That night, on domestic forums and Weibo, the news that the three members of the hurdle group of the Chinese track team dominated the top three in the Japanese Athletic Invitational caused a sensation in the sports circle.

Official WeChat Account of the Chinese Track and Field Team: [#The new rise of the hurdles! #December 13th, the Japan Indoor Athletic Invitational Tournament held in Tokyo, Japan entered the final day of the schedule. In the evening 60-meter hurdles finals, Chinese players Zhou Tianjue, Su Zhe, and Ye Jun won the finals. The top three in the 60-meter hurdles final! ! I would like to warmly congratulate them on their achievements, and hope that they will continue to work hard, accumulate their strength in winter training, and reproduce their glory in the World Indoor Championships in March next year! 】

After this Weibo was posted, a large number of sports fans quickly gathered underneath, everyone was unbelievable first, and then they showed ecstatic expressions.

[Fuck! Brother Jue, Master Zhe, and Master Jun are awesome! ! First, the World Championships reached the semi-finals at the same time, but now they dominate the top three of the Japan Invitational? ! How long has it been since our hurdles project have been so bullish? 】

[Yesterday I won the first place in the three semi-final groups, and today I won the top three! Needless to say, Brother Jue, Young Master Zhe, and Lord Jun are all real men! 】

[Damn, my eyes are a bit red now. Although it's just a Japanese invitational tournament, I really see the re-emergence of our country's hurdles. It's a bit sad to think about it. Let's wait for this day for ten years... 】

[Brother upstairs, it’s true that my eyes are red. I’m a little excited now. I don’t know what to say. I just want to ask Brother Jue, Master Zhe and Master Jun to take good care of myself. Yes, but don't go too far. Only by protecting your physical capital can you achieve better results all the way! ! ! 】

In addition to the official website of the track and field team, major sports commentators and various sports-related official channels have made detailed reports and comments on the top three of the 60-meter hurdles that the Chinese team dominated the Japanese competition.

Zhao Zhiyong, the official commentator of the sports channel and a big sports commentator, also wrote an article specifically for the game in his comment column.

[The rising Chinese hurdles project, talk about the development of hurdles in China in the past ten years, and the future prospects of Zhou Tianjue, Su Zhe and Ye Jun. 】

[Today I paid attention to the news that Zhou Tianjue, Su Zhe and Ye Jun won the top three in the Japan Indoor Invitational Tournament. I was a little excited and couldn't help but talk about the results of the three and the future of the three. prospect.

First of all, it is very unfair to talk about the results of the competition, regardless of the level of the competition and the opponent, so let's first take a look at what kind of game the three people face.

From the card surface, this seems to be just an invitational event similar to a practice match. The organizer is the Japan Athletics Association. The event only invited 12 Asian countries to participate. However, let’s take a look first. This organizer was originally Japan, which is very keen on sports throughout the country. Friends who understand Japanese culture must know that Japan has a deep obsession with the culture of “running” and is a veteran. The Asian track and field powerhouse, track and field events in Japan have a wide audience base. In this context, the Japan Athletics Association has considerable confidence in the organization of the event.

In this competition, although Japan only invited 12 Asian countries to participate in the competition, Japan chose all Asian powers in track and field events, including China, Qatar, Bahrain, etc. It can be said that this invitational tournament has gathered. The elite team in Asia.

In this context, it is also possible to call this game a miniature version of the "Asian Indoor Athletics Championships" during the winter training. The biggest difference between the whole game and the official season is that the athletes are in winter training. The best competitive state, but this is fair to all athletes, because this is a worldwide normal-no athlete will adjust his best competitive cycle to this stage of winter training.

Then, after analyzing the above content, we can clearly see that the three contestants Zhou Tianjue, Su Zhe and Ye Jun have definitely reached the pinnacle of Asia in the indoor 60-meter hurdles.

After coming to this conclusion, I am very emotional in my heart... I believe that friends who read this article should also feel the same way.

Since Song Chen retired 10 years ago, my country's 110-meter hurdles and 60-meter hurdles have fallen sharply.

To put it bluntly, our level has dropped from the top level in the world to the top level in Asia overnight. The level difference between this level is believed to be understood by friends who have a certain understanding of track and field events.

From 10 years ago, even earlier, when Song Chen had not retired, we were looking forward to the appearance of a character who could take over Song Chen's era, and this wait has been so many years.

In the past ten years, we have waited for many promising young players. In the teenage stage, they often showed outstanding height advantages, a good sense of rhythm between the hurdles, and superior jumping ability, etc., but So far, players who can really grow into the adult group to maintain such a good momentum have never appeared.

This situation has given us hope again and again and disappointment again and again.

The hurdles project has gone from a hot project ten years ago to the increasingly scarce project talents in recent years. The development of this project is embarrassing.

In the past few years, the only player who has really grown up from the teenage stage is Ye Jun. However, when he was in the teenage stage, he was not favored by others, but after he was promoted to the adult group, he firmly established his footing step by step and grew into In recent years, the leader of my country's hurdles.

It's just that for Ye Jun, the pressure and expectations he has carried over the past few years are, to be honest, beyond his ability at that time.

I originally thought that although Ye Jun's strength might develop further, the degree of improvement might be limited.

But after the last World Championships, to this Japan Indoor Invitational, I must say that I completely withdrew my previous ideas.

In this Japan Invitational Tournament, the players in our country are undoubtedly the current my country's Big Three in hurdles-this pattern, even if you tell me in the first half of this year, I am afraid I can't believe it.

Over the years, our hurdlers have experienced too much hope and disappointment. For the new generation of talents in this project, everyone is actually in a state of very careful judgment. Even if it was Zhou Tianjue, the successor of Song Chen, who was personally selected and trained by the famous veteran Lu Fei, was still on the sidelines before he was promoted to the adult group, not to mention Su Zhe who was almost equivalent to the sky.

To be honest, when Su Zhe debuted, I watched his first game with the mentality of watching funny talks, but the live broadcast of that championship challenge made me very surprised by his performance— -The technique is accurate and the rhythm between the hurdles is superb. If you don't say it, it is hard to imagine that he is a player without sufficient hurdle training background.

However, my initial impression of Su Zhe only ends there. He is talented and has growth prospects, which allows me to maintain limited expectations for him.

I didn’t expect that Su Zhe’s growth curve would be so amazing... Not only him, from the moment he appeared, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun both started to work together. The three not only entered the World Championships. The standard of the competition, even in the World Championships, at the same time broke into the semi-finals!

This kind of development was something I couldn't imagine in the first half of the year!

Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue, these two talented twin stars who can be called hurdles, their performance increases are almost the same, they are both amazing ascending curves, and at the same time, the original performance increase is very gentle Ye Jun In the past six months, it has also developed rapidly, and the speed of performance improvement is comparable to the total number of improvements in the previous 2-3 seasons.

The rapid burst of genius achievements and the accumulation of late bloomers, these two developments, have once again raised expectations in my heart. And I believe that we will not fail this time!

We have been through the low tide of the hurdles project for too long, I think, this time, I may be able to announce here-we have ushered in a new chapter in the hurdles project! 】

Zhao Zhiyong's eloquent long article quickly received a lot of exposure and response after it was published.

As he said in the article, Chinese track and field enthusiasts have waited too long for the re-emergence of the hurdles.

Ten years...How many decades can life be?

The hurdles project, as a project where countless Chinese track and field enthusiasts have devoted their blood and youth, it really carries the feelings of too many people.

This time, the triumphs of Zhou Tianjue, Su Zhe, and Ye Jun in Japan have brought new hope to everyone's hearts. This may be the beginning of a new era!

Sports enthusiasts in China are excited about the advent of this new era of hurdles. In Tokyo, Japan, Su Zhe, who has just participated in the 60-meter hurdles final, was directly invited to the evening live studio of Fuji TV.

In fact, although Su Zhe himself did not know, Fuji Station and the Japan Athletics Association both conducted related matters about the post-match evening interviews with the domestic field management center.

In the view of the Tianguan Center, as a well-known big station in Nihong, Fuji Station’s news interviews are of good standard. At the same time, after reading the interview drafts communicated in advance, the Tianguan Center believes that Fuji Station’s questions and needs are relevant. The information is within the scope of compliance, so the relevant interview matters are easily agreed.

During the game from December 10th to 13th, during the relaxation phase of Fuji Station, there was an interstitial advertisement for the post-match interview. The content of the advertisement was the very eye-catching title "Boom!" From idol artist to track king-Su Zhe, a genius player who spans 100 meters and doubles the hurdles! ! ! On the evening of December 13th, Fuji TV students will star in the big broadcast! ! ! 》

The images that were used in conjunction with this advertisement were the first time that Su Zhe had aroused discussion at the Asian Championship Invitational in Japan, as well as his wonderful performance during the World Championships. In addition to showing the speed and strength of Su Zhe on the field, these images It also includes the wonderful close-ups of Su Zhe himself, the shocking beautiful face, and the sharp momentum shown in the game. When it is broadcast on the TV screen, it can completely make the Japanese nationals at first glance visually Absolutely shock.

The effect of this advertisement is very good.

The audience who applied to go to the scene to participate in the filming was invited by Fujidai to invite the lottery, and they were all competed for on the first day of the advertisement. When Su Zhe took a Fujidai car to the entrance of the Fuji Building, he went all the way along the way. The audience waiting for the filming has already uttered excitement with a hint of restraint.

"Ah, it's Su!"

The moment Su Zhe got out of the car, the shouts on the scene were a bit uncontrollable, but everyone still adhered to the area designated by the TV station, just holding their mobile phones, and excitedly shooting from the parking place. Su Zhe walking all the way to the studio inside the Fuji Building.

Before getting off the car, Su Zhe always thought that this so-called Fujidai interview should be of the same nature as the post-match interview during the last Asian Championship Invitational. However, at the moment of getting off the car, the surrounding fans and people’s shots The cameras from Fuji TV have been aimed at him.

Su Zhe instinctively swept his gaze across the surrounding lens, and finally fixed his gaze on the Fujidai camera, nodded slightly at the lens, and then started to walk inside the building under the guidance of the staff.

The audience along the way covered their chests one after another when Su Zhe looked at them. After watching Su Zhe walked into the TV station, everyone couldn't help screaming.

"Ahhhh, player Su, he is really great! Such beauty and temperament are more exciting than the pictures seen in advertisements and competitions!"

"He laughed the moment he saw me! I'm sure! How could there be such a beautiful person? Oh, I really want to marry him... If I wake up every day and see this face, How happy is it?"

"Woo, he is so wonderful in reality and in the camera, I think he must be an angel!"

After a brief contact with Su Zhe, the audience outside the venue quickly entered the audience seats in the studio under the guidance of the staff.

After Su Zhe arrived at the studio, he waited briefly. Accompanied by the staff and the translator, Su Zhe was ready to enter the shooting scene.

In addition to the audience seats that are not in the shooting area, the studio site is equipped with a huge-sized TV screen and 4 seats for the host, Su Zhe, and translator.

The lighting on site is bright, the overall layout is simple and generous, and has a certain sense of design in space. It is a relatively formal interview environment.

Standing outside the scope of photography, Su Zhe looked at the environment on the scene, and he had some guesses about the interview style in his mind. Up to this point, he still believed that this would not be much different from previous interviews.

As the two hosts from the evening interview room entered together, the live broadcast of the interview was officially started.

"I'm Yusuke Ishikawa."

"I am Yakushiji Kyoko."

"Tonight, we will interview Su Zhe, a player from China who has attracted widespread attention and discussion in Nihong in recent days."

After the opening speeches of the two hosts, Su Zhe walked into the official recording area of ​​the studio under the guidance of the interpreter, and nodded hello to the two hosts.

After a simple hello session, the host Yusuke Ishikawa took the lead to open the topic: "It's really unbelievable. Before today, I only watched Su on the game video and Twitter. Just watching like this has already let me I was amazed at the strength and appearance of player Su. Now, the real player Su is standing in front of me. I can't believe that this is the appearance of a real human being!"

Yakushiji Kyoko on the side also nodded in agreement, with a look of admiration on her face: "It's worthy of being called the beauty of the track fairy level! At the same time, with beauty and excellent strength, Su player is like walking in the second dimension. The characters coming out!"

At first, Su Zhe didn't understand what the two moderators were saying. It was not until the interpreter relayed the words of the two moderators to him that he embarrassedly expressed his gratitude to the two moderators for their praise.

After introducing and complimenting Su Zhe, Yusuke Ishikawa changed the topic.

"At this time, among the audience watching the interview, there may be many who don’t know about Su player. Our interview live room has prepared an introduction video of Su player-he is multifaceted, let’s watch this introduction first. Video!"

Under the introduction of the translation, Su Zhe and the two hosts both sat in their respective positions, and the large-screen TV on the scene began to broadcast the video materials specially produced by Fuji TV.

Speaking of it, Su Zhe did not expect that the TV station would even prepare the introduction materials related to the video. After all, from the experience of the interview after the last game, the interviews of several players were only a few short sentences, and the images introduced were all intercepted. From the arena.

Some wondered what kind of materials Fujitai chose, and Su Zhe also focused his attention on the big screen.

When the picture first appeared, it was Su Zhe’s stage performance during the idol period. This performance video came from a time when he hadn't made all the emoji packs all black. At that time, although he had been tempered on the draft stage, he was in The expressiveness on the real stage is still lacking, so when the camera shoots his shots, more of them choose to directly face.

In the audience area of ​​the scene, when his face zoomed in, there was a gasp such as "woo".

There were not many scenes during this period. After several stage scenes were mixed and cut, the timeline soon entered this year, and Su Zhe began to participate in the scene information of various competitions.

The initial part of the information was provided by the domestic field management center. In this part of the video information, Su Zhe's strength on the field is more reflected, and his sense of speed is shown in these videos.

Then, the picture entered the period of the Asian Championship Invitational... The neon people's pursuit of beauty is fully reflected in the picture of this game.

Su Zhedan only knew that in order to be able to fully understand the intensity of the fighting among the fighters and athletes, and to capture excellent real-life situations at the same time, there would be a variety of camera angles such as rail cars and rocker arms. But he did not expect that Nihong In the competition, there will be scenes of chasing individual athletes and shooting them from multiple angles.

If he didn't watch the scene and knew that it was a live game scene from the Championship Invitational, he would almost think it was a special TV commercial showing the effect.

On the screen, the editor of Fuji TV not only showed the fierce competition, but also took into account the beauty of the screen, which is really good.

And just as the entire introduction video came to an end, Su Zhe suddenly appeared on the screen when he was hit on the sponge wall during the game two days ago. He was slightly confused and confused, and he was in the same way as the first half. Duan's calm or sharp image was very different. Not only was the audience's "kawaii" praise in the video, the audience at the studio also murmured "kawaii".

Seeing his awkward appearance, Su Zhe’s ears were slightly red. In fact, because he was too cute when he was a child, he was often mistaken for a girl. Even Su’s mother used to take pictures of him in childhood. I have seen photos of wearing skirts with **** matching breasts, and wearing a small hair bag with an ignorant look, and was posted on the Internet by his mother. Fortunately, no one knew that it was his childhood image.

In short, after growing up, he has reduced his temperament that may have a "milk" taste. Even when he first debuted in the domestic entertainment industry, the company positioned him as an iceberg, and did not force him to be cute. Open.

Therefore, even Su Zhe rarely sees this kind of cute image of himself, and can't help feeling a little embarrassed at this time.

However, what he didn't expect was that this awkward image was not the end. A photo taken from Zhou Tianjue's scarf was also included in the video. It was exactly the image of him when he was sleeping on the bus, and as the final violence. The photos that Su Zhe never expected, his group of childhood black historical women's photos...

The moment the photo was released, with a bang, the sanity in Su Zhe's mind was blown away, his face just barely maintained an awkward smile of hard work.

Why is this kind of photo sent to Fujidai? ? ?

The black history of childhood was exposed, what should I do? Waiting online, very anxious! !

The entire introductory video came to a close after showing the black historical photos of Su Zhe's childhood which were similar to the tidbits. Both Yusuke Ishikawa and Kyoko Yakushiji showed friendly and interesting smiles after seeing the final scene.

Yusuke Ishikawa first introduced the origin of the last photo: "Ah, the versatility of Su player is really dizzying! But when it comes to the last cute picture, I still have to thank Su player's father. We are asking China to provide it. When some Su players’ unique video materials were used, player Su’s father remembered this photo and generously provided it to us. Thank you very much!"

After hearing the explanation of the translation, Su Zhe smiled awkwardly, and fry and cooked his father in his heart and beat him by various means. He could almost think of his father's brain circuit—— Unique image data? Oh, that childhood photo of women's clothing!

Su Zhe can only rejoice at this time that this program is broadcast in Japan, and no one in China should have noticed it.

After showing Su Zhe’s multi-faceted image, the program finally entered the normal interview session. After the impact of childhood black historical photos, Su Zhe was faced with the rainbow farts that the hosts sometimes broadcast during interview questions. Have a strong immunity and resistance.

For example: "Su, you have a short time to officially participate in the competition, but you have already achieved high achievements. In less than a year, you have already qualified for the Tokyo Olympics. Performance, are there any expectations?"

Another example: "Ah, player Su, your beauty and strength are amazingly strong. Nihong's well-known sports commentator Ishida Ippei will love you for ten minutes. He once called you [Beautiful Snow Leopard Boy], [Track Fairy] Do you think this title fits your own image? Or what kind of player do you think you are?"

In addition, there are questions such as "After becoming an athlete, you sacrificed your idol career, do you feel regretful?" and "What is your daily life after becoming an athlete?"

The entire talk show is about 30 minutes long. Except for the initial shocking black history photos of childhood and the occasional sweaty rainbow fart, everything else is indeed the same as Su Zhe guessed. It is quite normal. Talk show.

In the show, Su Zhe knew for the first time that he had so many nicknames full of shame.

With a strong business mentality, Su Zhe finally completed the recording of the entire live show.

While he was relieved, he did not expect that his childhood black history had been quickly posted on the domestic Internet...


_(:з」∠)_Hey, the story of Rainbow Kingdom is over, and a relatively large copy will soon be entered!

New season, new copy~~~World Indoor Athletics Championships, I am going to bring the cubs! ! !

Today is also a vegetable that loves you, so much! =w=!


Strange dialogue time

Su Zhe: 0.0 boss, what are you looking at? ? ?

Dalu Shao: (Quit calmly and quickly exit someone’s childhood photo on the phone and switch to Weibo) Nothing, just happened to see a commentary about you and a few of your teammates...

Su Zhe: 0.0 Huh... like this? Then I will take a look!

Mr. Shao: (The roots of the ears are red) Cough, good, good.

(In the distance, I saw the whole process of Cai Cai, showing the old mother's kind smile=w=)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 Umy_joy;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: a100030003, Garfield eats 1 lemongrass;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Summer’s little orange cat, 50 bottles of conglisafang; 30 bottles of Geld; 20 bottles of pink pigs; 18 bottles of plain wood; four o’clock and thirty-year-old Shuangluoshi, yuffie, Yuanchen, Ning Jing, Xinyuejun Xijun do not know, cf, 魍琞, two Two Teas, TiAn, Bingbing Lemon, Eyes, Niannonan, Moon Laughing into a Bay, Jiangjiang 10 bottles; Long Brother, I am born with 7 bottles; a happy silly rabbit Chi, Shang, Qing porcelain, ZOZO, Zizizi 5 bottles of Zhao Xiaoqi; 4 bottles of Xiying, Xingnai; 3 bottles of Tangtangtangtang, Abu; 33393695, 2 bottles of Yan Wumiao; black ink dye, cxll, Xiao Fei, a bowl of white porridge, Jun Ying, and cats , Sunlight golden, Shang Ling, Angel Jia, a100030003, 1 bottle of Xiaomuyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!