By the time of the Diamond League tournament in Oslo, Su Zhe had accumulated almost the diamond points needed to squeeze into the Diamond League finals in the three Diamond League games he participated in.

So far, Su Zhe has accumulated 13 diamond points for his men's 100m event in the D country race and the s city race; and in the Stockholm race and the s city race, he has already Accumulated 15 diamond points for his 110m hurdles project. According to the standards of previous years, this score is basically enough for him to enter the finals.

For the Diamond League in Oslo this time, there is only the men's 100-meter single event. For Su Zhe, this schedule can be regarded as a very easy game.

A few days before the start of the Diamond Game in Oslo, the coaching staff’s advice to Su Zhe was to "protect yourself." You know, now that the Olympics is approaching, once he suffers any injury, it will be a personal injury to the national team and him. Said it was a serious loss.

For athletes, before this kind of competition, it is the most cautious time to converge, but maintaining a competitive state is an essential task for athletes. How to strike a balance between the two, coaches and athletes are always there Fumble hard.

As a result, before setting off for Oslo, Su Zhe still had a hint of hesitation in his heart as to whether to go all out in this game.

Until just before the departure, his old father Su Yinsheng said to him with a face: "Go ahead of yours, what is there to think about during the game? Let you go to the game, is to decide to take this part of the risk. Be careful, if you really want to look forward and backward, it would be better not to participate in this competition!"

It was these words that made Su Zhe smile suddenly.

His father is right. If he is really looking forward and looking forward and unable to exert his strength in this game, what positive significance does the coaching staff let him out to participate in this diamond match have on his competitive state?

Although you need to take care of yourself, it is the right attitude to face the game without fear and cowardice.

After figuring it out, Su Zhe's state returned to ease.

Since the beginning of this year, the frequency of his participation in the competition has become more and more high, and the overall competitive standards of the participants in the competitions are also at a world-class level.

With the increase in the number of entries in various high-level events, his ability to adapt to the environment and events has also improved, and at the same time, his perception of his competitive state has become more accurate.

Especially in the s city sub-station, after he felt his pure state more clearly, he had another layer of his own thoughts on the "contest-type characteristics" praised by the coaching staff.

He roughly guessed that he probably has the characteristics of being easily affected by a warm atmosphere and a confrontational atmosphere. Under such an environment, he is more likely to enter a state of excitement. At the same time, his eagerness and confrontational psychology made him enter a state of active confrontation when he knew that he was about to face top opponents.

If it is a domestic game, the support from compatriots on the scene will be a brand new excitement for him. When playing for the national team, the special sense of mission and responsibility will make him enter a state of complete excitement. .

Simply put, when the scene is more enthusiastic and intense, the more pressure he faces, the better his state.

After guessing this trait, Su Zhe couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, but it didn't matter. How many athletes want to have this trait but can't ask for it.

After thinking wildly and completing their pre-match warm-up, the on-site staff also began to guide them to the stadium-the men's 100m event at Oslo Station is about to start.

After thanking the staff for their guidance and greetings, Su Zhe always felt that there were a lot of people staring at him today, which made him very puzzled, and he was guessing that this might just be an illusion.

But when he really set foot on the field, Su Zhe realized-this does not seem to be his illusion?

In the stands around the stadium, there were some blonde spectators who started to whistle at him after they found him on the stage. Some people held the small Chinese flag in their hands and kept waving them, and they seemed to be Cheer for him.

There are even people calling him his name very clearly.

"Su! Su!"

Su Zhe was very surprised that such shouts could be heard so many times in different stands.

What's happening here?

Why does he suddenly have so many foreign supporters?

Not only the audience in the audience area, but also the French player Adrian who played the game were looking at him with a wonderful application. They also looked at him from start to finish, and finally stood up to him. thumb.

? ? ?

Su Zhe endured, did not hold back, still asked Adrian the question in his heart.

For Su Zhe’s question, Adrian himself was very surprised.

"Wow, Sue, don't you know?" Adrian exaggeratedly spread his hands: "You are a celebrity on ins recently! How many celebrities are jealous of your treatment, but you were chosen by Victor for his inspiration Man of Si!"

Even after spending two years in the entertainment industry, Su Zhe still doesn’t know much about the foreign fashion industry. It’s before the game again, and Adrian can’t explain much, so he said that he will come soon after the game. Pushed his gossip to him.

Although I still haven't figured out the specific situation, it doesn't seem to be a major issue. Su Zhe turned his head and threw the question away.

When I got to the back of my head, I started to adjust my starting blocks and my state.

[Ding, host competitive status score detection, current non-buff competitive status score: 50……60……65……69……72……74……]

After Su Zhe sorted out his own mood and state, the system also silently completed the score of Su Zhe's current state in real time-this is also a minor adjustment after the system was updated. During the host competition cycle, the voice function will automatically be blocked in the background. Avoid affecting Su Zhe's own state due to the appearance of system voice.

[Ding, the number of times that the host has no buff competitive status score: 1/3. 】

These sand sculpture systems have not disturbed Su Zhe at all since the prompts were processed in the background.

When the referee on the scene began to announce "each in place", Su Zhe, who had adjusted his own state, had also squatted on the starting blocks and was ready to start the race.

There are not many strong players in this game, such as Adrian. So far, his personal pb has not yet exceeded the 10-second mark. The real threat to Su Zhe is probably Sandy in Nigeria.

Between him and Sandy, the current personal pb gap is not big, only 0.03 seconds. In this year's game, the two can be regarded as mutually winning.

Not long ago, in the s city race, the scene of Sandy's first chance at the last second due to lack of physical fitness was still played back in Su Zhe's mind.

In today's game, can he win back from Sandy's hands?

Such thoughts flashed through Su Zhe's mind, and then his eyes gradually began to overflow with excitement.

Seeing that all the players were ready, the referee's voice sounded through the broadcast again.



It was just a few seconds, the starting gun fired, the players attacked collectively, and the battle on the 100-meter track started at this moment!

At the starting point, whether it was Su Zhe or Adrian or Sandy, everyone responded, bursting out of their own power in their fastest posture, and rushing forward.

In the hustle and bustle of the audience on the field, the contestants on the field sprinted against each other, which appeared to be extremely powerful.

From the beginning of the explosion, Su Zhe is in a very smooth state today. He can feel his body is full of power, and every step he takes is light and full of explosiveness.

The frequency of his swinging arms and steps are coordinated and smooth, allowing him to feel smooth and natural as he moves forward.

This is his performance when he is at the peak of his control of himself when he is physically fit. At the same time, it also allows him to control his acceleration more effectively during the initial acceleration stage, so that he can accelerate from the start to the maximum. The high-speed process time is further shortened.

This is a good start.

This is what Su Zhe thought in his mind as he entered the running stage on the way.

During this period of time, he has spent a lot of energy in order to enhance his physical fitness and physical resilience. Sixty percent of the training included in the training space throughout the day has been spent on the physical fitness program.

Nowadays, in a sufficient physical state, it is not only the stage of starting and bursting to accelerate the running, but after entering the midway running stage, it effectively resists the fatigue generated in the body, allowing him to run in the midway stage. Can be more comfortable.

At the scene, from the standpoint of the stand, it can be seen that in today's game, since the start of the game, the player from China, Su Zhe, has always occupied the advantage.

In today's game, the state he showed was exceptionally relaxed.

At the starting stage, Nigeria’s Sandy and other players on the track were still able to hold on to him, but after accelerating, he easily opened up about a half-length gap with Sandy, and after that , This gap has never been narrowed.

The on-site commentary also expressed surprise. After all, Sandy has been famous for longer than Su Zhe, but in today’s game, Sandy was steadily crushed in that position. Behind the Chinese players.

In China, in the live broadcast room of the sports channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan's voices are very excited, and the two are also very pleased with Su Zhe's performance today.

It should be said that before the Olympics, every game and every performance of Su Zhe encouraged domestic track and field enthusiasts. He let domestic track and field enthusiasts see the men's sprint in his country. At the event, there is real hope for the rise.

If we say that at the same time last year, track and field enthusiasts were still worried about whether the domestic men's 100-meter event and 110-meter hurdle event could successfully win the track and field world championships.

In just one year, today's track and field enthusiasts can already hold their heads up, indicating that the finals is no longer the goal, and winning medals is not hopeless!

On the field, at this time halfway through the schedule, Su Zhe felt the sound of cheering in his ears from the scene, listening to his heartbeat at every step, and experiencing the excitement brought by the fatigue of his muscles in the first half of the schedule. Still slightly calm mood, as the game is about to enter the final sprint stage, his mood is further excited.

He accelerated his swing of his arms, and subconsciously increased the frequency of the swing of his legs. Because of the increase in physical fitness and the increased physical control, he could effectively control his body to make this adjustment in the second half of the schedule. .

At the same time, his usual late acceleration ability and the brand new power generated from his body in the second half of the race also made him feel like riding the wind, and his speed has been improved!

In the rear of Su Zhe, Sandy, who has played with him many times, has become accustomed to the unstoppable dominance of Su Zhe in the final sprint stage.

This kind of power exploded at the end of the stage, it is very easy to make the players who were clinging behind Su Zhe feel inner panic and collapse, and it will make people feel whether they are exhausted and cannot continue to bite. The illusion of the rhythm of the players ahead.

Even world-class players such as Sandy and Adrian will inevitably feel a sense of powerlessness in the face of Su Zhe's super strength in the final stage.

But for Sandy, he has adapted to this feeling. For him, victory is also what he wants to pursue. Even in the face of a strong player like Su Zhe, he cannot really give up!

It can be clearly seen from the audience area and the camera screen that in the last 30-meter sprint stage, both Su Zhe and Sandy on the field tried their best.

Su Zhe's eyes are sharp and full of ambition for victory;

Sandy's eyes were unwilling to admit defeat, because he tried his best, his face looked a bit hideous and terrifying, his dark skin had fine beads of sweat, and his gritted teeth showed how hard he was at the moment.

At the last 20 meters of the track, Sandy approached Su Zhe for a while, but soon his forcibly increased speed dropped again, and in the end he failed to successfully break in front of Su Zhe.

When Su Zhe crossed the finish line in the first place, the cheers on the scene sounded at the same time-it was a wonderful game, whether it was Su Zhe's crushing from the beginning of the stage or the final sprint Sandy's pursuit made the audience feel excited and enjoyable.

In the domestic live broadcast room, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan also looked excited, and after the excitement, Wang Miaochuan first remembered something, and then he announced loudly: "Congratulations Su Zhe! This is his first time in the Diamond League. In the competition, he won the men's 100m championship! At the same time, he is also the first player in the world to win both the men's 100m championship and the 110m hurdle championship at the same time in the Diamond League sub-station!"

The good news announced from Wang Miaochuan's mouth caused the audience in front of the live broadcast room to be stunned, and then they cheered together.

As Wang Miaochuan said, in the current world of sports, there are many outstanding concurrent athletes, but there is no athlete who can cross the men's 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles at the same time and achieve such high achievements.

Suddenly, the forum of the Athletics Kingdom became lively again, and everyone discussed what Su Zhe could finally achieve in these two projects. Among them, the supporters of the men’s 100 meters project and the 110 meters hurdles project Supporters began to send out long essays, proving that Su Zhe's talent in one of the projects is higher, and his future achievements must be higher.

Someone saw the momentum and happily opened a gambling voting post on the Athletics Kingdom forum so that supporters from both sides could vote for a battle.

Perhaps for fun, the poster of this post gave Su Zhe 3 options.

1. Su Zhe will get the most medals and achievements in the men's 100m event;

2. Su Zhe will get the most medals and achievements in the 110-meter hurdles;

3. Don't worry, Zhe Shao can do both the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles, maybe more? Hehehe...

In addition to the crowds who voted for 1 and 2, option 3, which was obviously boring to make up the number, actually had a lot of people voted randomly. The replies to the entire post were full of items that were obviously nonsense by friends. From the 200-meter, 400-meter, and 400-meter hurdles that are still a little closer, to inexplicable events such as swimming, shooting, equestrianism, and archery, in short, there are everything in recovery, and everyone can have a happy chat.

At the scene, Su Zhe and Sandy stopped after the buffer stage. Sandy shook his head, gave Su Zhe a high-five and hugged him, and then had an end game with Su Zhe.

"The next game, the position of victory will definitely belong to me!"

"Then see you next time!"

After the meeting, the two smiled at each other, and then dispersed to accept the shooting and interview of the on-site photographers.

In the end, in this game, Su Zhe won his first 100m event championship in the Diamond League sub-station with 9 seconds 98 (wind speed + 0.1m/s).

When he returned to the German sub-training base with victory, he thought he would be praised by his father this time, but he never expected that his father gave him a huge blank eye after seeing him.

? ? ?

This is how the same thing?

Until Zhang Ye came out with a smile and congratulated him on winning the championship, he didn't know that the Brans Group's makeup advertisement that the Tianguan Center had previously signed for him, their advertising team has arrived in H City, Germany, and is waiting for him to compete. After I came back, I dragged him to shoot a wave of commercials.

Faced with this reason, Su Zhe can only bow his head and admit his counsel. Of course he knows what his father's temper is. His father has always disagreed with the shooting of athletes in commercials. Now, he is shooting commercials here. After his athlete became his own son, of course he rolled his eyes at random.

However, the commercial marketing of athletes is actually a good thing for the field management center, the track and field events, or the athletes themselves.

After all, commercialized image promotion of athletes, in addition to earning profits and allowing athletes and the track management center to obtain more funds, is also a good opportunity to promote the track and field events itself. For all aspects, this is a good opportunity. A win-win situation.

What really needs to be carefully avoided is that in the process of commercialization, athletes lose their hearts in order to earn profits and put too much energy into commercialization.

Su Zhe looked at the back of his father's anger and walked away, and knew in his heart that his father probably also knew about this, but the anger he should be angry with was unavoidable.

In order to finish shooting the advertisement as soon as possible so that he can return to the team for training as soon as possible, Su Zhe directly contacted the people from the advertising team of the Brands Group on the day he returned to the training base. He received the hotel where the ad group had settled, saying that he was going to adjust his overall skin condition before shooting.

With the idea of ​​listening to the brand and professionals in order to shoot ads anyway, Su Zhe simply followed the car sent by the Brands Group to the hotel.

It should be said that the Brands Group is worthy of being a world-class brand, and the handwriting for shooting advertisements is also very large. They directly cover one of the first floors of the hotel, and the staff are concentrated in it, including the advertising team and makeup. Teachers, beauticians, etc., this kind of character has everything.

When I heard that the protagonist of the commercial shooting was about to come, the makeup artist and beautician at the scene were protesting with colleagues in the commercial filming crew.

"The shooting time should be controlled within two days? Impossible, our protagonist is an athlete! The training he faces every day and the damage to his skin caused by training do you know how much it will be?"

"I must arrange skin care for him for at least one week! We are going to shoot ads for high-end skin care products! Brands' new high-end skin care product line, do you know how many people are staring at this? If our spokesperson The skin condition is not good, which is not a good thing for our products..."

"Yes, I understand. I have seen his advertisements and live videos. From the photographs, his skin condition is indeed good enough to explode, so that you are willing to ask an athlete to endorse skin care products, but you have never seen a real person. Before, I was skeptical of all this."

Just as Dominic, the beautician who came with the group to shoot, protested with his colleagues in the shooting group with an annoyed look, Su Zhe was also led by the staff into the suite.

After hearing that Su Zhe arrived, Dominic and makeup artist Yves both looked towards the entrance of the suite at the same time.

In the suite, a ray of sunlight is spilling toward the entrance through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Su Zhe, who walked into the suite, stepped into the sunlight from a dark and shadowy position in the eyes of everyone.

At that moment, when the sun shines on his face, he slightly closes his eyes because of the sudden glare of the sun, but his skin, which is already fair and perfect, almost shines, is even more invisible against the sun. Any flaws.

In the suite, Dominic, Yves, and even more staff held their breaths for a while. The sun cast a halo on Su Zhe’s hair, after he opened his eyes to look at the people in the room and smiled. , Almost makes people feel the illusion of angels coming to the world...


QvQ... humble caicai daily life and death speed ing

Although there is no Mr. Shao today, we have the little angel Su Zhe!

(Cough cough, because the big guys are not online in these chapters, I saw a lot of little angels who are embarrassing the big guys in the background, touch you one by one _(:з」∠)_)

I saw a little angel saying that after Evanson’s game results, sb was wrong. ← In fact, it’s true. Evanson didn’t break his personal pb, so the label was sb. Sandy and Su Zhe broke. pb, the last note is pb.

There are also little angels asking when the shooting will go online... ahem, it's coming, it will go online temporarily in a few days, but the actual launch will still be after the Olympics...

Give everyone a happy one! =w=! Ah, I almost forgot to celebrate, there are already 100 chapters today! ! ! !

Love you, thank every little angel who supports Caicai, it is your support that made me strong until now! Than a huge heart! =w=!


Strange little theater that may be too late

Mr. Shao: (Black face) Are you finally willing to let me "go home"?

Caicai: 0.0 Cough cough cough, this is not it, have you been out for shooting this time? Then borrow your home...

Mr. Shao: (Black face) Do you really think this is my home? !

Cai Cai: (guilty of heart) Hi, why is the cub now so irritable?

Mr. Shao:............what do you think?

Cai Cai: =w=……! Hehehe...


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 Miss Ben;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Fengye, Leilei, +_+ya, ouch, watermark mm1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

1993 635960 bottles; small R20 bottles; 15 empty bottles; ⊙▽⊙13 bottles; I don’t make Pinocchio, female Zhi Le Jing, Ye Yang Sister Mo, A Xun, Crystal, Xiao Xiong @, ouch, Qin 10 bottles of Xianxian; Bunny who loves flowers and doesn't eat celery, Ye Weiyang? 5 bottles; 2 bottles of Huaxie, cherishing oneself; Victorique, small clover feather, moldy rot, 1 bottle of silver in the soil ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!