The first to put screenshots of Su Zhe’s childhood photos on the Internet, of course, were the "philosophers" girls in Japan, who watched the live broadcast on Fuji TV station in front of the TV. After seeing Su Zhe’s childhood photos, they immediately glanced at them. Jumping up brightly, there is a girl who has been recording the screen, and she did not hesitate to take pictures of Su Zhe’s childhood loli in Hanfu and Su Zhe’s embarrassing business smile that was almost frozen on the spot.

[Hahahaha, my God, can anyone recognize who this is? ! 】

The philosophers who saw the photos were all taken aback at first, but after someone poked the big picture and observed it carefully, the reposts and comments under this Weibo were quickly taken off.

[Ahhhh, my god, this is Ma Ma's little baby! Oh my god, I'm going to laugh to death, Zai Zai has such a picture of childhood women's clothing! It was so tightly hidden that it never came out! 】

[What kind of peerless little beauty is this? Are you lying to me to have a daughter? Oh, I'm withered, such a cute little cub, this is the first time I have seen it! 】

[Hahahahahahaha, I laughed until the world was spinning, we cubs have always had an iceberg face of "I am super calm", but when we were young, was it such a watery little loli? 】

[I am a hilarious laugh, first kneel in respect, thank you sister for providing us with first-hand information! Zai Zai's smiling face is going to freeze on the spot, it is really bitter...I bet my Zai must be irritable in heart-why didn't this kind of material explode when I was still in the entertainment industry? The black history has been turned upside down? 】

Just as everyone burst into laughter all the way, a little philosopher girl suddenly uttered a sentence-[wait? This picture of Zai Zai looks familiar? ? ? 】

About 10 minutes after the little girl finished this sentence, another new post was transferred to Su Zhe’s super chat. It was a post made by a well-known big V a few years ago-on the Internet. The cutest amateur kids are all about tricking you into having a baby series! (With poll: Which size is your favorite amateur cute baby?)

This post used to be a hot topic four or five years ago. The post summarized a series of photos of amateur cute babies that were online by their parents or relatives and friends. In the final voting link, a certain one ranked first. His face was ignorant and combed with two small Baotou Hanfu loli.

And the big V of the original blog introduced this photo. It was posted on an unknown forum by the po earlier, which is about the kind of unknown small forum for sharing his cute baby. Because the photo is too cute, it is online There is a certain degree of flow heat transfer.

Below this big V's polling post, many people are talking about this little girl, who is so beautiful, she will surely fall in love when she grows up. Because the photos have been around for several years, many people are looking forward to seeing how this cute baby will look like when they grow up. It's a pity that this search for cute loli ended up without a problem after everyone tried to find no results.

The philosopher girl who forwarded this post to Chaohua made a kneeling expression and said: [Everyone come to Kangkang, who is the number one person? 】

【_(:З」∠)_......dbq, I also have an impression of this post, but I didn’t even think that this photo is of us, I am guilty. 】

[Solved the case...? ? ? Laugh and cry, what kind of **** development is this? The beautiful loli girl whom tens of thousands of people have been searching for, turned out to be...]

Perhaps it was because there were so many philosopher girls who were shocked and forwarded, so that the big V blogger of the original po was also alarmed. After secretly peeking at the super-talk of the girls’ common source, the blogger quickly discovered this Shocking facts.

Soon, this original blog named "Did I gossip today" made the photos of loli and Su Zhe in the original post, as well as the screenshots of the videos in the evening live broadcast of Fuji Station that were turned over from the super chat. I made a puzzle and posted a new Weibo.

[Hello everyone...Look at who this is? (笑.jpg) #萌罗莉苏哲 found#】

Fans who have followed this blogger for a long time still have an impression of her hot Weibo topic. As soon as this Weibo and topic came out, a large number of shocked Chigualu quickly gathered in the comments and forwarding.



【? ? ? I thought I was wrong, but I took a closer look and found that I was right. 】

The shocked party in the comment area looked at this blogger’s item and sent a variety of emoticons representing shock and confusion.

You Chigualu reposted and commented with a dull look: [I liked this little loli very much back then, and I also wished to have such a girl, but I gave birth to a son. Now think about it, did my wish come into effect? 】

This comment was praised by a large number of Gualu people all the way to the first place in the like-like comment. Regarding the fact that this loli had a wrong gender, all Gualu who had a little impression of the original voting topic showed dumbfounded expressions.

#萌罗莉苏哲找了# This topic, because behind the mass base and the shocking effect on everyone is too strong, it soon climbed all the way to the hot search list of Weibo.

With the fermentation of this topic, even straight men in sports circles have posted relevant reposts on the Weibo homepage, and even some big sports fans are seeing this topic and found that someone in the photo is special After they were familiar, they quickly forwarded it to their own Weibo after hahaha.

With this momentum of dissemination, the screenshot puzzle of the original blogger was also forwarded to the Athletics Kingdom forum in a short period of time.

[Hahahahahahahahaha, brothers, come and see who this is! ! ! 】

In this way, this photo, which made Su Zhe feel extremely ashamed, burned all over Weibo and major sports forums with lightning speed.

After Su Zhe politely took a photo with the Fujita staff to say goodbye, he just got in the car and took out his mobile phone, and found that his WeChat had exploded.

At the top of the list is Jiang Hanning's funny comparison, with as many as twenty or thirty messages still expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this posture on WeChat, Su Zhe's face turned green, and he felt that some tragedy that he didn't want to face had already happened.

Sure enough, after he poked Jiang Hanning's WeChat message, he saw a series of emojis rolling around with his stomach and laughing, as well as a series of mocking conversations.

[Hahahahahahaha Hasuzhe, you are done! ! ! 】

[Hahahaha, why were you so cute when you were young? ? ? Cute loli! Beautiful girl! 】

After seeing this string of news from Jiang Hanning, Su Zhe knew that his black history should have no room for recovery.

After answering Jiang Hanning's word "roll" blankly, Su Zhe temporarily ignored this funny follow-up message, but after opening Weibo, under the overwhelming @, he helplessly rubbed his head. , And then cut the picture on the Internet, and silently sent it to my mother on WeChat.

In fact, this group of photos is more than that. When he was a child, his mother took him a group of Hanfu loli photos, but his mother was still very measured. Although she liked this group of photos, she didn’t I haven’t shown off to the public, but his dad once used the photo posted on the Internet as his wallet photo. At that time, this photo was used as a purse photo and was seen by his dad’s friends. Tossed to the Internet.

After Su Zhe grew up and deliberately concealed her "milk" anger on her body, Su's mother seldom mentioned his group of Hanfu loli photos in front of him.

Su Zhe naturally knew that it was his mother’s feeling that he was taking care of him. So, after his embarrassment and shame in his heart gradually calmed down, he ruthlessly sent the exposed screenshot of the black history and the culprit to his mother. In front-it's time for my mother to help me avenge this public execution.

In an underground parking lot in China, Shao Xingchen strode into his car under the **** of the staff. After the door was closed, he sat in the back seat with a tired breath, and closed his eyes for a while.

Since this period of time, it has been broadcasted by light. As the ratings continue to rise, corresponding publicity announcements are indispensable.

As the first step in Shao Xingchen's transformation, the broadcast of this series also allowed him to truly begin to face the public as an "actor".

Fortunately, under the control of Liu Zhengyan, the quality of Zhuguang’s drama can be called excellent. Shao Xingchen’s efforts during the filming did not live up to his own efforts, although occasionally a little jerky in the performance, But not embarrassing, not jumping into play, during the several stages of Xie Wei's growth, he achieved smooth character transformation and differentiated expression at different stages.

Especially in several scenes, I learned that Lu Ming was ill, accompanied Lu Ming, and he collapsed in training after Lu Ming's death. I was also praised by the big V who focused on film reviews.

On the road of transforming actors, Shao Xingchen can be regarded as the first step to be considered successful. In order to make his future path more stable, Li became his two very strict acting teachers carefully selected. He is an old drama player in the circle. After relying on his performance and sincere attitude as a stepping stone, he is gradually increasing his efforts in studying and furthering acting.

In order to coordinate the learning of acting skills and the advertising of other brands during the current TV series promotion period, Shao Xingchen can almost be regarded as a continuous rotation recently, and the daily sleep time has been compressed to the limit.

After the car started, he closed his eyes and rested for about 10 minutes before opening his eyes again and turning his gaze to Li Cheng aside.

Seeing his appearance, Li Cheng had already prepared what he had in his hand and delivered it to him-it was Su Zhe’s game today and the evening live interview of Fuji TV, as well as the bonus that the moment is maxed out. Childhood Lori photos of Su Zhe on Weibo.

Seeing the childhood photo of Su Zhe last seen before his eyes, Shao Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but the arc of a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, which softened his temperament that was a little cold and stern because of fatigue and tension.

I swiped my finger on the screen and saved this photo of Su Zhe in my phone. After a pause, I clicked a favorite mark on the photo and placed the photo in my favorites folder exclusively for Su Zhe. in.

On the side, after seeing Shao Xingchen’s appearance, Li Cheng couldn’t help sighing, and said: “I said you, didn’t you think about a showdown with Su Zhe? I think he is still just playing you Be a friend?"

Hearing Li Cheng's question, Shao Xingchen was silent for a moment, and then shook his head: "Whether it is for him or for me, it is not the right time yet."

After hearing Shao Xingchen’s answer, Li Cheng was also silent for a while, and then sighed again: "Okay, you are right. Then... don't worry, I will help you with Su Zhe's games or something. We've collected everything, let's talk about other things later..."

After thanking Li Cheng, Shao Xingchen picked up the mobile phone in his hand and carefully watched Su Zhe's video recording tonight.

There will always be new hot spots on the Internet.

This time, the incident of Su Zhe's childhood women's clothing gradually ceased after being discussed and forwarded by the whole network.

After all, Su Zhe is now an athlete. For everyone, the cute childhood photos of women's clothing are just a fun embellishment on his brilliant achievements.

A big brother on the Athletics Kingdom forum said it well-what happened to Zhe Young when we were a cute loli? Isn't it still awesome now?

On the second day after the invitational tournament, the Chinese track and field team stopped staying in Japan, but quickly took the opportunity to return to the country and continued to lead the players into the intense winter training.

For Su Zhe, after participating in the Japan Invitational, he has a clearer understanding of his technical shortcomings and the direction that needs improvement.

In the track and field circle, there is a saying that a runner who runs well in 100 meters must not be bad in 60 meters.

But when it is reflected on Su Zhe, this sentence can be disassembled from another angle-as long as his 60-meter performance can be further improved, then his 100-meter performance will definitely be able to make great progress!

This principle can also be placed on his 110-meter hurdles project.

This time, although he lost to Zhou Tianjue due to many factors, he was not good at the explosion and acceleration in the first half, which was the root cause of his failure in the first half.

Explosive training, starting acceleration training, and various technical details adjustments that may affect your own speed in the first half of the journey are endless.

After returning to China, Su Yinsheng and the members of the sprint coaching staff fine-tuned his training plan based on his performance and actual results in the Japanese Invitational. Lu Fei’s side also studied Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue, After Ye Jun's three-person competition video data, the training plan for several players was adjusted accordingly.

[Next time to win] This belief was once again carved into Su Zhe's mind after passing through the Japan Invitational.

The speed expedition on the track, and the heart of chasing victory in this expedition, are constantly deepening in Su Zhe's mind.

This hope of being able to stand at the pinnacle of victory gradually settled in his heart after the World Championships-wanting to win, wanting to achieve faster and better results on a higher field.

This kind of mood continued to ferment in Su Zhe's heart, and then converted into his motivation to strengthen his training.

With the advancement of continuous training courses day and night, in the system space, the training courses for lens expression and shooting skills have been gradually concluded. The only remaining courses are training courses arranged by the system to comprehensively improve physical fitness.

It happened to be on the day that the Japan Indoor Invitational was over, Su Zhe completed the final course of shooting skills in the training space. Next, after reopening the winter training, he used a complete training period of 6 hours a day to continuously conquer relevant training that can improve his attributes in the space.

In order to further improve his training efficiency, he also gradually transferred part of the training plan in the space to the daytime training after the day training was over.

Time is gradually passing by in this state of exhaustion, busyness, and a sense of continuous growth.

In a blink of an eye, the Gregorian calendar year has passed 2019, and it has come to the New Year's Day holiday in 2020.

Of course, in the eyes of athletes in winter training, there is no vacation—what vacation? Is the training completed or is it already at the top of the world?

The world's top athletes, if they relax a little bit in training, they will strain their muscles in the competition and decline!

Can your grades be better than others? Dare to speak about the holiday?

Not to mention, after the winter training is over, the World Indoor Track and Field Championships will be held in China from March 1st!

This kind of one of the world's four major track and field events held at home, makes every member of the track team about to participate in the track and field team feel a little bit of excitement, but also a lot of pressure.

The Field Management Center has made clear instructions for the goal of this competition-strong events such as men's triple jump, women's shot put, etc., guaranteeing the silver and gold, and finally fighting for medals. Weak events, such as the men's 60-meter sprint, etc. Although we do not demand medals, we must strive for a historic breakthrough in the competition!

In the busy winter training season, the track and field team still dedicated half a day for the World Indoor Championships, and had an in-depth and simple talk with some participating players and relevant coaches.

At the meeting, Sun Zhihai, director of the Tianguan Center, also personally attended the meeting and once again emphasized the importance of this competition.

"In terms of this competition, I believe that everyone is much more prepared than this old man of mine. I'm just talking about it again with the big guy. Our indoor championship will be held in N City. Soon, our media will have to We have begun to publicize this matter in an all-round way. At that time, how many pairs of expectant eyes will be looking at you at the scene? Are you willing to see them disappointed on the scene?

Sun Zhihai paused, and said earnestly: "I believe that you are all good boys, and I hope you can give your best performance on the court by then! Let the world's top players who come to our country to participate in the competition have a look, let us China’s track and field events are promising!"

After the New Year's Day holiday, as Sun Zhihai said, the domestic media began to publicize one of the "four largest track and field events in the world" to be held in China on a large scale.

After the popular science bombing by the official media, many ordinary people who did not pay attention to track and field events also knew the importance of this game. In people's daily life, about the four-day game that will be held in N City. Also began to appear in various small chats.

The organizing committee of the event is intensively preparing for the competition and publicity, but for the athletes of the track team, under the pressure of important events, they dare not relax in the training.

For Su Zhe, in the first event that the new season will face after winter training, both pressure and motivation exist at the same time. The pressure comes from the game, and the motivation also comes from this. He wants to make himself in this competition. A breakthrough again!

After returning to the training ground for winter training after the invitational game in Japan, his desire for the game has never faded from his heart.

Although, in fact, his training performance and effectiveness have been gradually improving since this period of time, but whenever the training is over, he still feels that it is difficult for him to achieve the real best condition simply by training.

In Su Zhe's mind, there was a faint thought that "the breakthrough point of his performance might still be in the competition". This thought made him involuntarily produce a vague sense of anxiety, which made him occasionally appear in training. The state of imbalance.

This state made Su Zhe a little worried about himself.

Naturally, Su Yinsheng also discovered this state of Su Zhe, because after he communicated, he agreed with his ideas rather indifferently.

"Actually, you are right. We talked about it before. Some players are training type and some are big competition type." Su Yinsheng put his hands on his chest and said, "Your state, without a doubt, is Standard competition-type players will be the norm in one of your training cycles during the season. Players of your type will feel agitated when there is no competition, even if your training The results are good enough, but the lack of excitement in the competition will make you feel that everything is wrong."

After summarizing the reasons for Su Zhe’s state, Su Yinsheng waved his hand indifferently: "In your state, it is a race-type person going crazy, but it doesn’t matter. What you have to do is to control your desire for the game. Tell yourself-every day of training now is to lay the foundation for your breakthrough in the game."

"In short, don't think too much about what you don't have. The matter of controlling your mental state is still one of the important courses you need to master now."

Facing his father's remarks, Su Zhe nodded seriously after thinking carefully.

Indeed, as his father said, only by laying a solid foundation in training can he continuously obtain the breakthroughs he desires in the game, and even win.

After re-stabilizing his mentality, Su Zhe was also fortunate to breathe a sigh of relief-although it is much better compared to the initial time, but his sensitivity and maturity to the changes in his mental game and training mentality Still lacking.

Fortunately, whenever he may be mentally unstable or fluctuating, there are people around him who can wake him up in time, so that he can avoid the instability caused by the fluctuating mental state.

Still have to work harder, whether it is physical training or psychological training!

With this thought, Su Zhe once again devoted himself to the winter training before the Chinese New Year.

And when the Lunar New Year was approaching, Chen Zhi’s long silent Weibo suddenly appeared a new push message-[Thank you for your concern, I am back, I will be back tomorrow. @中国Track & Field Team, @苏哲, everyone, see you tomorrow. 】


_(:з」∠)_Wow, scratch my head, Caicai, I found out yesterday that JJ’s current comment seems a bit twitchy... I watched a comment I replied... After refreshing again... disappeared ? ? ?

If a little angel in orz finds out that some of the comments are missing, it is... probably eaten by JJ...囧

Tomorrow (actually, it will be right away in a few minutes!) is the Mid-Autumn Festival, Cai Cai first wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! =w=! ! Love you guys! I wish everyone a happy eating moon cakes, happy reading and being happy!


Strange dialogue time

Su Zhe: 0.0 boss, are there any funny photos in your phone album?

Shao Xingchen: (forced to be calm)...No.

Su Zhe:......0.0 Then why is it locked?

Shao Xingchen: (Continue to calm down)...because there are photos of my childhood.

Su Zhe:......? ? ? ! ! ! (Shocked)

I watched the whole process from a distance, and was also shocked: =口=Baby, did you fight this way to fool baby Zhe? ? ?


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 bird without feet;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Tuantuan 80 bottles; Feitian Xiaoqingqing, Dilidian, and adi want to lose weight 50 bottles; Tong 40 bottles; Xingyi, Fei, Hezeye 20 bottles; jili 18 bottles; Ning Jing 15 bottles; Xi Xiaoya, pompon, and today are also trying Smuggling Europe, colin, Gusu, Ye Qi, Jiuyue@拾月, Jiu Linlin, Xiaomei, Jiusi, Mengwu Cat 10 bottles; 297948939 bottles; go to the side of the bamboo horse, Xiying, Zhixi, I am one Little chicken, short-haired girl with glasses and rabbit teeth, 5 bottles of Teba Tieh; 2 bottles of afternoon noon, mc Mengmeng, and light Wumiao; the sun is golden, cats and cats will have, Bai Yaoshu, Ye Weiyang?, Yueluofanchen, a100030003, nana, 25290006, hold the milk can tightly without letting go, 1 bottle of Xiaobai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!