At 9 am on August 3rd, Su Zhe woke up slightly later than usual.

When he opened his eyes, with his firm will, Rao couldn't help but feel some scalp tingling.

Imagine that when your body perception is dozens of times higher than usual, even a slight tremor, the feeling will be tens or hundreds of times stronger than usual.

This state is indeed as the system says, it is very suitable for feeling and adjusting one's own state, and can clearly and keenly perceive which part of one's muscle mobilization or action angle does not match the best state initially felt.

But the price of this induction is high physical and mental fatigue.

Last night, after 1 hour of deep learning mode, the system directly put him into deep sleep mode and stopped his daily idol space training authority.

He also only reacted to this after waking up in the morning-after 1 hour of deep learning mode, the system will not allow the host to perform other related trainings that may consume energy.

But after really experiencing this training mode, he can fully understand the system's approach.

The deep learning mode is indeed effective, but for people who use this mode, the negative effects it brings also require a good state of rest brought by skills such as deep sleep to offset each other.

After waking up and taking a breath of relief, Su Zhe also had to admit that the effects of this learning mode were also amazing-at least, the best burst strength for the seven-step hurdle, the forward angle, the muscle strength scheduling at the start Wait, this kind of best state for him to best use his power has been completely engraved in his mind.

In the track and field training venues, several 4*100-meter team members are performing the final pass training before the game, while in the hurdle training area, Lu Fei is staring at Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun, making some final technical content adjustments and personal State test.

Su Zhe arrived at the venue a little late, but neither his father Su Yinsheng nor Lu Fei said much. Instead, a doctor accompanying the team came to him and asked him about his physical condition and whether he felt unwell. .

"Well, it's okay." Su Zhe smiled and shook his head: "It's just that I didn't sleep well last night and I was a little tired."

Perhaps it was because last night was the first time he tried to deepen the learning mode after all. Even after a deep sleep rest, he still feels a bit tired today. Fortunately, there is no event he needs to participate in on the 3rd day. The 110-meter hurdles race that started on the 4th only has one preliminary match. With this buffer of tomorrow's day, it should be enough for him to regain his energy.

At this moment, Su Zhe regrets his casual attempt the night before. Fortunately, last night was not the eve of the big game. If today is the eve of a major event, this state at this moment might ruin an important game of his. .

With a hint of regret, Su Zhe decided to temporarily avoid the use of the deepening learning model during the Olympic Games cycle. After the Olympic cycle is over, he will look for opportunities to thoroughly understand this learning model.

Hearing Su Zhe said that he was a little tired, the coaching staff and the team doctors were a little nervous. Compared with other people, Su Zhe still had 5 shots to run during the Olympic cycle. His personal state will be good for the next few games. Critical influence.

After discussing with the team doctor, the coaching staff and the team doctors simply stopped Su Zhe's related training. After all, the training in the competition cycle nowadays is more of maintenance exercises, but there is no additional impact.

Su Zhe, who was ordered to rest, was relaxed for a while, but he didn't know what to do. After taking out his phone, he opened the long-lost Weibo, and the sudden freeze made him almost think that his phone was going to be completely scrapped. Up.

It wasn't until Weibo finally opened smoothly that Su Zhe glanced at his number of fans, only to realize that he didn't open Weibo today, and his number of fans had unexpectedly soared to more than ten million.

? ? ?

It was only then that Su Zhe realized that he was already a person with tens of millions of fans.

Compared with the past where the company used to buy zombie fans to get millions of fans, Su Zhe is also a little bit emotional with the current level of fans.

He thought for a while, cut a picture at random, poke open WeChat and sent it to his friend Jiang Hanning.

I don't know whether Jiang Hanning was addicted to the Internet or was too idle. After Su Zhe posted a screenshot, he immediately responded to the message, or a series of despised emoticons.

Jiang Hanning: [Uncle Su, you finally remember that you still have a Weibo? How long has it been since your fans counted tens of millions, did you find out? 】

Su Zhe: [...]

Jiang Hanning has no room for Su Zhe to continue sending back: [Just want to ask you, has the 5 million fan benefits been sent? Has the 6 million fan benefits been released? Has the 10 million fan benefits been released? Remember our original intention? Caring for fans, start with you and me! 】

Su Zhe looked at Jiang Hanning, who was constantly exuding the smell of sand sculptures in WeChat, and could almost see Jiang Hanning's amused look with a handsome face and a silly sale.

After thinking about it, Su Zhe jumped to Jiang Hanning's Weibo page, took a screenshot of his number of fans, and returned to the WeChat page and chose to send again.

This time, Jiang Hanning on the opposite side sent a long series of ellipsis in succession, and finally came all kinds of slapstick emoticons.

Jiang Hanning: [Su Zhe, your uncle! Are you not an Olympian now? Where is your glorious image? Are all Olympic bronze medalists,

Why are you still so damaged? What about good friendship? What about friendship? QAQ waved a knife and pierced my heart, is it fun? 】

Su Zhe: [Fun. ^_^】

Jiang Hanning: [...]

Jiang Hanning: [...! You beast! Wait, I want to expose your criminal behavior to the people! 】

In a few minutes, Jiang Hanning sent him a Weibo link, which posted a sand sculpture conversation between the two, and at the same time @he, heartbrokenly reprimanded him, an old friend of the "Olympic athlete", for his bad behavior.

After seeing this, Su Zhe unceremoniously reposted on Weibo, with a smiling face, and saw Jiang Hanning screaming at him on WeChat again.

On Weibo, Su Zhe's long-lost appearance immediately aroused the enthusiasm of fans, both old and new.

Not only that, Jiang He of the Tianguan Center seemed to have noticed his Weibo, and immediately sent him a series of promotional documents and pictures, first congratulated him on his good results the day before, and then a face Justly inform him that the advertisers who endorsed him on Weibo have a good business, and don't patronize and mock friends.

Su Zhe never expected that he poked Weibo on a whim, and the result was this series of advertising needs?

After carefully reading a series of ad copy from Jiang He, he had to diligently copy and save the copy and pictures, and then sent them to Weibo one by one in the order that Jiang He explained.

So I saw that Su Zhe’s long-lost update of the Weibo content has been refreshed in 6 at a time today. Except for the first Weibo that was ridiculed by friends, the remaining 5 are all-only advertising business, simple and rude. There is no concealment at all.

After posting a long list of advertisements, Su Zhe originally thought that this kind of Weibo with a strong marketing meaning would receive some complaints. Unexpectedly, after clicking on the comment and taking a look, the comments were crazy admiration and even asked him to post more advertisements. leave a message……

[Ahhhhh! QAQ is so handsome, how can you be such a cool cub, cub, you are so handsome, you have to learn to post more Weibo and selfies! Grandma has licked the selfie you sent back then hundreds of times oh oh...]

[The pictures made by the fathers of the funders are all very interesting! Oh, my god, why is Zai Zai so suitable for this cool hair color? Although there are sports interviews and live matches that can be licked and are good, I still have to say that the cubs with makeup are simply stunning! 】

[Awsl! Why haven't these pictures been let go by the fathers of the gold masters? Sisters, look at these pictures posted by Zhe Shao, there must be stocks from the fathers of the funders! Go, let's get a picture quickly! 】

? ? ?

In this ocean of girls and fans, there are also some speeches made by straight men in steel.

[Zhe Shao Niubi! I chased through your 100m preliminaries, semi-finals and finals! What Asia Light didn't say! Zhe Shao, I will always support you! ! ! 】

[Tonight's Olympic 100m awards ceremony, waiting to see Zhe Shao debut! ! ! China's men's 100m Olympics first bronze, this award ceremony will definitely not be missed! Zhe Shao cheer for tomorrow's 110m hurdles preliminaries! 】

It can be said that the comments made by the fans in the comment area are so varied and interesting.

The difference from the screen-licking style in the comment area below the 5 ads is that the original one reposted Jiang Hanning’s comments on Weibo.

Perhaps I think that Su Zhe has not read the comment area for many years now. In the comment under the repost on Weibo, it is almost a gathering of cpg from all walks of life. Everyone danced in the comments.

[Ahhhhh! ‘Ningzhe’s not bend is true’! Hey, after more than two years of smashing sugar, the two steamers in my house finally became sugary again! 】

[Jiang Jiang must be Zai Zai's true love, see how sweet their conversation is! Kill me! Lie down peacefully...]

【? ? ? nonsense! The "wise man" is true! Brother Xiaozhi and Zai Zai joined hands and entered the Olympic 100-meter final together... how romantic! Didn’t you see the touch on TV? Brother Xiaozhi is simply petting the cubs in front of the whole world, and my face is blushing! 】

【nonsense! Where are the members of my "Natural Selection" sect? Sisters, it's time to protect the beautiful love between Brother Jue and Zai Zai! 】

[...Weakly say, are there any of the sisters of'Xingzhe'? 】

[...Let's say weakly together, is there anyone eating crooked country CP? What about the dwarf king group? 】

Under this Weibo of Jiang Hanning forwarded by Su Zhe, it is almost a cp chaotic world centered on Su Zhe.

In the comment section of this Weibo, the most powerful cp targets are still Jiang Hanning and Chen Zhi.

After all, of the two people, one is the original po of this Weibo reposted by Su Zhe, and the other is the brother who has made the finals together with Su Zhe in the Olympic Games in the past two days. It will inevitably overwhelm the other cp.

Sue actually read the comment area. She was very shocked by her cp stew. Zhe, after reading the long series of cp-related discussions under the reposted Weibo, she realized that she had somehow had it. So many cp objects.

Seeing all kinds of cps in flurry, Su Zhe didn't pay much attention, he just put away his mobile phone with a smile, and because of this, he didn't notice that after he quit Weibo, there was another exchange officer @了他.

Shao Xingchen: [@苏哲, congratulations on your achievements, and make persistent efforts in the next competition. 】

After this simple text, there are 9 carefully selected photos of Su Zhe's arena shots-undoubtedly, these photos are taken by Shao Xingchen personally carrying the camera for Su Zhe in the Olympic auditorium. .

It should be said that Shao Xingchen is indeed very good at capturing all kinds of subtle expressions of Su Zhe. From the photos he has taken and selected and refined, he can even feel the emotional transformation of Su Zhe on the stage, during and after the game.

After the release of this group of photos and Weibo, a large number of fans licked the screen quickly.

Under Shao Xingchen’s Weibo, some “satellites” who quickly came to control the field control comment and praised their boss’s photography skills and Su Zhe’s outstanding achievements, and also thanked Shao Xingchen for the pictures, and also praised Shao Xingchen’s skills and cubs. The philosophers with superb looks, the only thing missing is the happy dance CP girls under the Weibo posted by Su Zhe.

At a hotel in Japan, Li Cheng watched Shao Xingchen all the way. When he saw the CP party frantically eating sugar in the Su Zhe comment area, he frowned and carefully selected 9 pictures from his mobile phone, and finally posted one. Jiugongge, the result only attracted the results of both sides only fans.

If it's not for fear of death, Li Cheng really wants to ask: [Why don't you post photos? 】

Seeing that Shao Xingchen looked indifferent and indifferent, Li Cheng suffocated his smile so that his stomach hurts a little. He was really embarrassed to talk about it-just the kind of serious copywriting that seemed to be avoiding suspicion, how could it be possible? Attracting the spree of the CP party?

Of course, it is impossible for him to say these words, even if his boss actually knows how to make the CP party dance in his heart, but before he thinks it is appropriate, he will only kill his current friends. Even if he is actually suffering from internal injuries in his heart.

Just after the domestic response and discussion about the double-series ads of Suzhe Brands cosmetics and skin care finally calmed down, this series of ads of Brands Group was officially launched in the entire Asia-Pacific region.

Throughout the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, Brands Group has invested a lot of financial resources and resources. These two series of advertisements include TV advertisements, online vertical advertisements, ground advertisements, large-screen advertisements in major commercial blocks, and shopping malls in various countries. Related promotions are arranged on the large-screen advertisements one by one.

Almost overnight, the brand's cosmetics series ads featuring Su Zhe were all online in the Asia-Pacific region.

Only less than an hour after the advertisement was put on, the relevant label of Brands advertisement appeared in the popular search tags in the Asia-Pacific region on Twitter.

#Brans’s latest male model in advertising? #

#Brands latest ads#

#Brands model#

After this series of search keywords, the information about Su Zhe released by Brans's official Twitter account, the promotional photos of the same series as the advertisement, and the way to obtain related promotional posters.

Regardless of the aesthetic point of view of any country, these two series of Brands ads are aesthetically enough to indulge most people.

When attracted by the original beauty and trying to understand the model behind the advertisement, more people will be shocked by Su Zhe's true profession and identity.

[Oh my god, isn't the official account of Brands Group really kidding? This turned out to be an athlete? ! I thought he should be a star from China! God, he was wasting his physical advantage, such a beautiful person, such a romantic advertisement... Oh, I can’t express the loss in my heart now, I thought I could see more advertisements of this beautiful fairy! 】

[Ah, I know him! Before ins him, that fashion godfather Victor and director François praised him kindly! These two series of commercials are directed by François... Oh, he is not as beautiful as a human under the lens of François...]

[No director intends to invite him to play an angel or an elf? Oh, I think the mermaid prince is also great! ! ! He is really beautiful, he has a temperament that is beyond human...I still can't imagine that such a beauty is an athlete? ? ? 】

[Hey, I said, my friends, there are more exciting ones! This beautiful elf is not only an athlete, but also an Olympian in the ongoing Olympics! In yesterday's Olympic 100m finals, he was the first Chinese to win an Olympic medal for that event! 】

? ? ?

! ! !

Regardless of appearance or strength, Su Zhe has repeatedly amazed those who came into contact with him for the first time.

In addition to a large number of Yan fans attracted by the charm of Su Zhe in the advertisement, many Su Zhe fans from Japan on Twitter are also full of enthusiasm at this time.

[Ahhhhh! Sue! Sue's beauty is indeed a fairy level! If he can look at me, I am willing to offer him everything I have! ! 】

[He is an angel, he is an elf, he is the son of a mermaid who lives in the deep sea... Why is there such a degree of beauty in this world? 】

When these two series of advertisements of the Brands Group swept the entire Asia-Pacific region, the sales of related series of Brands Group's products also rose rapidly to the degree visible to the naked eye.

From the promotion effect of advertising and the proportion of final conversion to consumption, these two series of advertisements are already enough to make the people of Brans Group feel absolutely satisfied.

On the Internet and in reality, the Brands Group's related marketing and promotion plans are still being laid. Su Zhe has very limited understanding of these. Even if he knows about these promotion plans, Su Zhe has an obligation as a spokesperson who has signed a contract with him. Keep cooperating.

Therefore, the shooting and marketing of these advertisements are not within Su Zhe's scope.

After a day’s rest, the mental exhaustion caused by the experience of the deep learning mode the night before finally dissipated, which also made him breathe a sigh of relief. After all, after a short day of rest, there will be no next schedule. It's so easy.

On August 3, before the start of the evening track and field unit, the men's 100-meter event award ceremony will also be officially held before the competition.

Domestic sports channels have long been prepared for live broadcasts in relevant time periods, just like many track and field enthusiasts on the Internet have announced that the award ceremony tonight, although only a bronze medal, is a history of China. Won the first Olympic medal in the men's 100m event.

What is the significance of this bronze medal? After the game the day before, a large number of relevant small papers have appeared on the Internet, stating the weight of this.

It is precisely because of this that the sports channel also paid special attention to the live broadcast of the award ceremony. They specially invited Sun Zhihai of the Tianguan Center as a special guest. Before the ceremony, they briefly told the story of the older generation of track and field people. .

When Su Zhe's figure appeared in the live broadcast, everyone in the live broadcast room involuntarily stopped their voices, leaving more attention to Su Zhe in the screen.

In the Tokyo New National Arena, the podium has already been set up, and Evanson and Sandy are already talking in the audience.

The three of them are old opponents who are very familiar with each other. At this time, the topics of the three of them, from personal skills to the dilemma of performance growth, are full of joy.

When the awards were about to begin, Evanson and the two were concerned about the number of projects that Su Zhe participated in this time.

"Hey, Su, I can’t help but want to look forward to your 110-meter hurdles. It spans the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles, and has both Olympic qualifications, Diamond League qualifications, and World Championship qualifications. Player...Oh my god, I have to say, you guy is really a miracle in track and field!"

Compared with Evanson’s exaggeration, Sandy is more concerned about Su Zhe’s schedule: "If I remember correctly, the preliminaries of the 4*100m event and the 110m hurdles final are connected? Are you sure you finish the race? After the 4*100m preliminaries, is your physical fitness enough to support your 110m hurdles final?"

Sandy said that the 4*100-meter preliminaries and the 110-meter hurdles finals are connected. In fact, the coaching staff of the track and field team has been worried about the round. Regarding this established schedule, no one can change it.

Smiling and spreading his hands, Su Zhe thanked Sandy for his concern and Evanson's praise, and then turned his attention to the official award ceremony.

At the invitation of the etiquette, Su Zhe, the third runner-up, took the lead on the podium and accepted the handshake and blessings from the chairman of the Olympic Committee.

"Congratulations, handsome little guy." A gray-haired Olympic Committee chairman Odro said with a smile: "Your achievements have created a new miracle. Congratulations, you have shown the world that the Chinese are in 100 meters The potential in sprinting! Hope in the days to come, you can see you create better results!"

"Thank you." Su Zhe smiled and bent over and asked Audro to hang the bronze medal on his neck.

When the medal was hung on his chest, Su Zhe, who had always thought he was very calm and calm before, couldn't help but flushed his eyes when he straightened up.

This sudden and surging sense of touch and mission made the corners of his eyes slightly moist.

After all the medals of the three contestants were finished, the national anthem of the United States sounded, and the three national flags slowly rose to the sound of the national anthem.

Seeing the flag gradually rising in the air, Su Zhe slowly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes-one day, he will see that on the field, the national flag of China is raised in the highest position!


Oh, see you tomorrow! QAQ


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: (c-}@v@1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: the cloud chasing the wind, the purple ice orchid, Deku, a big girl, the phantom of the moon, the grandson Yesu, the Garfield eating lemongrass, and the lavender of the Tropic of Cancer;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

70 bottles of Blue Sky; 30 bottles of Junjun, Ai Ni, Xiao Qingming, Ayu; 21 bottles of Jia Huan; 20 bottles of Li Muyi, Bi An Wang Chuan, Garfield Eating Lemongrass and Wuli; 13 bottles of Lavender from the Tropic of Cancer; Long Sun Yesu 11 Bottles; today, lulu, black cat, wolf dog, apple, yaya, red maple festival, sweet juice, purple rhyme, fantasy wings, scallop, curry rice 10 bottles; original potato chips, Mona Lishan 9 bottles ; 8 bottles of Ruyanmiyu; 6 bottles of Rabbit Zhang and Poqing; 5 bottles of Mu Shi, Xiying, Autumn Scenery, Xiaobao Black Charcoal, Xiaoxiao, _xili_, Cindy, Lemon Aloe Vera Tea; Baa?, Xinyue, Yueying 4 bottles of obscurity; 3 bottles of Evil Witch and Qushui Liu; 2 bottles of Anhua; If you are well, it will be sunny, yoyo, inkstone hanging, (c-}@v@,六六六六合, Zhang Momoo, Xiaoluyu, a happy silly rabbit, 36652094, purple fish rain, 1 bottle of Xiaobai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!