Although it was only an invitational tournament with a low specification, with many Asian players gathered, the three athletes of the Chinese track and field team won the first place in three semi-finals at the same time. This result can also be called It's amazing.

While Ishida Ippei admired, the other suppressed players on the scene also looked in surprise in the direction where the three hurdlers of the Chinese track and field team were.

"China's hurdle devil..." Endo Tatsuro looked at Zhou Tianjue with a sigh, and at the same time turned his head with fear to look at Su Zhe and Ye Jun outside the field.

Ten years ago, when Song Chen, the king of hurdles in China, had not retired, the entire Asian hurdles were buried in the shadow of China. In that era, Song Chen had a strength from 60 to 110 meters. It is undoubtedly sweeping Asia, and even in the world arena, it is also a scary king.

"This is a new it born?" Endo Tatsuro looked at Zhou Tianjue and sighed.

In this semi-final, Zhou Tianjue was still ranked first in the semi-final with a score of 7.63 seconds. Su Zhe and Ye Jun were second and third.

Outside the arena, Ye Jun looked at the court with some amusement: "This kid, I am still a little worried that he will be over-excited... Forget it, he is indeed over-excited, but he still controls himself very well."

Su Zhe also smiled and nodded. Although Zhou Tianjue's second-degree character even seemed a little naive, his love and talent for hurdles, as well as his self-control on the field, had reached a very good level.

"Every time I watch the game between you and Brother Jue, I wonder what height you will reach after you have fully grown up." Ye Jun suddenly said with emotion: "I don't know, I can catch up on the court. What are your points?"

Hearing Ye Jun’s emotional voice, Su Zhe turned his head and was about to say something. Ye Jun shook his head at him: "I just suddenly felt a little emotional. After seeing you and Sir Alex, I am very concerned about my future. With a brand new outlook, I am lucky to meet opponents like you in this arena."

In China, at the Athletics Kingdom Forum, the big brother who had squatted **** the Fuji TV live official website and climbed the game, returned to the domestic forum for a while.

【Bros! ! ! 3 teams in the semi-final, 3 first! ! ! 】

After posting passionately, the host edited and added all the semifinals in Japan that night in the post, and finally concluded: [The commentator is crazy. I am surprised to say that Jun Ye, Jue Ge and Zhe Shao are three The new born devil! Look at this screenshot, the players on the scene look at the gods like Jie! ! 】

1L: [Occupying a seat on the first floor, ah, it means that Junye and the others were divided into 3 semi-final groups, and then they took the first place in each group? ? That's awesome! 】

5L: [Huh? Brother, find a way to take down the live video! You are so happy to say so! Oh, look at the results of the main building, can run out of this data during the winter training, brother Jue and their three conditions are quite good? It seems that after the previous two days of competition, Zhe Shao's state has returned. 】

11L: [Hahahaha, three new big demon kings, laughed, how long hasn’t seen this title, I am a bit excited now, ten years, our hurdles project has been cold for 10 years, not only this year, except for Brother Jue , Zhe Shao, Jun Ye also looks like he is about to become a master in his condition. It feels that it will not be long before you can see Samsung shine! 】

13L: [Not much to say, the tickets for the World Indoor Athletics Championships in City N in March have been bought, and we are just waiting for the three big men to be super amazing! 】

Because of this competition that won the first place in the three semi-final groups, the official microblog of the national track team also posted a congratulatory Weibo: [December 12, the third day of the Japan Indoor Athletic Invitational Tournament, Chinese players @周天爵, @ Su Zhe and @叶俊, in the men's 60-meter hurdle event, won the first place in 3 semi-final groups! I wish them all the best results in the finals on December 13th! 】

Many sports big Vs also reposted this Weibo to express their blessings. In this rare winter training season, this news is rare news.

Suddenly, many people began to set their sights on the final day of the Invitational on December 13th, ready to see who the championship trophy will belong to in the final 60-meter hurdles final.

One night's time, in a blink of an eye.

On December 13, the Japan Indoor Track and Field Invitational came to the final day of the schedule. The final of the 60-meter hurdles event was scheduled at 21:10 in the evening.

On the last day of this invitational tournament, the Japanese organizers and TV stations arranged a special debut time for each player. In the evening, before the players debut, the lights will be dimmed and the spotlight will be placed on the players. , Let every player accept the attention of the scene.

In tonight’s schedule, the 60-meter hurdles final is already the last of all competitions. As such an important final, the director even indicated that all the players can show the audience around when they are on the stage. Waved and stayed longer under the spotlight at the entrance.

As the only Japanese player among the eight finalists, Tatsuro Endo was arranged to appear first, and the remaining seven players waiting behind the gate.

Zhou Tianjue was a little bit puzzled. He didn't understand why the Japanese came up with such a big battle: "Isn't it just a competition?"

Ye Jun shook his head a little amusedly and said: "The big international events are like this, have you forgotten the finals of the World Championships? When the players come on stage, they can't wait to play the flowers."

Hearing Ye Jun's words, Su Zhe also remembered that the World Championship finals were the grand occasion of the players' appearances. He smiled and said: "Do you think about it, how much time can we spend in the match? The total time is less than 10 seconds, when the TV station is broadcasting. , There must be another picture, right? It needs to be arranged like this, and it is completely understandable."

In the gap between Su Zhe's three-person chat, the remaining finalists have also appeared one after another, and the three players of the Chinese team, under the arrangement of the organizer, will be the last three in the final.

In the commentary booth, Ishida Ippei has reorganized his mood today to face the last 60-meter hurdle commentary. When Ye Jun was the first of the three to appear on the stage, Ishida Ippei's commentary also sounded. .

"Oh! Coming! This is one of the three great demon kings from China! Ye Jun! In this year's season, Ye Jun has continuously refreshed his personal history best results. Currently, his 110 meters The best time in the hurdle history is 13.32 seconds. In the Tokyo Olympics next year, he will also appear in the hurdles of the Chinese track and field team! At the same time, he is also the most senior of the three Chinese hurdlers! Tonight , What kind of record will he bring?"

Under the spotlight on the stage, Ye Jun smiled and waved to the auditorium. Following his wave of hands, the audience also gave warm applause.

In just one day, the names of the three hurdling demon kings of the Chinese Empire have been deeply rooted in the hearts of Japanese track and field enthusiasts. Today's finals, many people also bought tickets specially at high prices and wanted to see them in person. Witness the 60-meter hurdles final.

After Ye Jun walked into the arena, Zhou Tianjue also opened the door of the organ, and stood under the spotlight with his long legs and his unique second-year temperament.

Perhaps the spotlight's light was a bit too dazzling, Zhou Tianjue twisted his brows slightly, and then stood on the spot with his arms akimbo, slowly releasing the audience.

This kind of domineering temperament of the second grade made all the audience exclaimed, and immediately greeted him with more enthusiastic applause and cheers.

"This one! Is the youngest of the three great demon kings of the Chinese Empire! This year has just entered the 20th generation! But don't underestimate him... His head coach is the coach of the legendary king Song Chen! "

After Ishida Ippei finished this paragraph, the audience area on the scene suddenly raised a cold breath.

"Athlete Zhou, in China, is hailed as the absolute successor of Song Chen! And his consecutive number one in the preliminary and semi-finals yesterday also proved his strength...definitely among the three great demon kings. The most amazing one! He is watching the audience, oh, this big demon is like patrolling his territory, looking at our small venue... Such a stern look is really scary!"

In conjunction with Ishida Ippei’s commentary, the audience on the scene gradually fell silent as Zhou Tianjue looked around. Finally, Zhou Tianjue frowned inexplicably, and then strode out of the spotlight area and headed towards Ye Jun. Go where you are.

After Zhou Tianjue also entered the range of the track, Su Zhe was finally the last player on the stage tonight. After the opening of the door of the stage, he stepped into the range of the spotlight.

It’s the instinct that used to be an idol artist, and it’s also the physical instinct caused by the devil’s teaching carved into the bones of the lens expressiveness course recently. The moment Su Zhe was standing in the spotlight, he released the most kind and decent business smile, his sight He also smiled and looked at the camera that was holding his face.

Suddenly, the big screen on the scene was full of Su Zhe’s particularly dreamy and charming smile under the spotlight. The audience seat, which had been slightly cooled because of Zhou Tianjue’s look around, suddenly burst into the sound of a mountain whistling and tsunami, especially where Su Zhe’s support club was located. In the area, the crazy call sound gradually drove all the other audiences on the scene, and more and more people called Su Zhe's name at the same time.

"Su! Su!"

The excitement of the voice made the whole scene continue to rise.

"Here! He is coming!" Ishida Ippei's face was also filled with uncontrollable passion: "It is him, the Su player from China! He is not only a talented player in the men's 100-meter event, but also in the 110-meter hurdles event. He has made extraordinary achievements! His beauty and friendly smile are just like his confusing disguise. He on the race track is wearing this confusing disguise, stepping on a step that can crush people’s confidence and harvest His victory!"

"Well, his beauty and strength make me love and fear him. He is the most frightening of the three demon kings from China... He is like the most beautiful one in the abyss of hell. Beam of light, when he smiles at you, he can lead you into the abyss..."

"Under the attack of these three great demon kings, tonight, our Endo-kun can break through the siege and occupy a place among the three winning seats? This is a battle of Endo-kun's bet on faith. Let us look forward to Endo-kun's performance together!"

After a long introduction, all the 8 contestants of this final finally arrived on the scene. At the starting point of the track, Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue, and Ye Jun were located on tracks 3, 5, and 6, respectively, and on track 4. It's Endo Tatsuro from Japan.

In addition to the four of them, on the remaining four tracks, there are four players from Kuwait, Kazakhstan and other countries.

Before the starting point, everyone was warming up in their own way. Before the stage, a slightly lengthy introduction session allowed the 8 players to cool down slightly before the stage. At this time, taking advantage of the last game before the game Time, everyone has seized the last time to improve their state.

Su Zhe patted his legs and arms, also relaxing his body slightly.

After a few minutes of preparation time, the judges beside the track made a gesture of preparing for the start of the race, and the lights on the scene were also bright from the previous dim.

Soon, everything was ready. The 8 players had already squatted onto their starting blocks, with their hands on the ground, and all of them sank their minds and were ready to compete on this short 60-meter track.

In the live audience, all the audience also held their breath, not letting their own sound affect the players' listening.

"The about to begin!"

After Ishida Ippei's last commentary before the match fell, the referee also issued instructions at the same time.

"Each in place."


When the gun sounded, all the athletes kicked off the starting blocks at the same time, but before everyone started to exert their strength, a sound from the siren had already sounded...

This is, someone broke the rules and ran away!

In the starting phase of the reaction of listening to the gun, the limit speed of the reaction of the human body to listening to the gun is 0.1 seconds. On the detector connected to the starting block, if it is found that the starting reaction time of a runner is lower than this limit time, it will be judged as a start. .

After a brief burst, all the players sprinted forward along the inertia of their bodies, and then gradually converged in their own pace. Zhou Tianjue rushed a bit too hard and stopped until the first hurdle. He accidentally knocked down the railing in front of him.

"what happened……"

Zhou Tianjue looked back at Su Zhe and Ye Jun. Su Zhe pointed to the prompt on the monitor. On track 2, the Kuwaiti Seloen started the run.

At this time, the Kuwaiti player was patted his head with regret, but did not say much, but after regretting, he calmly retreated from the field according to the instructions of the staff.

In today’s official competitions, starting from the national level competitions, the zero start rule has been basically adopted in the rules, that is, one shot will be penalized. Unlike many years ago, in addition to competitions, competitors have to compete for reaction time at the start. Be careful because players from other countries use the tactics of start-up and get disturbed.

Because of the existence of the zero-start rule, there have been fewer start-ups in official competitions, but once it happens, it will still have a corresponding psychological impact on the athletes on the same field.

In the commentary, Ishida Ippei is also explaining the related matters of the start: "Mr! The start! This is a big event that will affect the starting speed of the runners! The deterrence of the three Chinese demon kings has already made the finalists' hearts. There was tremendous pressure, forcing some of them to choose the dusty start tactics! Now, the runners have been sent off, and for the 7 players on the field, the real test is just about At the beginning...At the moment when someone was sent off for a start, would the players still dare to start as fast as possible?"

What Ishida Ippei said was also what Ye Jun was worried about. He glanced at Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue to see if there was a nervous look on their faces, but what surprised him was that whether it was Zhou Tianjue Neither Su Zhe was particularly nervous about this.

Zhou Tianjue may have a natural nerve on this kind of thing, and Su Zhe, when he first participated in a formal competition, encountered Deng who deliberately used the tactics of the start-up run by using the rules of the two-shot system of the Provincial Games. Wei.

At that time, he was not affected by this, let alone now that he has gradually enriched his game experience?

When the remaining 7 finalists squatted to the starting point again, the scene was quiet again, and everyone was feeling nervous-with the first player's start violation, can the remaining players start normally? ?

This answer was soon revealed to everyone.


After the gun was fired again, Su Zhe still exerted his strength without hesitation, stepped on the starting blocks, and came out!

The mere 0.128 seconds of listening to the gun reaction speed showed that his stable mental state was not affected by the Kuwaiti player's violation of the previous shot.

Like Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue's reaction speed to listen to the gun was extremely fast, with a reaction speed of 0.138 seconds, ranking second among all the players, followed by Ye Jun, who was equally stable.

Just as Ishida Ippei was worried, Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun still played the best in this game!

As the only home player on the field, Tatsuro Endo was a little slower in the reaction stage of listening to the gun, but the audience's cheering on him inspired his infinite fighting spirit.

This is in his country. He wants to make the people on the scene proud of him instead of showing disappointed eyes!

Endo Tatsuro was only slightly slower in listening to the gun, but his explosive power was still very strong. After quickly raising his upper body, he began to accelerate and rush forward. Beside him, Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue were both Only less than a position in front of him!

still have a chance!

Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue did not pay attention to the movement of their rear and left and right sides. They both focused on their track and the goal in front of the finish line, and they were constantly sprinting forward.

Zhou Tianjue’s height advantage and explosive power advantage allowed him to quickly regain the speed of listening to the gun and slightly losing to Su Zhe in the hurdle stage. Before the first hurdle, he was the first to arrive, but Su Zhe’s speed did not match. Did not lose to him!

In front of the first hurdle, the two of them jumped and kicked on the ground, swayed their legs and lifted off to cross the hurdles almost at the same time!

Beautiful attack!

Whether it is Su Zhe or Zhou Tianjue, they are already extremely delicate in attacking techniques. Even if Zhou Tianjue looks like a tall man, his attacking techniques have been taught by Lu Fei for many years. Precise.

Apart from the two, Ye Jun and Endo Tatsuro were just a moment later, and they had also reached the first fence and started to attack.

Before Ye Jun entered the national team, his coach assisted him in making technical adjustments and improvements. After entering the national team, his coach also followed up with the national team. As Lu Fei’s assistant coach, he also worked with Lu Fei. Fei communicated about Ye Jun's own technical characteristics and shortcomings that need improvement.

Among them is the problem that he vacated too much time when crossing the hurdle.

After Lv Fei and Ye Jun’s former coach Shi Lei took many technical courses during the World Championships training period and this winter training period, Ye Jun’s technical weakness, which is slower in swinging his legs when attacking the hurdle, has been gradually improved, making his The hurdle rhythm has been further improved, which is one of the reasons why he can refresh his personal pb again during the World Championships.

On the field at this time, Ye Jun was also infused with all his heart and advancing. He did not pay attention to the question of who is on the same level as himself. His eyes were only fixed on the front of each hurdle and the front of the hurdle. Finish line.

What else is more important than having a hearty battle on the field?

Unlike Su Zhe, Endo Tatsuro's psychological state at this time is slightly out of balance.

This is his final in his home country. Before the final, he had already lost the first place in the semifinals. In the finals, under the gaze of all the people who came to watch the game, he was on the same battlefield with him. And the Chinese players who lost to him in the Asian Championships... and the opponent's current speed is not only equal to him, but even slightly ahead of him.

Endo Tatsuro wanted to suppress the imbalance in his heart. He understood that in the real game, there should be no distracting thoughts in his heart, but at this moment, his self-control did not succeed.

Fortunately, this kind of distracting thoughts didn't seem to have caused him to make the mistake of hitting the hurdles for the time being. He desperately converged his mind and began to keep moving forward!

The 60-meter hurdles track is too short. Compared with the 110-meter hurdles, the lack of sufficient schedule allows players with strong back-end strength to get a greater distance from others in the middle and late stages of the stage.

But even so, Zhou Tianjue, Su Zhe, Ye Jun, and even Endo Tatsuro have already opened a gap that is visible to the naked eye from the three players behind.

Su Zhe leaped forward vigorously across every railing, like a snow leopard in Ishida Ippei's mouth, elegant and full of aggression.

When he lifted his swinging leg, he acted crisply and decisively. After kicking the ground, he quickly lifted his body into the air with the explosive force of the kick.

Every step of his is vigorous, light and fast, making him continue to break away like a burst of lightning.

Zhou Tianjue, who goes hand in hand with him, has a different style. The second-year junior's talent in the rhythm of the hurdles is also extremely powerful. Coupled with the advantage of height and long legs, every movement of his looks full of power.

The tight thigh muscles are long and long with long hands and feet, which makes people feel shocked visually. In the game, his sharp eyes that are second and indifferent also make him look imposing!

Although Ye Jun's speed seems to be a little slower than the two, his posture is also not weak. His mature and stable aura keeps him from losing the wind in the struggle of a few people, every time he pushes the ground and steps between the hurdles. They all give people a sense of steadiness. He hasn't really broken out yet, and his speed is still growing between the bars!

Under such three people's siege, Endo Tatsuro was almost pushing himself forward under the pressure of a mountain.

Can't lose to them!

The demon kings of China... can't let them underestimate themselves!

On the 60-meter track, there are five hurdles, which can be said to be over in a flash.

Come on! Come on! !

In the audience, everyone was trying their best to shout for the final final.

"Endo-kun!!! Come on!!!"

"Su!!! Come on!!!"

Everyone is cheering for the players they support, and all wins and losses are in this short time of less than 10 seconds.

In the commentary booth, Ishida Ippei also loudly supported Endo Tatsuro: "Endo-kun!!! Go on!!!!"

After quickly scoring 5 hurdles, Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue entered the final sprint stage almost at the same time. They were only one position behind them, and Ye Jun and Endo Tatsuro were also in hot pursuit!

The last 10 meters, 5 meters, 2 meters, 1 meter...!

Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue swooped across the line at the same time, and Ye Jun and Endo Tatsuro also crossed the finish line one after another.

"The end!!!" Ishida Ippei looked at the arena with a complex expression: "This is an inseparable war. The two demon kings from China crossed the finish line first in a stalemate posture, and Ye It’s also difficult to tell the sequence of Jun and Endo!"

"In the end, the Zhou players and Su players from China still won the final victory with our visible advantage, but among them, who is the final winner? Is it the tall, young, and amazing Zhou player? or A beautiful fairy who can lure people to the endless abyss...what about Sue?"

After crossing the finish line, Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun and others were all too fiercely charged. Several people successively ran into the sponge wall on the edge of the stadium, which finally stopped their remaining momentum.

After stopping, Zhou Tianjue shook his fist again. Since his unexpected exit from the semi-finals of the last World Championships, he has not really ran on the court.

In the semi-finals, although he was already very excited, no one in the same group as him was his opponent. In this field, whether it was Su Zhe, Ye Jun or Endo Tatsuro, they were different. The power of the time gave him a more enjoyable experience.

Su Zhe happily stroked his head back, he smiled and looked at the track. In four days, he went from being initially uncomfortable to gradually regaining the feeling of being on the court. The feeling, always so fascinated him.

He squeezed his hand tightly--don't know, who exactly belonged to the final victory?

In the commentary stand, when the referee team finished sorting out the results of all the players, Ishida Ippei also got the final score sheet in his hand. After seeing the above results, Ishida Ippei shook his head and smiled bitterly for a moment.

"Zhou Jun, the final score sheet has been passed to my hands... The first player in this game is a player from China-Zhou! His score is 7.65 seconds! The second place is also from Hua Guo's player-Su! He ran a good time of 7.66 seconds!"

While Ishida Ippei announced the results, the results of all the players were also displayed on the big screen.

Is the second...

Su Zhe's eyes widened slightly, and he quickly took another deep breath, rubbed his eyes with his hand, and patted his cheek.

This result is actually expected. Although his starting reaction is slightly faster than Zhou Tianjue's, his height disadvantage and the disadvantages of his explosive power and acceleration ability at the start make Zhou Tianjue sufficient to review the reaction time gap in the pre-hurdle stage. .

In the attacking stage, at the 110-meter hurdle, Zhou Tianjue will reach the maximum speed earlier than him, and his maximum speed will only appear at the stage of the seventh hurdle. His real advantage is still with the 100-meter hurdle. Same as sprinting, above the 110-meter hurdle.

It's just that, although I understand this result intellectually, it is only 0.01 second away...

Still not reconciled.

Obviously he played very well in this game, even in the attacking lane, he tried his best to improve the speed of his future... However, he still lost in this 0.01 second.

Su Zhe rubbed his forehead. For the first time, not under Zhou Tianjue's provocation, he took the initiative to turn around and said to Zhou Tianjue: "Brother Jue, next time, I will not lose to you!"

Hearing Su Zhe's declaration, Zhou Tianjue's eyes also lit up. He looked at Su Zhe with his arms akimbo and said, "I also think that the next winner will be me!"

Beside the two of them, Ye Jun also had a smile on his face. He also saw his final ranking and results on the big screen-7.70 seconds, third place.

In this indoor invitational tournament initiated by Japan, three players from China won the top three in the finals scheduled for the final round.

In the commentary, Ishida Ippei’s voice was filled with sourness: "Yesterday, three demon kings from China were born on our arena, and today, the three demon kings have covered the sky... they have ruled. After tonight’s 60-meter hurdles arena, what’s even more frightening is...In the field of hurdles, apart from Endo-kun, no one of us can challenge the rule of these three demon kings..."

"In the future Asian hurdles arena, I seem to have seen an extremely terrifying image... then maybe... it will be an era ruled by the three hurdles of China!"


_(:з」∠)_Split...The entry is also smoothly finished, and the speed of life and death is over, and the number of words has exploded!

Every time I finished writing the game, I was a little nervous and afraid that I could not catch up with the update of the day, and weeping...Speaking of which, yesterday, in the reply... so many people called Dadaozhanjie! ! Will your conscience hurt? The boss has been so bitter, oooooo...

Damn it, it's also said that the boss is not as good as standing sister! Is this suitable! (Yizheng remarks and face ing) Although Caicai loves you very much, I still have to say, caring for the boss, starting with you and me =w=......! (Quietly compare your heart)


Spicy Chicken Interview Time

Cai Cai: OvO boy, look at the above! Does the grandmother speak righteously? Is there any good for you?

Mr. Shao: =_=...... That's really, thank you

Cai Cai: =. =Oh, why are you still so indifferent? The cub is too big to take...


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 son;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 in Wenhuang's search; 1 Benbenben, Lana, and Garfield who eat lemongrass;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

89 bottles of Tsundere Girl; 27 bottles of Yuki; 20 bottles of Fat Ding, three-coating; 17 bottles of DDDDDJ-xiang; 8 bottles of Liu Piaoxu; 7 bottles of I'm just a mortal; Qianye, Xiying, @liu-_-#, Yueluofanchen, Ningyuan, lana, Xingnai 5 bottles; MMM 4 bottles; Fame Wumiao 2 bottles; Teba Tieh , Xiaoluyu, Mu Muxi, Silent, Waiting for the wind to come, the sun is shining brightly, Doubao and the mountain, and a bottle of Mao Mao;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!