This indoor tournament is held in China, and the live broadcast of sports channels is naturally followed up throughout.

On the first match day on March 1, coincides with Sunday, on the Athletics Kingdom Forum. At this time, many friends who can't go to watch the match are watching the live broadcast in real time to understand the latest progress of the match.

When Su Zhe took the lead in crossing the finish line with his repressive power, a voice of congratulation was immediately raised on the forum.

[Zhe Shao Niubi! ! ! I pressed 5 yuan and the finals were stable! 】

[Wipe, Zhe Shao... the winter training works well? Previously, in Japan, the final was barely 6 seconds 60. This time, the last few meters were released, but 6 seconds 54? ? 】

[I think it’s time to dominate the final ranking! 】

[Is there a giant here? Why not analyze how much Zhe Shao can run into in his current state? ? 】

Su Zhe ran out of 6 seconds 54 in the preliminaries, which made everyone on the forum feel extremely excited. His performance completely made everyone's previously suspended hearts feel a little real.

On Weibo, there are a lot of people who are watching the first day of the game, but compared to outdoor events, if the big guys in the men’s 100-meter race can still know that running for 10 seconds is a good figure, In my 60-meter race, most ordinary people are a little vague about the pros and cons of the results.

[#世界内Track & Field Championship第1日# By the way, I feel that Su Zhe ran very easily! It quickly crushed all the players in the same group, but what was the result of 6.54 seconds? Can any giant explain me a little bit? ? 】

[Following an explanation, I searched, the current world record of 60 meters seems to be 6 seconds 34? Didn’t find how much the national record is...]

As the saying goes, curiosity will arise only if you are interested, and curiosity is the first step to enter a circle.

These Gualu will ask questions, which is the best time to guide them to understand track and field events.

Therefore, track and field enthusiasts naturally do not mind these doubts about eating melon roads, and are very happy to answer them. Many track and field enthusiasts mobilized one after another, turned into enthusiastic commentators, and answered all kinds of questions for everyone on Weibo.

[Let’s put it this way, the current national record for men’s 60-meter sprint in Japan is 6.53. In my country, the national record was set by Chen Dashen at Birmingham on the World Indoor Track and Field Tournament the year before, at 6.45. After watching the race, everyone should have noticed that Zhe Shao put a bit of speed in the final 4 or 5 meters, and in this case, he can run to 6 seconds 54, which shows that he is now He has the ability to run 51, 52, or even higher levels in 6 seconds. 】

[The guy on the far right is right. Add another piece of data. Currently, there are no more than 10 active athletes in the world who can run 60 meters in 6 seconds 50. With regard to Zhe Shao's current data, I can say unceremoniously that in the 60-meter project, this year's world top 20 ranking is absolutely stable! 】

If it is said that the first answer in the front, some people still think "Oh, this achievement has not even broken the national record", then the second answer shocked all Gua Lu people.

[Wait, am I right? This is just the first game of the year, right? With this preliminary result, the top 20 in the world this year is stable? ? ? Brother, isn't bragging like that? 】

[I also think it's a bit...I admit that Su Zhe is awesome, but seeing him running so relaxed today, it doesn't feel like he is in his best condition, right? Now that this is the top 20 in the world this year, then there will be semi-finals and finals tonight and tomorrow. Do you want him to win the world number one this year? 】

The track and field fans originally wanted to report this data, so that Chigualu can feel the awesomeness of Su Zhe’s achievement more intuitively and truly, but the result is dumbfounding, but it makes Chigualu feel that they are bragging. Up.

Compared with the track and field fans who are still bald, Su Zhe's fans "philosophers" have more direct action. The big V number named "Xiaobai Watch Track and Field" managed by the philosopher group , Directly compiled the top 20 results of each season from the 2010 season to the 2019 season on the IAAF (International Athletics Federation official website), and attached the data query tutorial on the IAAF official website to prove that the data source is completely authentic and reliable .

The result obtained on the IAAF official website is the best result of a single athlete in a single season. In the screenshot provided by the philosophers, the score of 6 seconds 54 is not to mention the top 20 in the world, even in many In the annual season, they have been able to occupy the top ten results of the year. That is to say, in each of the years in the past 10 years, there have been no more than 20 athletes who can run 60 meters in 6.54 seconds.

After this data came out, eating Gua Lu, who thought he was just taking a sip of track and field fans, showed shocked expressions.

【? ? ? Wait, so Su Zhe, is he really in the top 20 in the world this year by just running? ? ? Is his strength so awesome now? 】

[People in front, think about it, Su Zhe entered the finals in the World Championships last year, and his final result was fifth in the world! Is there any misunderstanding about his strength judgment? ? 】

[I also wondered what's wrong. It seems that everyone knows that Su Zhe is already very strong, but there is still no clear judgment on his ranking in the world. Let’s put it this way, although Su Zhe’s current personal pb10.02 in 100 meters was only about the top 30 in the world in last year’s season rankings, his stable performance status is definitely rare among sprinters. Strong! 】

Under the popularization of science, Chigualu, who was originally just casually questioning, was shocked to refresh his worldview after being stuffed with a wave of new knowledge.

【_(:З」∠)_ Kneeled to Su Zhe. Although I knew he was already a top domestic player, I always felt that he was still a little short of the world’s top level...Look at it now, the world If the top 20 level is so easy to run down, it feels that this strength is absolutely stable when it is said to be a world-class level? ? ? 】

[Sigh, look now, maybe it’s just because of Su Zhe’s strength, so it seems that he ran so easily out of this grade, which leads us to think that this result seems to be good... In fact, it’s just because he is strong. Right? 】

[I feel that we really misunderstood something before. I went to watch the replay of the game again. The two players in the same group as him ran really hard, but when they finally reached the finish line, they looked shocked. Look at Su Zhe, it seems that he is also shocked by Su Zhe's strength...]

Throughout the day, the discussion about Su Zhe's achievements on the scarf did not stop, and even a topic of discussion-#60米6秒54是什么级#.

Many people came in from ordinary places, then walked out with a look of surprise, and at the same time gained a large wave of track and field-related knowledge.

After understanding the meaning of Su Zhe's results, the Chigualus had a new interest in the semi-finals at night.

[The ball comes to a giant to interpret, and if Su Zhe can achieve this result in the preliminaries, what level will the semi-final that night be? ? ? 】

Not only did some people raise questions on Weibo, but many people in the Kingdom of Track and Field also expressed their opinions on this topic. Immediately, someone posted the content of discussions in the Kingdom of Track and Field on Weibo to answer them.

[Although the grouping of the semi-finals in the evening has not yet come out, there will be strong players in the semi-finals, and the competition will definitely be fiercer than the preliminaries, but in fact, according to the stability of Su Zhe's performance status, as long as he ran into 6.54 again in the evening, then the place for the final Basically stable. Now it’s just to see if we can meet the top players in the semi-final group in the evening, forcing Su Zhe to use all his strength, let us see how best he is in his current 60-meter performance. 】

This answer was forwarded by many Gua Lu, expressing plans to see how Su Zhe played in the semifinals at night.

On Weibo, the only people who are still cautious and restrained are probably Su Zhejia’s philosopher fans. Many philosopher girls have said that “there are many factors that affect the final results of competitive games. I hope everyone watch the game rationally and don’t give too much attention to athletes. pressure".

In the chat and discussion of everyone, the race schedule on March 1 quickly advanced to the men's 60-meter semi-finals at 8:50 in the evening.

In this semi-final, 24 contestants were divided into 3 semi-final teams. Su Zhe is in the third semi-final team. The members of his group are from Spain, Côte d’Ivoire, the United Kingdom, Poland, Strong players in countries such as Jamaica.

Among them, Paragon from the United Kingdom and Hilm from Jamaica are both top players who can run 10 seconds in 100 meters. Although their 60 meters are not the best, their personal pbs are also within 6 seconds and 50. .

If Su Zhe wants to advance directly to the top two in this group, Baragon and Hilm are his biggest opponents in this group.

Before the men’s 60-meter semi-final competition was about to begin, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan also chatted with Su Yinsheng, discussing whether tonight’s division is beneficial to Su Zhe.

Regarding Zhang Jing’s question, Su Yinsheng frowned: "This group, at least from my point of view, is no problem. I have not encountered players like Gate and Evanson in the same group. Good luck. As you said just now, Su Zhe’s main competitor at night should be between Shilm and Baragon. Although the current 60-meter personal pb score exceeds Su Zhe , But in terms of real strength, the current level is similar to that of Su Zhe. The night's game should mainly depend on how well their respective levels perform."

After a pause, Su Yinsheng added: "Just like in last year's World Championships, Barragón was stronger than Su Zhelie in terms of strength at the time, but in the end he stopped in the semi-finals and did not even enter the final. Finals. In competitive events, the performance of athletes’ personal status has a very high impact on performance. Especially in such world-class competitions, you only need to shake your mind a little, and there are slight distortions or mistakes in technical movements. Maybe the players who were not as good as you have already ran ahead of you."

Su Yinsheng's explanation is very clear, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan nodded in agreement.

Wang Miaochuan sighed: "Yes, as we often say, everything is possible on the field. This is also the charm of competitive sports!"

As several people talked, the competition time approached, and the contestants from the first team of the semi-final had already set foot on the field. Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan began to introduce the contestants of the first group of the semi-final.

In this group, the most notable players are Evanson from the United States and Carlos from Spain. Among them, Evanson’s personal pb in the 60-meter event was 6.43. Spain’s Carlos was very good. Especially, his 100m score is not obvious, but the 60m personal pb is 6.41, and his 60m score is quite stable, almost every time he competes, he can run within 6.48, which is currently in the world , One of the few players who may touch the penalty area within 6 seconds 40.

Carlos’ amazing future strength is something that shocks many people. At the same time, his strength in the second half after 60 meters will even drag him down to the semifinals of the World Championships. The contrast makes Many people feel sorry for him.

After a brief introduction, the first group of players on the track are ready to participate. The audience in the audience who was cheering for the players also stopped shouting and waited with bated breath for the players to start.

"Each in place."



After the crisp shot, the first group of men's 60m semifinals quickly kicked off the starting blocks and started sprinting to the finish line!

On the 60-meter track, this kind of competition full of speed and power is tense and exciting. In just less than 10 seconds, the world's top players have decided each other's final victory.

Amidst the enthusiastic cheering of the audience in the audience, the one who finally crossed the finish line was the first to cross the finish line. It was Carlos from Spain who crossed the line next, and it was also Evan of the US team who was also without surprise. Sen.

In the semi-finals, the two ran 6.47 and 6.50 respectively, which also represents the current standard performance data of the world's top 60 meters.

Subsequently, in the second group of the semi-finals, Gate, also from the US team, easily won the semi-finals of his group with a time of 6.51. Hassan from Iran with a time of 6.53. , Won the second place in the group to directly advance to the final.

After the semi-finals of two consecutive groups, when the members of the third group of the semi-finals appeared on the stage, the applause and cheers came again!

It is the third group of the semi-finals that Su Zhe belongs to! ! !

The audience at the scene, or watched the performance of the morning Su Zhe preliminaries on the spot, or watched the replay of the preliminaries in the video.

In that short period of more than six seconds, it was an unforgettable moment of excitement for every Chinese audience who came to the scene. At this moment, this scene that everyone is looking forward to will soon reappear!

"Come on, Su Zhe! Come on, the Chinese team!"

There was such a shout again at the scene, and in such a shout, everyone's deep expectations were carried.

In the commentary booth, Zhang Jing said: "Dear viewers in front of the TV, everyone should be able to hear now. With the appearance of Su Zhe, our scene has begun to enter the hottest state, and everyone is doing the most enthusiastic. The shouts are cheering for Su Zhe."

After all the players stood on their own track, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan also introduced the nationalities and names of all the players in the third group to everyone.

Among the contestants in the third group of the semi-finals, apart from Baragon and Hilm, Su Zhe is most familiar with the Japanese team's Yuki Nanshan. In the morning preliminaries, Yuxi Nanshan played It’s fair. He broke into the semi-finals with a score of 6.59 seconds. In the semi-finals of the evening, his goal was to win the third place in the group and strive for the top 2 of the remaining players to enter the final. Of places.

After standing on his own track, Su Zhe found that Nanshan Yuxi was on track 6 on his left. The two looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then bowed their heads for pre-match preparations. No more conversations continued.

At this time, in the arena about whether they can enter the finals, no one is still in the mood to greet each other before the game.

After Su Zhe adjusted his starting blocks, he stood up and took two deep breaths with his hands on his hips to relax his state.

The audience at the scene was constantly chanting cheering. This kind of cheering not only brought inspiration to Su Zhe, but also brought him a trace of pressure and tension. He clenched his fist and took a deep breath. Put yourself into a state of excitement and maintaining a trace of tension and pressure.

Tension and pressure are originally a state that brings forward momentum. As long as they can be reasonably controlled and used, it is possible to promote the player's game state.

When the cheers almost reached the peak, the referee began to raise his hands to signal that the game was about to begin!

The shouts of the audience stood still at this moment. It only took less than 5 seconds to go from boiling to silence. Everyone began to stare at the stadium and began to look forward to the next most exciting moment!

On the track, the eight players squatted down under the sign of the referee, supported the ground with both hands, and stepped onto their starting blocks.

Everyone began to concentrate and hold their breath, waiting for the moment when the starting gun fired.

"Everyone is in place, ready."

The referee's voice was calm and indifferent, and after a short five words, the starting gun sounded at the right time.


This gunshot represents the beginning of the battle!

At the starting point of the track, all the players reacted quickly to their feet at the same moment as the guns were fired, driven by their maximum explosive power, and allowed themselves to run forward quickly!

Listening to the gun, reacting, starting and accelerating, all these steps must be completed in the shortest time!

With a mere 60-meter track and a life and death time of less than 7 seconds, there are no mistakes and delays!

All these steps, after a long period of practice, have been engraved into Su Zhe's body and become one of his most profound instincts.

His reaction ability is firmly in the forefront of all the players. In this field, his reaction to the gun took only 0.124 seconds, and after adjusting the preparation and starting posture, he used the explosive power of the starting explosive force. There has also been a certain improvement in effective conversion. This improvement has also won him a speed increase of about 0.02 seconds in the starting phase.


Do your best!

He must win his own in this semi-final and advance directly!

After Su Zhe broke out in a quick start, he smoothly connected and entered the acceleration part. He pedaled strongly, and broke out with his own strength, allowing himself to enter the highest speed as fast as he could.

Beside him, Nanshan Yuxi was already slightly behind Su Zhe at the starting stage. When Su Zhe broke out and accelerated, Nanshan Yuxi was even quickly pulled away by more than half his body.

? !

This speed? !

Is this Su's current strength? !

For a moment, Nanshan Yuxi couldn't believe it. He personally confirmed Su Zhe's 60-meter strength during his Japanese Indoor Invitational. There was more than a gap between Su Zhe and Su Zhe now.

On the fourth track and the third track, Barragón and Hilm are advancing side by side with Su Zhe, vying for the front row position of this event!

"Su Zhe! Come on! Come on!"

In the audience, whether it is a big man or a little girl, they are shouting and cheering for Su Zhe. Contributed to the boiling on the spot.

On the track, Barragón, Hilm and Su Zhe are showing a stalemate, and when the acceleration stage is over, although Su Zhe has not clearly surpassed the two, he already has a slight advantage in position!

[Damn it, how is this possible? 】

On the right hand side of Su Zhe, Hilme was shocked, and in the stimulus of being slightly behind Su Zhe, Hilme gritted his teeth and forced him to speed up the pace, determined to surpass the Chinese boy.

[Run on the way! 】

[This is my chance! 】

Hilm firmly believes this-the mid-way running stage is not always what Asians are good at. Even if the mid-way running stage of the 60-meter track is not that long, it is enough to make the Asians who are not as capable of maintaining speed as their own be dumped Behind me!

It's a pity that all these are just Barragón's own thoughts. Since the World Championships, he has basically entered the offseason, and he has not paid attention to Su Zhe's follow-up results.

Although he knows that Su Zhe is strong and will be a strong opponent in the 100-meter race in the future, Su Zhe’s previous effective data is still too few to form enough research data-Su Zhe’s 100-meter score is still scarce, not to mention What about the 60m race?

In front of him, Su Zhe's performance had completely broken his imagination.

While he was accelerating, Su Zhe also accelerated, and after entering the mid-run stage, Su Zhe's maximum ability to maintain speed also shocked him.

Is this the strength level of Asians?

Hilm held back the astonishment in his heart and began to run forward with all his strength.

At about 30 meters in the stage, Su Zhe made sure that he had only a slight lead. In the following stage, he began to gritted his teeth and continued to compete with Hilm and Baragon. Biting each other in order to finally determine their absolute advantage!


Can't lose!

Su Zhe was vigilant in his heart, and the audience at the scene was also frightened by this thrilling fight for the first place.

"Su Zhe!!! Come on!!!"

In the commentary booth, Wang Miaochuan excitedly and restrained loudly: "Su Zhe has a chance! He is in the absolute leader of the first group, he and Hilm are competing for the first place!!! Su Zhe, come on!!! !"

Can't relax, can't relax!

Come on! ! !

Su Zhe's eyes were fixed on the front, and his heart was beating fiercely.

Coming soon!

Victory belongs to me!

When entering the final sprint stage, Su Zhe leans forward slightly and moves forward in a sprinting posture. In recent training, he has gradually mastered the 60-meter track, making his ability to accelerate in the back course. Methods and techniques slightly ahead.

With the explosive power and kinetic energy accumulated before, he crossed the finish line in a swooping posture!

The excessively strong follow-up force made Su Zhe continue to rush towards the anti-collision wall at a fast pace, and finally slammed into the anti-collision sponge wall, and finally stopped his footsteps.

As he crossed the finish line, he had no spare energy to pay attention to who he and Hilm were, including the audience. Everyone did not see who was the ultimate winner in the last moment.

The on-site director had a special understanding of the audience's eager mood, including the director himself, who was also eagerly waiting for the final answer.

Who was the first player to cross the finish line?

Soon, the slow-moving final line-crossing shot appeared on the big screen of the scene, and after Su Zhe on the screen crossed the finish line, all the audience on the scene gave out shocking shouts.

"Fuck!!!! Zhe Shao is awesome!!!"

In the commentary booth, Zhang Jing also exclaimed loudly and excitedly: "Men's 60-meter semi-finals, Chinese contestant Su Zhe directly advanced to the final with first place!!!"


Ah ah ah ah, the air conditioner is broken tonight, the spicy chicken dishes are sweating and the code speed is unprecedentedly slow

Life and death are fast, see you tomorrow, boss!

Love everyone!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

50 bottles of Yuezi; 40 bottles of Jiangli; 20 bottles of Willow Leaf, Mian, Bamboo Leaf Xiaoxiao, Yunlu, and Escape; 16 bottles of the servant dead no うと思った; I am a little chicken 15 bottles; brain flower you Eat 14 bottles; Savior, Yuan Liyue, La La La La La La ~ 10 bottles; Au, 5 bottles of dried beans; Mu Mu Xi 4 bottles; Affectionate 2 bottles; Xi Ying, Jun Ying, Teba Tieh, 29794893, Que dust, golden sunshine, K01550214, small clover feather, meow meow meow, 387268241 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!