When the award ceremony ended, the three-day World Indoor Track and Field Championships also officially ended.

The biggest winner of this tournament is still the U.S. team, which dominates track and field events, followed by the European Army and the African Army.

Of course, the progress of the Chinese team in the field of speed this time has also made all participating countries look at it with admiration.

Not only is it now a hurdle event with 3 powerful players, teams in many countries still remember Chen Zhi, who had always represented China's speed before last year-I heard that the former Chinese sprinter has recovered from his injury and resumed training. So when he returns to the field, the Chinese team's indoor 60-meter project...will have two strong players with the ability to win cards at the same time!

When this conjecture emerged, teams from various countries secretly put the sprint sprint of the Chinese track and field team on the list that needs attention.

Out of China’s hospitality, after the event, the Tianguan Center arranged the itinerary of City N and City B for all the teams willing to stay to play. As the host, the members of the national team naturally took on the role of accompany. responsibility.

Starting on the second day after the competition, many passersby took photos of players from various countries visiting famous attractions in N City, and many citizens who followed the competition enthusiastically invited the players to take photos. , A large number of group photos of passersby and players from various countries appeared on Weibo.

Among them, the player who was stopped for the most photos was not actually a foreign star, but Su Zhe.

Throughout the day, Su Zhe took pictures with a bit of a circle. Not only passersby, many contestants also asked Su Zhe to take a group of photos to commemorate the encounter in China and the competition between them.

After the three-day game was over, the national team finally returned to the training base of the national team, calmed down again, received training, and learned about the schedule and training arrangements before the Tokyo Olympics in the next few months.

When Su Zhe returned to the indoor training ground on March 8, the first thing he saw was Chen Zhi who was undergoing physical recovery training. Taking advantage of his father and coach Lu Fei had not yet arrived, Su Zhe sat cross-legged by the track and stared at Chen Zhi's training for a while.

It has been nearly two months since Chen Zhi officially returned to the team for training. During this period of time, Chen Zhi started from the initial physical recovery training, to various skills of rehabilitation, and the planning of new track technology. Said it is all proceeding in an orderly manner.

Perhaps the one-time restoration aura given by the sand sculpture system is indeed very powerful. The state of repeated attacks of Chen Zhi's injuries that everyone worried about did not appear, and even with the gradual consolidation of training, Chen Zhi's state became better.

Every day, the team doctor of the national team will closely watch Chen Zhi’s training data and training situation on the field to prevent any possibility of recurrence of injuries. Until today, Chen Zhi has removed all kinds of legs. The support belt can easily complete various trainings that require strong leg bone strength support by relying on its own strength.

When Chen Zhi finished a set of speed training, he wiped his sweat and came to the sidelines with a smile.

"Xiaozhe, after watching for so long, how do you think I am running?"

"Ah, Brother Xiaozhi." Su Zhe smiled and stood up, and then circled Chen Zhi, looking at Chen Zhian's unharmed appearance, he was also very satisfied: "Very good, I feel that you have recovered. 70% to 80%."

Chen Zhi sighed for a long time, turned to look at the indoor track, and smiled helplessly: "Unfortunately, if there is more time, it would be great...I am too greedy."

Su Zhe knows what Chen Zhi means-it's about to mid-March now. According to the usual practice in previous years, starting from April, the domestic grand prix will start.

According to the plan arranged by his father, He Tian Fangzheng and the others for Chen Zhi, from April, Chen Zhi will go to all parts of the country and participate in the various sub-stations of the Grand Prix one after another. , And strive to break through 10.05 in these sub-stations, and win the Olympic qualifications before June 29.

After sighing, Chen Zhi saw that Su Zhe was quiet, and when he looked back, he saw that Su Zhe was wringing his brows with a serious look. He understood after thinking about it, and then rubbed Su Zhe's head amusedly.

"I just sigh casually, what are you worried about? It is unexpected that your brother can recover to this state before the game, but the hearts of the people are always infinite, and I can now recover to this state. , Of course, I also hope that if it can be restored to a better state, it would be great."

Hearing what Chen Zhi said, Su Zhe slapped him with an awkward look--big hands in his hair: "Brother Xiaozhi, I've said that, I'm so old, don't rub my head..."

"Okay." Chen Zhi smiled and put his hand away, making a surrender: "I haven't congratulated you yet, I won a double medal in this competition!"

Just after being praised by Chen Zhi, Su Zhe had not had time to say anything when he saw Chen Zhi suddenly smiled and said, "Speaking of which, Xiao Zhe, why don't we have a match?"

"Huh?" Su Zhe was stunned when he heard this request suddenly: "Brother Xiaozhi?"

Chen Zhi squeezed his bones and turned to look at Su Zhe: "It's been a long time since I ran a serious game. Every day is just training..." He smiled and looked at Su Zhe who was a little dazed: "Come on, let me Let’s see, how far I am from the top players, and how far is the gap."

Chen Zhi who said this sentence, although his words are mild, he has an aura that Su Zhe has never seen before. This is the aura that belongs to the athlete Chen Zhi alone. He has stood alone at the top of the Chinese sprint event for nearly 10 years. The time, condensed only belongs to his power.

Su Zhe saw the seriousness in Chen Zhi's eyes, so he nodded without hesitation.

"60 meters?"

"Yes, 60 meters." Chen Zhi smiled and nodded.

Although the 60-meter schedule is not enough to fully translate into a 100-meter result, it is a competition that fits his current training state.

Before he is about to turn to the full stage training of 100 meters, he wants to see his current training gains, and at the same time, he also feels how far he is from the peak.

While Chen Zhi was talking with Su Zhe, Su Yinsheng and the coaches of the sprint coaching staff had also arrived in the indoor training hall.

Everyone saw Su Zhe warming up, and through Tian Fangzheng, they also knew that Chen Zhi and Su Zhe were preparing for a 60-meter practice match.

In the indoor hall, many athletes whose training has come to an end after learning about Chen Zhi and Su Zhe’s competition plan, have also rushed to the side of the track, wanting to watch one of the two current peak sprinters for the first time. Showdown between.

After seeing his father and others, Su Zhe nodded at them.

Including members of the sprint coaching staff such as Tian Fangzheng and Su Yinsheng, everyone has no opinion on the two practice games.

As Chen Zhi said, he hasn't participated in the competition for too long. A top player's desire for the game is unimaginable. Even in terms of Chen Zhi's self-control, his patience has almost reached the limit. .

He wants to see how much his current strength has recovered, and how much he can exert in a competitive state, and at the same time, he wants to try to compete with this junior who has been watching and growing up since he was a child.

Let him vent his accumulated emotions in this game, and then continue to invest in the next training, which is also a good way to adjust the training state.

Even though there was no actual battle for honor in this sudden practice match, Su Zhe still made complete preparations and warm-ups very seriously.

If you really want to talk about it, this is his first duel with Chen Zhi, his brother, who has been close to him since childhood!

Thinking of this, Su Zhe's eyes also had a hint of expectation.

Since Chen Zhi had already undergone a set of training before Su Zhe appeared, his warm-up preparations did not last long.

After Su Zhe finished the warm-up, the two men tacitly walked to the starting point of the indoor stadium track, standing in front of No. 4 and No. 6 tracks respectively.

At the scene, some players had already pulled out their mobile phones and began to record the first duel between Chen Zhi and Su Zhe.

On the track, someone had already set up the electronic timer. Chen Zhi’s head coach Tian Fangzheng personally acted as the starting referee for the practice match. He took out the starting gun and stood by the track, watching After the two were ready, they began to issue instructions.

"Each in place."


Rarely, Su Zhe didn't put all his attention on the race before the start, but glanced at Chen Zhi from the corner of his eye.

At the starting point of track 6, Chen Zhi had already concentrated all his attention on the track.

Chen Zhi's state of devotion made Su Zhe startled, and immediately shook his head, returning all his attention to the game.

So far, in the indoor track and field stadium of the national track and field team, no one has neglected this simple practice game. There is even a vague feeling in everyone's heart-starting from this practice game. , The sprint event of Chinese track and field will truly enter the era of twin stars.


Tian Fangzheng personally fired the electronic starting gun.

At the moment when the starting gun fired, at the beginning of the track, Su Zhe and Chen Zhi both left the strings at the same time!

Everyone’s focus is on the track. Before seeing the real statistics, no one can tell who the two people’s reaction to the gun is dominant, but only from the starting stage, Su Zhe’s reaction Still slightly faster.

Between Chen Zhi and Su Zhe, whether in terms of the cyclical state of the competition or other aspects, Su Zhe, who is still at the peak of the cyclical state, has just experienced top international competitions, and is still in the excitement of the competition, is Occupy an absolute advantage.

Not to mention, Chen Zhi's personal state has not yet fully recovered. He has not experienced the event for a long time, and his personal competitive state has not yet been adjusted to its peak.

This was supposed to be a game without suspense, but anyone watching the game on the spot would not feel that way.

From the starting stage, Chen Zhi never gave up any chance of victory.

Even if it was a little bit slower than Su Zhe at the start, he also relied on his years of rich experience to strengthen his arm swing and stride frequency so that he could catch up with the previously lost time during the acceleration phase.

Su Zhe didn't make any concessions to Chen Zhi either. With an absolute advantage, he still ran out of his strongest stride strongly and earnestly.

The mere 60-meter competition, from the initial stage, revealed the contending heart between Chen Zhi and Su Zhe.

The track and field players standing on the periphery of the track watching the game couldn’t help holding their breath after seeing the start of the game. They hung their hearts, as if this was not a practice game, but a key event of great significance. .

Before the game, Su Zhe judged that Chen Zhi had recovered 70% to 80%, which was neither right nor right.

In terms of physical condition, Chen Zhi did only recover 70% to 80%, but during this period of time, under the guidance and training of Tian Fangzheng, Taylor Wei and others, he has made some progress in the transformation of his personal skills. .

In today's game, it is also the first time that he is trying to use this brand new technique and pace to compete with the current top players.

After correcting the habit of step length, stride frequency and even the height of the steps off the ground, from the moment of awkwardness at the start of the run to quickly regaining the state of training during this period, all these changes are only in a short period of time. The conversion was completed within 3 steps of acceleration.

After that, Chen Zhi completed his acceleration in a very short period of time, and even reached the same speed as Su Zhe in the 30--40-meter stage.

If Su Zhe is the king of the track, then Chen Zhi has the world's top strength in the track. At the same time, he also has better speed endurance and maintains his own speed. Maximized, and with the deepening of training, this ability to maintain its maximum speed is still improving.

Even if there is a slight lack in the final sprint stage, this series of abilities is enough for Chen Zhi to occupy a place on the world stage.

Since resuming training, under the guidance of coaching staff such as Taylor Wei and Tian Fangzheng, he has completely broken the past technical habits and reshaped his own technical details. After using it in this game, he has also been practical. Really felt that the brand-new technology allowed him to run more easily and achieve results similar to the past.

This feeling made Chen Zhi sprint forward more freely.

On track 4, Su Zhe was also very excited. This excitement did not come from his own crush on Chen Zhi, but the excitement of competing with his elder brother for more than ten years.

For him, Chen Zhi, who was running on the field, was just like the strongest idol in his childhood. In his childhood memory, Chen Zhi is the absolute king on this track.

This time the practice match between Chen Zhi on the track, for Su Zhe, is definitely not weaker than any top competition!

[Carry forward, take out the best state to deal with this competition! 】

Su Zhe always carried this strength in his heart. When entering the final 40--60-meter stage, Su Zhe did not hesitate to borrow the strength he had accumulated before and started his own, on the 60-meter track. The strongest sprint.

Chen Zhi also started the final sprint at 40 meters, but he has not fully recovered after all. When sprinting to 40 meters at full strength, most of his physical fitness has been consumed. His current speed and endurance are not enough to make him even in the final stage. Maintain the strongest sprint ability.

In the end, the practice match ended without suspense when Su Zhe took the lead in crossing the line. Chen Zhi was behind him by about one position.

After running through the buffer section panting slightly, Chen Zhi and Su Zhe smiled at each other and slapped their palms tacitly.

"I lost." Chen Zhi smiled and said to Su Zhe, but there was no frustration or disappointment in losing the game in his tone, but a more determined light appeared in his eyes.

Su Zhe's eyes lit up, and he said, "Next time, we will see you in the official arena."

When the two returned to the audience, Su Yinsheng and Tian Fangzheng started in the track and field stadium. Everyone applauded Chen Zhi and Su Zhe.

Although there were only dozens of people applauded, the meaning of the applause made Chen Zhi's eyes red, who had always been calm.

He straightened his back, looked at everyone present, with his usual gentle smile, and said seriously again: "Thank you everyone, I'm back."

After this voice fell, there was more enthusiastic applause and cheers.

In the afternoon, the official microblog of the national track and field team obtained the consent of the coaching staff, Chen Zhi and Su Zhe, and uploaded the video of this exercise to the Internet.

The official account of the track team didn't even interpret the video too much, but used the last words Chen Zhi said in the video.

National Athletics Team official micro: [Video-he is back. 】

At first, not many people noticed the video until curious track and field fans clicked on the video. After watching the video, almost everyone who watched the video had a sore nose.

The video was immediately transferred to the Athletics Kingdom forum, and the forwarded friends added a string of exclamation marks to the video in a state of extreme excitement, and finally added an annotation-Chen Zhihui.

Since Chen Zhi announced his official return to the team for training, this is the first official news about him.

During this period of time, one of the hard-to-talk topics that track and field fans have been pressing in their hearts is how Chen Zhi has been in training since his return.

Everyone is worried. Is Chen Zhi, who underwent surgery last year, really has reached the point where he can train at full load without affecting his own state?

This question has always been hidden in the hearts of all track and field fans. Occasionally someone can't help but ask it out in the forum. There will be the same calm and restrained fans so that everyone can be patient and wait. I believe that the king will return without injury. .

But reason belongs to reason, and all fans who care about Chen Zhi have an indelible desire for news about Chen Zhi.

This time, the video released by the national track and field team finally completely let everyone put down their high-hanging hearts-their Chen Dashen, the state is indeed recovering very well.

In this practice match, the contest between him and Su Zhe made everyone have an eye addiction in advance. The contest between the two generations of sprint kings, even if it is just a practice match, is enough to make people cry out. .

And when everyone in the national team applauded for Chen Zhi in the video, the track and field fans who watched the video couldn't help but utter the 4 words "welcome back" in front of the computer.

[He has not changed, he is still the man who is standing on the top of the country with the sprint flag, and looks forward to his first official return to the event! 】

This post expecting Chen Zhi to officially return to the event was topped by hundreds of stories after the video was released.

National track and field team, training base, indoor training hall

After completing the practice match with Chen Zhi, Su Zhe also received a new round of training plan set by the coaching staff.

Prior to this, his strong left leg explosiveness has been thoroughly confirmed in the technical transformation of the hurdle before the hurdle, but in order to cope with the eight to seven changes during the winter training, there is no extra time for him to adjust the start of the sprint at the same time.

Now, the indoor championship is over, and there are still 1-2 months before the domestic Grand Prix and the Diamond League will start in May. During this time period, it happens to have enough for him. Technical adjustments and training time.

He basically knew about the technical adjustments of this item before this. In addition, in the hurdles, the training arranged for him by the hurdles coaching staff is still to further improve the seven-step hurdle skills and increase explosive power. And to advance the maximum hurdle speed, and maintain the highest speed and other related training.

In addition, for the indoor track and field championships, a lot of special 60-meter sprints and 60-meter hurdles related training were carried out. Now that the official cycle of the outdoor competition is about to enter, it is natural to adjust the plan to combine the 100-meter sprint with the 110 The complete training of the meter column is included in the training sub-item.

In the days when he was immersed in training, Su Zhe also had to take into account his schoolwork, as far as possible, to maintain training and self-study, all of which took up a lot of his energy and time.

Although he still keeps in touch with friends such as Shao Xingchen, he is much slower in receiving news from the outside world. He only knows that Shao Xingchen told him that he has received a good supporting role in a film and will join the group to concentrate on shooting. , But I don’t know how much criticism the outside world has received while knowing that Shao Xingchen won the supporting role in this leading film.

As time progressed, the March training cycle passed in an instant.

In April, with the arrival of spring, the sub-station of the National Track and Field Grand Prix officially kicked off.

On the first day of April, the official WeChat account of the national track and field team also officially released the next entry plan form for the national team members.


_(:з」∠)_Today, it is not Mr. Shao who is selling badly, it is his grandmother. I... I was beaten by my aunt for two days. I was so dizzy and the codeword was slow to bald. …So today’s big guy closed the small black house for a day… (wiping tears)

I still give everyone a heart, oh

QAQ’s speed of life and death today, it’s too late to comment. The comments of Chapter 84 will be released tomorrow night... See you tomorrow [kneel down]


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Angel Jia, Garfield eat 1 lemongrass;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Wuhenkongwangtian 124 bottles; Du Xuefeixian and Liu Xiaomiao 30 bottles; 22 bottles for those who can not eat fat fruits; 20 bottles for Pisces Jue, Ruoruo, Xiaowu Rame; 16 bottles for Dark Pudu; Su Pear, Herring Pot, Dream Garden, Lucky Magister, Sign-in for the Buddha Department, 10 bottles for the Sacrifice; 5 bottles for Meng (//?//), Wangchen, unyeong, May, and Fenlu; 3 bottles for Dian Wumiao; Mu Muxi, Xiaomu Yu, Yunxi, Bai Jinzhi, Qin @琴, Angel Jia, Evil Witch, Liu Er 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!