As in every previous game, Su Zhe was crouching on the starting blocks, taking a deep breath, and then holding his breath and waiting for the referee's final call.

At this time, it was the quietest moment on the court. Su Zhe could only hear the breathing of the athletes on the left and right sides.

Puff through, puff through.

In such an environment, he could hear the beating sound of his heart on his left chest, as if responding to the tense atmosphere before the game.

At this moment, the 7 players around him are all standing at the top of the 60-meter hurdles. This feeling of gathering strong players makes Su Zhe's eyes sharper.

What kind of results can you achieve this time?

Among such a group of fierce opponents, what height can he fight to achieve?

Su Zhe took a deep breath again, and forcibly restrained the impulse to sprint that he was about to endure.

He needs to be patient, and then after the firing of the starting gun, he releases this urge to dash forward more thoroughly!

"Each in place!"

The referee's calm voice rang during the live broadcast.


Su Zhe's eyes lit up, and the 7 players who were on the same court with him, Qi Qi made preparations for the start.

On the No. 5 track, Holness had an obvious sense of excitement on his face. He seemed to be preparing to run wildly, and the light in his eyes was full of confidence in this track.

On the 8th track, Zhou Tianjue is also looking at his front with a cold face. This final is his first time to enter the final of an international event, although he still stubbornly believes that he will enter the final this time. Some "cunning", but respecting every game is still his instinct that was instilled into his mind by Lu Fei since he was a child. He wants to prove that he is truly qualified to enter the finals in this arena!


The thoughts in all the players' hearts have completely converged with the referee's preparations. All the thoughts in their minds have been cleared, leaving only the instinct to compete for victory.


After the crisp starting gun fired, the 8 players on the track immediately moved!

Everyone stepped on the starting blocks with strong kicks and stretches for the first time to send themselves to the rhythm of explosive start!

Among these people, the fastest action was Holness on the fifth track. This guy with black skin and big braids took the lead with a 0.119 second listening response at the moment when the finals started. One rushed to the track.

Among the eight players, the slowest reaction was Adolf from France. While starting the race, his thinking was delayed for a moment, so that the reaction time of 0.191 seconds was given during the reaction stage of listening to the gun.

In a field like the 60-meter hurdles final of the World Indoor Athletics Championships, this reaction time has basically pronounced that it is difficult for Adolf to get a medal in this game.

Su Zhe's reaction time for listening to the gun was 0.137 seconds, ranking third among all the players, and it was Gomez from Brazil who responded faster than him.

It seems that he is not satisfied with his performance in the semi-finals. Gomez's start and convergence acceleration in the start of the final is particularly strong. Only in the hurdle stage, he even has the speed of Holnes. It's not even comparable.

In the starting phase, athletes rely on their own explosive power to pedal the starting blocks, and at the same time continue to push forward at their own pace. This kind of initial speed explosion and acceleration from zero often consumes a lot of athletes' physical energy in the initial stage.

When Gomez was accelerating at the starting stage today, his speed was significantly higher than his usual explosive state. Although he was basically at the same speed as Holness in the hurdle stage of the starting acceleration, it was also for him. A hint of worry was buried in the subsequent stage performance.

Su Zhe didn't consider the surrounding situation. In fact, in the 60-meter hurdles such a short schedule, in the starting stage, except for a strong lunatic like Holness, the gap between the other players is not too obvious.

Especially when he has mastered the hurdle pace of the seven-step hurdle, the hurdle stage is no longer his weak stage. With his current explosive strength and hurdle pace rhythm, he is already in the hurdle stage. , Occupying the top four positions.

On the field, from the moment the athletes started, the cheering in the audience was released again. The audience shouted loudly for the two players of the Chinese team, hoping that their voices could be the best in the field. The two players bring a bit of strength!

On the 8th track, Zhou Tianjue’s starting situation was not too wonderful. Perhaps his mentality still had a certain impact on him. In the reaction stage of listening to the gun, he only gave a reaction of 0.162 seconds, this reaction speed Although not the slowest, it is also in the bottom of the list.

When he stepped on the starting block with his right foot, he felt his foot slipped slightly, and he did not completely explode with the strongest force. Fortunately, he quickly adjusted back to his state, and in the next start he connected the acceleration of two or three steps. In the middle, when kicking the ground, he deliberately strengthened his strength in an attempt to remedy the lack of explosive power.

Although the effort was more powerful than usual, he still succeeded in achieving his goal. In the hurdle stage, he also stabilized his position and was not thrown off by other opponents to the end!

"Good! Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue both got off to a good start!"

In the commentary booth, Zhang Jing, Wang Miaochuan, and Lu Fei were all watching the game on the field intensively, and there was no extra energy to talk more.

On the track, Su Zhe, as he had hoped at the start, completely released his desire to sprint forward at the moment he heard the starting gun.

When the shouts of the audience poured into his ears, this kind of atmosphere boiling from the scene coupled with his desire to sprint in his heart completely burned him.

From the moment of starting, Su Zhe, with this burning heart, is constantly swinging his arms, taking vigorous and precise steps, and releasing the power in his body through precise technical movements. Come out, thereby pushing yourself, all the way forward!

Although there is no influence of wind speed on the indoor venue, Su Zhe still felt a sense of wind breaking through the air.

With this feeling of opposing the resistance in front of him, Su Zhe moved forward and came to the first fence.

At this moment, the players on the track still have not drawn a big gap in speed, even if it is Adolf who fell in the end, at this moment, there is still a chance to win back part of the time in the offensive phase!

At the forefront of the entire stage, Holness has already ran in the first place. He was the first to attack the hurdle, followed by the unprecedented power of Gomez in today’s hurdle stage. !

On the track narrower than the outdoors, the eight athletes all started their own hurdles. At the same time, the sound of banging also sounded—that is, the sound of the hurdles falling down.

The hurdle hitting is a very familiar and routine event for any hurdler. Even in this world’s top arena, there will be athletes from time to time who want to pursue too extreme hurdles. Efficiency, leading to their own rollovers.

Today, the first person to kick the hurdles was no one else, but Gomez.

There is no doubt that the reason Gomez kicked over the first hurdle must be because he tried to capture any one second of advantageous time with the most extreme attack efficiency on the inter-hurdle stage, so as to be like black lightning. Holness, who flies forward likewise, competes.

Unfortunately, he had already made a fatal error when he attacked the first fence!

Gomez's face appeared hideous for a moment, but even if the hurdles fell and slowed his speed, it had already affected his rhythm between the hurdles, he still did not give up to continue to attack and kill!

Gomez's position is on the fourth track. Next to him is Su Zhe on the third track. While Gomez is kicking over the hurdle, Su Zhe is also attacking.

While Su Zhe's body leaped over the hurdles, Gomez on the fourth track kicked over the hurdles, and the hurdles fell and also caused the hurdles on Su Zhe's side to shake slightly!

But fortunately, Su Zhe has already jumped over the railing frame, but when the swinging leg fell to the ground and the kick-off leg crossed the hurdle, the heel of the kick-off leg slightly rubbed against the rail frame, but this kind of friction had no effect on his movement and speed Big, barely hurt.

On the eighth track, Zhou Tianjue was also attacking, and on the seventh track next to him, it was Adolf of the French team.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Zhou Tianjue and Adolf are once again on the adjacent track on the field, and today's Adolf is also slightly slower than Zhou Tianjue.

Adolf naturally still remembers this Chinese team member. Although his actions at the World Championships were accidental, he finally got a penalty from the International Athletics Association, canceling his qualifications for the World Championships and paying corresponding fines.

However, this kind of thing is not uncommon on the field. The track is so wide. The hurdlers are usually tall and big. It is also common for the arm to invade the track of others when swinging the arm during the hurdle... right now.

Adolf was 193cm tall and Zhou Tianjue was 195cm tall. After these two tall guys started to attack the hurdles one after the other, their respective tracks were extremely narrow.

The frequency of the two arm swing movements is almost the same, and the competition for space is also very fierce!

Zhou Tianjue doesn't care whether Adolf will have any influence on him, he just keeps rushing forward according to his own rhythm.

Speed ​​and stable rhythm, these two things he must maintain in this event, only by stabilizing his two states, he can run out of results that he will not regret!

Compared with Zhou Tianjue, Adolf's state is rather unstable.

The loss at the start and the fact that Zhou Tianjue and Zhou Tianjue failed to win the advantage during the attacking process of the first two hurdles made Adolf a little anxious.

Starting from the third hurdle, the number of people hitting the hurdle suddenly increased!

Gomez, Adolf, Alcides, and Zhou Tianjue all have different levels of hurdles. Among them, Gomez can already see that his state is extremely unstable, while Adolf hit the hurdle accidentally and made himself pass. This hurdle shakes severely, and it was his hurdle shake that caused Zhou Tianjue and Alcides on the left and right sides to have slight hurdles.

In the arena, due to a large number of players hitting the hurdles, even in the audience's enthusiastic cheering, the banging of the hurdles and the falling of the hurdles still appear very obvious on the track.

At this time, on the track, the only people who were not affected by the hurdles were Holness, Elano and Lister. Even Su Zhe was in the hurdles. , The kick-off leg rubbed the hurdle twice.

Gomez's continuous hurdles eventually slowed down his speed completely, and after Adolf hit the hurdles, his speed fell to the back.

Su Zhe was not affected much. He heard the banging of the fence in his ears, and it seemed to be a war drum that encouraged him to accelerate forward.

As he stepped across the hurdles in front of him, Su Zhe had reached his maximum hurdle speed in the fourth hurdle. His advancing steps were making him catch up with Elano, Lister and others ahead. .

In the face of the fifth hurdle, with the exception of Hornis, who had attacked halfway faster, and Elano, who was half a step ahead, Suzhe and Lister kicked off at almost the same time. !

Between the two of them, it is difficult to distinguish between them in terms of attacking hurdles. When attacking the hurdles, they both crossed the hurdles with the ultimate efficiency of wiping the hurdles. Between the two, Just from the hurdle, Su Zhe barely obtained a limited advantage with the most extreme moves. The moment the two swinging legs touched the ground, the time to compete for the final medal came!

"Finally sprint!" Zhang Jing shouted Su Zhe cheer in the commentary booth!

This shout not only drove the fierce and crazy voices of the audience, but also all the audience in front of the live broadcast screen clenched their fists and recited the words of cheering in their hearts!

For the athletes, the final sprint stage of the 60-meter track is too short. Even if Su Zhe has a strong ability to accelerate the distance, it is difficult to get the most thorough ability in this limited stage. Play and show.

As the top figures in the hurdle event, Lister and Elano's sprint speed in the final stage is naturally not slow. The result of the superposition of these factors is that in the final sprint stage, Su Zhe and the other two It is a finish line that is indistinguishable from the naked eye and crosses the line!

Except for Holness, who has obvious advantages, Su Zhe, Lister, and Elano are already indistinguishable when they finally cross the line.

After these three, Alcides and Zhou Tianjue crossed the line one after another, and Adolf and Gomez were the last two in the final.

In the commentary booth, Wang Miaochuan was a little excited: "Although the final result is still uncertain, Su Zhe's performance is already brilliant enough! In this arena where strong players gather, he has not been affected by the successive mistakes of Gomez around him. , Stabilized his state and successfully squeezed into the top four!"

Zhang Jing also nodded: "Yes, as Director Lu said before the game, Su Zhe’s amazing stability is one of his biggest weapons. It can be seen from this game that even Alcides is like this. Under the influence of opponents on the track, their own performance will inevitably be affected."

Wang Miaochuan then affirmed: "Yes, Zhou Tianjue, who entered the finals of the world's top competitions for the first time, is also worthy of recognition. In the state of gathering strong players, he did not fall behind in the first two hurdles and Adolf's competition. When Adolf hit the hurdles, he also stabilized his performance, and did not affect himself because of Adolf’s hurdles, causing major mistakes."

"Yes, his final result is only one point slower than Alcides, enough to see that his performance in this field is already extremely good."

In the commentary of Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan, the referee team has also passed the final video monitoring of the track and gave the final result judgment.

Among the three, Elano was still slightly faster, Su Zhe followed closely, and the last to cross the line was Lister from the US team.

At the end of the track, Lister, who had just walked from the buffer wall to the end position, held his head inconceivably, with an expression on his face that was unacceptable to the result. His expression was recorded with cameras by reporters on the scene. Down.

It was after seeing Su Zhe's achievements that Hornis took Su Zhe's shoulders for the first time and proudly declared that from now on, it will be the world of the Short Kings!

At the same time that Holness said this sentence, Elano apparently heard it too. He glanced at Holness who was hooking Su Zhe and rolled his eyes reluctantly.

Although I really want to refute this little man who is only 1.80 meters, this Jamaican boy who suddenly appeared is really too strong, and this player from China, since last year’s World Championships, Elano has been Remembering this outrageously beautiful athlete, today's game is just to show once again that this overly beautiful Chinese athlete is also terribly strong.

As long as he relaxes in today's game, his silver medal must have fallen into the hands of this guy.

Looking at the two of Hornes and Su Zhe, Elano also felt a little dazed-what the **** is this dwarf king combination, will the hurdle world really be ruled by these two 180-height guys in the future?

In the audience, after the director posted the final video screenshot on the big screen, the scene was silent for less than 1 second, and then all the audience who saw the image uttered excited shouts!

"Su Zhe! Nice job!!"

In the commentary, Zhang Jing also laughed happily: "Okay! Congratulations to Su Zhe, he won the second World Series medal in his life at this World Indoor Athletics Championships!"

In the arena, reporters from various countries were shooting wildly at the medalists. Some reporters wanted to take a solo photo of Holness or Su Zhe, but Holness said that the "Dwarf King combination cannot be separated." The reason issued a voice of rejection.

Su Zhe silently covered his face, then took Holness’ paw off his shoulder, patted Holness’s shoulder, and after seeing the other’s suspicious look, he gave up preaching. idea.

Forget it, the dwarf king is the dwarf king, these reporters have heard, what else can he do?

Sure enough, the reporters at the scene, regardless of Chinese and foreign, had already laughed first, even with Xu Zhi's calm character, after laughing twice, gave Su Zhe a thumbs up.

The reporter interviews in the arena are still in progress, and the referee team also submits the final results of the players to the forum.

After seeing the results, Wang Miaochuan began to announce the final results of the field to the audience before the live broadcast: "The Men's 60-meter Hurdles Final of the World Indoor Athletics Championships, the first place, Holness (Jamaica) 7.45. Second place, Elano (Brazil) 7.49 seconds, third place, Su Zhe (China) 7.50 seconds, fourth place, Lister (United States) 7.51 seconds, fifth place, Alcides (Spain) ) 7 seconds 56, sixth place, Zhou Tianjue (China) 7 seconds 59......"

With the announcement of the results of each player, the audience gave rounds of enthusiastic applause. Of course, when the results were reported to the two players belonging to the Chinese team, the applause became even more enthusiastic.

On the field, the players have not officially retired. Zhou Tianjue stood on the track, staring at the track. The expression in his eyes was initially confused, but after a brief period of confusion, his eyes returned to firmness. appearance.

Although Zhou Tianjue always had a feeling of aggrieved feeling when he advanced to the finals in this game, he didn't really rely on his strength to make it to the finals, but after the real match, the feeling of depression in his heart gradually dissipated.

In this game, he has played everything he can, although there are flaws, but even under the influence of Adolf's hurdles, he has not been greatly affected.

With the reaction to the gun in only 0.162 seconds, the start was not perfect, and the hurdle was hit in the middle, he was able to get a score of 7.59. This means that he has played very well in the rest of the entire schedule. excellent.

If the results are not good this time, it does not mean that he will not be good next time.

Even Song Chen won the championship for the first time in a competition!

Su Zhe glanced at Zhou Tianjue and found that his mood seemed to be stable, and he was relieved. He patted Zhou Tianjue on the shoulder: "Brother Jue, Xu Ji called us to take a photo together."

Zhou Tianjue looked back at Su Zhe, rubbed his nose and hummed, "I lost this time. After we go back to training, we will compete again next time!"

Hearing this sentence, Su Zhe smiled. He remembered this sentence. At the beginning, after he lost in the Japan Indoor Invitational, he once wrote this battle to Zhou Tianjue.

"Okay." Su Zhe smiled and repeated Zhou Tianjue's original challenge dialogue: "I also think that I will win the next game."

Just when Xu Zhi was taking pictures of Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue, Holness didn't know which corner he came out from again, grabbed Su Zhe's shoulder, and entered the painting with a smile.

Su Zhe had no temper with Holness. After explaining that he was taking an interview photo, Holness still asked seriously if he could join.

Xu Zhitao also felt that the picture in front of him was good, so he raised the camera and took a group photo of the three of them.

In this photo, Su Zhe is standing in the middle, Zhou Tianjue and Holness are beside him. The three of them have different appearances, but they all have a firm, strong light in their eyes.


Well, today too, long warning

Let me talk about it first. I saw a little angel saying that I don’t want to see the boss (sad). When the boss appears, there is a mark on the content summary, you can pay attention to it (silently cover your face) 0v0

Then flatten..._(:з」∠)_This copy of the indoor tournament is finally over!

(By the way, make an advertisement, 9.27-10.6, the real World Championships are starting, and there will be the men's 100m preliminaries at 11 p.m. domestic time on the 27th. Interested little angels can pay attention to the competition at that time =w=...... !)

Seeing that there are little angels who do not understand the results of the indoor championships, here is a little bit of the results of the men's 60-meter and 60-meter hurdles finals of the indoor championships held in Birmingham in 2018~

The top three men's 60 meters are: 6 seconds 37, 6 seconds 42, 6 seconds 44

The top three men's 60-meter hurdles are: 7 seconds 46, 7 seconds 47, 7 seconds 54

The current two world records

60 meters should be 6 seconds 34. The world record for 60 meters hurdles was set in 1994, 7 seconds 30

PS: By the way, Liu Xiang’s best result of the year was 7.41. Some people commented that in Liu Xiang’s era, to win the 60-meter hurdles championship in the World Series, you need to have a performance of about 7.40. The current era of 60-meter hurdles wins gold. The point is around 7.47. For example, at the beginning of this year, the world tour championship, the final 60-meter hurdle championship was 7.49_(:з」∠)_By comparison, the results of hurdles in the world are still slippery than in the past. _(:З」∠)_

Cough cough cough, long-winded is over, today is also a vegetable that loves you!


Chapter 82 Random 5 Comments

NO1, netizens: Weilan can expect to comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2220:56:58 Chapter reviewed: 82

Today's boss is also lemon essence

NO2, Netizen: Fu Yiyi Comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2210:39:39 Chapter reviewed: 82

Especially curious, does Holness bring his own translation? ! !

NO3. Netizen: Yi Er commented: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2202:26:51 Chapter reviewed: 82

Alas, I think of shampoo when I see Adolf, alas. ???

NO4. Netizens: Ruantian Comments: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2200:53:24 Chapter reviewed: 82

Ooo, I want to have the same speed as Su Su, so that my head can’t be bald by physical test, and he won’t be bald in a long distance

NO5. Netizen: Ye Gu commented: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2200:22:49 Chapter reviewed: 82

Pity my boss~ You can only do it in the small theater when you are jealous. [Biting the handkerchief] It’s too miserable~ It’s too miserable~~ In other words...Big brother, you feel a little bit jealous now... How can you attack your sports skills? Overwhelming cubs


Shen in the last no small theater

Su Zhe: 0.0 Huh, big man, why is your face not pretty Yazi?

Shao Xingchen: It’s okay, I have a bit of a cold (Note: the end of wearing a down jacket in the heating room)

Holness hanging on Su Zhe: 0v0 Hello, friends from China! Are you running fast? Do you want to join the dwarf king package?

Shao Xingchen: (His face turns green, turning his head to stare at a certain dish) Why is this person still here? ! Do you want to steal my part in even making words? ? ?

Caicai: emmm, this is a foreign friend, we will leave in the next chapter, don't panic...

Shao Xingchen: (indifferent) How can you make me believe you?

Su Zhe & Holness: (showing common confusion)

_(:з」∠)_Today is also a very internally injured boss~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Guigu’s support president!!, 37015677, Garfield eats lemongrass, Feng Ye, Xun Xun Xiao Yu, lulu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

60 bottles of white iris; 20 bottles of sprites; lulu, happy leaves, lovecra, Huijiang, Zuiwoshachang, the strongest chaotic evil in history, 10 bottles of Qin Xianxian; 6 bottles of virtual leaves; 5 bottles of Shang Ling and Shaohua; 4 bottles of Soul Girl; 2 bottles of Ink Dyeing Clothes and Shiiii; 1 bottle of Yueluo Fanchen, Qin@琴,19902331, Chacha, Yunxi, Xiaomuyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!