On June 4th, Su Zhe returned to the German sub-training base, but at the same time, the advertising team of Brands Group and Cyclonus Group followed closely and quickly submitted their respective advertising plans to the Tian Management Center.

While Su Zhe returned to the sub-training base to participate in training, the domestic residual heat about the Diamond League has not yet dissipated. The cut video of Su Zhe that went out of the circle has also continued to appear in the circle of ordinary passers-by who do not care about sports. ripple.

During the World Championships, a series of resource pictures and video cuts of Su Zhe collected and sorted out by the well-known entertainment blogger "Gossip Girl" were turned over by the masses and re-rounded. Taking advantage of the recent heat, it was originally because Su Zhe, who focused on the game and was about to be forgotten by the entertainment industry, suddenly exploded.

Although he has already retired and changed his job to become a track and field athlete, Su Zhe has made some small bursts at this time in the past year, and occasionally he can reach the top of the hot search posture, which still surprised many industry insiders in the entertainment industry.

Although the domestic discussion is heated, the information has nothing to do with Su Zhe who started training.

After he returned to the sub-training base, the sprint coaches led by his father Su Yinsheng and the hurdle coaches led by Lu Fei have prepared luxurious training packages for him.

It was slightly different from Su Zhe’s expectations. He originally thought that in the remaining one month or so, the coaching staff would still send him to participate in a large number of games to maintain his state, but in fact, he needs to participate in the next period of time. The number of matches has been temporarily reduced to a minimum.

In the next two months, in order to maintain the competitive state, he will remain in the Oslo Diamond Race on June 13th and the Lausanne Diamond Race on July 5th. For the rest of the time, he will stay more in the points. Complete physical training in the training base, and try to coordinate the time as much as possible to start joint training among relay team members.

In the training plan arranged for him by the coaching staff, the two words about physical fitness have also been marked with key symbols.

It is no wonder that, after all, he had made mistakes due to physical problems in the s city sub-station of the Diamond League before, and it really sounded a huge alarm on the head of the coaching staff.

In fact, before that, the coaching staff still trusted Su Zhe’s physical fitness. After all, he has always been a training madman. Even after completing the full training of the coaching staff, he still has plenty of time to run his daily routine. 10 kilometers exercise.

Not only that, Su Zhe also experienced the test of four games a day, so in the hearts of the coaching staff, Su Zhe's physical fitness should be theoretically no problem.

But after this sub-station match, the members of the coaching staff reintegrated the key information and found that everyone still ignored some content.

For example, Su Zhe had four competitions a day, but his personal performance was still affected;

For another example, in daily training, as there are multiple courses interlaced with each other, taking into account athletes’ physical recovery and daily continuous training, in fact, in terms of training volume and training content, athletes are not required to explode all their physical fitness at once, and at the same time It is the same full-hearted training on the field, so there is still a certain difference between training and actual combat;

Another example is a contest-type player like Su Zhe. In the competition, he only watches a single game. The spirit and physical stamina he involuntarily invests in and explodes will be stronger than in daily training with restraint. Therefore, every game It is possible to double the strength of training than usual.

In short, the members of the coaching staff found that they had overlooked a lot of details. So when Su Zhe had not returned to the sub-training base, everyone took out the usual training schedule and turned over again. New adjustments have been made to the training content for all athletes to remedy previous mistakes.

All in all, in the period approaching the Olympics, almost everyone in the coaching staff is bald, so as to avoid any omissions in the training plan, to ensure that the athletes can participate in the event in the best condition during the Olympics.

Therefore, in the following period of time, Su Zhe started a new preparation training under the guidance of the coaching staff, and the coaching staff also contacted the domestic staff of the national track and field team, and asked the nutritionist of the track team to target Su Zhe’s situation re-made a daily related diet plan, and quickly synchronized to Germany, so that the beginning of Germany here can immediately change Su Zhe’s daily nutrition package.

Not only that, the physical coaches and masseurs in the German sub-training base are also adjusting and trying newer massage and relaxation programs, striving to relax and recover muscles faster and reduce athletes’ fatigue through soothing massage after the game. Sense, accelerate the athlete’s physical recovery.

The alarm bell sounded at the s city sub-station of the Diamond League has brought the entire track team into a more tense preparation state, and everyone’s goals are very consistent-to do a better job of supporting the athletes in a more comprehensive way, so that the players They can play their best in the Olympics.

Regarding his physical fitness, Su Zhe is naturally very concerned. Therefore, in addition to the efforts made by everyone in the track and field team, Su Zhe also very simply assigned the two attributes of physical fitness and resilience in the system. Then after daily training every day, during the night sleep, he still maintained a boring training life in the training space.

After Su Zhe returned to the sub-training base for about a week of training, Chen Zhi, who had just ran into the 100 meters in 10 seconds in Osaka, once again ran 10 seconds 02. He declared with his outstanding results The recovery of personal status also tells everyone-in the 100-meter event of the Chinese track team, there are now two active players who have the ability to run into the 10-second mark.

For the European sports arena, although this is not a surprising thing, both Chen Zhi and Su Zhe have one characteristic at the same time-the stability of their results is amazing.

Among the two, Chen Zhi's performance fluctuation range is already very small, but if it is really round, Su Zhe should be the most exaggerated among the two.

Since he started participating in the 100-meter project, Su Zhe's 100-meter performance has a surprisingly small fluctuation.

If the fluctuation range of his performance last year was small or it was because he participated in fewer games, it is difficult to judge his personal status from big data.

So this year, Su Zhe's achievements have been very illustrative.

But in all the competitions he participated in, if one shot one pb exaggerated, two shots one pb underestimated him.

The soaring speed of this kind of achievement makes everyone in the circle who pay attention to Su Zhe's achievement feel incredible.

What is even more exaggerated is that Su Zhe's performance increase and steady state are not only applicable to his men's 100-meter event, but also to his 110-meter hurdle race.

After Su Zhe participated in many international events such as the World Championships, World Indoor Championships, Diamond League, La Chaux-de-Fonds Track and Field, not only domestic or Japanese track and field enthusiasts have noticed him, but also foreign track and field enthusiasts. I noticed this "Chinese Miracle Boy" who has an outstanding appearance and at the same time flying at the same speed.

The discussion about Su Zhe was initially just a small group of track and field enthusiasts on Facebook.

The track and field enthusiasts of these crooked countries took screenshots of the reports on Su Zhe on the IAAF official website, and at the same time went to the official websites of different events such as the World Championships and the Diamond League to take screenshots of Su Zhe’s event data and make them into icons. , Put it on the Internet for discussion with your fellow friends.

Other passers-by who occasionally rush in don't know what this so-called "Chinese Miracle Boy" topic actually means.

Many random passers-by will usually leave without any interest after discovering that they cannot understand the topic of discussion, but there will always be some passers-by full of desire to talk in this world.

For example, they met a passerby friend who seemed to be chattering.

[Hey, guys, are you talking about Chinese stars? 】

[It seems to be discussing the appearance of Chinese athletes, but is there anything particularly worth discussing? Oh, about China, I only know that the Great Wall also has food...Of course the mysterious charm of the East is also full of appeal to me. If I have the opportunity, I would rather go to China to have a look...]

In order not to interrupt their discussion, someone threw some links to Su Zhe's information to these passers-by, and then continued discussions in the small group about where Su Zhe's ability limit would be, and when would this rapid refresh stop? The terrible trend of pb.

But before these people were able to finish the discussion, the passers-by who originally went to see Su Zhe’s link materials returned to their topic discussion building and made a surprised voice: [Wow, this athlete you discussed is really a fascinating little beauty! 】

? ? ?

The track and field enthusiasts who were simply discussing Su Zhe's personal strength were in confusion. Before they could say, they were pure Su Zhe career fans instead of Yan fans. The passerby had already spoken out first.

[This little beauty is amazing! He has the beauty of the laurel goddess, and why should he have the power of the sun god... such a contrasting beauty is really fascinating. 】

[Oh, look at his temperament! His eyes are fascinating, and I saw him standing in the arena full of regrets. This is really heartbreaking... I think he might be my muse. Such a beauty should be shared with everyone! 】



? ? ?

Wait, though, this Chinese player is a male athlete. Why do you use the Goddess Laurel to describe him?

After the hesitation, the track and field enthusiasts who were really pure Su Zhe's power fans put the matter behind and re-discussed other topics related to Su Zhe.

What they didn’t expect was that this passerby who entered Facebook was actually quite a well-known blogger on ins. His job was a well-known fashion designer, even in the circle of famous designers. His critical index is also well-known.

The beauties who can make him praise and agree are all recognized by his companions.

The designer Victor, who has a romantic mind and is full of affection for beauties, immediately searched the Internet for all the information about Su Zhe, took screenshots of all the screenshots that surprised him, and posted them to his homepage and gave them to Su Zhe. Titled the muse, the words are full of praise.

When a new face appeared on his ins, his fans and designer friends thought he had found a new model, but after seeing the photos, they hesitated.

[Hey, Victor, did you take a photo of your model participating in a competition on the field? 】

[...Woo, this is so real, I just thought it was a real track and field competition! 】

[This model is also very powerful. Looking at his running posture, he looks very powerful! 】

But before Victor himself came out to explain, some of the crooked friends who had paid attention to track and field competitions first raised questions.

[Woo, who did I see? Evanson? Gate? God! This is the top sprinter in the world! I suspect this is a real game! 】

[Oh, I am sure this is a real game! I remembered that I once saw a live broadcast of one of the games on TV, and I saw this athlete back then...]

After the identity of Su Zhe’s track and field athlete was confirmed, a new wave of enthusiasm broke out under this ins of Victor. At the same time, many people in the country full of gossip and research spirit also searched for a lot of information about Su Zhe. There is even an advertisement jointly shot by Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe published by Cyclonus Group on YouTube.

When this set of ads was first released in China, perhaps because the overall consciousness style of shooting and editing was relatively forward, although it was also popular with Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe for a while, it did not really reach the level of explosion.

Publishing this ad video on YouTube was originally a habitual operation of Cyclonus Group, and did not really expect the marketing effect of this ad on YouTube.

But in such a wonderful coincidence of winding twists and turns, this set of ads was discovered by the crowd of crooked countries who watched gossip. At the same time, after watching the video, Victor once again praised Su Zhe on his ins. Performance.

In his words, it is: [Oh, my muse, I saw a genius model with a lens that broke through the screen and hit the hearts of the people, but he turned out to be a track and field athlete? ! 】

As a clothing designer of a well-known brand, there are also many entertainment circles in the domestic entertainment circle who pay attention to Victor ins. They occasionally brush ins to see what these designers on the Internet are paying attention to. One of the daily routines of professionals.

It's just that what these Gualu and professionals never expected is that today they actually ate a bite of melon exported from China on ins.

When someone turned the mouthful of melon back to China with a bewildered look, domestic netizens also fell into hesitation.

【? ? ? Victor? ? Is it the designer who is very picky and vicious? ? ? He posted a picture of Su Zhe on his ins? He also said that Su Zhe is his muse...]

[...I'm afraid this screenshot is not from p? 】

[Although I want to say the same, but Su Zhe is an athlete who does not need fashion resources and does not have a team. Who will give him this? Is this interesting? 】

[I was in a trance, this melon exported for domestic sale shocked me. 】

Domestic netizens are still confused. Cyclonus Group’s product promotion group is even more confused than netizens.

The staff responsible for the YouTube account in their product promotion team suddenly noticed that the number of views on several videos on YouTube of their brand suddenly increased, and then found that the number of comments under the videos had also risen unprecedentedly.

It's just that they all read these comments with a hint of confusion.

What is Victor's muse?

What does it mean to see a genius model with eye-eye lens expressive power breaking the screen and hitting people's hearts?

But there are also some understandable messages, boasting that this group of videos is well shot and very cool, and some people ask how to buy their brand's clothing.

In a daze, the staff quickly reported the matter to the leader of the product promotion team.

In fact, when the staff reported the news, the leader of the product promotion team received a message from a friend of his own. The friend who sent the message said-you are really lucky this time!

The leader of the product promotion team just replied to a friend asking what happened, and he received feedback from the staff below-the click-through rate and comments on YouTube are rising rapidly.

Combining the two together, the leader of the Product Propaganda Group guessed that it was probably their advertisements on the Internet that exploded.

However, Cyclonus is still focusing on the domestic market for the time being, and the development of foreign markets is still under discussion. This has not even done brand marketing promotion, how can their ads suddenly burst?

After getting the answer from a friend and knowing the whole story, the leader of the product promotion group of Cyclonus Group was also dumbfounded.

Indeed, as his friend said, they had good luck this time, and they had the light from Su Zhe.

At this time, after knowing the ins and outs, domestic netizens turned over the original advertisement of Cyclonus Group again.

This video, which failed to be completely popular in the promotion cycle last year, has unexpectedly become popular again, half a year later.

This is really a story that Cyclonus Group never expected.

And after watching the commercial video, the domestic eaters also raised their soul questions.

[Fuck... This set of ads, whether it is Shao Xingchen or Su Zhe, is very expressive. The overall level of this ad itself from the planning and creative to the post-shooting period is excellent. Why did we not pay attention to it in the first place? 】

[I also want to ask this question... I always feel that I saw it when Cyclonus pushed this ad, but I didn’t pay special attention to it at that time. Now I especially want to go back to that time, pat my head and ask myself that What are you thinking about...]

[Maybe it’s because of exporting to domestic sales. I think this ad is really fragrant now...Say this ad was shot at the same time, right? It feels like there is one group, Zhe Shao's performance is really awesome to break through the sky, and the other group is slightly inferior, Yazi. 】

【_(:З」∠)_Ah, no! If you look at the other group alone, it’s actually awesome, but the second group is even better. You can really feel the direct feeling that Victor said...]

Among the discussion topics of the crowd, some staff members who participated in the shooting of Su Zhe's latest advertisement also appeared, and expressed the same emotion under the topic of #苏哲镜显力#.

Suddenly, this topic of exporting to domestic sales once again detonated the domestic network.

The leader of the product promotion team of Cyclonus Group immediately contacted the advertising planning team. Before that, because the effect of the previous advertisement did not meet expectations, they made a slightly conservative adjustment when submitting the advertising plan this time.

But after today's event, it is naturally impossible for the product promotion team to continue to push the next brand-new advertisement according to a conservative plan. As a result, they urgently contacted the Tianguan Center to submit a creative plan that replaced the original brand promotion and advertising style, and prepared to take advantage of the enthusiasm this time to further deepen the brand impression and style of the group's trendy brand series.

At the same time, the topic of overseas market development within the group has also begun to accelerate. Accordingly, the product promotion team will also begin to draft a complete set of promotion plans for the group's brand abroad.

People in the domestic entertainment circle watched Su Zhe inexplicably enter Victor's eyes as an athlete. The people in the circle looked at each other and didn't know what to think.

When friends in the circle gathered together in private, topics about Su Zhe also began to be often brought up.

When many people chat in private, they always smile and say: Do you think Lemon Entertainment is crying today?

But this topic turns around, and in the end everyone will always sigh with emotion: In the entertainment industry, whether it is red or not is really fateful.

After all, you see, when Su Zhe was still in the circle, he obviously had a good appearance, but he was so confused by the young lady of Lemon Entertainment that he was finally offered an agreement directly by Lemon Entertainment.

As a result, after leaving the entertainment circle, he clearly changed his career to become an athlete, and even relied on his good looks and genius to counterattack all the way.

Now they are not only well-known athletes in China who are going to participate in the Olympics, but they are also inexplicably favored by fashion industry bigwigs like Victor. Together with the advertisements he endorsed, they suddenly exploded...

This kind of thing, in the eyes of all the people in the entertainment industry, really does not know where to make sense, and in the end, I can only sigh, this is fate.

Su Zhe, who is receiving care from the coaching staff, masseurs, and nutritionists 24/7 at the German sub-training base, does not have enough time to understand a series of strange and bizarre stories that have occurred in the past few days.

In these days, he not only has to complete the basic training for the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles, but at the same time the physical coach starts to stare at him for a series of related training such as physical development and physical recovery.

In addition, he also needs to conduct 4*100-meter pass training with fellow relay teams such as Zhao Zhixuan and Meng Hao. In order for them to improve the overall relay performance as much as possible, the coaching staff needs them to pass the baton. In the area of ​​​​more extreme pass and transfer running training.

All this squeezed a lot of his time.

In a blink of an eye, it was June 12th, and he was going to Oslo again to participate in the Oslo Diamond League on the 13th, which was his penultimate game before the Olympics.


Ah ah ah, see you tomorrow, thank you little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Deepwater Torpedo]: ouch1;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: a madman, a fat man;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

100 bottles of Fat Ding; 57 bottles of Black Cat and Wolf Dog; 2593357720 bottles; 36244388, Gusu, fresh old love songs, blind cuteness, nicknames, etc. I haven’t figured it out yet, οo浅浅浅lonely ゝ浅笑笑10 bottles; Qiongqiong 8 bottles 6 bottles of sake dyed branches; 5 bottles of Huaxie and Xixiang; 2 bottles of God Realm Supreme, cxll; Mu Mu Xi, a happy silly rabbit Ji, Xiao Muyu, 19902331, Xiaosheng, Qiu Forgiveness, Herbal Tea 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!