After the Tokyo Olympic men's 100-meter award ceremony on the evening of August 3, in the domestic news at 7 o'clock, when mentioning the Olympic news section, it was specifically mentioned that this award ceremony was only a bronze medal.

[This is an epoch-making medal, and it is also a medal of glory that the Chinese 100m players have been looking forward to for decades. With this medal, Su Zhe proved that as long as you dare to think and persist, everything is possible!

It is this spirit that has inspired generations of sports athletes in our country to rise step by step on the peak of sports competition! 】

The news time is limited. In Olympic-related news, the content about Su Zhe and the 100-meter event medals is only a few words or two, but the meaning of this is that the relevant superiors and propaganda points Recognition and encouragement of sub-sprint performance.

In the senior fan group of Su Zhe’s support club, many philosopher girls went to the group to give out the expression of ‘_(:з”∠)_’ after seeing the news, and then fell into a short period of sluggishness.

President Zai Zai: [_(:з"∠)_...... hi, how are you all? 】

Xiaozhe loves to run: [...not so good, I feel a little dizzy now...]

Did Zizai take a selfie today? : [Mom, is Zai Zai on the news hour? 】

Baby Azhe’s Little Mengmeng: [(Deep Lightning.jpg) To be honest, do you remember what we were doing a year ago? I feel a little bloated now...]

Xiaozhe loves to run: [_(:з」∠)_...I know the answer, let me answer. On August 3 last year, Zai Zai was participating in the qualifiers of the National Championship! 】

Xiaozhe loves to run: [August 3rd this year......? ? ? I'm sorry I think the span is a bit big. To be honest, I am still a little dizzy...? 】

This veteran fan group gathered Su Zhe’s diehard fans who accompanied him all the way during most of the transparent period. When almost everyone saw the Su Zhe segment that appeared in the news, they couldn’t help but open the group and joined In the discussion in the group.

On the same day last year, when the qualifiers for the National Athletics Championships began, most of the philosopher girls at that time were still worried about whether Su Zhe could adapt, grow, and develop well in the sports circle.

Although Su Zhe had already participated in the Provincial Games held in S City at that time, neither sports enthusiasts nor fans knew whether the strength he demonstrated in the Provincial Games was short-lived or The rise of new stars.

In just over a year, the teenager who retired from the entertainment circle silently and no one knew when he left, has grown into a star that countless people look up to on another track.

During this year, Su Zhe has grown a lot, and the philosophers who accompanied him all the way have also grown a lot. They have dedicated their love and support to him, and at the same time, they have grown, worked hard and made breakthroughs from this young man. I have absorbed the strength and warmth that inspires myself to work hard.

This feeling of mutual warmth and walking along the way makes many little philosopher girls feel particularly happy and warm.

Did Zizai take a selfie today? :【_(:З」∠)_Speaking of which, I think the most powerful prophet is our prophet @阿哲宝贝的小萌萌. I still remember the moment you inspired everyone after the cub turned to the sports circle Segment words! You said that as long as the results are good, we will have all kinds of interviews and live matches to lick the screen! This God prophesied, simply! Now there are more than interviews and competitions to lick the screen... Hey hey, there are also various endorsements of Zai Zai! 】

President Zai Zai: [=w=To sum up in one sentence: Zai Zai engages in sports, awesome! 】

After the award ceremony that night, Su Zhe and his teammates returned to the Olympic Village to rest.

Because he was not in good spirits in the morning, even after a day's rest he had already improved, but he was still stared at by his father and Lu Fei and sent back to the dormitory, ordering him to take a good rest and maintain his spirit.

Lu Fei half-jokingly said: "I said Azhe, you think you have won a bronze medal in the 100 meters, you can't favor one another, can you? Take a good rest, and get good results in the 110 meters hurdle!"

When Su Yinsheng on the side heard Lu Fei's words, he stared at Lu Fei angrily, but didn't say much.

Don’t look at his son’s performance in the 110-meter hurdles in the Diamond League before that is better than the 100-meter hurdles, but when it comes to the Olympics, look! This tied the Asian record and won a bronze medal!

With this inexplicable sense of pride and conceit, Su Yinsheng hummed, dragged Lu Fei around and left the athletes' dormitory.

According to the schedule, on August 4th, the preliminaries for the 110-meter hurdles will be officially launched in the evening track and field unit after the women's long jump awards ceremony.

Because of the influence of the 100-meter project and Su Zhe's personal influence in the past few days, many people have paid more attention to track and field events, especially the projects that Su Zhe will participate in.

It is only during the daytime, and there are already many people waiting for the evening event, and speculation about the results of the event from various angles has appeared on Weibo and major forums.

In the Athletics Kingdom Forum, in the sub-forum of the hurdles project, many friends in the circle can't wait for a long time, just waiting for the evening event to start!

Theme: [Betting a 5 cents, the hurdle preliminaries tonight, the three major demon kings will advance to the semifinals at the same time! 】

1L: [It's not that I said, brother, according to the current results of Jie, Zhe Shao and Jun Ye, do you think you can bet on this building? 】

3L: [Why don't you bet them alone as the host and fail, and then we bet against you? 】

7L: [We have to look at the problem from a scientific perspective, let us preview + review, tonight’s 110-meter hurdles preliminaries, a total of 6 groups, each group of 8 members, the top 4 of each group directly advance to the semi-finals, In the last Olympic 110-meter hurdles event, among the contestants who advanced to the semi-finals, the worst score was 13.70.

According to the final results of each group in the last Olympic preliminaries (with photos), we can know that as long as the group results are within 13.50 seconds, they will be guaranteed to advance to the semi-finals.

So how about the performances of Zhe Shao, Jue Ge, and Jun Ye who bet the host? Zhe Shao’s current 110-meter hurdles pb is 13 seconds 10, Jue Geer 13 seconds 24, Jun Ye 13 seconds 27. At the same time, among the three, only Jue Geer has experienced ups and downs during the European pull-through practice, even so. , Jie Geer's results did not exceed the range of 13 seconds 50.

Now, can the landlord and the three big guys who bet us 50 cents make it to the semi-finals... Brothers think we should be able to bet or bet? 】

This post, after the data emperor appeared on the 7th floor, quickly turned into a tall building full of hahaha, and the people who posted it all the way out of one or two hundred floors.

As stated on the 7th floor, Su Zhe, Ye Jun, and Zhou Tianjue, the three of them are in good condition now. If you are worried about the results of the three in the semifinals, it is natural, but in the preliminary stage, the Olympic staff There will still be a certain degree of manual intervention on the preliminaries of each group to ensure that there will be no meaningless strong players in the preliminaries.

According to previous habit, Su Zhe, Ye Jun and Zhou Tianjue will not be assigned to the same preliminaries group by default in the preliminaries, which guarantees the smooth promotion of the three to a greater extent.

It can be said that as long as the three of them don’t make major mistakes in the competition, it is almost impossible for them to advance at the same time. For this reason, the masses on the Athletics Kingdom Forum can say that they are right in the 110-meter hurdles preliminaries tonight. I put a hundred and twenty hearts-it should be said that the only suspense in the game is whether the three of them can simultaneously advance to the semi-finals with their respective group first rankings.

On Weibo, because most Chigualu didn’t know the data of previous events, and at the same time, they didn’t know the current level of 110-meter hurdles in China-mainly because they didn’t know the level of Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun. It also appeared flustered and nervous.

This atmosphere of tension and attention is not bad, so the masses in the forum did not go to Weibo to explain related issues too much.

In the forum, most of the fans are concerned about another issue-according to the schedule and the projects Su Zhe personally participated in, once Su Zhe successfully enters the 110-meter hurdles final, then in the morning session on August 6 Among them, Su Zhe will usher in the 4*100m preliminaries and the 110m hurdles finals at almost the same time.

Subject: [Wash, I am not worried about the preliminaries tonight, I have started to panic about the morning unit of August 6th! ! ! 】

Content: [I don’t think it’s too much worry...According to Zhe Shao’s status and results in the 110-meter hurdles this year, it’s okay to stabilize the finals, right? What about on the morning of the 6th? After finishing the 4*100m preliminaries, directly run the 110m hurdles final? ? Can the body keep up? Can the final results come out? 】

Compared to all the members in the other discussion thread hahaha, in this thread a group of guys are bald online at the same time.

1L: [There are still gaps in the arrangement of the event, but the connection of this game should be a truly determined result...]

3L: [I also saw this schedule a few days ago. I thought about this problem at the time, but it seems to be at a loss. I feel that the coaching staff and officials of the national team should communicate with the organizer to pass the schedule, but now it should It’s hard to change anything...]

7L: [It is difficult to choose between the preliminaries of the team events and the finals of the individual events. If you choose to do your best in the team preliminaries, you will definitely be affected in the individual events. If you choose to go all out in the individual events, then If there is too much retention in the team preliminaries, and the final team project results are not good, Zhe Shao will also bear certain responsibilities... This is really a dilemma. 】

10L: [Brothers, I think maybe we don't have to worry so much? In the previous World Championships, Zhe Shao was the only one to carry the core position of the 4*100m relay. Now Chen Dashen is back. The relay race with dual cores is only the preliminaries. Zhe Shao should be able to run relatively easily. ? 】

11L: [Regardless of whether it is easy or not, with our national relay team's performance, to ensure that the preliminaries are qualified, it is impossible to run casually...Even if Chen Dashen is back now, Zhe Shao will be easier as one of the dual cores, but you forgot Is his position? The last stick! The final sprint is seen by Zhe Shao... Then after the 100-meter sprint, he immediately moved to the 110-meter hurdles. Is it possible that this will not be affected? 】

12L: [...If it's just the preliminaries, can you send a reserve player to Zhe Shao's position? 】

14L: [...Oh, buddy on the 12th floor, although I would like to say this very much, but I think you still have some misjudgments about the current domestic sprint reserve talent team and the overall strength of our relay team. . 】



This building, at the end of the discussion, could not discuss any results. The only conclusion is that although Su Zhe has won the bronze medal for the Chinese team in the men’s 100-meter event in the Olympics, the men of the Chinese team The 100-meter reserve force is still very weak.

If you want to look at the domestic 100-meter project in a correct way, it is wrong to just look at the influence of Su Zhe and Chen Zhi on the world.

Although there are already good performances in the top talents of the 100 meters, we still need to see that there are still only 6 players who can break through the 10 seconds and 20 mark in China so far, and only the 10 seconds and 10 mark are opened. Three people, compared with Japan, which is also an Asian country, the Chinese team still has a long way to go in terms of reserve talent reserve, excavation and training in the 100-meter project.

If you can't stay awake at all times and do a good job in related follow-up talent reserve training...

The hurdle fans in the hurdles sub-forum could not help but think of the gray decade of domestic hurdle projects before this.

On the evening of August 4, 19:00, Japan time.

The awards ceremony of the women's long jump is going on in the arena. Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun have made their own preparations in the warm-up arena.

For today's 110-meter hurdles preliminaries, the state of the three is relatively relaxed.

Just like the analysis by sports fans on the Athletics Kingdom Forum, in the preliminaries of the 110-meter hurdles event, with the current results of the three of them, it is not difficult to advance to the semi-finals.

Just after a few people were ready to warm up, not far away, a familiar voice from Su Zhe came out, and then jumped towards Su Zhe alive.

"Hey!! My dear Sue!!! I am here!!!"

With this voice, this kind of so happy personality, this kind of boldness that doesn't put the game in the eyes, who else can be this guy except Holness?

After hearing Holness's voice, Su Zhe looked back and saw that Holness, who was wearing a large braid, had ran up to him in three steps, and came to him in a bear hug without saying a word.

"Ah, my dear friend! Our great dwarf king group finally meet again!"

Restricted by Hornis' arm, Su Zhe was so embarrassed, even a little breathless, that he could only slap Holnes' paws viciously and free himself from this terrible embrace.

But even if he broke free, Holness still put his head on Su Zhe’s shoulders without bones, and talked to Su Zhe while holding it, "Hey, Su, I’ve seen your ad. Oh, you are so amazing! Leading the new fashion of our Shorty King combination! It’s so cool! Oh, and your 100-meter runs are awesome! Your 100-meter speed is amazing... …But let me tell you, I’m also very good! See you on our relay field later..."

? ? ?

Su Zhe was still very calmly listening to Holness's babble, but he was taken aback for a moment when he heard the relay meeting.

"Hall, are you a member of the Jamaican 4*100m relay team?"

Hearing this question, Hornis, who was holding Su Zhe's hand, pulled out a smirk and nodded.

It wasn't until then that Su Zhe remembered that when coach Lu Fei took out Holnes's hurdle steps to boost his confidence, he also mentioned that this guy is also very fast in 100 meters, and it is very likely that he will become Jamaica in the Olympics. The members of the 4*100m relay team...

Seeing Holness smirking, Su Zhe also laughed: "Okay, then see you on the court then!"

Whether it is Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun or Holness, they are not in the same preliminaries group with Su Zhe. The personnel in this preliminary group are completely allocated to the first group of the preliminaries where Su Zhe is. Only Adolf of the French team is familiar with him. In the 110-meter hurdles, most of the rest of the preliminaries in the same group were strangers that Su Zhe had never seen before.

The on-site commentator was introducing the contestants of the first group of the preliminaries. When the big screen of the scene was switched to Su Zhe, there was a burst of applause, cheers and screams much more intense than before.

In the commentary stand, Ishida Ippei also smiled: "Oh, yes, the player on the fourth track, he is from the Chinese Empire, our beautiful Snow Leopard boy, Su! Or in the 110-meter hurdles. In the arena, we prefer to call him one of the three demon kings from the Chinese Empire!"

"However, I think everyone at the scene, starting from yesterday, should have seen the fascinating images of Su players in many places in Japan. Let me tell you, even I couldn't help but buy a set of endorsements from Su. Of course, this beautiful Snow Leopard boy, he is the most eye-catching, still his strength... Next, let us look forward to what he will bring us on the field today! "

In the live broadcast room of the domestic sports channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan also appeared to be in a relaxed state today. They laughed and talked about the players from various countries on the field and their historical results. When they mentioned Su Zhe, they inevitably mentioned two more. sentence.

Zhang Jing: "I think some of the spectators who have not paid attention to track and field events before may find it strange why Su Zhe, a 100-meter sprinter, will appear on the 110-meter hurdles field today."

Wang Miaochuan also smiled and continued: "Yes, in fact, Su Zhe is the only one in China and even in the world, spanning the 100-meter sprint and 110-meter hurdles, and he has world-class in both projects. A strong player, in this Olympics, in addition to participating in the 100-meter sprint, he is also a 110-meter hurdle and 4*100-meter relay contestant."

As the commentators told, on the field, the contestants have also made their own preparations.

The assistant referee was already instructing that the game was about to start. Soon, the audience held their breath. Su Zhe also took a deep breath and squatted down to get ready for the game.

After squatting down, Su Zhe, who was in a very relaxed state, suddenly remembered the instinctive feeling in the deep learning mode before.

In almost an instant, he subconsciously adjusted the subtle angle in his preparation posture.

At this moment, the sound of the broadcast sounded in due course.

"Each in place."



After the crisp gunshot, Su Zhe kicked his left leg subconsciously. Whether it was from the accumulation of explosive force, the explosive release, or after stepping on the starting blocks, the explosive force was transformed into himself, and he raised his upper body angle at the most suitable time. , Connecting the steps before the follow-up column...

This series of actions, performed in reality at this time, gave Su Zhe a more intuitive feeling, and there is no doubt that after the adjustment of the in-depth learning mode, he can indeed perceive his distance How much detail needs to be adjusted between the best moves.

Of course, at this time in the arena, Su Zhe has already thrown the extra thoughts behind his head. The more effective use of explosive power than before, as well as the subtle optimization of the seven-step hurdle movement, make Su Zhe in this game. In the preliminaries, it was exceptionally different.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan also noticed the subtle changes in Su Zhe.

Zhang Jing: "Huh? Good! Su Zhe's start is smoother than before!"

The direct result of this fluency is that even at the starting hurdle stage, Su Zhe succeeded in occupying the first place in the first group of the preliminaries. Even Adolf, who was on his right, was barely at the starting stage. Stalemate with him.

After entering the hurdle attack stage, Su Zhe’s accumulated strength and advantages in the pre-hurdle stage were more clearly displayed. From entering the fourth hurdle, Su Zhe and Adolf on his right have already opened half the hurdle. difference!

At the commentary on the scene, Ishida Ippei opened his mouth in surprise, and then sighed: "Oh, look, this is the Snow Leopard boy from the Chinese Empire... Today, he has a more vigorous posture on the court. Some! There is no doubt that he will be the master of this game!"

As Ishida Ippei said, amidst the enthusiastic cheers and cheering of the audience, Su Zhe led the way, especially at the beginning of the sixth hurdle. He gradually reached his maximum hurdle speed and even compared himself with The gap between the second Adolf widened to as much as a fence.

On the track, Su Zhe ran arbitrarily. He steadily maintained his attacking speed and perfect inter-hurdle rhythm, listening to his thumping heartbeat, and riding the wind on this track.

When Su Zhe broke through the 10 hurdles, there were no other players around him. In the final sprint stage, Su Zhe relaxed his posture and converged his sprint speed that should have been extremely domineering.

When he was about to reach the finish line, Su Zhe suddenly felt that he did indeed drop the other players a lot. While he turned his head slightly to look at Adolf on his right back, he ran across the finish line easily.

It was not until he crossed the line that Adolf crossed the line with second place behind him. After gradually slowing down his pace, Adolf looked at Su Zhe with a look of monsters. It seems that it is still very much until today. It's hard to this guy, who is only 180 or so tall, can run at such a speed.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan both laughed easily.

Zhang Jing: "Let us congratulate Su Zhe. In the first group of the preliminaries, he easily won the first place in the group and successfully advanced to the semifinals of the Olympic 110m hurdles."


_(:з」∠)_Hey hey, today, if it’s not spicy, don’t worry

When I brushed my scarf at night, I saw that today is World Snow Leopard Day...Puff, so, caring for the Snow Leopard boy starts with you and me! (=w=Of course, you should also take care of the Snow Leopard boy, his dear Ma Ma Me? For example, pour a little nutrient solution or something?)

Taking advantage of the time today, I will show you a three hundred and sixty degrees hanging in the air, drawing a huge heart~~~? Love you~~


Long-lost small theater

Li Cheng:? ? ? Xingchen, what are you brushing?

Shao Xingchen: (He puts the phone away indifferently) Nothing.

Li Cheng: ...but you seem to have been doing it for a day?

Shao Xingchen:............

(By: I haven’t received a reply from @ today, sad Shao Dao)

Cough, =w=I saw someone saying that the boss is my adopted son, nonsense! Can the adopted son get the treatment of daily conversation? Didn't you see a little angel said it! The boss can have a relationship with the cub, and it all depends on Caicai, I'm talking about charging him! (????)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 cloud chasing the wind;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [hand grenade]: Miss Ben, Jasmine?, Liulizhan, teenreid, 1 lavender from the Tropic of Cancer;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mines]: 5 lavenders from the Tropic of Cancer; 2 douzipmy; Rainfall Thousands of Hectares, Love's Hut, Original Potato Chips, 1 Jiayi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

22226347132 bottles; Qijiu 110 bottles; Seer 73 bottles; Haomian, I love to sleep 70 bottles; yaya 50 bottles; summer Qin 39 bottles; Ruxiaosheng 30 bottles; sprite, liusuliusu, lavender of the Tropic of Cancer, Qin Xianxian, Xiaotuji Baa, change a better name, 20 bottles of Wuguichen; 17 bottles of Xiaohe Miao'er; 16 bottles of Lei Lei; Cao Mu Lvba Niang, Qingshui Shengling, promise-yyyyy, sugar rabbit nine, Jonquil-Jang Jiang Jiang, Phoebe Phoebe 123, zaily, the fallen against the wind, the cloud chasing the wind, the glass cup, the orchid -.-, tt, 10 bottles of 37 degrees coffee; 8 bottles of the queen; the evening shadow, the wandering scruffy cat, and the inextricably addicted Y , Orange sauce, the strongest chaotic evil in history, Abu, autumn scenery, sunny 5 bottles; Yi Er, fnws12023 bottles; Xiaobai, purple cress, Liuliuhe, purple fish rain, 199023311 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!