The achievements of the national team in this World Indoor Athletics Championships have exceeded the expectations of the Field Management Center, especially the medals won in the 60-meter hurdles event, which can be said to have been lost for 10 years, and it is especially exciting.

The official WeChat account of the National Track and Field Team, the Official WeChat Account of the Field Management Center, and the official WeChat account of the Sports Channel... Various official and unofficial publicity channels have solemnly announced the results of Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue in the 60-meter hurdles final.

On the Internet, friends in the Athletics Kingdom have been excited for a long time. When you click on the forum page, you can see a group of big masters posting messages saying [Lao Tzu is now in tears].

Compared with those on Weibo who are simply cheering for Su Zhe’s achievements in this competition, these friends in the track and field kingdom are very important to Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue, and Ye Jun in this competition. The results achieved by others do have more complex emotions.

The resident friends in the forum are all **** track and field fans.

In China, where the overall track and field atmosphere is not enthusiastic, the friends in these forums can be regarded as a group of ordinary people who have celebrated the most passion for track and field events.

They will pay attention to the competition schedule and international schedule released by the Tian Management Center every year, care about the training and competition of each player at different stages, and pay attention to whether there are potential newcomers every year.

The resident netizens in the forum, basically everyone will go to the scene to watch the track and field competitions, to cheer for the athletes, and even some old friends, because of the competitions all the year round, they also have a reputation with many athletes. It's a good friendship.

These people usually have their own work, study and life, but at the same time, they also have a heart tied to track and field events.

Liu Wenhan is one such old friend of the track and field forum. He is in his thirties. He has been paying attention to hurdles from the golden age of hurdles started by Song Chen, and then immersed himself in the track and field forum.

He can be said to be a typical representative of the older generation of friends in the hurdles section of the Athletics Kingdom-they looked at the hurdles in China, from the initial inquiries of few people to the golden age of hurdles created by Song Chen alone, and then to The brilliance ended. Not only the Chinese sports arena, but even the hurdles in the world sports arena have entered a period of relative silence.

At the moment when he saw the announcement on TV that Su Zhe had won the bronze medal in the 60-meter hurdles, Liu Wenhan suddenly felt that his nose was sore, and a trace of tears burst into his eyes somehow.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and posted a blank post on the forum with only a title. The only title was only two words-[Ten Years].

This post, which should have fallen to the bottom quickly, was not skipped by the friends in the forum. In the blink of an eye, a tall building was built under the blank post with only the title and the text.

Almost everyone who has followed the hurdles section has left the same two at the bottom of this post: ten years.

This post was forwarded to Weibo by the sports commentator who is resident in the forum, and at the same time attached his own feelings.

[Drinking ice for ten years, it is difficult to cool and heat blood-I don't know whether this sentence is appropriate to put here, but at this moment, I can hardly think of a more suitable sentence than this.

Whether it is athletes, coaches, or ordinary sports enthusiasts who have been caring about the hurdles all the way, they have not given up on this project in the past 10 years, even if the hurdles has gradually faded out in the past decade. The public's vision, but there are still a group of people who are silently working on this project.

There are no flowers on the brocade, no brilliant applause, and some are step by step. It is the endless sweat and hardship in the past ten years, and the silent support that has not been given up in the past ten years.

Over the past ten years, this persistence has not been in vain. I am fortunate that I have witnessed such a change in the era, and I am also gratified that I can see a new and brilliant future.

@叶俊、@苏哲、@周天爵, congratulations, come on, please believe that no matter what, we will be behind you and cheer for you. 】

Almost everyone in the sports circle who saw this Weibo couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

In fact, in the sports circle, similar events are unknown.

The sports circle was originally a relatively closed circle. In corners unknown to the public, there are even more sports people who have grown up from generation to generation.

They may be able to achieve good results and win a little attention, or, because the project is too remote, even if they have achieved greater success, no one knows.

Competitive sports has always been a cruel and lonely circle.

This Weibo has evoked too many complex emotions in the hearts of sports people. With the reposting and comments of everyone, it has gradually approached the eyes of the public.

In the hot search on Weibo that celebrated Sahua, this topic named # ten years# also evoked the emotions of those who eat melons.

[At first I didn’t know what this decade meant. I just checked it out. It’s been ten years since the last time I won a medal in this kind of international competition in the hurdle event...]

[=口=! ! Has it been so long? I haven’t paid much attention to it. I really don’t have this concept of time at all. In my impression, the hurdle has always been our strong project...]

[Me too... I was a little shocked. In fact, before last year, I always felt that the domestic hurdles were still very strong. Since Su Zhe participated in the competition last year, I felt that the topic of hurdles was also very high. He has also reached the World Championships all the way. During the game, the news at the time said that our three players reached the semifinals together, and I didn’t feel any weaker...]

This topic was finally transferred to the official account of the national track team.

【#十年##我们就是在工作# The blood has never been forgotten, no matter it is any project, we will never give up moving forward. 】

In conjunction with this push content, there are several data maps of different projects, from the commonly known 100m, 200m and other sprints to discus, javelin, hammer, shot put, race walking, obstacle races and other rarely paid attention to. game,

Officials of the National Athletics Team have compiled all the achievements in these projects over the years and displayed them on the Internet.

It was also at this time that many talents really clearly realized for the first time how many items are included under the name "track and field".

This topic from the hurdles medals is turned into a popular science for the whole people. With the popularity of the World Indoor Athletics Championships held in China, more people know a lot of content that they have never paid attention to.

People on the Internet are celebrating the medals that Su Zhe has won, and feeling that the sports players are not easy. In a certain super chat that is not high in the rankings, a group of little girls have also happily knocked on sugar for two days. .

This super-talk is naturally secretly paying attention to the CP girls Shao Xingchen X Su Zhe.

From the day before, Zhuo Siming released the news that Shao Xingchen was watching the Su Zhe match on the spot, and this super talk entered into the atmosphere of the festival.

[Woo, thank you, reporter Xiaozhuo, reporter Xiaozhuo is simply the light of my circle. Every time he sends sugar, he relies on his revelations. I have set him as my special concern, and I am waiting for the sugar master to download Bring us new surprises once! 】

[Special attention to +1, I never expected that I would have a special day of sugar candies. 】

【……=. = To be honest, in addition to reporters special Guan Xiaozhuo, I also followed a circle of sports reporters. I think that according to this trend, the number of times the big guys go to the stadium to watch Xiaozhe matches will not be less. Sports reporters’ shots may bring us new ideas. Surprise! 】

In addition to the sisters who have expressed their interest in journalists from all walks of life, there are also sisters who are good at editing. They cut out all the shots of Shao Xingchen during the two days of competition. At the same time, Su Zhe turned back and waved towards Shao Xingchen. The footage of, cut into a short video, put it in the super chat.

[Alas, today is also the day I think my CP is real. The big guy’s schedule is so busy that he actually watched two full-day matches on the spot... After being exposed on the Internet the next day, he was still Persist to the scene. Apart from saying that this is true love, I don't know what to say. 】

【_(:З」∠)_ Harm, it’s all love, but I think... 80% of the big guys are just secret crushes. You can see that in today’s semi-finals, Xiaozhe still wore him when he waved towards the big guys. Holding a giant pendant that waved together... I saw a small video of the audience from another angle, and I could see everyone waved in response happily. The big guy hugged his chest, feeling sulking...]

[Hahahahaha, I also saw that little video, I can almost feel a sourness through the screen, the boss is really miserable, I worked hard to wear down jackets in the heating room, just to watch the match , In the end, why is there an extra humanoid pendant on the sweetheart after the game? No, I really want to laugh after thinking about this...]

[However, sisters, I suddenly thought of a terrible problem... The boss is so busy every day, it is not easy to chase a little Zhe, and Xiao Zhe is also on the way to training or participating in various competitions. It seems Xiaozhe hasn't gotten to know Yazi, can the boss catch up with him? 】

[The sister upstairs asked me well. I think if there is no straight ball attack, Xiao Zhe would not be able to react... But the boss is a deadly sorrow. I don’t know if any sisters have noticed Xiaozhe’s birthday gift from the big brother. In that book is Xiaozhe's photo of the game, and the cover is a starry sky! ! ! This rounding is simply a secret confession—"I want to hold you in my arms" or something! ! ! 】

【? ! ! ? Sister upstairs, wait! I immediately went to find out the presents that Xiaozhe had on his birthday...I went, how could I not expect that my CP master was sending sugar, and I didn't even know? ? I'm guilty! ! ! 】

[Actually, I was also...but I thought it was my own CP brain. There are CP filters for everything...]

After the girl broke the candy, the girls in Chaohua grouped to watch the gift photos sent by Su Zhe at the time. After carefully checking the cover, the girls returned to their Chaohuan to lie flat.

【_(:З」∠)_I just want to say a word-if this is not love? 】

N city, indoor track and field stadium

The 60-meter hurdles race was the third from last event of the night. After the finals of the last two events were over, the staff quickly entered the stadium, organized the entire venue, and arranged awards on the stadium. station.

This is the last part of this indoor championship. On behalf of the Tian Management Center, Zheng Wensheng will present medals to every athlete who wins the prize.

In this indoor championship, all the players of the Chinese team played very well. Among them, the women's shot put, which is the traditional advantage of the Chinese team, successfully won the gold medal in this world championships, and in the men's triple jump event, they also won In addition, Zhang Minghao also won a bronze medal in the high jump event.

In addition to Su Zhe’s personal 60-meter sprint silver medal and 60-meter hurdles bronze medal, the Chinese team ranked 12th in the medal list with 1 gold, 2 silver, and 2 bronze, and won a rare achievement in recent years. .

The Tianguan Center is very satisfied with the results of the contestants. As the representative of the awards, Zheng Wensheng showed a gratified smile when awarding medals to the contestants.

Before the men's 60-meter dash, the awards were awarded to the Chinese team's only gold medal-women's shot put.

When the winners wore the medals and the national anthem began to be played, the audience stood up and watched the national flag rising high in the center. The audience sang the national anthem together. Su Zhe's eyes couldn't help but follow. With the rising red flag, his own desire for victory rose in his eyes.

What is it going to be before he can stand in the highest position and watch the national flag rise as it is now, let the national anthem ring through the stadium?

Even if he stood on his own podium, Su Zhe couldn't help but want to chase the highest position in his heart.

While Zheng Wensheng smiled and hung a medal for him to congratulate him on his achievements, the audience at the scene also gave him the warmest applause and encouragement.

These encouragement from the audience turned into a deeper motivation, making Su Zhe a greater desire for victory.

That night, after the competition and the award ceremony were over, Su Zhe and the members of the national team returned to the Athlete’s Accommodation Center in N City and took two medals of their own after a long time. After simply editing the text, they The photo was sent to Weibo.

[Thank you for your support and encouragement. Next is a new journey. 】

The short text content is already Su Zhe's usual speaking style.

After the award ceremony tonight, the "philosophers" guessed that Su Zhe might have a long time to log on Weibo to post new content tonight. At this time, after the news update, how can you care about the briefness of Su Zhe's speech? ?

All of a sudden, Su Zhe’s fans flocked to this Weibo, first congratulated him on his good results this time, and then cared about Su Zhe’s recent training and physical condition. I hope he will not be too much in training. Tired and tired.

Among all the comments, there was another reply that was topped with the highest praise amidst laughter.

It is like this-

【_(:З」∠)_Zizai, the medals are great and beautiful, but, promise us, next time you take a selfie with the medal and show us it? 】

Su Zhe did not immediately notice the reply from the philosopher girls after he finished posting his Weibo, because during the two days of competition, he was completely trapped in the silent sand sculpture system. After he finished Weibo, he suddenly gave A string of settlement information is presented.


The results of the World Indoor Championships are settled.

1. Entering the semi-finals of the men's 60m & 60m hurdles indoor championship, the reward is being settled

2. Entering the men's 60m & 60m hurdles indoor championship finals are in the process of reward settlement

3. Entering the finals of the men's 60m & 60m hurdles indoor championship, the top three have reached the reward settlement


Perfect idol training space training hours*155

Deepen the study hours*10

Free attribute point*1"

It is not surprising for Su Zhe to receive system rewards, but the final reward content was a bit beyond his expectation. He originally thought that there would be a lottery draw in this reward. However, he did not expect the turntable. The number of lottery draws does not exist. Instead, there are deep learning hours that have not been seen before.

Moreover, not only the number of turntable lottery draws has disappeared, but the rewards of free attribute points have also been reduced. All this seems to be due to the deepening of learning hours that squeezed the quota of other rewards.

After a simple comparison, Su Zhe guessed that this deep learning hours should be a very important reward, although he is currently unable to use it.

He thought of his unfinished task-the state of triggering 3 times value overflow.

According to the system's algorithm, during the three days of the game, his personal state peaked on the second match day. On that day, he triggered the value overflow state twice in a row, and during the two matches on the third match day Although he feels that his personal status is already very strong, he still seems to have failed to meet the system's overflow standard.

He was very curious about this deep learning model. After all, the idol space training provided by the system has brought him great help. This kind of training in space has made him far more effective than others. Study time, then what is the so-called deepening study?

Su Zhe intuitively guessed that this intensified learning might bring him more effective improvements after his performance reached a certain bottleneck.

It's just that the peak state of an individual in the game can be met but not sought.

In the following training and competitions, his cycle status has already been set by his father and Lu Fei coaches. According to their established plan, his next peak status will be in the Olympic cycle. appear. In other words, unless there is an accidental accident, it is very likely that he will only be able to know what kind of function this so-called deepening learning is after the Olympic cycle.

Fortunately, in addition to deepening learning hours and free attribute points that are temporarily useless, the idol space training hours given by the system this time are very abundant, which just fills up the space training hours that he is about to run out. This gave him time to thoroughly complete the training plan for overall attribute enhancement previously issued by the system.

Just as Su Zhe was thinking about how to use the training space for various types of training, his WeChat suddenly received an application for a video call.

After glancing at the avatar of the video call, Su Zhe chose to answer the call quite amusingly-the caller is not someone else, but Holness who claims to be the King of Shorty and wants to form the King of Shorty.

After the game ended, this guy pestered him to help register various WeChat and Weibo accounts. At this moment, he has learned to call video, but he doesn't know what new problems are.

After choosing to answer the call, Holness's big head immediately appeared in front of Su Zhe in the video. After greeted Su Zhe with a smile, he immediately made his most direct request.

[Su! ! Hurry up, help me repost Twitter...Oh, no, repost Weibo! My Weibo is empty now, which is not enough! 】

After saying this, Hornis seriously urged Su Zhe to forward it, and then quickly said goodbye to Su Zhe.

? ? ?


So is this the purpose of this guy Holness's late night video call?

After the embarrassment, Su Zhe reopened his Weibo and found Holness’s account-this guy posted a photo with him on his Weibo, the photo shows the two wearing them For their respective medals, he unscrupulously announced the shameful name of "The Short King Group" in English.

After looking at the name with a long sigh, Su Zhe silently reposted this Weibo and introduced to everyone that it was Holness’s own Weibo account.

【what? Zai Zai actually posted two Weibo tonight! Wow, isn't this black braid brother the men's 60-meter hurdle champion tonight? 】

【_(:З」∠)_! Wait, this is a selfie? The champion brother did a great job! Today I finally saw Zai Zai's selfie! 】

[Puff, has no one noticed the original text sent by this big brother? The combination name of him and Zai Zai is...Dwarf King? ? ? 】

While reposting this Weibo, Su Zhe was mentally prepared for this funny title to be spread across the entire network-in fact, even if he did not repost this Weibo by Holness tonight, He couldn't stop the spread of this title, because after the finals of the evening, Holness had already let the Chinese and foreign reporters present to get this rather funny combination title during the interview time.

Sure enough, under Su Zhe’s Weibo, some people have quickly posted news links from some media. Among them, the "dwarf king combination" of Hornes and Su Zhe dominated the 60-meter hurdles of this indoor championship. Related reports.

And just as everyone laughed at the dwarf king combination, Shao Xingchen also posted a photo with Su Zhe, but looking at the modeling, you can know that this selfie is a still from the period when the two were filming "Chasing the Light".

At the same time, there was also a photo of Su Zhe standing on the podium, looking up when the flag was raised.

Even if the distance is far away, it can be seen that Su Zhe in the photo is glowing with desire and expectation in his eyes.

[@苏哲, you are gradually becoming the most dazzling light, come on, and hope your next event will be more exciting. 】


_(:з」∠)_Woohoo, life and death are fast today, it's too late to say anything, tiger touch the little angels!


Chapter 83 Random 5 Comments

NO1. Netizen: Ling Mao commented: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2322:21:14 Chapter reviewed: 83

"Look!!! There is a suspected outsider husband of Su Zhe on the sidelines, and we still don't know his name!!!" Crazy stabbed Dao Shao.

NO2, netizen: binghao comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2321:05:57 Chapter reviewed: 83

Based on the current development of Zai Zai and Dao Dao's respective careers, I will depend on what the author says before they can fall in love...

NO3. Netizens: Sea Water Shake Kongkong Green Comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2316:52:25 Chapter reviewed: 83

The author is great. After reading this article, I understand a lot of track and field knowledge, and I also understand how awesome Liu Xiang was back then.

NO4. Netizen: An Sheng commented: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2311:29:25 Chapter reviewed: 83

It's too difficult for me, just look at the article, because the relationship line may not have started yet? ? I was a little confused, and then I was eager to develop my relationship line in my dream last night, but I turned over in my dream and found that this is no cp text [cover my face]

NO5. Netizen: Angel Jia Comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Post time: 2019-09-2310:35:58 Chapter reviewed: 83

The most outstanding of these two chapters, I think it is the big guy's down jacket!


The small theater sinking underneath

Caicai: (shen face) Cub, after the picture of Holness and Cub Cub came out, don't you think that the picture you sent is too obvious?

Mr. Shao: =_=Then I want to do nothing?

Caicai: Well, it's not...but why don't you post a selfie of you and Zai Zai? ? ?

Mr. Shao: (indifferent)......? Have you ever given me a chance to take a selfie with him?

Caicai:..................(Silently covers her mouth)

(I always feel that Mr. Shao can rely on selling miserably to get the support of fans_(:з」∠)_←Hey!!!)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Zixi and Garfield eat 1 lemongrass;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

100 bottles of Echizen; 50 bottles of Zixi; 33 bottles for those who can't eat fat fruits; 30 bottles of Nancheng Yixiaoxiang; the only bottle of 2757376220; 15 bottles of painting style; For love and peace, Qin Xianxian, buns of the Second Canteen ⊙▽⊙, Laodaidai, Jiangnan Yayun, 10 bottles of Mango Lao without ice; 9 bottles of coral; 8 bottles of Little Girl with Short Hair and Glasses; 6 bottles of Faint Wumiao; 2 bottles of A Zhai; Xiao Muyu, Angel Jia, Hanyi, Yehan, Yun Xi, Xie Kulan, Qin @琴1瓶;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!