May 19 this year is a day of victory and carnival for domestic track and field enthusiasts.

Zhao Zhixuan opened the 100-meter 10 seconds 10 mark, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun scored excellent results in the 110-meter hurdle event. Chen Zhi returned to 10 seconds 00 and won another men’s 100-meter Olympic qualification. In the end, Su Zhe also did that day. With excellent results, he won the double event championship in the La Chaux-de-Fonds track and field event.

Rao is a track and field enthusiast who has seen a lot of good news one after another since last year. He did not expect to receive this series of surprises in just one day.

In the following ten days, the topic of domestic track and field circles could not avoid the number 519. Everyone enthusiastically demonstrated the meaning of this day from various aspects, and some even shouted metaphysical slogans, thinking that it was a In a good day with good luck and prosperity, you should win the competition and win prizes.

The national track and field team and the Tianguan Center were also very pleased with the results achieved by everyone on this day of 519. After returning to the training base, everyone also got an extra day of vacation, letting them take a good rest.

Just as athletes, all track team members including Su Zhe have long developed the habit of exercising every day, even if it is a rest day, they can't help but exercise, otherwise they will feel uncomfortable.

So, in the afternoon of this holiday, Su Zhe and his teammates still appeared on the track and field field of the sub-training base, and everyone tacitly began to warm-up training according to their daily training habits to maintain their competitive state.

Su Zhe, who is training with everyone on the field, is habitually running around the field for 10 kilometers-although he does not actually have the daily tasks of the 10 kilometers run released by the sand sculpture system today.

Since he was bound to this sand sculpture system, he has become accustomed to completing the daily task of running 10 kilometers every day except for force majeure.

Especially after having a systematic training space, it is even more impossible for him to miss the daily 10km run. After all, the skill points obtained from here can be exchanged for training hours in the training space, although only one hour per day can be exchanged. But it is also a long-term effective supplement.

When he won the double championship at the La Chaux-de-Fonds track and field event, he usually simply used the system to settle the event. After he settled a series of rewards such as the system training space, he announced his accumulated reputation and accumulated tasks. The rewards obtained, etc., have been converted to successfully trigger the system's upgrade conditions.

The system will automatically enter the upgrade mode. During the upgrade, the system will shut down all functions until the system upgrade is completed.

This prompt stunned Su Zhe immediately, but according to the usual pattern of the sand sculpture system, the system would not change because of his hesitation.

Since then, the system has completely entered the sleep upgrade mode, and judging by the progress bar that Su Zhe can see, it will take at least 12 days for the sand sculpture system to be upgraded.

Seeing this long time-consuming upgrade, Su Zhe didn't know how to evaluate it for a while-this sand sculpture system, in many cases, seemed completely beyond the power of the current era, but in some cases, it seemed extraordinarily rudimentary.

For example, this sand sculpture system is extremely simple to the system interface, and for example, because of insufficient data storage space, he is often asked to convert reputation values ​​into free attribute points, and because there are too many free attribute points, it becomes a flower He formulated a comprehensive physical attribute improvement plan, flicking him to consume all the free attribute points previously stored on his body.

Although the system has never said anything other than the mechanical beep, Su Zhe has become accustomed to the existence of the system with his company over the past year, and at the same time he regards this system as a system that secretly releases water for himself during the lottery draw. A silent friend.

After the system officially entered the upgrade state, Su Zhe still habitually wanted to wake up the training space of the system before going to sleep at night. After receiving no response, he remembered that the system is now sleeping.

This kind of lonely feeling made Su Zhe a little unable to adapt for a while.

Perhaps because of this, even if the sand sculpture system has no task requirements today, he still habitually completes the 10 km daily routine.

On the second day after returning to the team, Su Zhe received a notice that the coaching staff would not arrange training related to technical adjustments for him in the next week, but only prepared some adaptive training and daily basics for him. Training courses such as listening to gun reactions.

And in a week later, he will take the opportunity to return to the domestic city of s in advance, adapt to the venue of city s in advance, and carefully prepare for the diamond league s city branch to be held in city s on May 30.

Different from other Diamond League tournaments, the national team usually only gives athletes one day in advance to adapt. During the competition, it also means to polish the athletes' ability to quickly adapt to the competition in different cities.

In this sub-station in city s, as the only diamond league hosted by a domestic city, the national track and field team should not be taken lightly.

In this sub-station, all diamond events, as long as the national track and field team members are qualified to participate, all members will register for the competition. At the same time, the team members of each event will also go to city s in advance to adapt to the local environment and ensure that they are Excellent results can be obtained in this diamond league.

Not only the national team, but the Tianguan Center and the Sports Association also paid much attention to the Diamond League in this field. In addition to the popularity of the Diamond League, it is also because of the increasing interest of the domestic people in track and field events.

Both the National Sports Federation and the Field Management Center regard the Diamond League as another important publicity point for the track and field events. We hope that with the promotion of the Diamond League sub-stations, the influence of the track and field events will be expanded once again, so that more people can feel it. This project is good.

It is precisely because of this that the promotion of this Diamond League can be described as an unprecedented event, approaching the World Indoor Track and Field Championships in March. The plan given by the propaganda staff of the National Sports Federation and the Field Management Center directly linked the Diamond League to the upcoming Tokyo Olympics in July.

[Feel the duel between the best players at the Olympic level in advance! 】

[The world's top track and field athletes are right in front of your eyes! 】

[The ultimate battle that you can feel without going to Tokyo! 】

[Together witness, Diamond League, everything is possible, maybe the next world record will be presented before your eyes! 】

In addition to this series of publicity slogans and themes, these publicity personnel also displayed all the players participating in the Diamond League in a list type. In addition to the simple list, in order to make the series of publicity more convincing, publicity The staff arranged and displayed the personal achievements of these players, so that the ordinary audience could more intuitively realize how strong the competitive level of these players came to participate.

At the same time, in order to truly achieve the effects mentioned in the promotion, the organizers of the Diamond League s city sub-station even sent out invitations to the top players in each event during the registration stage.

For example, Gate, Evanson, and Sandy in the men’s 100-meter event, Alcides, Lister, and Gomez in the 110-meter hurdle event are the same in other track and field events. The organizers are basically Last year's track and field championships are currently the top three as the invitation standard, and these players were invited one by one.

Under the sincere invitation of the organizer of the s city sub-station, many players who did not have special arrangements or conflicts with the event have agreed to the invitation of the s city organizer. It is also the confirmation of these players to participate in the sub-station. With a gimmick comparable to the year-end finals of the Diamond League, it can also achieve the effect of the slogan to a certain extent.

And in the Diamond League sub-station that has been so valued this time, the players of their own countries can't lose the chain.

The national track and field team has put forward requirements for all participating athletes-to work hard and try their best to show the demeanor of our country's track and field athletes.

It was in this tense and solemn atmosphere that Su Zhe took the opportunity to return to the long-lost city.

When leaving the airport, Su Zhe saw a far different number of reporters at the exit gate. However, the turbulent group of reporters did not seem to be blocking him, because they really saw His eyes were bright, and the reporters who made Su Zhe looked familiar were actually only seven or eight official media that often run sports news.

Su Zhe glanced at the rest of the reporters, and when they saw their interview cards and the logos on the microphones and cameras, they also discovered that the remaining twenty or thirty were entertainment media.

Looking at this posture, 80% of the big traffic with news has just caught up with the flight landing at this time of the day. These entertainment notes should be waiting to block the big stars.

In fact, before Su Zhe left the station, the two groups of reporters were initially a little confused. After all, a wave of official media reporting on the positive drama and a wave of entertainment records were gathered together, and the style of painting seemed a bit strange. , But the two parties soon discovered that their target people were different, and each chatted with their counterparts.

Until Su Zhe appeared, the official media began to take pictures of Su Zhe from a distance, and many entertainment notes nearby also recognized Su Zhe.

However, these entertainment notes do not have a high level of understanding of Su Zhe, and are probably limited to a few reports on Su Zhe by reporter Zhuo Simingzhuo, as well as some revelations about Su Zhe's old tastes circulating in the circle.

Although not the subject of his own interview, most of the entertainment reporters still took some pictures of Su Zhe airport as an extra harvest for today.

Among all the entertainment journals, the only one who seriously took photos of Su Zhe on the bus, and brought a recording pen to prepare to take advantage of his interview target before he arrived. By the way, the reporter who visited Su Zhe was the reporter of the Pear Official Account.

Inside the Pear official account, Zhuo Siming’s upper-level history is simply a contemporary legend. Several reports about Su Zhe were remembered by the young reporters after the Pear official account, waiting for the opportunity. Can also concoct such a one, copy a new legend.

On the other hand, sports reporters did not have so much thought after waiting for Su Zhe. These local reporters in S city, for Su Zhe, who was born in S city, made famous from S city, and also came from the sports family of S city, naturally Have a natural goodwill.

After these reporters and Su Zhe greeted each other with a smile, many people were still asking whether Su Zhe remembered himself. The atmosphere between them was very friendly and harmonious.

The questions prepared by the reporters are not tricky either. Most of them are regular packages related to the event. The focus is on the national attention of the Diamond League and the audience's expectations for the peak duel of the players in this game.

Questions are mostly focused on Su Zhe’s goals for this competition, whether he has prepared his physical fitness for two consecutive top competitions in a short period of time on the same day, etc. These conventional questions are not difficult to answer, but more are Just let Su Zhe express his determination.

After these questions, a small reporter from the Pear official account also extended a recording pen and introduced himself.

"Hello, Su Zhe, I'm a reporter for the Pear Public Account. You used to @邵星辰 on the bib, asking for tickets for the premiere. Does your speech represent your support for Shao Xingchen?"

This sudden question made the official media reporters bewildered. Su Zhe was also taken aback after hearing it, and then simply nodded.

"Of course, as a friend, isn't it normal for him to support the movies he starred in?"

"Su Zhe, you have been training for the competition. Maybe you don’t know. Many people are dissatisfied with Shao Xingchen’s role as director Shin Jung, thinking that he is not competent. It will be a failure in Shin Jung’s career as a director. Even so, you are also Support him?"

Su Zhe's questioning caused Su Zhe to twist his eyebrows, and the sports reporters who had finished the interview were also a little unhappy. They felt that where the small entertainment jokes came from, they clearly forced Su Zhe to become a popular star.

After frowning, Su Zhe bluntly expressed his support for Shao Xingchen: "Why not? Has the final makeup been taken for this movie? Has the preview been released? Has the director stated? In the absence of any information flowing out. Next, how do you know that Shao Xingchen is not good?"

"I think it doesn't make any sense to discuss this now. Once he really does not perform well in the movie, the audience's response will tell everything."

Although the little reporter on the Pear official account asked two questions, he didn’t get the explosive answer he wanted. Su Zhe’s answer can only be pushed with the title of “Su Zhe Supports Shao Xingchen”. What an attractive look.

But after answering this question, Su Zhe stopped staying, and after saying goodbye to the reporters he was familiar with, he quickly took a taxi and left the airport.

After getting in the taxi, Su Zhe also wanted to understand that Shao Xingchen was the person who wanted to block these entertainment notes.

After thinking about it, Su Zhe sent a message to Shao Xingchen, and after sending him the news that there were a lot of entertainment to block him at the exit, he closed his eyes in the car and started to rest.

s city sports team

As the sports team that his father Su Yin has been with for decades, the S City sports team is undoubtedly one of Su Zhe's most familiar places.

This time Su Zhe returned to city s to compete, the city s sports team all expressed their absolute support. Li Mingdeng and Zhao Changhe had contacted him a long time ago, and the adaptability training for the past few days has been placed on the city s sports team. There is no need to worry about accommodation and food.

The familiar environment and familiar people of the s city sports team put Su Zhe into a relatively relaxed state. After a night of rest, the fatigue of the long-distance flight finally subsided a lot early the next morning.

When he woke up, Su Zhe habitually observed the update progress of the sand sculpture system, and roughly confirmed that when the sand sculpture system was officially updated, the s city sub-station of the Diamond League must have ended.

After returning to the sports circle, this will be his first game without the system state buff-this recognition makes Su Zhe a little surprised.

Although the system's status buff is good, he wants to know how much he can show on the field when there is no system's status bonus?

The state bonus theoretically improves his personal mental state, mental state, and perception state on the field, but according to the previous state overflow task, the system's state bonus also has an upper limit.

This also means that as long as he is in good condition, he can achieve the effect of the system state bonus on the field... Such thoughts and possibilities are particularly attractive to Su Zhe, and it also arouses him. Expectations and fighting spirit for the next Diamond League sub-station.

I really want to see earlier, under such a situation, what kind of results I can run on the field!

On the training ground of the s city sports team, Zhao Changhe looked at Su Zhe who was training in the 100-meter training. He always felt that Su Zhe’s condition today seemed extraordinarily excited, but after asking Su Zhe, what he got was only Su Zhe. With an embarrassed smile and bright eyes.

After this day’s training, Zhao Changhe and Li Mingdeng couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “A Zhe, this kid, still has a deep affection for our sports team! I saw that when he was training today, he was so excited that he wanted to break a hundred meters in the practice stage. It's 10! This time, his results must be no different!"

Hearing Zhao Changhe’s words, Li Mingdeng also looked gratified. Both of him are people who have admission cards to the Diamond Tournament, so they met and must cheer for Su Zhe on the spot and let him feel the s city sports team. Warmth.

On the Internet, since the official media began to hype the Diamond League s city sub-station, the tickets for the Diamond Tournament, which was still abundant, became extremely popular in an instant. About half a month before the game, the tickets for the 80,000 stadium were sold. Empty.

Many track and field enthusiasts who have not bought tickets early have a look of bewilderment, re-experiencing the sadness they felt when they grabbed tickets to the domestic track and field grand prix not long ago.

All the friends on the Athletics Kingdom Forum thought about getting the votes this time. Occasionally one or two who failed to get the tickets could not help expressing grief and indignation in the forum.

Subject: [A big show of 80,000 people, the tickets are gone if you don’t? I wonder if this is not an Olympic ticket? Why is the Diamond Tournament suddenly so big in our domestic audience? 】

1L: [Brother, didn’t I say, didn’t you see the official propaganda? Is it comparable to the Olympics? These words are enough to attract a large number of passers-by, right? 】

2L: [The brother upstairs is right. The Diamond Tournament already has a certain reputation, plus this year's official promotion, how can this popularity be low? Brother, blame yourself for buying the tickets late...]

4L: [This year is the Olympic year. Passersby have already increased their attention to sports events, and the official dad has made every effort to promote it. Obviously, this is to let more people know about track and field. Under this momentum, tickets are sold out. It's normal! 】

10L: [Landlord brother, think about it, if you want to go abroad to watch the Olympics, not only the travel expenses to go abroad, but also the ticket lottery for the Tokyo Olympics, it's not an exaggeration to pick one from a thousand miles, right? Even if you can get a country, can you get tickets? At this time, our official father said, come, come to city s, you can experience the scene of the Olympic peak match in advance! Can this ticket be left? I'll watch the game next time, so be a little more concerned and buy tickets earlier! 】

On Weibo, various official and unofficial game-watching strategies have also been flying all over the sky.

Although many track and field enthusiasts are unable to attend the game, out of the mentality of serving the audience, they have made various versions of the [Key Watch Guide] according to the schedule of each event to remind the audience who came to watch the game. Which project will be more worth seeing at any point in time.

Regardless of in any version of the game-watching strategy, Su Zhe will participate in the men's 100-meter event and 110-meter hurdles event, all of which are marked with asterisks, and there are remarks. The important game is not to be missed.

In such a tumultuous debate, the time finally turned to May 30.

In today’s competition, there is not only a formal diamond competition, but also to allow other athletes to feel the atmosphere of the competition. Of course, it is also to prevent the audience from getting bored before the start of the race. There are also about 7 events arranged on site. Field game.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Su Zhe had completed the inspection of his first 110-meter hurdles at the inspection office, and then followed the staff to the preparation area. After changing the equipment, he began to warm up gradually.

On the 80,000-strong stadium, the enthusiastic spectators were full of encouragement even for the kick-off match.

Listening to the enthusiastic applause and cheers from the stadium, the players in the preparation area were also infected by this warm atmosphere, and everyone showed their expectations for the next game.

Su Zhe squeezed the palms of his hands and began to devote himself to the warm-up more attentively-it was just a mere warm-up phase that he already felt impatient.

Can he continue his past achievements today?

He can't help but want to play right away and feel his speed!

With everyone’s eager anticipation, the opening ceremony of the Diamond League s city race officially began. Then, in the final stage of the opening ceremony, the organizer who spoke on behalf of the team announced that the Diamond League officially started!

Next, is the competition for the first event of the Diamond League.

The players in the 110-meter hurdles finally officially debuted under the expectations.


_(:з」∠)_Scaling, the National Day family tour series is finally coming to an end... Wan Wanmei thought that the National Day fat family is more tired than going to work... (humble)

I saw a little angel who said that Chen Zhi felt that he was recovering too quickly after he recovered. Well, there are actually several reasons. 1. The body recovered well, including some hidden injuries. 2. During this period of training, He has also completed technical improvements. 3. His condition in that game is exceptionally good, and there is a wind speed bonus_(:з」∠)_ so the speed will be very fast, but in fact, this is not yet his personal pb level... …Cough, there are hangings, but they shouldn’t be too big (cover your face and bow ing)

PS: There is also a little angel asking whether the nightmare of the empire is a copy version of the empire’s destruction dragon...cough cough, it was is not wrong, this title is indeed from the imperial destruction dragon and the empire’s ultimate tiger..._ (:з」∠)_……

Oops, it's too long to open a small theater... See you tomorrow, big guy...! (Anyway, today... it's considered as a cutoff... humble, this article is really not without cp... although my emotional line is really bad...T___T)

Give everyone a comparison! Love you, see you tomorrow_(:з」∠)_


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Mo Jiuci 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

2222634750 bottles; 45 bottles of dandelion; 30 bottles sealed; 20 bottles of three-water boiled fish, sprites, and dyed tongs; give sugar, don’t mess up, Xiaoxiao, sad ecstasy palm (*^@^*), thirty-seven degrees coffee, tea 10 bottles of Mozi and Qinqiu got married; 8 bottles of Taoman Tingzhou; 2 bottles of sugar in Qiao and Doudou; 1 bottle of Bing Ning Xueyun, (c-}@v@,夕影;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!