On March 3rd, the current World Indoor Athletics Championships has entered the final day of the schedule, and today, the most watched competition is undoubtedly the men's 60-meter hurdles semi-finals and finals.

As the only event in our country that has a full participation and all members entered the semi-finals in this championship, it naturally attracted the attention of countless people. What's more, the performance of these three contestants in the top three in Japan's World War I in December last year has been often mentioned so far.

For Zhou Tianjue, Su Zhe and Ye Jun, everyone has expectations and hopes that they can perform excellently in this competition.

At the Athletics Kingdom Forum, the friends in the community were still cheering for Su Zhe’s achievements the night before. They weren’t able to finish the celebration. March 3 arrived, and the big guys began to worry about today’s 60-meter hurdles again. .

[Brothers, anyone come to analyze it? In the men's 60-meter hurdles semi-finals this morning, what is going on with Jie, Zhe Shao and Jun Ye? Oh, why do I panic in my heart...]

1L: [Oh, I panicked +1, my mentality is not very good now, there is nothing to analyze, is there a brother downstairs? 】

3L: [Let me try to analyze it. Yesterday’s preliminaries, Jue Geer 7.59, Jun Ye 7.65, Zhe Shao 7.53. Based on previous years’ results, if you want to enter the semi-finals directly, you have to To win the top two in the semi-final group, this result requires at least 7 seconds 55...According to the current results of the brothers, the only hopeful person is probably Zhe Shao. 】

4L: [... Brother upstairs, after listening to your analysis, I feel that I have lost the confidence to watch the game. In other words, look, like Master Zhe, yesterday's race was very fierce, and the pre-race was 7.53 seconds. Is it possible that Brother Jie and the others have not done their best? After all, in the previous Japan Invitational, Jie Geer and Zhe Shao were still comparable, right? 】

6L: [For 4L, the results are not analyzed like this. It's not that the results of two people were similar in December. Now the results of the two people are equally equal. Although everyone’s training level may be similar, the reason why Zhe Shao’s performance has improved so much in this competition was analyzed yesterday. In addition to basic training, a large part of the factor is due to Zhe Shao’s performance. Before the pace of transformation. It was the winter training, coupled with the eight changes to seven, Zhe Shao's performance has improved so much. 】

10L: [Zhe Shao yesterday's silver medal in the men's 60-meter run was too much boost, and now the big guys on Weibo are still excited. I'm afraid that if the results of the 60-meter hurdles are not good today, it will be another blow to passers-by's emotions. Finally, in the past six months, passers-by have paid more and more attention to track and field competitions...]

Just as the masses on the Athletics Kingdom Forum are worried, the masses on Weibo are still very optimistic about today’s men’s 60-meter hurdles-in the previous men’s 60-meter sprint, only Su Zhe could run into the final and win To the silver medal, how about 3 people making it to the semifinals at the same time today? Isn't it too much to get a medal?

In the interest of everyone, many sports bloggers were celebrating Su Zhe's silver medal the day before, and they also appeared at the same time today, starting to cool down the emotions of netizens.

Xiaobai looks at the track and field: [#世界内Track Championship第3日# can understand that everyone hopes that the athletes can run well and get medals in the finals, but we also need to know that the Chinese team’s men’s hurdles, It's not that strong yet. Here is a list of players who have advanced to the final of the previous indoor championships. You can compare the results of the current three players in our country. Xiaobai would like to say that we all support our national players and hope that the national players can compete well. Heart, but chasing stars requires rationality, and cheering for athletes also requires rationality. Don't put excessive pressure on the athletes, so that the athletes can play lightly and give full play. 】

Judging from Xiaobai's view of the track and field data, we can clearly see the comparison between Su Zhe's results in the preliminaries and the previous finalists.

Uncle Eye also posted a Weibo push.

[I know that many people are looking forward to the three players in the hurdle group, in today's competition, can perform miracles.

But what I want to say is that the 60-meter hurdle is a very short schedule, and it is also a very short but difficult project to compare.

On such a short track, many of the world's top 110-meter hurdles athletes can hardly exert their greatest strength, because there are many people. The real strength lies in the rhythm of the hurdles and the advantage of the distance. In the 110-meter hurdles race, if there is a slight mistake in the future, there is still a chance of remedy in the second half. In the 60-meter hurdle race, unless the real strength is against the sky, there is almost no hope of remedy.

So our three players, in the 60-meter hurdle, currently have the strength against the sky?

My personal answer is absolutely negative.

Whether it is Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue or Ye Jun, the three of them are not prospective players. Among them, Su Zhe is especially weak. The previous weaknesses have always been insufficient starting explosive power, insufficient height, and lack of competitiveness in the pre-hurdle stage. I believe that it is precisely for this reason that Lu Fei gritted his teeth and decided to let Su Zhe carry out the technical transformation from eight to seven hurdles. A large part of the purpose was to make up for Su Zhe’s hurdle defects.

Among the three, the closest prospective player should be Zhou Tianjue. He has strong starting explosive power and fast acceleration ability. He has certain advantages in the future. He is indeed in the rapid growth and explosive stage of performance. It can be seen that in the short three months of winter training, through pure training, his performance has increased from 7.65 to 7.59. This is already an astonishing speed, but this does not mean that, He now has the ability to increase his score from 7:59 to less than 7:55 and win the 60-meter hurdles final place.

As for Ye Jun, since the second half of last year, his results have exploded equally astonishing, but just like Zhou Tianjue, he still needs some time for him to accumulate some more strength.

Finally, in this kind of track competition, various factors have too much influence on the athletes. Just like in the competitions of the past few days, why do the Chinese players often perform well? It is because there are many compatriots who support them at the scene, which inspires the athletes' fighting spirit and mentality.

Having said so much, I just want to explain to everyone that appropriate expectations and encouragement are pressure and motivation, but I hope that everyone can look at the game rationally. Regardless of the results after the game, I also send the most sincere blessings to our athletes.

Even if our country's hurdles are not that strong yet, I believe that as long as Su Zhe and the others are given enough time, they will definitely be able to take our country's hurdles to new heights! 】

The continuous posts of sports bloggers were finally transferred to the eyes of netizens one after another. Netizens who were originally a little excited about eating melons were taken aback for a while, and then the original mood of being a little overheated also calmed down a little.

For sports bloggers, it can be said that it is a collective act of pouring cold water. Some of the emotionally excited eat melon roads do not actually buy it, but choose to forward their opposition.

[Does other athletes have to compete on the field? Why are you all singing bad news? Isn't it true that nobody was optimistic about the men's 60-meter dash before? Finally there is a silver medal! In the hurdles, Japan had to dominate Asia during the previous competitions, so why are you not optimistic about it now? Is it poisonous? 】

【Yup! At last year's World Championships, didn't all three of them also made it to the semifinals? If Zhou Tianjue hadn't tripped over that time, he would have already entered the final, right? Of the three in this indoor competition, at least two can make it to the final, right? 】

On the Internet, on the one hand, sports bloggers wanted to reduce the pressure of the athletes as much as possible, and on the other hand, some netizens did not understand the game situation and looked at the game with a relaxed mentality with excessive expectations. For a while, both sides spoke , There are many people who are communicating with slightly excited words.

Although sports fans have some headaches about this situation, they don't complain too much.

There will be such a situation, indicating that netizens value and pay attention to the game. If they are not concerned about the game and the results, they will not really feel in the mood to take the bar here.

In short, as long as you make sense and let the big guys understand more about sports, then even if you quarrel with people on the Internet, you won’t lose money.

While people from all walks of life are busy on the Internet, Xu Zhi is also holding Su Zhe for pre-match interviews in the warm-up venue.

Xu Zhi: "Do you have any thoughts on today's semi-finals?"

Faced with this problem, even Zhou Tianjue, who has always spoken too much, has converged slightly today. It can be seen that he wants to shout the phrase "The goal is the final", but it is precisely because he is against the 60 meters. The level of the finals and the understanding of his own level made him unable to scream this sentence.

Compared to Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun's restraint, Su Zhe seemed even more indifferent: "Well, among the players on the scene, who doesn't want to win? Just be yourself, go all out, and leave no regrets."

After Su Zhe spoke, Zhou Tianjue also scratched his head, and then replied: "I want to win."

After hearing the answers from Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun smiled and said, "I will go all out and leave no regrets."

From the answers of the three people, it can be seen that the three people have different mentalities at this time—the relatively determined Su Zhe, the dangerous Zhou Tianjue, and the slightly hopeful Ye Jun. In fact, they all want to win the game, but everything It's not that simple.

At the scene, after the current round of pole vault finals, while the staff was on the court to adjust the gap of the competition venue, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan, together with the special guest commentary Lu Fei for the next game, chatted together on the spot. Up.

The camera is on the scene to search for interesting pictures, and then put on the big screen by the director to share with the audience.

At the director’s office, the scene has not yet started, and the directors are relatively relaxed. One of them smiled and said: "Oh, did you see that gossip yesterday? Shao Xingchen came to see Su Zhe’s final. Today’s semi-final is so important. Do you think Shao Xingchen will be on our scene?"

Hearing this question, the other broadcasters laughed, and another person answered, "I know this. The security team said in the morning that he saw Shao Xingchen coming again, wearing a down jacket and a cap and a mask, but the security team said. After discovering him, the handling was relatively low-key, and no one has noticed yet."

"Speaking of which, Shao Xingchen is not bad. He doesn't do anything special when he comes to the scene. He just sits underneath and watches the game. It seems that he really likes track and field..."

Just as a few people were chatting, a camera captured a young man in the audience wearing a black down jacket, peaked cap and mask. The directors were taken aback, and immediately ordered the technology to cut the picture away, so as to avoid such a large flow of people on the scene. Found that the security aspect is not easy to deal with.

After the staff on the field adjusted and set up the hurdles, the next round of the game will also be announced.

There is nothing special about the men’s 60-meter hurdles semi-final grouping. The same 24 semi-finalists are divided into 3 semi-final groups. In the end, the top 2 players in each group are selected to enter the final directly. Among the remaining players, the results The top 2 players also qualify for the finals.

The three players of the Chinese team were assigned to two different groups this time. Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun were in the first group of the semi-finals, while Su Zhe was alone in the third group of the semi-finals.

At the commentary, Zhang Jing, Wang Miaochuan, and Lu Fei discussed the grouping table first.

Zhang Jing frowned and said: "Everyone already knows that in today's game, in each semi-final group, only the top two places can make it to the final, and then look at the top two of the remaining players. So today's semi-final. This grouping of the first group is very unfavorable for our two players Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun."

Wang Miaochuan continued: "Yes, this means that if the two players want to win the finals, they must take the top two of the first group of the semi-finals." After a pause, Wang Miaochuan turned to Lu Fei and said, "Guide Lu What do you think about the first group of the semi-finals?"

Lu Fei took Wang Miaochuan’s flower head, pondered for a moment, and then spoke: "Let’s say, this time, if three players can enter the semi-finals at the same time, we have achieved our goal. Regarding the final, who is currently I dare not say that I have complete confidence. Judging from the current results, Su Zhe is of course the most promising among the three, but there are too many factors on the field of change, and the real result depends on how well they perform. ."

"As far as Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun in the first semi-final group are concerned, one of these two is still too young and reckless. Ye Jun will be much more stable overall, but they are still doing Rapid improvement, but compared to today’s 60-meter semi-final, it’s still a bit reluctant. To be honest, even if they are split up to compete in different groups, the two may not be able to make it to the final."

Compared with the praise before the preliminaries the day before, in today's commentary, Lu Fei did not make any beautification of the game format.

After all, progress is progress, and the current upper limit of strength is also the reality at hand.

The three stars of the hurdle event are shining, yes, but none of these three people have reached the peak of true shining. They still have a long way to go before reaching the peak.

During the chat and introduction of the three people in the commentary, the contestants of the first group of the semifinals also appeared under the guidance of the staff.

In this group, in addition to the two Chinese players Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun, Brazil's Gomez, U.S. team's Treen and Spain's Alcides are all in it. They can be called strong players. Up.

These people all have the ability to run within 7 seconds 55 in good condition, while the personal pbs of Alcides and Gomez are within 7 seconds 50.

Only by defeating these people in the semi-finals can they win the tickets to the finals!

After glanced at the opponents at the scene, Ye Jun stood on the eighth track, let out a long breath, restrained his mind, and stopped thinking about it.

There is a player separated from Ye Jun. Zhou Tianjue’s position is on the sixth track. He also turned his attention back to the track in front of him after looking around. The game is about to start, and he has no extra energy to think about it. Put it above other things.

The audience's support and cheers for their national players were still enthusiastic, and on the track, all the players tried their best to eliminate the influence of this home cheer on themselves.

Soon, under the sign of the referee, the game was about to begin, and the audience at the scene quieted down under the instructions.

At the beginning of the track, in a quiet environment, due to the narrowness of the track, the players could even hear each other's breathing.

Puff through, puff through.

Hearing his heartbeat, Zhou Tianjue calmly looked in front of him.

"Everyone is in place, ready."

After the referee's voice sounded, what followed was the sound of the starting gun representing the start-"Bang!"

After the crisp shot, Zhou Tianjue slammed his right leg on the starting block, and with his explosive power, he quickly started and entered the smooth eight-step hurdle in front of the hurdle.


His height and long legs allow him to easily and smoothly complete the entire hurdle step stage in front of the hurdle at a free pace without falling behind others!

On the 8th track, Ye Jun's start was also very stable, but his starting explosive power was still slightly lacking. For him, if he wants to greatly improve his results, the transformation of the pace in front of the hurdle is also imperative. .

For many years, he has been using the eight-step hurdle hurdle technique. First, when he first started participating in hurdle training, the seven-step hurdle technique had not been widely used even in Europe and the United States. Second, he had tried It is slightly difficult to use his left leg to explode. After years of technical finalization, it will be more difficult for him to complete the technical transformation than Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue. Therefore, Lu Fei and his coach passed eight times. After changing the seven plan, he has not made up his mind.

He still wanted to see how far he could go with his eight-step hurdle skills.

In the stage before the hurdle, Ye Jun's steps are equally smooth and concise. This is all derived from his proficiency over the years, but compared to Zhou Tianjue, his explosive power and acceleration are slightly inferior, and only this is slightly inferior. One of the best, the final result presented in this world's top arena is that he has fallen into the bottom four!

At the forefront of the track, it is Alcides and Gomez. Zhou Tianjue and Treen are in the third position. The speed between the two is inseparable!

Everyone has already entered the rhythm of the hurdles, and everyone has taken out their fastest speed and rhythm, leaping continuously among the narrow and short five hurdles.

Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun both performed very well in this field. They leaned forward. After the swinging leg crossed the hurdle, they lifted the cross leg as fast as possible, and then moved in front of the swinging leg. When the sole of the foot hits the ground, the kick-off leg that has been lifted into the air swings over the hurdle, quickly connecting to the next hurdle!

Both of them are crossing each hurdle in the most accurate and efficient way. This is also one of the important skills they have mastered in winter training.

However, even so, Zhou Tianjue is still in a see-saw with Train, the gap between the two is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye!

In the audience, the cheering of the audience is still endless. Even in the current scene, the two players of the Chinese team do not have the advantage, but the audience still poured their wholehearted enthusiasm for them!

The loud shouts rushed into the eardrums of Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun.


They all want to make themselves faster!

Zhou Tianjue gritted his teeth and stared at the finish line not far ahead.

He still wants to be faster, he still doesn't want to give up hope of reaching the finals!

Ye Jun on the eighth track is also looking at the finish line ahead-he has to go faster, with faster footsteps and speed, to repay these heart-wrenching encouraging sounds!

Everyone is trying to control their rhythm and movements on the track!

The belief in victory exists in the hearts of all players.

At the forefront of the track, Alcides also wants to completely get rid of Gomez and completely secure his group's first result.

In the commentary, Zhang Jing looked at the track nervously, and he whispered: "Zhou Tianjue! He is vying for the third place with Train! The line is pressed!! Alcides and Gomez are two The players pressed the line one after another, and Zhou Tianjue and Treen almost hit the line at the same time. When the two hit the line, Ye Jun also rushed from behind, but unfortunately he was still a step slower and only ranked fifth."

Wang Miaochuan and Lu Fei are also very concerned about the results of Zhou Tianjue and Treien. After all, if Zhou Tianjue can be ranked third, then he still retains a ray of hope to enter the final!

Soon, Wang Miaochuan received the news from the director: "Come on, let's take a look together, who is the final third place in this field!"

On the screen of the scene, the scene of Zhou Tianjue and Train crossing the finish line was shown in slow motion. In the screen, you can see that it was Zhou Tianjue who pressed the line first!

"Good job! Zhou Tianjue is temporarily ranked third in the first group of the men's 60-meter hurdles semifinals. If his results can be ranked in the top two of the remaining players, then he will be eligible for the finals! "

At the commentary, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were both happy in their hearts, and the audience cheered enthusiastically. Only Lu Fei was still looking at the group list in his hand, frowning slightly.

Hope, everything goes well!


_(:з」∠)_On the third day of watching the comments on the stand-alone machine, I tore it and bake it, and it is actually okay... Post the screenshot of the background comment on the neck, everyone have fun?

Ahem, yesterday I saw a little angel sent a long comment, and severely criticized (not...) Mr. Shao, thinking that his emotional advancement route is not right...Ah, yes, whether it is Shao or Zazai, In fact, they all have their own personality flaws and problems. Scratching their heads, preparing for the spicy chicken dishes, etc. After the preparation is over, strive to be a fan from Shao's perspective. I hope that I can look at it from another perspective at that time to make everything less obtrusive.

And the little angel said that the reader group is easy to become...quiet...dead group, cough, but it doesn’t matter, you can come in and have a look when you want to beat Caicai=w=

The mysterious number is approximately: Seven Monsters

Cough cough cough cough, but Cai Cai is a little sleepy at the moment until she is in a coma, and she won't show up until tomorrow when she arrives at the company. See you then...

=w=No matter what, I love your dishes today~~~


Today’s text, Mr. Shao appeared for a second

So he lost his qualification for a small theater today

[↑Actually, there is no time _(:з」∠)_] See you tomorrow, big guy!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 son;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 son;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Crucian carp is a salted fish, do you eat one?

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Uncle Haozi 108 bottles; K01550214, lizy2002, 50 bottles of mochimochi; 29 bottles of rumors; 20 bottles of Roy., Xiaoxiao, and his own music; 魍琞, Quyue Rushuang, Half Moon, lovecra, tinalindachill, Jingxi, Xueye Huayu 10 Bottles; short hair glasses rabbit tooth girl, 8 bottles of pot cover; 6 bottles of lolita's right bank; 5 bottles of Xiying, 22974547, Xinyue, Qinan, Yueluofanchen; 2 bottles of Qiao and Dian Wumiao; much more_(: з」∠)_, Ansel, Meow Meow Meow Meow, Evil Witch, Que Chen, Angel Jia, Little Clover Yu, Jessica, Ling Ling Yu Luo, Yun Xi, Grapefruit West 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!