After Su Zhe successfully crossed the finish line, Dlamini and Anthony also crossed the finish line one after another.

Although Dlamini's sprint state was weak during the sprint stage, he still stabilized his speed. With the advantage of opening the stage on the way, he still crossed the line slightly faster than Anthony.

After the three, Zhao Zhixuan, who was on the No. 3 circuit, also overwhelmed Baragon and crossed the finish line in fourth place.

In the stands, the track team's companions gave enthusiastic applause to Su Zhe and Zhao Zhixuan's performance.

When the final result of the game was announced on the big screen, Su Zhe frowned slightly when looking at the result on the big screen-10 seconds 01 (0.3).

It should be said that this is definitely a commendable good result, but compared to his score of 10 against the wind in the country D diamond race, there is a little gap.

However, after a slight disappointment, Su Zhe also took a breath, letting go of the disappointment in his heart.

In today's race, he really lacks the excitement that he can break through the best results, although on the whole he ran well, even in the sprint stage he also ran better. However, from the final results, it can be seen that he is not at the peak of his state today.

This is also an extremely normal state fluctuation for athletes. For ordinary athletes, if they can stabilize their performance fluctuations within 0.2 seconds, they can already be praised for a stable state.

Like Su Zhe, in the competition, it can almost be called a shot and one pb state, which is incredible in many people's eyes, even if it is today's unsatisfactory result in Su Zhe's view, From everyone's point of view, it is already extremely good.

If Su Zhe won the championship in this field is already expected by many people, then Zhao Zhixuan's results are even more surprising.

10 seconds 09 (0.3).

This is Zhao Zhixuan's final achievement today.

After Chen Zhi and Su Zhe, this is also the third domestic male 100m athlete to successfully break through the 10 seconds and 10 mark. This not only refreshed Zhao Zhixuan's personal pb, but also increased his personal pb by a full 0.4 seconds.

In the stands, the members of the national track and field team warmly celebrated Su Zhe’s victory and Zhao Zhixuan opened the 10 seconds and 10 mark. One of the members suddenly looked complicated and said: “I always feel that our national team should give Su Hu a prize……"

"Ah? What award?" At the same time, the crowd of members of the national team didn't react, and looked back at their companion with a confused look.

"Chen Zhi, Su Zhe, and now there is Zhao Zhixuan... these are the only three players in our country who have opened the 10 seconds and 10 barriers in 100 meters. What award do you think should be awarded?"

The people who were questioned were bewildered for a while, and then involuntarily thought of the supreme title of Su Tiger, the mother of champions, which was secretly circulated in the national team last year.

It's not just the members of the national team who think of this mess.

When the results of the La Chaux-de-Fonds International Track and Field Race were passed back to China, many track and field fans were also very happy.

Prior to this, although China already had top players such as Chen Zhi and Su Zhe, who had crushed the Japanese team, the biggest opponent in China’s 100-meter event, in the 100-meter record, but in terms of the backbone, it was still against the Japanese team. There is a certain gap.

In terms of the number of players who opened the 10-second 10 mark in China, before Su Zhe appeared, there was even only Chen Zhi.

Now, after Zhao Zhixuan also opened the 10 seconds and 10 mark, the Chinese team and the Japanese team have made a further change in the strength of the 100 meters.

This kind of achievement, which represents the overall improvement of China's sprint project, is also enough for everyone to celebrate.

Of course, while celebrating, the post on the forum that had been on the homepage for a full week was re-liked again——

[Li Tao, the mother of the sprint champion Suhu...So is it actually a tigress? XDDDD]

576L: [At this moment, let us thank Su Laohu for his teaching! 】

577L: [Hahahahaha, brother upstairs, you top this post, are you really thanking Su Laohu for his teaching? If Su Huo sees this post, his face will turn green, right? 】

580L: [There is a saying, Su Laohu is really a cow, and Su Zhe is his son. This is a reward from God. Chen Dashen and Zhao Zhixuan were both dug out and brought out by him. I just charged this. Hundreds persuade him. 】

The domestic sports fans who play stubbornly return to stubbornly, and they respect Su Yinsheng.

After talking about Su Yinsheng, everyone naturally thought of the same World Athletics Challenge that will be held in Osaka, Japan today. Members of the national track and field team including Chen Zhi, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun will be here. Participate in multiple projects in the challenge.

At 6:10 p.m. Japan time, the men’s 100m event of the challenge finally started. There will be a large number of players participating in the men’s 100m competition. They will be divided into two groups for the competition. The final results of the two teams will be taken. To rank.

For track and field enthusiasts and athletes in Japan, if Su Zhe is a strong player in the new generation of the 100-meter event, then Chen Zhi is a nightmare that has been hanging over them for many years.

Since the rise of Chen Zhi, the Japanese track and field team has rarely won a victory in the hands of Chen Zhi.

In the Japanese track and field world, there is a title for Chen Zhi called "The Nightmare of the Empire". While Chen Zhi has broken the confidence of Japanese players time and time again, it has also been deeply ingrained in the minds of Japanese players.

When Chen Zhi stepped onto the Japanese arena for the first time after he recovered from his injury, a lot of applause came from the audience unexpectedly. Yuki Nanyama and Hiraki Takeshita who competed with Chen Zhi also nodded to Chen Zhi. Welcome him back to the game.

Chen Zhi was ranked in the second group. In this game, in addition to Nanshan Yuxi and Takeshita Hiroaki, there are also naturalized players from West Asia. The strongest player in this group is obviously from South Africa. Muir, Hassan of Iran, and Chen Zhi himself.

Including Japan’s Nanshan Yuki, there are 3 people in this field who have opened the 10-second mark, but either because of personal injuries or because of status. Of these people, only Chen Zhi has the experience of opening the 10-second mark many times, and his personal pb of 9:90 is also the strongest among the players in this group.

With Chen Zhi's achievements over the years, even if everyone knows that he is not in peak condition at this time, no one dares to underestimate him.

Standing at the starting point of the track, Chen Zhi relaxed his muscles after greeted other players and ignored the attention of these opponents around him.

After years of conquering on the field, he has adapted to the attention and fearful gaze of his surrounding opponents.

This gaze can no longer have more influence on him.

In his sprinting career, if apart from domestic competitions, which country is most familiar with, then there must be Japan among the answers.

In the past, the Japan Athletics Association held multiple events such as the All-Star Game, Championship Invitational, and China-Japan Competition each year. Coupled with competitions such as the Track and Field Challenge, Japan is definitely his most frequent country.

At this time, stepping on the Japanese court, Chen Zhi suddenly felt a long-lost premonition of victory.

When the players were ready and the referee's voice sounded through the broadcast, Chen Zhi crouched on his own starting blocks, looking forward with both eyes, revealing an inevitable look.

At the commentary, Ishida Kazuhira, who was in charge of today's commentary, saw Chen Zhi's flashing gaze from the scene when the director was switched. Suddenly, the originally relaxed mentality was lifted up again.

"Competitor Chen from the Chinese Empire! This long-lost, imperial nightmare... just showed a cannibal gaze! He is like a tiger who has recovered from a long illness and has not enjoyed the delicacy of victory for too long. Feeling..."

"So in today's game, can he successfully capture his own victory?"

"Everyone is in place, ready."


After the sharp sound of the starting gun, eight figures suddenly kicked off the starting blocks.

Among these 8 people, it was Chen Zhi who broke out first!

He led the crowd with a reaction speed of 0.124 seconds for listening to the gun. Not only that, he started the explosive stage from the explosive kicking on the starting blocks, and then accelerated the start. The overall connection has returned to the smoothness of his peak. .

The wind on the court today was a little bit stronger. In a downwind state, Chen Zhi felt that his speed had also been boosted.

During the acceleration phase, he kept pedaling and changing steps. In this process, relying on his explosive future, he easily highlighted the encirclement. From the stage less than 20 meters, he has already competed with the second and third place Yuxi Nanshan, Hasan and others opened a gap of about 1 position!

In the audience, the Japanese audience was trying their best to cheer for the two national players, Yuki Nanshan and Hiraki Takeshita, but this cheering sound did not help Yuki Nanshan to surpass the Chen Zhi ahead.

too strong.

Nanshan Yuxi saw Chen Zhi ahead, and still couldn't help feeling his strength.

In the first half of the stage, Chen Zhi’s dominance was completely at the top level in the world. Even by the standards of Gates, Evanson and others, Chen Zhi in the first half and heyday of these two men was just a match. between.

The weakness of Chen Zhi lies in his difficulty in maintaining his top speed in the second half of the run. Starting from the 50-60m stage, his physical stamina and future explosiveness are more than half consumed, and then he will have a split result. Of slipping.

In the arena, all 7 players except Chen Zhi knew his weakness. In the first half of the game, everyone focused on their own results and tried to catch up with Chen Zhi. The goal was not to be left behind by Chen Zhi too much. It was difficult to catch up in the second half of the stage.

Chen Zhi naturally knew what his opponent was thinking.

As a veteran of the game for many years, their technical characteristics have been made into corresponding technical analysis cases by the coaching staff of various countries to help their players deal with different situations on the field.

Including the coaching staff of the national team, it will also do corresponding technical analysis for players from all countries.

However, as far as sprinting is concerned, after the individual's competitive characteristics have been analyzed by the opponent, can they catch up and crush their target person?

Chen Zhi asked himself that he couldn't do this, and it was difficult for other players to do it.

Just as Chen Zhi was confident, he took an absolute lead in the first half of the stage and opened a gap of about 1 meter with the same players. On the 100-meter track, this gap is enough to shock.

In the commentary, Ishida Ippei’s tone was tense and admired: "The Chinese empire’s Chen, his footsteps on the track are still so sharp, and every step he takes is on the heart of the opponent, let People are afraid and gradually lose confidence!"

From 50 meters on the track, Chen Zhiyi's indomitable posture showed a slight lag, but this lag and speed decline were not as conspicuous as Nanshan Yuxi and others thought.

When it was discovered that Chen Zhi's speed had declined, but it was not as obvious as before, the opponents behind Chen Zhi truly felt a panic in their hearts.

However, the players present are all strong players with rich experience in the event. Although they found that Chen Zhi’s situation was not as good as they had expected, they were only slightly surprised and quickly re-adjusted their mentality to maintain their pace and avoid themselves because of Mistakes in anticipation led to a breakdown in their own rhythm.

After Chen Zhi entered the second half of the race, maintaining his own speed was indeed more difficult than the first half, but this difficulty was much easier than in the past.

Since he recovered from his injury at the beginning of the year, his physical condition has been better than before. This has created a good foundation for his subsequent recovery of the competitive state and technical adjustments.

It is under such circumstances that he can successfully complete various restorative training and his own technical adjustments, and at the same time, he has also improved his maintenance ability in the second half of the schedule.

On the field, Chen Zhi restrained the fatigue of the loss of physical energy in his body. With his own will, he maintained the stability of his technical movements, controlled his speed, and ensured that he would not be the same as before, because of the loss of physical energy and the lack of muscle height. Oxygen fatigue makes the action slack, and finally leads to a large drop in the segmented speed.

It's just a short track of less than 100 meters. His forehead is already covered with sweat. He controls his breathing rate. When the final sprint stage comes, he once again puts on his remaining strength. Start striding towards the end!

In the second half of the stage, Chen Zhi’s declining speed did give the players in the rear an opportunity to take advantage. In the 70-meter stage, Hasan had already gotten closer to Chen Zhi by about half a meter, but Chen Zhiyu sprinted. After the stage was renewed, the distance between Hassan and Chen Zhi could not be shortened any further.

In the end, Chen Zhi crossed the finish line of the 100m race with an absolute lead and won the first place in the second team of the men's 100m event.

In the commentary, Ishida Ippei’s voice was filled with admiration and a hint of unspeakable meaning. He looked at Chen Zhi who crossed the finish line and said with emotion: “The two teams of the men’s 100 meters in the World Athletics Challenge Osaka Station have already After the game, the player who won the first place in the group was Chen from China. After experiencing a major injury, he returned from recovery. He still has terrifying strength. His performance is worthy of his "imperial nightmare" The title is irresistible!"

"So, in the end, who will be the ultimate winner of this track and field challenge? I believe that all the audiences now have the same urgency in their hearts as I am. We are all looking forward to this long-lost strong who will eventually be able to How to rank...!"

Among those waiting for the rankings, apart from Ishida Ippei and the audience on the spot, there are naturally Chen Zhi and other players.

Standing at the end, Chen Zhi calmed his breath slightly, then turned his attention to the large screen on the scene.

For this game, he has shown his best state after healed from injury. Before the start of the game, his premonition of victory in his heart was also realized smoothly, but for him at this moment, there should be another layer of real victory. meaning.

When the referee team submitted the final results to the director and switched to the big screen, Chen Zhi looked at the results behind his name and slowly smiled.

No. 1, Chen Zhi (China), 10 seconds 00 (wind speed 1.3m/s), personal sb.

He won the first place in this track and field challenge with an advantage of 0.02 seconds and won the first international championship after returning from injury.

This is not actually what Chen Zhi cares about most. After repeatedly confirming the 10:00 score, he finally breathed a sigh of laughter-the men's 100-meter performance in the Tokyo Olympics was up to the standard.

Although there is no live broadcast of this track and field challenge in China, the official channels received relevant information as soon as possible.

Soon, when the domestic track and field fans refreshed their Weibo, they saw a series of official Weibo led by the national track and field team and released a message with the same content.

National Athletics Team: [In the World Athletics Challenge Osaka Station held in Osaka, Japan at 18:10 today, our player @陈志 won the men’s 100m event with a score of 10:00 (wind speed 1.3) The men's 100-meter champion in the race, at the same time, Chen Zhi's performance also successfully met the Tokyo Olympics standards, and officially qualified for this Olympic men's 100-meter competition! At the Tokyo Olympics, my country will have @苏哲, @陈志 and two athletes for the first time in the men's 100-meter event, and they will also qualify for the Olympics! 】

! ! !

After most track and field enthusiasts see this news, the first action they do is to rub their eyes first to confirm that they are not dazzled.

After confirming the authenticity of the news, everyone couldn't wait to repost it on Weibo, and they didn’t even feel in the mood to write a comment. They simply uttered the onomatopoeia in the repost.

This is really great news for tm!

Just an hour ago, they were still celebrating Su Zhe's another championship and Zhao Zhixuan's successful opening of the 10 seconds 10 mark. How could one think that after an hour, there will be even greater surprises waiting for them?

Chen Zhi finally lived up to expectations. After recovering from his injury, he successfully broke the 10.05 barrier and won another men's 100m Olympic qualification for the Chinese team!

In this Olympics, the Chinese team will not only send three 110-meter hurdles to the competition, but also for the first time in the men's 100-meter event that two athletes can qualify for the competition at the same time!

For sports fans who are paying attention to the men's 100-meter event, today is undoubtedly a day worth caring for.

However, this carnival is not even over yet.

Soon after the men’s 100-meter race ended, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun also boarded the arena to start a speed battle in the 110-meter hurdles.

In this 110-meter hurdles competition, in addition to the famous Japanese, French player Hubert and American Luis also signed up to participate in the 110-meter hurdles competition of this track and field World Challenge.

Before the start of the game, Zhou Tianjue tensed his spirits and stubbornly vowed to rejuvenate his spirits and run sufficiently good results. Ye Jun's mental state was as stable as ever. Regarding Zhou Tianjue's tight state, he was just serious. To remind him not to affect his actual performance because of being too tight.

In the final game, this time Zhou Tianjue finally broke the curse of his malaise in the first two games. He showed an extremely active attacking posture throughout the game. The rhythm is full of predatory nature, which fully reflects his ambition for this game.

Ye Jun's state in this game is also fair. Although he was slightly flawed in the pre-hurdle stage, he quickly made up for his mistakes in the pre-hurdle stage with his rich experience in the game, and then in the offensive stage, He also showed an extremely positive state. Through the regulation of his own attacking hurdle rhythm, he recovered all the time lost when he made a mistake in front of the hurdle.

In the end, the game ended with Huber first, Zhou Tianjue second, and Ye Jun fourth.

Zhou Tianjue achieved the flag he set before the game. In this game, he ran an excellent result of 13.24 seconds (wind speed of 0.8m/s) and recovered his competitive state on the field.

Although Ye Jun is only ranked fourth, his 13.35 performance is also commendable. Since this season, he has scored 13.28, 13.27 and 13 seconds in this field in three consecutive international games. 35 These three results fully demonstrated the successful effect of his technical transformation after March.

When the domestic track and field enthusiasts received the results of Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun's match, it was naturally heated again.

Whether it is Zhou Tianjue's recovery or Ye Jun's stability, this is a good thing to celebrate.

And just when everyone at the Athletics Kingdom Forum thought that today’s good news should come to an end for a while, one of the friends came out and questioned his soul—"Did you forget, La Chaux-de-Font Track and Field Race, Zhe Shao participated Are they two events? At around 0 o'clock, Zhe Shao's 110-meter hurdles will be out, right?"

This question was so shocking that everyone finally remembered that the surprise of this day should really not be over!

Sure enough, when the domestic time was approaching 0 o'clock, someone on the Athletics Kingdom forum sent the latest news of the La Chaux-de-Fonds track and field race.

In the final of the 110-meter hurdles, Su Zhe won the 110-meter hurdles champion at the La Chaux-de-Fonds International Track and Field Championship in 13 seconds 20 (wind speed 0.6m/s).

Although La Chaux-de-Fond’s international track and field event is not high in terms of specifications, there are still many strong players in the usual competition, and it is in this group of strong players that the final victory is across the men’s 100 meters. Su Zhe with the 110-meter hurdles double project.

This time, Su Zhe also won the double event championship in an international track and field event for the first time!


_(:з」∠)_Today is also a humble waste vegetable... I never expected that the codeword environment would be exceptionally bad after returning home from National Day...

This morning, the whole family went on a day trip around the surrounding area. They agreed to go to the beach to play in the water. Unexpectedly, they climbed Zishan for a while (stunned.jpg)

After the code is updated, I will quietly give everyone a comparison. The spicy chicken dishes are going to be flattened again... I heard that there is a plan to go to the beach tomorrow at home, sluggish...


Long-lost small theater

Caicai: (sighing, light a cigarette) Ass, every time I write about your scenes, my grandmother is very stressed... The little angels have great opinions on you...

Mr. Shao: (indifferent)...Should you not reflect on yourself at this time?

Cai Cai: ...? ? ? Why is it reflecting on myself again? Shouldn't you see why you are so unworthy?

Mr. Shao: ...heh, isn't this the result you wrote?

Cai Cai:? ? ? (Turns around and hugs Baby Zhe) Wow, Zai Zai, that Shao is not a good person, you have to keep your eyes open in the future!

Su Zhe: (Suddenly caught in chaos, revealing the confused Yazi)? ? ?

Mr. Shao:……==+++ (officially exploding)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 son;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: One smile and one faint smile;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Umy_joy, Duan plus 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

60 bottles of Jiyi; 40 bottles of Langfeng; 34 bottles of Qiyi; 30 bottles of lizy2002; 20 bottles of Han Fenger; 10 bottles of Yi, Junkai 1009, Duan Jia, Lingshan, Cautious Stopper, Gusu, Mimi, Savior ; Sansan is also very helpless, 8 bottles; No Xiyue 6 bottles; 123456, Miracle, Plush, Su Yi, Yun Chu Xiu Xin 5 bottles; Zibuyan, Mo Jiuci 3 bottles; Xiaomuyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!