from July 24 to August 6, the eyes of the world will be Attracted by this event.

Su Yinsheng pointed to the training schedule in his hand, and said to Su Zhe: "The training plan for the next year will be a single-cycle training plan. I have discussed with Lao Lu. The peak of the competition is adjusted to the specified time period to ensure that you are in the best competitive state during the Olympic cycle."

Su Zhe glanced at the thick training plan in his hand, and of course understood how much effort his father and the members of the coaching staff had spent on this. After carefully reading the relevant training items and goals, he nodded seriously.

"Don't worry, Coach Su, I will do my best to cooperate with the coaching staff's plan for training." When participating in training in the team, Su Zhe has always been like all the team members, managing his father as a coach.

Seeing Su Zhe smiling, Su Yinsheng snorted and nodded reluctantly to indicate that he knew it, but Zhang Ye beside him happily responded to Su Zhe: "Azhe, we are sure to be assured of your self-control, don't look at you. Dad, this stinky face, he has never doubted your training execution ability...Oh, Lao Su, why are you staring at me? Isn't I telling the truth?"

At the same time that the national track and field team began its winter training, the team had filmed a sports documentary for nearly a month during the closed training phase of the track and field world championships, and the corresponding notice was also released on the Internet.

"Without any success, it's easy to get—the way to prepare for the World Track and Field Championships"

This series of documentaries was split into two chapters: field and track events, recording the hardship and exhaustion of participants in each event during the training phase.

In the trailer for the track chapter of the documentary, the production team specially recorded Su Zhe's training volume throughout the day during the training phase with a separate count label in the lower left corner of the screen.

From the 100-meter sprint training in the morning to the 110-meter hurdle training in the afternoon, Su Zhe did not have any time or movement to be lazy and slippery during the entire training process. When the other team members completed a training session and then took a break with sweat, at the same time Su Zhe, who is responsible for three training items, is still seizing all the time to complete his training project.

Sweat slipped from his forehead. As the training protagonist in the picture, it can be seen that his physical condition is also extremely exhausted, but his eyes are still very firm. During the training gap, he just took over the staff to send it to him. After a few sips, I will continue to complete the designated training for the next item.

At the end of the preview, night has fallen, and all the athletes have returned to their dormitories to rest. Suddenly the staff in the picture were in a hurry. When the machine was re-arranged, Su Zhe's figure appeared again on the track and field court under night...

In addition to this trailer, the director of the sports channel also understands the public's psychology very well, and has also prepared an interesting trailer.

In the film, all interviewed members of the track team and interviewed staff were asked the same question.

[What do you think of the fact that coach Su Yinsheng is called the mother of sprint champions? 】

It was the time when Su Yinsheng's title of "Champion Mother-Tigress" was suddenly born. Even in the difficult environment of closed training camps, it was impossible to stop the gossip and secret laughter of the team members and staff.

But, gossip belongs to gossip. They dare not say in front of Su Yi that they have heard of this title.

It's just that you can't defend yourself against reporters.

For every interviewee in the trailer, this question came very suddenly. After hearing the title of mother of champions, interviewees who did not possess expression management skills subconsciously laughed. At the same time, they also wanted to express, no, no, no, they had never heard of this title.

After a series of recruits, Su Yinsheng's own son, Su Zhe, appeared last in the trailer.

In the video, Su Zhe had a calm smile on his face. After hearing the questions asked by the director of the raid, he still shook his head calmly, saying that he had never heard of this title.

In the end, the director put a championship crown on Su Zhe's smiling face to show his admiration.

This somewhat funny second teaser video was dubbed "Shocked, all members of the national track and field team most want to destroy the video first!" ! ! "This thrilling shocking title quickly spread to a wide range of ordinary hahaha.

When everyone saw Su Zhe's final calm expression and crown-wearing posture, they couldn't help but forward and laugh-admire and admire!

In the kingdom of track and field, while Chigualu people are forwarding the second documentary trailer of the sports channel and hahaha, someone has already moved the link of the first trailer to the forum.

The title of the poster is: [Look at this trailer, what do you think? ? 】

In the main building where the link was left, the host left another sentence: [Before I always thought that Master Zhe was a genius, now I think that geniuses are all made like this. I am like a salted fish. I have never worked hard... 】

Below this post, many friends who have watched the video have also returned to the discussion post.

1L: [...Actually, I watched the live broadcast of the Sports Channel at the beginning. Looking back now, when I saw Zhe Shao, he did seem to be training all the time, but I always thought that he should take time off at other times. That's right...]

3L: [Me too... I thought at the time that Zhe Shao's training volume was large. I remember that someone in the jar discussed Zhe Shao's training volume. The big brother recorded Zhe Shao's training volume throughout the day and posted it. In the jar, but I only looked at the text version at the time, and there was no comparison video. I also felt that although the amount of training was large, it was approximately within a reasonable range. 】

10L: [I was the one who had been recording Zhe Shao's training volume at the beginning. The closed training live broadcast. I basically followed the whole process. I specially picked Zhe Shao's training project. The first text on the jar was only Zhe Shao's early stage. In the later stage, as stated in the trailer, he added related training for the relay event, resulting in an increase in the entire training volume. As far as my personal opinion is concerned, this training volume is definitely not an athlete’s ordinary training volume, and its requirements for athletes’ physical fitness have exceeded too much. 】

At this point, everyone suddenly turned to the discussion about Su Zhe's physical fitness. Someone also pointed out Su Zhe's previous experience of four games in one day. Finally, he concluded and lamented that Su Zhe's physical fitness is beyond imagination.

33L: [Let me add a sentence. Regardless of whether Zhe Shao’s physical stamina is really talented or not, he alone can concentrate, devote all his energy to my training, and complete the concentration of training indicators 100%. It's not what I wait for mortals to be able to do. 】

34L: [The brother upstairs is right. Actually, seeing this amount of training, I feel a little flustered. Does this level of training really cause athletes to be mentally and physically exhausted? But Shao Zhe actually managed to carry it all over, and in the competition, the results have been significantly improved... I really have to say that Su Huo dared to formulate such a training plan with Lu Fei, which is really a cruel person. And Master Zhe was able to complete these plans meticulously, which was also a wolf. 】

Think about it, too, how many people go to work 8 hours a day, during which time they have to lose their minds, or swipe their phones to change their minds, or chat with colleagues to relax.

Those who really put all their minds into a lot of boring and tedious training, and can persist for a long time, are undoubtedly heroes worthy of admiration.

Zhang Ye was also facing Su Yinsheng in the national track and field team and the track and field stadium, feeling this way.

"Tsk, Lao Su, your Azhe, this self-control and concentration is really amazing."

Zhang Ye touched his chin and glanced at Su Zhe who was undergoing strength training. The assistant coach was watching Su Zhe all the way to prevent Su Zhe from accidentally getting injured during the large-scale strength training.

Su Yinsheng and Zhang Ye were recording and analyzing relevant data related to Su Zhe, and at the same time communicating with the data team-in the late World Championships training period, they found that Su Zhe's height had increased to 1.779.5 meters, perhaps due to Several months of uninterrupted training has prompted Su Zhe's height to increase unexpectedly.

The height of 2.5cm is perfectly grown on Su Zhe’s body in the best proportion. This is a pleasant surprise. However, at that time, Su Zhe had reached the stride length and stride frequency according to the calculation results of the data group. For the practice of the best coordinated value, if the stride length is recalculated according to the new height, it is absolutely too late for Su Zhe to complete the corresponding training.

Therefore, the plan to adjust stride length and stride frequency was temporarily shelved at that time.

At the beginning of the winter training, the coaching staff certainly can’t miss this new opportunity for adjustment. Everyone based on Su Zhe’s actual performance in the preliminaries, semifinals and finals of the World Championships, combined with his height growth and current specific height and leg length data. After establishing the corresponding human body model, through a large number of simulation calculation experiments of the calculation team, finally once again obtained the current stride length and stride frequency most suitable for Su Zhe.

This data result is one of the important technical content that Su Zhe can achieve in this winter training.

While Su Yinsheng and his colleagues were studying the data, Su Zhe still meticulously completed his designated strength training content.

Whether it is training in the system space or in the training plan formulated for him by his father Su Yinsheng, strength training is an important part of sprinters.

There is a saying that describes sprinting very accurately-sprinting is a sport that uses fast power as the foundation, technology as the link, and fully mobilizes body energy for speed confrontation.

From this sentence, we can see how important the factor of strength is in the overall quality of sprinters.

"Azhe, are you okay?"

Next to Su Zhe was Zhang Zhengshui, an assistant coach who assisted him in strength training. When Su Zhe stopped for a break, he helped Su Zhe take the barbell in his hand so that he could take a breath.

"Thank you, I'm fine."

Su Zhe grabbed his sweat towel from the equipment on the side, wiped off the sweat on his forehead, face, and chest one by one, and then took a sip of the physical drink sent by Zhang Zhengshui.

It is still the early stage of winter training. The current training purpose is to adjust the physical condition and develop special physical fitness. At this time, the strength training he does is relatively basic training content.

And I don’t know if it’s his illusion. In the training space of these two days, the daily training schedule seems to help him re-transfer to the process of accumulating energy from the previous game and the rest period after the game.

After reading the training table, Zhang Zhengshui informed Su Zhe that his morning training project had ended, and the next step was the technical adjustment training to be carried out after the lunch break.

Su Zhe nodded and thanked Zhang Zhengshui before turning around to the rest area, ready to relax a bit.

"Azhe, your training is over?"

In the rest area, Ye Jun, Zhou Tianjue, and Zhang Minghao are sitting together. Among them, Zhang Minghao and Zhou Tianjue are holding mobile phones in their hands. Zhang Minghao has no time to look up at Su Zhe. Hands are constantly operating, while Zhou Tianjue is Holding the phone with a sullen face, it didn't look like he was playing.

After Su Zhe and Ye Jun looked at each other, they immediately understood the reason for Zhou Tianjue's unhappiness.

This guy, who claims to have touched a gun, seems to be even more reconciled with his shooting level since he returned after shooting. Under the gaze of everyone, he threatened that he would be able to practice good marksmanship.

Of course, this flag of Zhou Tianjue is obviously difficult to achieve under the huge training pressure of the track team during the current winter training period.

He could only continue to pull Zhang Minghao to accompany him to form a team during the rest period after the training, enter the game for a while, and then be knocked down by the enemy when the number of kills is 0.

It seems that he has entered a relatively safe environment temporarily, and Zhang Minghao at the side finally has the power to spit out: "Hey, it's not that I said, you guys, marksmanship is not good, and it doesn't work for you to look at the enemy...but you Why is your hand so red? Picking up an airdrop is a good thing... If I can have your luck, I will send it!"

When the current game ended, Zhou Tianjue unexpectedly obtained an achievement, but when Zhang Minghao saw the content of the achievement in the team state, he laughed at the scene.

[Congratulations to Lord Gunner for successfully accomplishing the task of achieving 500 shots with 0 kills and winning the title-Master of Body Stroke. 】

? ? ?

Seeing this title, Zhou Tianjue immediately turned green and chose to quit the game.

What a spicy chicken game!

Not fun at all!

Seeing Zhou Tianjue venting his anger, only Zhang Minghao laughed brazenly, while Su Zhe and Ye Jun each coughed twice, patted Zhou Tianjue on the shoulder, pretending that nothing happened.

In the afternoon training, in the training area of ​​the 110-meter hurdles, Zhou Tianjue seemed to be still bitter and unhappy.

But despite this, he was in excellent condition during training. When he tried running before training, the overall rhythm was so wonderful that even Lu Fei clapped around.

After learning from the World Championships, Zhou Tianjue's results have stabilized within 13 seconds and 30 most of the time. In the trial run just now, the time displayed in the final electric timer was 13 seconds 22-this is the week. Tianjue's personal best score so far is even 0.01 faster than Su Zhe's 13.23 in the World Championships.

Zhang Minghao, who also performed lower limb strength training in the track and field gymnasium, was a little dumbfounded when he saw Zhou Tianjue's results. He couldn't help but muttered, "Is it because if you lose, you must gain?"

Su Zhe, who was adjusting his starting technique on the other side of the track, also heard Zhou Tianjue’s latest test run results. This result gave Su Zhe a trace of excitement and pressure in his heart. He could feel that he was constantly getting stronger. And his opponents are also growing rapidly.

In the 110-meter hurdles project, Zhou Tianjue is indeed worthy of the name of genius. When other athletes are still struggling to improve by 0.01 second, his inspiration flashes, but he can quickly set a brand new for his next performance growth. Direction of the effort.

Faced with such an outstanding genius, even Su Zhe couldn't help being amazed.

In the following days, the track team’s winter training was proceeding in an orderly manner.

According to the plan in advance, for the 100-meter sprint, Su Yinsheng used high-speed video to shoot a series of related preparations and starting technical movements of Su Zhe. According to the results of the video analysis, he began to focus on strengthening Su Zhe’s preparation for the start. Training on posture and knee angle of the supporting leg when pushing off the starting blocks, and the angle of force when pushing off the starting blocks.

At the same time, there are related training on stride length and stride frequency.

In the 110-meter hurdle training, Su Yinsheng and Lu Fei still followed the collaborative method of the World Championships training period, and unified the content that the two events can train together to one party to execute the training plan, and the two events need to be carried out independently. For training, the two will provide reasonable guidance to Su Zhe after consultation and arrangement.

Especially in terms of technical training, in order to allow Su Zhe to master different technical improvement actions clearly by project, Su Yinsheng and Lu Fei have communicated in advance the technical improvement training cycle of both parties to avoid Su Zhe’s two projects at the same time. When making technical adjustments, I fell into chaos.

In such a hectic and stable training life, the long-awaited TV series Zhuguang was also officially aired on November 12.

On the day of the broadcast, Su Zhe only had time to forward an official @他 broadcast message after the training.

On Shao Xingchen’s Weibo, he also reposted the publicity Weibo of the official drama series, and also @了苏哲——【@苏哲, this way, Xie Wei is fortunate to chase the shadow of the light with Lu Ming . Along the way, I was fortunate to be able to meet you. In your eyes, I saw the pursuit of speed. It also made me understand Xie Wei's mentality. Thank you, you are the best way to go. 】

In previous publicity interviews, Shao Xingchen also mentioned that during the training and shooting days of the Provincial Sports Team, he gradually understood the character of Xie Wei, and the cooperation with Su Zhe also made him thank you Wei has a deeper understanding of the role.

Below this Weibo, Shao Xingchen’s fans "satellites" also expressed their gratitude to @苏哲, and at the same time they did not forget to shout their confession to Shao Xingchen-Boss, you are also the best thanks!

At the same time, an invitation call from Japan was also dialed to the Tianguan Center.

"Ah? Organizing the team members to go to Japan to participate in the indoor friendly invitational...This is not a problem, but why is Su Zhe's solo variety interview??"


_(:з」∠)_Today, unexpectedly, not so rushed! (←In fact, there are only 15 minutes left from 0 o'clock...Why not hurry?????

Well, next, there will be a small game, and then the first important event next is the indoor game......=w=!

Cai Cai understands that everyone wants to see the mood of the game, but between the games, there must be training, life and occasional sugar haunts, cough cough cough, I hope everyone will not abandon the spicy chicken Cai Cai at this stage... (cover your face)

Once again, Cai Cai loves you! Be a big heart=w=!


Weird interview time

Caicai: (Curious face) Zazai, if you do strength training every day and lift a barbell...

Su Zhe:? ? Well, what's wrong?

Cai Cai: (looks at Dao Shao) Then you...can you lift Dao?

Su Zhe: (with a relaxed face) 0.0 is of course okay, the boss has to manage his figure, grandma, you think he is heavier...

Mr. Shao: (indifferent face)...... At this time, can you not take me as an example?

Cai Cai: =w=……! Hehehe


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: one Tao Xiaotao and one;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 5 Tao Xiaotao; 1 Hezeye;

Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: one Tao Xiaotao, 2 dumplings; Sweet Baby 2009, Shao Zhuangzhu wake up soon, Garfield eating lemongrass, Qianyu Florence, douzipmy, Lai Lai, Angel Jia, Bai Yao 1 book;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Warm and warm 100 bottles; Baili Tiao-50 bottles; Astringent 38 bottles; YI 30 bottles; Shao Zhuangzhu quickly wake up 21 bottles; Chen Qi, vce, cloud in the depths, meow meow meow meow, Crystal, Kelly, Twilight Yiqin , Fat bamboo, miracle, november, last night is not a star 10 bottles; lovecra 6 bottles; Bajie, the moon is gone, cool, Lailai, bb2014, snowy, Sophie 5 bottles; Luoyang flowers bloom, warm summer 3 bottles; Fuxin Caifang 2 bottles of Lu Zhen; 1 bottle of Xiaoluyu, Beryl, Little Seaweed Drifting in the Wind, Aqiong, Que Chen, Dian Wumiao, Moon Night № Xiura, and Hua Yixuan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!