Track and field national team official micro: [Chinese player @苏哲 won the 110m hurdles championship in the Diamond League Brussels sub-station on September 19th, and at the same time in this year's Diamond League men’s 100m and 110m hurdles double events With 29 diamond points in each of them, the two items were qualified to participate in the diamond league year-end finals with rankings 2 and 1 respectively. Su Zhe is also the first player to qualify for the Diamond League Finals of these two events at the same time. 】

When the 110-meter hurdles result of the Brussels race was officially decided, a series of official accounts such as the national team and the Field Management Center also formally issued messages expressing congratulations to Su Zhe and affirmation of his current results.

These days, there have naturally been waves of popular idols, celebrities, or current affairs on the Internet. The popularity of the Olympics has gradually faded. The popularity of Guozuotai's "Sports Almighty" has basically dissipated, although there are still some Su Zhe Fans or figure skating enthusiasts will still lament that Su Zhe’s relationship with figure skating is short, but the popularity and attention of the mainstream have turned away.

However, due to Su Zhe’s silent re-investment in training and competition before, many netizens who eat melon are really shocked. Since this time, just like the reports collected by the Field Management Center, the public has been particularly concerned about track and field events. It is the attention of sprint and hurdles that has risen to historical highs.

Although the majority of Chigualu did not notice, the track management center did make a series of preparations and began to do more work for the popularization of the following track and field events.

The news about Su Zhe's latest achievements released by the Tianguan Center and the national team and other officials was also enthusiastically forwarded by the majority of Chigualu, spreading the good news to all corners of the Internet.

Many people also paid close attention to the time and location of the final match of the Diamond League year-end final because of Su Zhe-September 25, Zurich.

After seeing the relevant news, some jet lag parties that were originally in Europe also considered whether to buy a ticket for the finals and go to Zurich to support Su Zhe. After all, the previous Olympics were not only ticket selection because they were in Tokyo. Difficult, and it is really difficult for these European jet lag parties to make up their minds and take time to watch the game.

After experiencing the Olympic cycle and the variety show of Guoguo Channel, in addition to sports-related special public accounts and big Vs, the entertainment gossip media has also completely included Su Zhe in the list of key reports. News about him is in terms of reading volume. Already comparable to first-line stars.

What can be done is that there are very few gossips about Su Zhe. He rarely logs on Weibo in his daily life, and no one has ever been able to use Su Zhe’s Weibo trumpet. It can be obtained from all aspects. According to the known information, Su Zhe's daily life is the training base, dormitory, round-trip competition venue and training base...such a boring cycle.

These entertainment media have actually been very hardworking. They even learned that Su Zhe was training at the national team training base in H City, Germany. They also found local overseas students to squat outside the training base. As a result, they looked for part-time international students to take turns. For half a month, he did not see Su Zhe leave the training base.

After seeing this result, the entertainment media had no choice but to give up tracking Su Zhe's itinerary and instead dig up Su Zhe's previous gossip.

In the end, the gossip media also found a direction for the gossip. They found that Su Zhe was still an ungraduated student of s University. Since entering the sports circle, he has not been able to return to school for a long time to continue his studies, so they began to discuss Su Zhe. The academic qualifications of Su Zhe, and whether the school will relax the requirements for Su Zhe’s graduation and various subjects because of Su Zhe’s status as an Olympic bronze medalist.

Not long after the gossip was sent out, it was discovered by a student of s University and reported directly to the school.

For this star student in the school today, S University still values ​​it, especially the Liberal Arts College to which Su Zhe belongs. Naturally, he will not watch Su Zhe being criticized for this kind of problem. Zhe has compiled a series of results since the college entrance examination results and directly posted a Weibo on the college's official microblog.

On Weibo, Su Zhe’s grades at the time of enrollment, his grades during his normal school period and the scholarships he received and other related information are displayed. At the same time, the college also clearly stated that Su Zhe is currently unable to officially return to school. In class, but he still maintains daily self-study.

After Su Zhe’s application and the school’s approval, the corresponding course professors in the College of Liberal Arts have set up online courses for Su Zhe. After training, Su Zhe still took the time to complete the school’s normal school studies. Although due to training, competition and other reasons, The progress of the course has been affected, but neither Su Zhe nor the school will relax the professional requirements.

Finally, the school made it clear that due to the annual schedule, Su Zhe could not return to school to take the exam at the end of the school year, and he himself had submitted the relevant application to the school. After the annual important event, he will return to the school to take the relevant exam.

After this Weibo was published, it was directly under the text published by the gossip media. After reading the content published by the school, many people realized that Su Zhe’s previous results have been quite good, but there are also some people. Seeing the issue of the college's special approval for online courses, I began to discuss whether Su Zhe's special treatment is appropriate.

Although the topic related to Su's philosophy industry has caused a certain degree of discussion, the degree of explosion has not reached the expected effect. After all, Su Zhe's achievements now can be the king in domestic sprint and hurdle events. , Such an athlete who is in a period of rising performance and can bring honor to the country, just the preferential treatment of online teaching alone does not make people feel so unacceptable.

And at the same time that this news broke, another study abroad party broke the news that the media hired foreign students to visit Su Zhe.

It’s not a big deal. What’s funny is that there are a dozen part-time students who haven’t seen Su Zhe go out for half a month. This message was also exploded. Not only Su Zhe, but also other national team members, students We haven't squatted a few times.

After everyone laughed at the news, they sighed again that the training of the athletes is really too hard. They not only need to have enough talent, but also to withstand high-intensity training, to be able to withstand such high-intensity boring training. It’s not easy to have the mental tolerance to face training and performance bottlenecks.

People laughed to the end, and they thought of the online classes that the school said specifically for Su Zhe, and waved their hands: [Such a high-intensity training every day, and then face the professor’s one-to-one online class... this daily The intensity is so great that it makes people break down. No wonder these media can’t shoot Su Zhe at all. If I don’t finish these things, as long as I achieve one-tenth of Su Zhe’s daily life, I will probably never go out again. Feeling _(:з」∠)_】

Although the previous gossip did not achieve the goal, this kind of gossip has found new ideas for many entertainment media to tap news.

A well-known gossip media thought of Su Zhe’s circle, so he touched the forum of the Athletics Kingdom. After reading a series of posts carefully, they keenly found the forum about the end of the diamond league. Discussion posts for the finals.

This entertaining big V called Gu Chi Gu Chi Gu is delicious, forwarded the screenshots of the popular science discussion posts about the Diamond League year-end finals in the forum to Weibo, and the key information of the screenshots is-[Diamond League The champion of the year-end finals will be designated by the IAAF as the world's number one for the event.

After the title of [World No. 1] was revealed, the Chigualus who were already paying attention to the game on the Internet were suddenly more interested in it.

The screenshots of Chi Chi Chi Chi are also very intimate. They compiled the championship results of the year-end finals of the 100-meter event and 110-meter hurdles in 2019 and 2018. In 19 years, the champion of the 100-meter event Evanson ran the finals. With a time of 9.93 seconds, the year-end championship in 18 years was also won by Evanson with a time of 9.95 seconds. In the 110-meter hurdles, Lister and Elano won 19 years and Elano respectively. The 18 years of the annual championship, the results were 13 seconds 10 and 13 seconds 08.

When this series of achievements were placed in front of everyone, many Chigualu showed a'playful' expression one after another.

[Fuck, this result seems to be worse than Su Zhe's result when he won the bronze medal in the Olympics, right? 】

[It seems to be true? During the Olympics, Su Zhe won the bronze medal in the 100 meters and ran in 9 seconds 90, and in the 110 meters hurdles the bronze medal in 13 seconds 08……]

Among the people eating melons, some people also raised puzzled questions.

[Why is the performance of the world No. 1 designated as the world No. 1 in this competition so much worse than that of the Olympic champion? It looks like it’s worse than the third runner-up in the Olympics...]

Of course, in the face of these questions, passers-by who have some understanding of relevant knowledge soon came out to make simple science.

[It is normal for athletes to have ups and downs in their performance status. In addition, track and field competitions are also divided into major and minor years. Like last year, there were successive track and field world championships and Olympics. Even if it is a sports "big year", each Players will use the IAAF or the annual schedule given by our domestic field management center to arrange their own games and training throughout the year, and consider how to adjust their status throughout the year. Like last year, the track and field World Championships are the top priority of the players. Of course, no one will adjust their peak state of competition to the Diamond Finals after the World Championships...]

After discovering that some gossip media took screenshots of the discussion in the forum on Weibo, the friends in the track and field kingdom also went to Weibo to popularize the level of the Diamond League and the normal performance fluctuations of athletes.

Since the masses are paying more and more attention to track and field events, the elderly on the forums in the track and field kingdom have to pay attention to Weibo from time to time while being gratified, and pay attention to public opinion orientation to avoid some excessive expectations or biases. Public opinion ultimately affects the related reputation of athletes.

For Su Zhe, these public opinions on the Internet will naturally not affect him. In the national team, he himself is too busy to pay attention to online information. Naturally, his coaches will not interfere with any online public opinion information. He, including his friends who would greet him in small talks, such as Shao Xingchen and Jiang Hanning, would not send some information on the Internet that might affect him to his eyes.

After returning from the 110-meter hurdles event also in the sub-station on September 19th, Su Zhe returned to the closed training mode.

As the final competition of 2020 and the first time the 100-meter event entered the year-end finals, the National Sports Federation and the Field Management Center, including the official media such as the Sports Channel, have attached great importance to Su Zhe's competition.

The national team also issued instructions to Su Zhe’s coaching staff to ensure that Su Zhe’s competitive state is fully guaranteed. Whether in the sprint group or in the hurdle group, his father Su Yinsheng and hurdle coach Lu Fei have been watching very carefully recently. With him, the coaching staff is also pondering and adjusting his overall training plan, so as to keep his competitive state from falling too much after the peak of the Olympic cycle-of course,

If you can find a small peak again, that would be the best.

Under the careful adjustment of the coaching staff, Su Zhe can also clearly feel that although he has passed the peak state of the Olympic cycle and is now approaching the end of the season, his personal state is still not bad at this time.

Of course, Su Zhe felt that the sand sculpture system should also be attributed to this.

With the end of the Olympic cycle, the prestige value after the upgrade of the sand sculpture system finally reached the edge of overflow, so a full 300 million prestige value was forcibly converted into a free attribute point. Faced with him after many competitions and passed the prestige The large number of free attribute points that have been converted, this sand sculpture system is probably not eye-catching, for him once again released a comprehensive physical fitness improvement plan 2.0 that requires a lot of free attribute points.

After cleaning the free attribute points up and down the whole body according to the specified requirements of the sand sculpture system, his daily training tasks in the training space once again have a list that cannot be seen at the end of the training.

Su Zhe deeply felt that if according to the arrangement of the sand sculpture system and the speed at which he accumulates prestige points, the road to his attribute conversion and the daily training to improve his physical fitness would probably never end.

It is probably because of the new physical fitness training that the sand sculpture system brings to him, which allows him to better improve his physical condition and also allows him to bear the ups and downs of the competitive state that should have been.

In the overseas training base of the national team in H City, Su Zhe’s high-intensity formal training was suspended on September 22. In the next few days, more of the simple state maintenance training before the game. And to prepare for his trip to Zurich.

The distance from City H to Zurich is not too far, and it takes about an hour and a half to arrive smoothly by a direct flight. Therefore, Su Zhe only packed lightly the day before the competition, packed simple luggage, teammates and his own dad. Zurich waiting for people to go together.

As the last important event of the year, everyone in the national team also hopes to be on the scene to see Su Zhe's final performance in this game.

Not only the people of the national team, although the Tianguan Center did not make any demands on Su Zhe’s performance in this game, Zheng Wensheng still, as the representative of the Tianguan Center, flew to Zurich to watch the match in person, expressing his right. Su Zhe attached great importance to this competition.

Xu Zhi of the Sports Channel also took the tolerance this time, and brought his own photography team members to Zurich. He wanted to record and interview Su Zhe's game before and after the game.

Although the domestic eateries after taking turns in various track and field big V, track and field forum friends, and "philosophers", they all expressed that they "understand the ups and downs of athletes" and "expect the performance of athletes but do not put pressure on athletes." ", but it is impossible to say that everyone does not expect Su Zhe to win a championship title.

[Who hasn't had a sudden burst of state yet? Many world records and athletes’ personal records were not reached at the Olympics and World Championships? 】

With such thoughts in mind, people have focused their attention on Zurich on September 25, looking forward to whether Su Zhe can bring another miraculous leap forward for everyone here.

At this time as if the national eyes were gathered in Zurich, the long-lost beer public account Zhuo Siming once again exploded with a trip related to Shao Xingchen-[On the evening of September 23, Shao Xingchen set off for the flight in City B Depart for Zurich, Switzerland. 】

After seeing the news, many people were taken aback for a while, and then shook their heads quite speechlessly. Now that everyone has accepted that Shao Xingchen is a **** track and field fan of Su Zhe, this kind of news can no longer cause any disturbances, no. The few people also discussed the photos Shao Xingchen took to Su Zhe, and they all expressed their hope that Shao Xingchen could also produce a set of good pictures this time.

The fans of Shao Xingchen’s “satellite” sisters have been desensitized to the news released by the Pear official account. Shao Xingchen’s attention to Su Zhe’s competition is already very calm. Of course, even so, Seeing that the masses of passers-by were also desensitized to the news, the "satellites" also felt rather dumbfounded.

Passers-by said that Zhuo Siming of Pear Entertainment should stop staring at Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe. What gossip value can these two people have? Is Shao Xingchen really chasing love for thousands of miles? Can you hardly smell any ambiguity between these two people?

Of course, Pear Entertainment has received all these news, but it is unclear whether Zhuo Siming will really give up the gossip about Su Zhe and Shao Xingchen.

On September 25th, the finale of the Diamond League year-end finals finally kicked off in Zurich, Switzerland.

At the scene of the game, it can be called a dazzling star. The world's strongest athletes in track and field can almost be caught in this one. Not only that, in addition to Shao Xingchen, there are also others who come to watch the game. Many foreign stars who are interested in track and field events also sat in the audience low-key and cheered for this grand event.

Among the celebrities who came to watch the game, there are not only entertainment circles, but also fashion circles. For example, the designer Victor who frequently praised Su Zhe on ins and called him his muse of inspiration, and because of cloth Lance's advertisement was completely captured by Su Zhe's charm, and François, a famous advertising director in the fashion circle who called Su Zhe the **** of beauty.

The stars attracted by this event are far beyond the expectations of many people, but it is also reasonable.

As a star league sponsored by the IAAF, the branding of the Diamond League is based on the absolute high-level requirements of the competition. At the same time, it also has a strong commercial packaging atmosphere. It can attract this in today's year-end finals. The attention paid to the IAAF is also quite gratifying.

Before Su Zhe officially entered the stadium for warm-up preparations, Xu Zhi took the photographer and caught him accurately, and conducted a brief interview with him.

"In today's finals, you are the first player to break into the men's 100-meter sprint and 110-meter hurdles at the same time in the year-end finals. At this moment, do you have any special ideas?"

"Ah..." Su Zhe blinked and smiled: "The idea is probably that today's game may be very tired again."

Su Zhe's answer made Xu Zhi stunned and laughed.

Although the year-end finals are divided into two stations, the men's 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles that Su Zhe wants to participate in are all played in the final station of the Zurich finals today. It is exactly like what Su Zhe said. , He will be very tired again in today's game.

Xu Zhi smiled and said: "Speaking of which, do you feel particularly annoyed by the fact that you have an excellent talent for both projects at the same time?"

Because of the many long-term interviews, Xu Zhi and Su Zhe became more and more familiar with each other. At this moment, when they talked, they looked like old friends. Even the interview and questioning seemed a lot easier.

"Of course it won't be troublesome." Su Zhe also smiled, and then seriously and sincerely said: "I am very happy. I can have such a talent. I am also very grateful that I can have such a talent. Opportunity step by step, set foot on the top of the world, come to the current height, and continue to chase a faster and stronger world."

Having said that, Su Zhe said: "I am very grateful for all the magical encounters I have so far."

He remembered the voice that fell from the sky when he was canceling his contract with Lemon Entertainment and was about to return to the track team. He also remembered the companionship of the sand sculpture system, which enabled him to rely on his own efforts to gradually reach the current height.

"With your grades and experience, up to now, it is indeed a magical encounter."

Xu Zhi clearly understood the meaning of Su Zhe's words wrong, but Su Zhe just smiled and nodded.

"So, in today's game, I wish you a good result in advance!"

"Thank you."

After thanking Xu Zhi for his blessing, Su Zhe waved to him, turned and walked into the warm-up venue, and began to make final preparations for the end-of-season competition.


_(:з」∠)_The long-lost speed of life and death... Hold your head, but tomorrow is the weekend! Tomorrow’s update will be before 6 pm (←I wanted to say it was earlier, but think about the latest flag, and silently set the time at 6 o’clock...If you finish writing it early, it will be updated sooner!)

It is stated in the copy that the update time will be unstable on working days before 11.23. TvT, I never expected that it was difficult to adjust the update time to daytime, but it was up to this point because of work disruption... I'm really sorry , Quietly give you one

·In the online class mentioned in today’s article, there are indeed athletes who take the class like this.

·In the previous comment, a little angel helped remind a certain point that there is a high similarity between this article and Cai Cai's article. Thank you very much. I have applied for relevant processing here, oh!

·Finally...hehe, see you tomorrow!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-1422:28:57~2019-11-1523:57:34~

Thank you for the little angels who cast landmines: Shuangshuang, 2 Dongdu wolf cubs; Moon birth, bean sprouts, original potato chips, cuteness 23333, clown fish, that cloud na, Garfield eating lemongrass, douzipmy, three thousand One scoop, slytherin, Zui Yin Shuang He, and 1 fish treasure;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: I will give you 90 bottles of your cat if I don’t update it; 72 bottles of ice coral; 60 bottles of beautiful face; 35 bottles of Lingzi; 30 bottles of Mu Yiyang; 27 bottles of Oh my god; No matter how the flowers fall 25 bottles; Chang'an sunset 23 bottles; Ermeng, simple 20 bottles; Qingxi 15 bottles; Take you as a habitat, YYY., Cat Nine, grapefruit peel 10 bottles; Mu Muxi, 261119789 bottles; Moshu 8 bottles ;Mi 7 bottles; Pinellia, Clear sky, Jiuluo, 5 bottles of uncertain return date; Ergou’s legs are super short, west of Changbai, six six six six he, greatly ask for more_(:з」∠)_, green clouds, 1 bottle of joly, moonlight and clear wind, don’t touch my tail;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!