At less than 8 o'clock in the morning that day, Su Zhe and the other 14 national team members and officials accompanying the team, such as Zheng Wensheng and others, took the bus with the national team logo to the Olympic Sports Park.

On part of the road to the Olympic Sports Park, traffic control has been implemented today, and only buses carrying athletes from various countries are allowed to enter the restricted area.

On both sides of the road where vehicles are restricted, there are also various cordon lines with the signs of the World Indoor Athletics Championships. On the way from the N City Athletes Accommodation Center to the Olympic Sports Park, you can see the indoor championships everywhere. Logo promotional bunting.

Along the way, many citizens were full of joy and expectation. Not only were they holding a small flag in their hands, they also had colored stickers on their faces. Obviously they were planning to go to the indoor track and field stadium of the Olympic Sports Park to watch today’s first Daily indoor track and field competition.

When the Chinese team bus where Su Zhe and others were sitting passed by, the citizens along the way cheered in the direction of the bus.

"The Chinese team!!! Come on!!!"

People began to shout spontaneously and loudly. The hot atmosphere and sheer support made the athletes in the bus straighten their backs.

Zheng Wensheng in the car also looked out of the car with a bit of emotion. The citizens were still waving to the Chinese team bus and shouting for fuel.

After the car gradually entered the Olympic Sports Park, this sound gradually disappeared.

"See?" Zheng Wensheng turned his head to the athletes in the car and said: "This is the support and expectation of our compatriots. In the race at your own door, you should show your energy and be worthy of the big guys treating us. support!"

The athletes in the car nodded each.

In fact, without Zheng Wensheng's words, the continuous sound of cheering along the way, like mountains and tsunamis, has made their hearts enthusiasm for the game even higher. In the face of these enthusiastic audiences, they don't want to take the audience's faces. See the disappointed look.

"We will work hard." Su Zhe took the lead and said seriously.

In the car, including an awkward child like Zhou Tianjue, he also had the same serious look right now.

This is a competition in China!

They are the Chinese team's delegation!

In such a game, how can we not go all out?

With a sense of mission to win glory for the country in their own country, everyone cheered each other up after getting off the car, and then smiled and walked towards the track and field gym of the Olympic Sports Center.

This time, in addition to the largest track and field stadium in the country that can accommodate nearly 5,000 spectators, N City also has a huge swimming pool that will be used as a warm-up stadium for athletes in this competition.

Compared to the outdoor venues that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, the indoor track and field stadiums with less than 5,000 spectators seem to be smaller, but the enthusiasm of the domestic audience is enough to make up for this shortcoming.

Different from the previous Japanese Indoor Invitational Tournament, although the World Indoor Athletics Championships is larger in terms of specifications, it is one of the world's top competitions, gathering indoor players from all over the world, but the entire schedule is only three days long.

During these three days, the overall schedule is very tight. Just from the arrangement of the schedule, it can be seen that there will be waves of competition climax within these three days.

Take Su Zhe as an example. He will also participate in the men's 60-meter sprint and the men's 60-meter hurdle in this indoor championship. Among them, the preliminaries and semi-finals of the 60-meter sprint are arranged on the first day of the race. If he can enter the 60i final, on the second day, he will face the 60-meter hurdle first. The preliminaries and then the 60-meter final impact in the evening stage.

This time, the organizers of our country finalized the schedule for different projects, according to the audience's attention and interest in the project preferences, as well as the players' individual events.

Among the players, those who will participate in the game in the morning, such as Su Zhe and others, said goodbye to the teammates who had no game in the morning after entering the Olympic Sports Park, and went to the warm-up venue specially arranged by the organizer for the athletes.

Before parting, everyone tacitly made a cheering gesture, cheering for themselves or their teammates.

When Su Zhe entered the warm-up hall, reporters from the sports channel and the live broadcast team were already waiting here. In the warm-up hall, in addition to reporters from the sports channel, only some local official media in N City were admitted. Qualifications for the interview.

The Sports Channel reporter who came to interview this time can be regarded as Su Zhe's old acquaintance. It is Xu Zhi who interviewed him in Country D during the World Championships.

Seeing Su Zhe and other members of the national team entering the warm-up hall, Xu Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up, and immediately led the photographer to Su Zhe.

"Su Zhe, Minghao, are you free to accept an interview?"

Su Zhe and Zhang Minghao looked back, and when they saw Xu Zhi came, they greeted him very relaxedly.

Zhang Minghao grinned at Xu Zhi and said, "Xu Ji, you are also in this competition?"

To Zhang Minghao’s question, Xu Zhi looked funny: "What's the matter? I'm an old journalist in the track and field events. Are you not qualified to interview you?"

Zhang Minghao immediately waved his hand, with a false face and said: "Eh eh eh, Xu Ji, don't make up me. I participated in the competition from the rookie period to see you interviewing all the way, and you don’t know how much I’m illicit. Well, where would I dare to despise you?"

Xu Zhi looked at Zhang Minghao with a dumbfounded expression. Of course he knew that this was Zhang Minghao’s speaking style. Although he was also one of the ace players in the high jump group of the national track and field team, this guy’s mouth was just like he hadn’t gotten the door. Go to heaven.

Su Zhe smiled and watched the dialogue between Xu Zhi and Zhang Minghao, and then said hello to Xu Zhi.

"Eh!" Xu Zhi smiled and nodded, and said: "Okay, it's not poor anymore, I won't delay your effort too much. It takes only 3 minutes for each person to do it alone. Just ask two questions. It will not affect your warm-up. , Su Zhe first come!"

Xu Zhi and his photographer acted very neatly. After finding a pure color panel on the sidelines as the background wall, the photographer turned on the camera and Xu Zhi also raised the first question.

"Su Zhe, this morning, you are about to participate in the preliminaries for the 60-meter dash at 10:15. Do you have any expectations for this race?"

Su Zhe thought a little bit and replied very directly: "This indoor track and field championship will be an assessment of my training results in the winter training phase, and it is also a brand new challenge for me. My bottom line for this competition is , Ran into the final."

Xu Zhi didn't expect that Su Zhe's answer would be so straightforward, so he added the question: "So have you considered the question of how many seconds you need to run to the final?"

"Of course." Su Zhe nodded: "It's about 6 seconds 55."

"Previously, in the indoor invitational tournament in Japan, your best result in the final was 6.60 seconds. It seems that during the winter training, you have gained a lot?"

Hearing Xu Zhi’s question, Su Zhe laughed: “The reason why winter training is meaningful is precisely because it can help us improve our skills, performance, and state.”

Su Zhe’s answer also made Xu Zhi laugh: “Okay! Then I’m here to wish Su Zhe you achieve your goal and successfully break into the men’s 60-meter final of the World Indoor Championships!”

After this interview, Su Zhe said goodbye to Xu Zhi and went to the warm-up training area specially prepared for 60-meter athletes in the warm-up stadium.

There are as many as 56 men's 60-meter contestants this time, and all of them are divided into 7 preliminaries for the competition. Among these contestants, Su Zhe saw many familiar faces, such as the US team’s Ethiopia Vincent, Gate, Louis, Paragon of the British team, Hilme of Jamaica, etc.

These top 100m racers also have extremely strong strength on the 60m track.

In addition, because the indoor championship also does not have a 200-meter race, some 200-meter runners with strong capabilities in the first 60 meters also rank above the 60-meter track.

The Japanese team also played this time with Nanshan Yuki, Kobayashi Kobayashi and Shiraishi Shota. After seeing Su Zhe's arrival, the players who were already slightly familiar with him waved at him and expressed welcome.

After seeing Su Zhe, Shota Shiraishi waved to him enthusiastically. Although he was restrained because of the tension before the game, he was still very happy.

After meeting the Queen Mother Bai Shixiang, Su Zhe seriously asked how his previous injury had recovered, and got Baishi's Chinese answer: "Injury, all right, thank you for your concern, please rest assured."

This vocabulary...!

Su Zhe smiled. Although I don't know how much Baishi Shota's performance has improved during this period, the improvement in this Chinese level is very good.

In addition to the warm-up of the athletes, there are also staff from the inspection team in this venue who are doing inspections for the athletes.

As a national player, Su Zhe's inspection went very smoothly. In the blessing of the staff, Su Zhe smiled and waved to them, then turned and plunged into the warm-up before the game.

The men's 60-meter preliminaries can be said to be one of the opening highlights on the morning of March 1. After the simple opening ceremony, the men's 60-meter 7 group preliminaries are coming!

From the moment a contestant appeared on the stage, in the audience area, there were various enthusiastic shouts from the audience. No matter which country the contestants are from, they will not be left out when they enter the stage. This is also the unique warm welcome and warmth of Chinese audiences. attitude.

And of course, when Su Zhe joined the fourth group of contestants in the preliminaries, the enthusiasm of the audience instantly rose to the peak!

"Su Zhe!! Su Zhe!!!"

"The Chinese team!!! Come on!!!"

Many people were holding small bright red national flags in their hands, and some came to the scene with large national flags. People holding the national flags, with the loudest voice, gave the most enthusiastic support to the players of their national team. In Su Zhe After the debut, this kind of support has not dissipated for a long time, this kind of super-hot state, so that the players who were in the fourth group of the preliminaries with Su Zhe felt a little nervous.

Su Zhe smiled and turned around, and waved to the audience in the 360-degree circular seat, thanking everyone for their support and enthusiasm.

This is the advantage of the home game. Encouraged by this kind of enthusiasm, who can not be excited?

Among the fourth group of players that Su Zhe is in, the strongest player is Gordon from the Bahamas, who has run 60 meters within 6 seconds 55. There is also Bustaman from Jamaica, who is also capable of running 6 Those who scored within 60 seconds, the rest, such as those from Germany and Trinidad and Tobago, did not have too strong results in the 60-meter dash.

When the runners stood at the starting point, the boiling sound of the scene had already reached the level of boiling, even if the runners on the scene were only debugging and trial running the starting blocks for the time being, it could set off a wave of enthusiasm.

In the commentary stand, today’s well-known track and field commentators Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were responsible for the whole game day commentary. In order to explain the game more accurately, Su Yinsheng was also invited to sit on the commentary stand of today’s game. .

Watching the players in the stadium are doing various preparations, Wang Miaochuan handed the words to Su Yinsheng.

"Guide Su, in this competition, we only have Su Zhe in the men's 60-meter dash. For him, the pressure on his body must be great. As his coach, we also want to hear from you. Thoughts, do you have a prediction about what kind of results he can run in this preliminary group?"

Wang Miaochuan’s topic was to allow Su Yinsheng to also introduce the strength of other players in the preliminary group on the field, and then make a prediction for Su Zhe.

After twisting his brows, Su Yinsheng said: “Among the 7 groups, the overall strength of this group is not too strong. The only ones that deserve a little attention are Gordon of the Bahamas and Bustaman of Jamaica. Other players The results are relatively mediocre."

After a pause, Su Yinsheng said unceremoniously: "The question of the number of contestants is that quality is not weight. In previous competitions, Chen Zhi still carried the entire 60-meter sprint by himself. The pressure of participating in this Every player needs to face and hold on. There is nothing to say. As for this preliminary match, there is no problem for him."

Su Yinsheng's words were very firm, making Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan a little nervous, for fear that Su Zhe would have some accidents during the game.

Just under the slightly tense dialogue in the commentary and the fiery atmosphere on site, the fourth group competition of the men's 60-meter preliminaries officially began.

Su Zhe squatted on the starting block of the fifth track. The players in the same group were also very nervous and cautious. Everyone was staring at the final finish-7 preliminaries, each of which had only the top 3 Only the top three of the remaining players can advance to the semi-finals. This is the place everyone wants to compete for.

After the players squatted on the starting blocks, the original fiery atmosphere on the field came to an abrupt end. Every spectator on the scene was watching Su Zhe nervously on the fifth track, for fear that the extra noise in the audience seats would affect his listening. Gun response.

In this tense and quiet environment, the referee's voice sounded on the broadcast.

"Each in place."



The starting gun fired, and the players on the track responded quickly.

Su Zhe pedaled the starting blocks the first time he listened to the gun, and in a blink of an eye he sent himself onto the track with the explosive power of pedaling the starting blocks!

The first step, the second step, the third step...

In a simple and powerful step, Su Zhe has quickly completed a series of technical actions such as listening to the gun, kicking off the starting blocks, rushing forward, raising the body, and connecting into the acceleration phase.

Among the players in this group, perhaps as Su Yinsheng said, the strength is not too strong. Just in the stage of listening to the gun, three people gave a slow response of 0.5 seconds-this is also directly determined Now, on this 60-meter track, these three players have almost lost the chance to advance to the semi-finals.

After the gunshot, the atmosphere in the audience on the spot boiled again. Everyone waved the small red national flag in their hands and shouted loudly for Su Zhe.

This kind of on-site power made Su Zhe’s state stronger and stronger. After the connection entered the acceleration phase, the power of the daily training and system training completed in the winter training phase was completely reflected. He was not originally good at acceleration, but after winter training, After training, there is a certain increase in the maximum acceleration, which allows him to complete his starting speed more quickly, thus accelerating the pace of the early competition.

From the reaction to the gun, to the start and speed up, Su Zhe has undoubtedly occupied the leading position in the preliminaries.

Both Gordon and Butasman, whom Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan worried about before the game, have a gap of more than one position with him.

"Okay!" Zhang Jing couldn't help but exclaimed hello excitedly at the commentary: "Su Zhe won a clear advantage from the start!"

The audience on the scene naturally also saw how obvious this starting advantage is. The voice of the crowd brought enthusiasm and blood to Su Zhe, and the results of Su Zhe's feedback made the scene even more boiling.

"Go on, Su Zhe! Go on Zhe Shao!!"

The audience in the auditorium screamed with red ears, not to let the cheering on the scene stop for any second.

On the track, Su Zhe has entered the mid-way running stage. His speed endurance and maximum speed keeping ability allowed him to win the starting victory, and the distance between him and the next two runners in the mid-run stage is getting bigger and bigger.

On the mere 60-meter track, Su Zhe ran the gap between the top 100-meter runners and the ordinary runners. This can be said to be a kind of naked strength suppression.

Behind Su Zhe, Gordon from the Bahamas and Butasman from Jamaica were shocked. Although he also knew that Su Zhe had a strong strength in the 100 meters, he was in the analysis report of all sprint coaches. The biggest advantage presented is his ability to accelerate in the future. In theory, such a player should not have too strong competitiveness on a 60-meter track.

Before, Su Zhe’s performance in the Japan Indoor Invitational was certainly seen by coaches from all over the world. The only time he participated in this 60-meter event, the final 6 seconds 60 results, in the eyes of coaches from all countries, are similar to the original The judgment was unanimous and believed that this player should not pose too much threat in the indoor tournament.

At least, for Gordon and Bootsman, who can run into 6:55 and 6:60, they think they should not have such a big speed gap between themselves and Su Zhe.

And the facts that are happening on the field before them all make them have a momentary mental imbalance.


It must be because this is the home court of the Chinese team!

In this kind of boiling, incomprehensible cheering sound, they are under too much pressure, so they have such a big distance from this Chinese player!

This completely unexpected distance difference with Su Zhe made both Gordon and Butusman feel heavy, and it was even difficult to mobilize their strongest state.

No matter how Gordon and Butusman comforted themselves in their hearts, the gap between them and Su Zhe is already obvious.

From the start of the 10-meter stage, Su Zhe took the lead all the way, and amid the shouts of all the audience, he maintained this advantage all the way to the end!

The fourth group of the men's 60m preliminaries, the first place Su Zhe, easily pressed the line!

In the commentary, Su Yinsheng nodded at this: "It's not bad. Su Zhe released his speed a little in the last 4 or 5 meters, and did not sprint with all his strength. Compared with the initial competition, Su Zhe now has it. The more mature game mentality is worthy of praise."

Compared to Su Yinsheng's sober commentary, the audience in the stadium audience was already in excitement.

"The Chinese team! The Chinese team!!! Long live!!!"

"Su Zhe is awesome!!! Zhe Shao is awesome!!!"

This kind of boiling emotion has infected everyone on the scene, even if everyone knows that this is just a preliminary match, but Su Zhe's performance has made them feel extremely proud and happy!

In this top-notch competition, even if it's just the preliminary rounds, this kind of pleasure for domestic players to crush other players still makes everyone feel unwilling to stop.

At the commentary, there was a hint of excitement in the voices of Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan.

Zhang Jing sighed: "In this 60-meter preliminaries, Su Zhe ran very well! From starting with the gun to accelerating, running on the way, and at the finish, his performance was very relaxed and calm. As Director Su introduced, Su Zhe was in In the final stage, we have not yet run to full strength. We have reason to believe that player Su Zhe has not yet shown his true speed in this preliminary match!"

Wang Miaochuan: "Yes, in this preliminary match, Su Zhe's overall technical movements are very smooth and in place, and the state of the competition is also very superior. Now, I am very looking forward to the semi-finals tonight, Su Zhe can show us What kind of wonderful performance?"

At the anti-collision sponge wall at the end of the track, Su Zhe was smiling and waving to the audience, and at the same time bowed slightly to everyone, thanking the audience for their support and enthusiasm.

After a brief wait, the results of the fourth group of the preliminaries were officially announced on the big screen.

Zhang Jing in the commentary was very happy to report the final result of Su Zhe: "The first place in the preliminaries of this group, Su Zhe (China), 6 seconds 54, second place, Gordon (Bahamas) 6 seconds 65, the first place Third place, Butusman (Jamaica) 6 seconds 67..."

After the results were officially announced, the faces of Gordon and Bootsman were not very good. For them, this result was not a particularly bad state. They also clearly saw the gap between this time and Su Zhe. It is purely the strength of this Chinese player, far beyond their initial expectations.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, Su Zhe finally waved to everyone, then with a relaxed smile, turned around and exited with the players of the same group.


_(:з」∠)_Cough, yesterday the hard disk, spicy chicken dishes, I have planned to ask my colleagues for help after work to see if I can solve it...

I saw that a few little angels were curious about the question of how the pole vault pole was brought out of the country mentioned in the text yesterday. Orz originally replied in the comment, but after I refreshed it, I found that the content of my reply seemed to disappear again. …So here is a new explanation.

1. When a competition is held in various countries, there will be a spare rod, but generally players of average strength will choose to use the organizer's spare rod

2. Strong players will have their own custom-made poles. For Chinese players, the old local method usually uses plastic pipes to protect their poles, and then put some fillers to protect the poles. As for the consignment, the Tianguan Center and the national team will help to deal with it. Of course, it is still by plane to go abroad, and train consignment if it is domestic. =w=……

3. As for the problem of not having enough poles for the pole vault... such tragedies have really happened, and the players were in the leading position at that time, but the longest pole he was carrying was broken... Then there is no doubt that the medal flew away..._(:з」∠)_It’s really miserable. In fact, the players must have more than one pole. It needs to be based on the various environmental humidity on the scene and the progress of the game. Choosing a pole, like this longest pole is broken, without a spare custom pole of suitable length, you really can only think that you are unlucky...


Today's strange scene

(How did Mr. Shao send Spring Festival blessings?)

Mr. Shao: (Frowning, typing) Azhe, I wish you more brilliant results in the new year... The indoor championship is coming soon, don’t stress too much, I will try my best to take the time to see you live In the competition, I hope to see your excellent performance... Have you seen the advertisement put by Cyclonus? Your performance in the advertisement is very good. I wonder if we still have a chance to work together in the new year………………

Mr. Shao: (Staring at the information input box, frowning, after 5 seconds, delete all)

Mr. Shao: (re-entering) Did you see me on stage tonight? Unfortunately, it would be great if you could be there...

(Delete again, repeating, looking at the time point, it will soon cross zero)

Mr. Shao:! ! !

One minute later, Su Zhe received a WeChat message: Happy New Year, I wish the new year, everything is healthy and smooth.

Su Zhe: ^^Thank you, the same is true for you!

Li Cheng opened the door and saw Dao Shao's face indifferent: What's wrong? New Year's?

Mr. Shao: (Looking at the time he wasted and the final results, he looked cold and sulking in the low-pressure mode)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 2 Umy_joy; 1 Miss Ben;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Han, Lulu, An Yunqiu, and a girl love to wear high heels;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

60 bottles of Octopus; 19 bottles of Hezeye; 13 bottles of Romance to Death; 10 bottles of Rogue Rabbit, Mo Yuan, Zi Bagua, Xiao Chaosheng, Bingying, Lulu, Shuiyue Qingyin; but beg to sleep all over the league , ZOZO, Mo Ming 5 bottles; Nuan Nuan, girls love to wear high heels 4 bottles; Light Wumiao 2 bottles; Zhi Xia Yi Han (=^▽^=), chang?tuier, K01550214, Xiaobai, Xiaomuyu, Xiying, Holiday 1 bottle without medicine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!