Just the word boiling is not enough for the fiery atmosphere of the scene. As of tonight, this is the second medal won by the Chinese team at the World Indoor Athletics Championships. It is also the national track and field sprint event in the World Indoor Athletics Championships. The second silver medal won on the game!

In the audience seats, people brazenly celebrated Su Zhe’s achievements, waved the red flag in their hands, and even sang the national anthem loudly, proud of Su Zhe’s performance.

In the commentary, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan also expressed their excitement in joy and restraint.

Wang Miaochuan said with emotion: "Before the start of this competition, the Sports Channel had a column program discussing the significance of my country's hosting of the World Indoor Track and Field Championships. Someone suggested that in indoor competitions, many of my country's track and field events were reduced, which is equivalent to The weakness of our track and field team is used to fight against the gunshots of world players. In the final competition result, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of encouraging the people to understand track and field."

"It is true that in indoor track and field competitions, our country does not have too many advantages, but this is also not a reason not to host the competition!" Wang Miaochuan was slightly agitated, and he said solemnly: "In competitive sports, we will never We may hope that we have been able to use our strengths to fight against the weaknesses of others. What we need to do is to develop our own weaknesses, so as to gradually make our projects stronger and eventually be able to compete with the strengths of other countries."

Next to Wang Miaochuan, Zhang Jing also nodded and said: "Yes, the purpose of hosting this event is to spread the influence of track and field events, so that more people in our own country can experience the charm of the world's top track and field events. From the two days of competition, I believe that the audience should have clearly felt the charm of track and field competitions!"

As the two hosts said, the audience, after seeing Su Zhe's ranking, were trapped in a sea of ​​joy, and everyone was cheering, hugging, and celebrating happily.

On the field, at the end of the sponge wall, after buffering, Su Zhe turned and leaned against the sponge wall, watching the carnival gesture of the audience, suddenly a trace of trance in his heart.

How many people did he run to?

Seems to be the second...

In the second case, is that the silver medal?

Did he get a card?

It wasn't until this thought appeared in his mind that Su Zhe really realized what ranking he had won. After crossing the finish line, his almost vacuumed mind, only then did he gradually become excited.

he made it! Won the silver medal in the men's 60-meter dash!

"Su Zhe!!! Great!!! We are proud of you!!!"

"Su Zhe did a great job!!"

In the audience area, the fierce and pure shouts of the audience also gradually poured into Su Zhe's ears. He left the sponge wall, stood upright, and began to slowly look around the stadium.

This indoor venue, which can only hold less than 5,000 people, is much smaller than the previous Hilien Stadium in Country D, but the audience area is much closer to the players.

Su Zhe saw that in the 360-degree circular seats, everyone's complexion was red. From the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy to the fifty-sixty-year-old uncles and aunts, everyone was ecstatic about his achievements. The happiness and pride at this moment are all from him.

This recognition made Su Zhe's nose slightly acidic, and his eyes also had a hint of redness.

The audience at the scene, and even the audience before the live broadcast, and his fans... Suddenly, Su Zhe once again realized deeply that he was carrying so much expectation on his shoulders on the field. Countless people have attached their hearts to him, nervous for his tension, glorified for his victory, and sad for his mistakes and failures.

With the burden and sense of responsibility, he wrapped Su Zhe so strongly for the first time. He raised his hand and stroked his slightly wet forehead to the back of his head, and quietly wiped the wetness from the corner of his eye, and then solemnly. Bowed earnestly to the audience on the 360-degree circular seats.

At the scene, the reporters on the interview seats rushed to the arena as early as the first moment after the game ended, taking various news photos of each finalist.

At the sign of Xu Zhi, the photographer of the Sports Channel temporarily gave up the No. 1 Evanson, but went straight to Su Zhe. From when Su Zhe was still leaning on the sponge wall in a daze, until now, Su Zhe Bowing to the audience at the scene, the photographer meticulously recorded.

At the commentary, after Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan sighed, they also smiled and asked Su Yinsheng next to him, how do they feel about Su Zhe's performance today?

Although Su Yinsheng still looks unsmiling, his relaxed state at the moment also explains everything: "Su Zhe is in a good state today. It can be said that his competitive state today should be his short-term peak. In this state, he was able to achieve his greatest potential."

Wang Miaochuan smiled and asked next to him: "Well, we all know that the coaches will consider the peak of the athlete's state when formulating the annual training plan for the athletes, so Su Zhe's personal state has reached the peak in this World Indoor Track and Field Championship , Is it also carefully adjusted by the coaching staff?"

Su Yinsheng nodded and said: "This is for sure. In Su Zhe's training plan this year, Lao Lu and I arranged for him in a bi-cycle manner. The first peak of the state is the cycle of this indoor championship. The cycle adjustment is considered successful..."

After Zhang Jing, Wang Miaochuan and Su Yinsheng chatted for a paragraph, the referee team also pushed the final results to the understanding booth.

Zhang Jing smiled and announced the final result of Su Zhe to the audience and the audience before the live broadcast: "The men's 60-meter sprint at the World Indoor Athletics Championships, first place: Evanson (USA), 6 seconds 43, second place : Su Zhe (China) 6.48 seconds, third place: Gate (USA) 6.51 seconds..."

After the results of the championship, runner-up and runner-up were announced, the scene was once again caught in a carnival. I don't know where the voice started. All the audience began to call out the name of Su Zhe rhythmically.

"Su Zhe! Su Zhe! Su Zhe! Su Zhe!"

The uniform voice is like the voice of the concert audience, under the leadership of the drummer, shouting together, inviting the singer to return to the stage again.

Unlike the concert site, in this indoor stadium, there are no drummers and staff leading everyone. All the shouts of the audience at this time are derived from their own excitement, and their love and gratitude to Su Zhe. .

On the field, Xu Zhi was also smiling and conducting a live interview with Su Zhe.

Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan in the narration booth brought the topic to Xu Zhi's live interview under the guidance of the director.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you!" Xu Zhi's voice was filled with joy: "In the first world top event at the beginning of 2020, he won his first world-class medal for the first time. !"

Su Zhe's face also kept smiling, and said thank you to Xu Zhi's direction.

The voices of the audience were enthusiastic, and Xu Zhi also smiled and said: "The audience friends in front of the TV, you must be able to hear that there are audiences on the field now constantly shouting for Su Zhe. Zhe’s performance today made everyone feel very uplifted! So, Su Zhe, when you interviewed before the game, you confidently announced that you must enter the finals. Do you have confidence and a premonition for your card win today?"

Su Zhe shook his head: "This is not actually true. Before the race, I set my goal for myself to try my best to get to the top five. In the 60-meter race, strong players gathered. In terms of my ability in daily training, although I have certain confidence that I can break into the top five, there are still too many uncertainties in the final. Especially in the 60-meter event, its schedule is very short, just listening to the gun. If the reaction is lagging behind, it is very likely to affect the final result..."

"So, my idea is always to take care of myself first, and to maximize my current state during the game. Fortunately, the state cycle adjusted by the coaching staff allows me to participate in the event in the best state. This is also an important reason why I can achieve this result today."

"The 6.48 you ran today is only 0.03 seconds away from your senior brother Chen Zhi's personal pb, which is also our country's 60-meter dash record of 6.45 seconds. Have you ever thought of surpassing Chen Zhi's performance?"

This question made Su Zhe smiled: "Of course, as an athlete, who wouldn't want to break through their own results? Who wouldn't want to set a record and create history? But you have to eat one bite at a time, and the road has to be taken step by step. I will continue. Work hard to compete with Brother Xiaozhi as soon as possible."

The live interview was not long, but it also satisfied the audience in front of the TV and the computer.

When they were leaving the venue, the audience was still full of excitement. As Su Zhe exited the field, the corner of his eye swept to a certain part of the audience stand and saw an audience wearing masks and caps.

Even when viewed from a distance, the audience seemed familiar to Su Zhe.

Su Zhe looked in that direction. After two or three seconds, he suddenly smiled and waved to the audience who was sitting on the spot, and then left with a smile.

In the direction Su Zhe waved his hand, the audience saw Su Zhe's sudden movements, which were all cheering, and the handsome face hidden behind the mask also showed a soft smile on the handsome face of a young man sitting in the position.

Regarding the results of tonight's game, it naturally spread far beyond the scene.

On the Internet, the Athletics Kingdom Forum, Weibo, major news apps, video sites, etc., have already boiled over the final result of this game.

On the forum of Athletics Kingdom, the page of the sprint space has already completely fallen. There are more than ten or twenty posts on the homepage, all celebrating the achievements of Su Zhe this evening, and there is a screaming howling everywhere. sound.

For a while, no one cared about the rules such as not allowing slaughter, and the administrator of the forum temporarily relaxed the management and joined the carnival together.

[Damn, watching Zhe Shao's game is really exciting, I am a big man, my eyes are still red at the moment, but I have to say, this game looks really refreshing! 】

1L: [I was so excited that my eyes were red by +1w. Actually, the 60-meter race was over in a blink of an eye, but it’s still hard for me to come out of this joyful feeling. After watching the race, I just can’t wait Go downstairs and run two laps to vent the excitement...]

3L: [Hahahaha, I just screamed during the game and was beaten by my wife and mother, saying that I scared my daughter, hey, isn't this exciting? Zhe Shao is really awesome, a world-class medal, right? Get it now! Harm, it’s really good, I can’t say anything except cool now...]

10L: [During the preliminaries and semi-finals yesterday, I knew that Zhe Shao was in a state of heaven, but I still didn’t dare to think that he could break through 6.50 seconds... Think about it in December at the Japanese Invitational. Zhe Shao's final result was only 6.60 seconds. Who would have thought that after a winter training session, the state would rise so quickly? 】

On Weibo, all major official media released Su Zhe's results and rankings in this game.

Official WeChat Account of the National Track and Field Team: [#世界内道和联合第2日# Congratulations to our male sprinter @苏哲, who successfully won a medal in the men's 60-meter event in this room event with a record of 6.48 seconds silver medal! This is the first world-class medal won by @苏哲. I also hope that he will continue to work hard in the next competitions and achieve better results! In the future games, more brilliant results will be achieved! 】

Sports Channel Official WeChat: [#今日直播看点##世界 Indoor Track Championship第2日#@苏哲 Player, not only has full confidence before the game, but at the same time, he also combines his own confidence and strength. In the finals tonight, we presented our best performance. Click on the address of the live broadcast room of the sports channel to get closer to this sprint genius! 】


In addition to these official media and sports-related news media, it is natural that various self-media media are also creating various news that combines current affairs.

On such a night, no matter where you go, you can see Su Zhe’s wonderful moments on the 60-meter track.

Many Chigualu sighed after forwarding it.

[Harm, this big guy is really awesome, I still can’t imagine that he was such a big messy guy with emoticons and black pictures flying all over the sky at ylq, tusk, but now he retreats and turns his head to take it Won a world-class silver medal... The world is really magical, I guess one blindly, the senior executives of Lemon Entertainment may have regretted it now...]

[Hahahaha, what a coincidence, I think so too! This company simply doesn't know what peerless vision and brains are. Not to mention that Su Zhe could have seen the kind of hard work in the game. Even if he is really bad, he can easily become popular with that face. ? 】

[=w=I saw a joke today called "Lemon Entertainment Cha Lemon". It was said that a young lady in the industry said that the daughter of the CEO of Lemon Entertainment was the one who made the plan for Su Zhe to touch porcelain. Now It is forbidden to mention Suzhe within the company. If their internal staff want to watch Su Zhe’s game, they must use their own network quietly, so as not to go to the company’s wifi and be checked by the company’s network security department and be fined...]

[Puff, what kind of sand sculpture is this? It's really amazing. People are now quitting the entertainment circle to concentrate on winning glory for the country, and they are also peacefully terminated with their family. What qualifications does their family have for good intentions? With this young lady's mind, it would be better for the boss of Lemon Entertainment to find a reliable professional manager to take over the company soon...]

In addition to this kind of entertainment industry, the big V of the sports circle will naturally not let go of comments on Su Zhe's game.

Including Tao Sheng, Uncle Eyes, Lao Bai Kan Athletics, and even the title Xiao Bai Kan Athletics run by Su Zhe’s fan "philosopher", almost 80% of sports bloggers have released their own writing for this game. short essay.

Of course, among them, Tao Sheng and philosophers have the deepest feelings for Su Zhe.

Tao Sheng: [Tonight's 60-meter final scene is a scene that swells everyone's blood! As @苏哲 himself said, he did his best in the arena, and he did his best in his own state. This silver medal deserves his name. I still remember less than a year ago when he returned to the sports circle and stepped onto the field with a skeptical look. At that time, I was still one of the people who looked at him critically, and today at the indoor tournament, @苏哲's performance, everything about him, made me feel proud. 】

Uncle Eye: [Once again, I warmly celebrate Su Zhe's success in this men's 60-meter dash! Following Chen Zhi, Su Zhe brought the silver medal of the men's 60m event to China for the second time!

To be honest, when I was writing a comment yesterday, Uncle, for this silver medal...or rather, for the medal, it was just a feeling of luxury. I did not expect that Su Zhe could really bring this surprise to our eyes today!

Too many people have said about Su Zhe’s 60-meter dash silver medal. In addition to Su Zhe’s 60-meter dash, I also want to talk about the 60-meter hurdle in the morning!

In tonight’s carnival, how many people remember that Su Zhe actually won first place in the men's 60-meter hurdles preliminaries this morning?

And this is the first time he has participated in an indoor competition with seven steps before the hurdle after his winter training hurdle technical transformation.

Before Su Zhe actually played, I was always worried about whether Su Zhe’s height and limited training time can fully learn the seven-step hurdle technique and make good use of this technique instead of being The difficulty of technical movements affects the suppression?

Fortunately, Su Zhe's performance on the court completely relieved me.

Even in the face of a strong enemy like Elano, he was able to steadily maintain his performance and eventually won the first place in the 60-meter hurdles preliminaries.

This shows that Su Zhe now has a relatively complete understanding of the technology of seven-step hurdles, and at the same time, he has reached the level of technology that can be used in the competition. It is conceivable that during the winter training phase, Su Zhe should have made great efforts for this.

Finally, in today’s two games, in addition to strength, Su Zhe’s luck may not be underestimated. Elano in the morning stage did not fully perform at first. Later, Su Zhe was affected to a certain extent, and there was a slight hurdle. The final result was slightly worse than Su Zhe.

In the evening finals, when the US team's Gate ran to the final sprint stage, he also had a slight movement deformation, which slightly affected his own speed.

I have seen some track and field fans discussing whether the final result will change significantly if these two players perform their skills perfectly in today's schedule?

From my personal point of view, the rankings of Su Zhe and Elano in the 60-meter hurdles may change, but not necessarily in the 60-meter final tonight.

After all, we all know that Su Zhe is best at exerting strength in the rear range. In the 60-meter sprint, although the power of the rear range does not seem to be as strong, it can be seen from the final 15-meter stage that Su Zhe is already exerting strength. . Before that, the gap between him and Gate was about one thousandth of a second.

With Su Zhe accelerating his efforts in the latter course, Gate is likely to be taken by Su Zhe within the last 15 meters!

Of course, this is only my personal judgment. For me, I also look forward to a new contest between Su Zhe and these players, so that we can truly see that when everyone is in perfect condition, the ultimate Who will be the winner! 】

While the big sports fans were discussing matters related to the Su Zhe match, another small share of topics related to today's match was topped up on Weibo.

#邵星辰 Appearance Indoor Championship Site#

? !

What is going on on this topic?

The fans of Shao Xingchen’s “satellites” clicked in the first time they discovered this topic, and then saw that many passers-by photographed a young man wearing a down jacket, a peaked cap and a mask during the security check. , Is taking off his coat and mask for inspection.

From the perspective of passers-by, it seems that the person undergoing security check is really the boss of their family? !

After basically guessing that the person in the photo was their boss, the satellites’ first reaction was-he went to watch Su Zhe’s live game again?

As the ranking of this topic climbed, the satellites gradually found some hahaha passersby.

【_(:З」∠)_ Harm, isn’t this Mr. Shao Su Zhe’s photographer? Why didn't he come in today without a camera? 】

[Hahahaha, absolutely, Shao Xingchen really likes track and field after taking photos? I checked his itinerary these days and it was very busy. I actually took the time to watch the game! Looks like the true love Yazi! 】

【? ? ? It seems that the relationship between Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe is really good? Isn't he going to watch Su Zhe's game specially? Not to mention, it's a pity that he didn't bring a camera today, the photos he took of Su Zhe before are really amazing! 】

After discovering that there was nothing unfavorable to their boss in the topic, the satellites first breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help but speak with emotion in their group.

[Boss, is this having a good relationship with Su Zhe, or just like watching track and field games? In his current schedule, he actually arranged this kind of private itinerary to watch the game... If it weren't for Su Zhe's results today, then the main topic of everyone's discussion today must be our boss. 】

[0.0 Actually, I think it’s okay. There are also various big-name celebrities abroad who often appear on the scene of sports competitions. Is it good to brush up on the love of sports? 】

Because Su Zhe’s topic that night was so hot that even the topic of Shao Xingchen’s visit to the scene did not attract too many people’s attention.

At most, some fans posted a Weibo and posted the tickets for the match on March 3, with a look of excitement: [Ahhhhh, I bought a ticket for tomorrow. If the boss is watching the game on the spot, I can succeed tomorrow. Did you meet my boss? ? ? 】

This star-chasing Weibo was inexplicably removed from the circle and received blessings from countless people.

N City, indoor track and field stadium, athlete lounge

After leaving the venue to get his mobile phone, Su Zhe clicked on WeChat and saw the news from Shao Xingchen.

Shao: [The game tonight is great, congratulations! 】

Su Zhe: [^^I saw you on the spot! Is that you right? Unexpectedly, you came to the scene again! 】

Shao: [It's me... I didn't expect you to recognize me. 】

Su Zhe casually chatted with Shao Dao, while exiting the field, he found the meeting point for the Chinese team members, joined his father, Zheng Wensheng and others, and returned to the athlete accommodation center together.

On the way back, Su Zhe still chatted with Shao Xingchen one after another. It was not until they arrived at the dormitory that Su Zhe and Shao Xingchen exchanged good night.

Shao: [Come on tomorrow's game, I will look forward to your victory on the spot. 】


This is really a sweet word.

Su Zhe squinted and lay flat on his bed-tomorrow's semi-finals and finals, but there will be two tough battles. Come on!

After working hard for himself, Su Zhe closed his eyes and slept peacefully all night.


_(:з」∠)_Flat ← This is a vegetable eaten by insects

Yesterday, I just said to avoid more brainless bugs, but the love and affection Shao has become in love? ? ? Lie flat and cry for 30s

And the little angel asked: If 0v0 goes to wb, then there is no need to comment here?

Cai Cai: QAQ......! ! ! No, Cai Cai did not mean that...

Cough, but I can’t comment and discuss right now. I seem to be quite bald. I saw a little angel asking the readers, if... someone wants to directly beat Cai Cai in a group, then Cai Cai I will go to a group tomorrow? ? ? [0.0……←Here is a little spicy chicken who is worried about nothing]

Scratch your head, finally, today is also a vegetable that loves you! My heart!


Torture today

Cai Cai: =. =Baby, did you make the ghost of that love yesterday? Are you reminding grandma?

Mr. Shao: ...that's your own hand injury, don't throw the pot on me

Caicai: Well, no matter what, you are on the court today, so you can carry this pot with peace of mind=w=!

Mr. Shao: (Difficulty)……………………Good.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 Jiabao;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Yun Shishu and 1 Fat Ding;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

80 bottles of the starry sky; 40 bottles of the little fat man; 30 bottles with moon in his eyes and countless 30 bottles on the wall; 21 bottles of sadness and hard to draw; 20 bottles of Wenlu, Qi Yue Wuyi, Shanhe Mu Shang; Shui Hengbo, lulu, Shen Jiang tried 10 bottles; Yue Xiaoli 9 bottles; Ying and Lolita’s right bank 8 bottles; Yi Er 6 bottles; Xi, Qing porcelain, Renxin, Abu, ssharon, salted fish 5 bottles; Jing Zhao 4 bottles; Jun Ying , 3 bottles of Evil Witch; 2 bottles of Faint Wumiao; 1 bottle of Xinyue, Xiaobai, Jessica, Hurricane, Xiaomuyu, Long Song Dangxiao;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!