On January 12, Chen Zhi, who was temporarily away due to injury, will officially return to the team.

This morning, the entire sprint team of the track and field team was filled with joy. Su Zhe could feel the happy mood of the surrounding staff during training. In the spacious track and field training hall, many people talked about it during the break. This topic.

Within the training range of the sprint group, the training atmosphere is particularly relaxed.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the door of the track and field training hall was pushed open from outside. Then, the long-lost Chen Zhi, his coach Tian Fangzheng, foreign teacher Taylor Wei and others stepped into the track and field hall under everyone's attention.

The huge track and field stadium was quiet for a moment, and then a warm applause came to mind in the track and field stadium.

Welcome back!

Everyone shouted together: "Welcome back!"

This is the simplest and most sincere welcome ceremony everyone gave to Chen Zhi.

"Thank you." Chen Zhi looked at the new or old teammates in the team with some emotion, and then solemnly bowed to everyone: "Thank you everyone, I'm back!"

The return of Chen Zhi announced the official return of a spiritual flag belonging to the Chinese track and field team. Since he entered the national team at the age of 22, he has taken up the banner of sprinting step by step, whether externally or internally, his presence They are enough to create a sense of stability.

At the same time, the big guys are also looking forward to another thing-now that Su Zhe is a rising star, the sprint event of the Chinese track and field team will no longer be independently supported by Chen Zhi, under the leadership of two talented players Next, what changes will it bring to the domestic sprint project?

Not only the outside world, but everyone in the national team is also looking forward to it.

"Xiaozhe, I'm back." After Chen Zhi walked to the training area of ​​the sprint group, he went straight to Su Zhe, smiled and hugged Su Zhe, and smoothly stroked Su Zhe's hair.

Su Zhe slapped Chen Zhi's hand away speechlessly, and sighed: "Welcome back, but, Brother Xiaozhi, I'm already 22, not 12 years old. Should you change my hair habit? Up?"

Chen Zhi smiled gently and raised his hands in surrender: "Haha, yes, we Xiaozhe has grown up, I will pay attention to it later."

At the side of Su Zhe and Chen Zhi, everyone looked at the interaction between the two with quite amusement. Only Su Yinsheng had a face like an old father looking at his two unconscious cubs.

After saying hello to Su Zhe, Chen Zhi looked back at Su Yinsheng and said with a smile: "Master, I'm back."

As Chen Zhi, who has been living in Su Yinsheng’s home since joining the provincial team at the age of 14, the stinky face of Su Yinsheng that ordinary people are afraid of can already easily understand the emotions in it. Years of mentoring and apprenticeship has made him clear I know that Su Yinsheng cared about himself no less than his family's parents.

After looking at him up and down for a while, Su Yinsheng frowned and said, "I'm ready to come back for training? How is the recovery after the operation? How is the rehabilitation training done?"

Looking at Su Yinsheng, Chen Zhi smiled confidently: "Everything is fine, my injury is no longer a problem."

Tian Fangzheng, who came with Chen Zhi, also spoke at the side at this time: "Yes, Chen Zhi recovered from the operation this time. The doctors in Germany were also surprised. Everything was in very good recovery state, and the state of rehabilitation training was also very good. Ideally, it is now ready for recovery training."

It should be said that the one-time recovery halo that Su Zhe originally sent to Chen Zhi is indeed a system product, and it is worthy of the 9 million prestige value that Su Zhe paid. Chen Zhi’s injury recovery effect far exceeded everyone’s expectations. It also gave Tian Fangzheng a better expectation for Chen Zhi's next state.

For this information, the national team has always been docking with Fangzheng Hetian, and Su Yinsheng also knows it very clearly, but after seeing the person, he can't help but reconfirm it.

After seeing that Chen Zhi is indeed in good condition, he frowned and said, "I'll be back when I come back. For the next training, you can relax a little bit. If anything goes wrong, I will see how I cut you!"

Regarding Su Yinsheng's threatening concern, Chen Zhi smiled and accepted the care behind this threat.

Even if it was Chen Zhi's return, it was only a short welcome time for all athletes in training. Everyone, including Su Zhe, quickly reinvested in training.

And Chen Zhihe Tian Fangzheng, Taylor Wei, and Su Yinsheng, etc., re-conducted a formal meeting with all members of the national track and field team sprint coaching staff in the corner.

In the middle and late stages of Chen Zhi's recovery and rehabilitation training, Tian Fangzheng and Taylor Wei, together with their two assistants, have carried out a complete training schedule for Chen Zhi. In Chen Zhi's training plan this year, the goal is only Only adjust an annual cycle peak for him, that is, while conducting recovery training for him, adjust his peak competitive cycle to this year's Olympic cycle.

This single-cycle training schedule is not just Tian Fangzheng, but Su Yinsheng, Zhang Ye and others have also obtained the corresponding schedule before and have made certain suggestions.

For Chen Zhi, his main tasks for the next period of time will be restorative training and technical adjustments. He has also been clearly excluded from the list of players at the World Indoor Track and Field Championships in March.

What he needs to do is to restore his physical, strength, and technical state within a limited time, and then start to participate in various events gradually in the sub-station of the National Track and Field Grand Prix starting in mid-April. , Restore and save their own competitive level, and then qualify for the Olympic 100 meters before June 29.

In addition, Su Yinsheng also shared with Tian Fangzheng and Taylor Wei the current training plan including Su Zhe, Zhao Zhixuan and others in the sprint group, and jointly adapted the training plan in the sprint group. Scientific combing.

After Chen Zhi returned to the national team, the only change for Su Zhe was about seeing Chen Zhi in the training mode again.

If you let other players in the national team evaluate, Su Zhe is now a standard training madman, and after Chen Zhi returned to the national team, the training madman who haunted the track and field every day split into two. One.

Su Zhe and Chen Zhi are currently training in completely different directions. In Su Zhe’s daily training, technical training and technical training courses account for a higher proportion. At the same time, the courses are specifically for the upcoming world. The track and field championships have made corresponding curriculum arrangements, focusing on improving Su Zhe's overall skills and technical continuity, while also improving his corresponding results within the first 60 meters of the stage.

Chen Zhi’s training direction is different. He is currently in a restorative training cycle. He focuses more on restorative endurance training, physical training, and speed training. He is constantly adjusting his overall state in order to improve his The body gradually recovered to the state before the injury.

Although the training content and direction of the two are different, the members of the national team can see how dedicated the two men are in the daily training. Even if the training content is boring, they can be meticulous. Complete item by item, and confirm at any time whether the technical details are adequate.

In the sprint team, under the influence of two people, especially Su Zhe's silent training, Zhao Zhixuan and others couldn't help but fight harder in training, hoping to not be too far behind the two.

In the hurdle team, not to mention, after the Japanese Indoor Invitational, the training state of Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun has also been further improved. The fruit of winning the top three is too delicious, no matter for Zhou Tianjue. As far as Ye Jun is concerned, this event has strengthened their confidence in themselves and has a new expectation for the results of the next World Indoor Athletics Championships.

Want to win, want to achieve better results.

This belief is deeply engraved in the hearts of every member of the national track and field team.

As the training advances day by day, the lunar year will follow.

The New Year event, just like the previous New Year’s Day, has no practical significance for these key players in the national team’s winter training. During the race against time, no one will train themselves specifically for the New Year’s Day. Sudden arrest occurs, affecting the results of the entire periodic training.

The only difference is that the film crew of the Sports Channel once again came to the training base to give condolences to all the players during the Spring Festival and live interviews.

The day that the film crews came was already the twenty-ninth Chinese New Year, but the training atmosphere in the entire track and field stadium was still hot. In each training zone, everyone was still digging into whether they were doing well in the training courses.

The gate of the track and field hall was opened, and when the film crew entered the track and field hall, it did not even attract the attention of many people.

On Weibo, in the live broadcast area of ​​the sports channel, many sports fans who have already put on the Spring Festival holiday have already squatted in the live broadcast room, waiting to see the long-lost athletes.

When the camera crew's live broadcast screen lit up and began to look around the track and field stadium, the barrage in the live broadcast room also became active.

[Hahaha, the live broadcast has started! The barrage is coming! 】

[The athletes have worked hard, and those who celebrate the new year are still training hard. 】

[Ah, brothers, there seems to be Chen Dashen training there, I saw him! Oops, that's great, seeing that Chen Shen is already training, I feel more relieved. 】

The director of the overall execution plan of the Sports Channel this time is still Wei Liang. After the live broadcast started, Wei Liang followed all the way, constantly confirming the schedule in his hand and the corresponding precautions.

This time the live broadcast is not too long. You need to walk through the entire track and field stadium. You need to grasp the time. After all, in addition to the live broadcast of the athletes’ training status, there is another project in his planning project that recruits enthusiastic audiences. These questions need to be answered by the corresponding sports, which is one of the New Year benefits for the audience.

According to the schedule in his hand, Wei Liang began to interview athletes in various track and field events, and the questions that each athlete was invited to answer were varied.

For example: What is the hardest training you have ever done to build strength?

What is the maximum load for male and female athletes when doing strength training?

How do pole vaulters carry their poles when going abroad? What if I don’t have enough poles? ?

There are so many.

As the contestants answered their questions about their projects and sent Spring Festival blessings to the audience in the live broadcast room, the interviews gradually entered the two most popular project stages, namely the hurdle team and the sprint team.

Since Su Zhe was still conducting special training for sprinting on the day of the interview, when the hurdle team was interviewed in the live broadcast room, the only personnel in the training were Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun. When they were interviewed, they were welcomed in the live broadcast room. There was a small wave of audience peaks-after all, in the previous Japan Invitational, the hurdles dominated the top three, which left a deep impression on sports fans, so the surge in popularity is normal.

After answering questions such as the goal in the next World Indoor Athletics Championships to be held in his country, Wei Liang handed over a stack of photos to the two people and asked them to sign for them as prizes for the sports channel to forward the lottery.

At the same time, Wei Liang led the live broadcast team to the last stop of today's interview-Su Zhe and Chen Zhi in the sprint team, who were still immersed in training at this time.

When the camera turns to the sprint team, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room has been completely pushed to the highest point.

[It's Chen Dashen and Zhe Shao! Finally saw them both. 】

When Wei Liang arrived with the live broadcast team, the time was just right. Both had completed their respective training sessions and had a short break.

After the guest host Wei Liang said hello to the two, Su Zhe and Chen Zhiye waved their hands with the audience in the live broadcast room and said hello, everyone.

Although it is a big winter at this time, but in a warm indoor training environment, after a lot of physical fitness and other related training, at this time, Chen Zhi and Su Zhe are sweating, and Su Zhe simply uses one because the sea is a bit long. The rubber band pierced the head, revealing the smooth forehead.

It can be seen from the state of the two that how much training has been before.

In the live broadcast room, after seeing the two of them, the track and field enthusiasts quickly lined up spontaneously and neatly: [Chen Dashen Good Spring Festival! Happy Chinese New Year! I wish you both good health in the new season, steadily improving performance, and constantly refreshing your PB! 】

It can be said that Chen Zhi's previous injury has made fans firmly worried for more than half a year.

Regardless of whether it is Chen Zhi or Su Zhe, nowadays, for the men's 100-meter project, and even Su Zhe's 110-meter hurdles project, they can be said to be irreplaceable.

The queuing blessings on the screen deeply represent the purest blessings and expectations of sports fans for both of them.

Naturally, Su Zhe and Chen Zhi also saw the barrage of netizens. Both smiled and expressed their gratitude to everyone for their blessings.

After briefly introducing and demonstrating the training items and content of the two in the winter training to the audience in the live broadcast room, Wei Liang also took out the final interview draft and began to ask Chen Zhi and Su Zhe questions.

In the interview draft, the question about Chen Zhi is still very upright. Most of them are concerned about his true physical recovery state, how the current recovery training is going, and when will he start participating in the first event next? .

When entering Su Zhe’s questioning session, the overall problematic style suddenly appeared huge deviation...

[Excuse me, Su Zhe, you have many nicknames, such as "Zhe Shao, Track Fairy, Little Sheep, Cub, Snow Leopard Boy, Zhe Mei" and so on. Among these nicknames, your favorite and the most Which ones are unacceptable? 】

? ? ?

Su Zhe, who was still very relaxed, became stiffened at a speed visible to the naked eye after hearing the list of shame that Wei Liang read out, while Chen Zhi on the side also showed a slight look on his face after a slight daze. Smile.

Su Zhe felt desperate because of this big collection of nicknames that straddled China and Japan, as well as two different circles in the entertainment and sports circles.

After hesitating for a while, he still made a strong mental construction and said: "The most unacceptable...Last one."

Su Zhe never expected that he was just focusing on training for such a period of time. In his original shameful nickname, he would add the title of bald sister Zhe.

He began to feel that the complaints he had filed with his mother before were not ruthless enough, and he should let his mother educate his father again.

[Then... which one is your favorite title? Wei Liang still didn't let off Su Zhe, who was obviously avoiding answering.

After re-reading the question card, Su Zhe finally chose the term "cub".

"This nickname, this is what my first batch of fans called out, they have accompanied me all the way, whether it is an era when I was ridiculed by the crowd and no one cares, or since I switched to track and field, they have been with me all the way. Even though they didn’t even understand the basic rules of the track at first, they still supported me unhesitatingly.” Having said that, Su Zhe paused and said: “Although I rarely mentioned these before, but I am really grateful to these fans who have accompanied me all the way."

In the live broadcast room, whether it is ordinary sports fans or "philosophers", they originally thought that Su Zhe would choose the most serious nickname "Zhe Shao", but I didn't expect the final answer would be like this.

After a brief period of silence, the "philosophers" girls in the live broadcast room also began to line up on the barrage-"Cub, we will always love you!".

After this nasty question, the remaining questions are quite normal, including what kind of results do you hope to achieve in the upcoming World Indoor Athletics Championships in N City, and so on.

"Of course it is to win as much as possible!"

When Su Zhe answered this question, his gaze was extremely firm, no matter how difficult the road ahead, he could not lose his desire to win the summit!

After the interview, Su Zhe, Chen Zhi and others, along with all the coaching staff and staff of the sprint team, jointly said a happy New Year to the audience in the live broadcast room. Then, the live broadcast interview was successfully completed. Up.

On the Lunar New Year’s Eve of the second day, the chefs of the track team prepared a luxurious meal for all the athletes, and everyone gathered in the canteen to toast for the Spring Festival in this winter training.

After the dinner, everyone watched the Spring Festival Gala together in twos and threes. Su Zhe was still on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and unexpectedly spotted Mr. Shao.

Looking at the familiar Shao Xingchen on TV, Su Zhe thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and sent a New Year greeting to the other party, and praised the other party's performance on the Spring Festival Gala by the way.

Near 12 o’clock, in the jubilant atmosphere of the Spring Festival Gala, the team members began to say a happy new year to each other, and at midnight, Su Zhe’s mobile phone also received a reply from Shao Xingchen: [Happy New Year, New Year In the past year, everything is healthy and smooth. 】

After the Lunar New Year, the training of the national track and field team has entered a new peak, especially the 15 contestants who will go to N City to participate in the World Indoor Athletics Championships at the end of February, and have made new changes in the corresponding training plan. Adjustment.

The domestic event publicity has entered the stage of hype, including the important news live broadcasts of various stations, and they have begun to pay attention to the start of the indoor championship.

Since mid-February, national track and field teams have successively arrived in N City, China, and began to conduct adaptive training in the nation's first large-scale indoor track and field stadium newly built by N City for the competition.

In this world-wide indoor track and field event, more than 1,000 athletes from about 160 countries will come to participate in the competition. The most competitive team is still the U.S. team. This is a team that once relied on its own strength. The terrible team that dominated half of the gold medals.

With the arrival of teams from various countries, the sports channel has also carried out various special features for this competition, including the difficulty of competing with national opponents when N City bids for this competition, and what N City has done for this competition. All kinds of preparations, as well as special introductions to athletes who come to participate in the competition, and so on.

Through these special introductions and publicity, the audience who did not know the situation successfully realized the grandness and severity of the competition and the difficulty of the overall competition.

With the support of official propaganda, the content of discussions about this competition on the Internet is also increasing day by day. Everyone’s sense of national honor has been thoroughly mobilized in these propaganda work, and people are enthusiastically looking forward to the arrival of this competition. , Began to analyze what kind of breakthrough the Chinese team can achieve in such a game.

In this atmosphere, the time shifted to late February.

In the national track and field team, the 15 players who will represent China’s track and field in the World Indoor Track and Field Championships have completed all the periodic training plans. Some athletes who did not participate in the Japanese Invitational Tournament, at the end of the winter training, the domestic national indoor track and field championship points At the start of the race, they also went to participate in some of the competitions and adjusted their competitive state again in the competition.

Finally, on the day of February 25, 15 participating athletes and team officials gathered at the training base of the national track and field team. The national team sent a car, led by Zheng Wensheng, and began to embark on the road to N City for the competition.

On March 1, 2020, N City Olympic Sports Park Indoor Track and Field Hall.

With the attention of the national audience and the attention of hundreds of millions of track and field enthusiasts around the world, the current World Indoor Track and Field Championships officially kicked off here!


_(:з」∠)_The humble Caicai shed tears online. Today, before the code word, a sad story happened. Another 7-year-old antique computer from Caicai was in front of Caicai's eyes... This computer though It's useless anymore, but the hard disk inside still contains all kinds of antiques... Now that I think about it, it is bitter for a while. This story tells us the importance of backing up the hard disk in time... QAQ...

Well, since this period of time, Spicy Chicken and Vegetables have been immersed in code words, and there is basically no time to meet with friends, so there are friends who have dinner appointments in the Mid-Autumn Festival these few days, so I am sorry that there may be no way to increase it (cover Face), wait until the National Day, Cai Cai I will work hard =w=......! Love you guys! Oh! Oh!


Today's strange dialogue

Su Zhe: 0.0 boss, I have a question, why are you so busy, you still appear in the conversation every day?

Mr. Shao: (Complicated complexion)...Because, if I don't show up, I probably won't have any chance to chase my wife in my life.

Su Zhe: 0.0 eh? ? ? Is there such an important reason? I wish you an early success!

Mr. Shao: (His face is more complicated)...Thank you.

Caicai onlookers from a distance: (complex complexion + 1w) Zai Zai, do you know what you are talking about? ? ?


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Miss Ben and 1 Zhao Xiaoqi;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Rumor, Garfield eating lemongrass, 1 chang?tuier, wing, and Mu Qiran;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Alan 70 bottles; Syenm 62 bottles; Rumor 58 bottles; Vvvvv, Fenghua 30 bottles; Yulunpao 27 bottles; Lei Fengta, Magnolia, Loki L20 bottles; Refill 18 bottles; Binglin 17 bottles; Ultramarine, Sismin, Little cutie, Langfeng, hahahahahaha, night dance Langhuan, happy fried chicken nuggets 10 bottles; Abu,-medicine can not stop ° 8 bottles; small clover feather 6 bottles; Wood Qiran, the fallen against the wind, baby baby, -5 bottles of bloodli゜, Shuguang; 3 bottles of Yegu; 2 bottles of Joe, Evil Witch, a happy silly rabbit, and faint innocence; the sun is shining, the test of Keyi, Xiying, Yueluofanchen, Guo Xingxing, Bai Rumor Book, Moonlit Night № Shura, K01550214, 1 bottle of Teba Tieh;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!