Su Zhe will participate in the men's 100m finals starting at 5:20 pm and the 110m hurdles finals starting at 9:10 pm.

When he entered the warm-up stadium, there were already many familiar old opponents in it, including Evanson, Gate, Sandy, Hilme and others who started to warm up.

When everyone saw Su Zhe entering the arena to warm up, they waved to welcome him, then turned their heads and continued to concentrate on their warm-up preparations.

Since Su Zhe began to set foot in the international arena, his amazing growth potential and growth rate have caused players including Evanson to have a lot of pressure and vigilance.

Originally, athletes will fluctuate in their performance due to the fluctuations in their personal status during the various matches, and the refresh of personal PB often requires long-term training efforts and breakthroughs, plus a certain amount of luck and state explosions. Can be achieved in the game.

But for Su Zhe, the speed and frequency of his refresh pb is simply incredible.

As Su Zhe gradually entered the field of the world's top players, coaches from various countries have collected more and more research and data on him, and the more data collected, the more terrifying people will feel-this is a genius, and He is a fast-growing genius. He quickly absorbs technical improvements, adjustments, and so on. At the same time, he is far more capable of grasping his personal status than many players today.

Almost all coaching teams have pulled Su Zhe’s state cycle ups and downs data graph, but they lack Su Zhe’s daily training data. Therefore, judging from the data fluctuations of the game, they can’t even find Su Zhe’s state in just one year. Low tide.

One shot and one pb, this statement seemed ridiculous in the eyes of many coaches before, but in Su Zhe's body, it is almost true.

This kind of high-frequency performance breakthrough can only show that Su Zhe’s potential so far is far from being fully realized. With the passage of time and the growth of his personal strength and physical fitness, in the next few years, The men's 100-meter event in the world track and field is likely to usher in a shadow giant named Su Zhe.

As for the analysis results of their respective coaching teams, the players certainly have some in mind, especially Evanson, Gate, Sandy and other old opponents who have frequently met Su Zhe in this year’s competition. Their progress towards Su Zhe and Su Zhe Zhe has his own personal feelings in terms of the stability of the state on the court and the sense of oppression it brings to them.

From the 100-meter final of the World Championships, Su Zhe could barely catch up from the rear, to the indoor championship, this guy's future results have been greatly improved, and then to a series of encounters in the diamond race.

You know, in this year's Diamond League competitions, Su Zhe alone dominated the 100-meter championship in two races-is this purely because other people did not give their best every time in the races?

Of course not.

Although Su Zhe's personal pb is still at 9 seconds 90 during the Olympics, and has not opened the world within 9 seconds 90, they have already acquiesced that Su Zhe is fully equipped to compete with himself.

After all, this is a top player who can open the 10-second mark normally now.

In the next warm-up training, although there was no clear sound, everyone began to adjust their state more seriously, making final preparations for the next year-end finals.

In the stadium, the audience on the spot has been unable to restrain their expectations. The Diamond League is a top track and field brand that has been operating since the Golden League period. Track and field enthusiasts, of course, have a great deal of the birth of its year-end championship. Expectations.

In China, the live broadcast room of sports channels was once again opened, not only for online webcasting, but also for the TV station to arrange a late-night live broadcast for the finals.

Although it was already 1 am on the 26th domestic time at this time, there were still many people watching the live broadcast in front of the TV or in the webcast room.

In the director room of the sports channel, the person in charge of the column was also a little surprised when he heard the real-time viewing data.

"Hey, I didn't expect that in the past such late-night live broadcasts, only football and basketball could have this level of data. Now the track and field data has also risen."

The directors in the director room were feeling the real-time data such as ratings. In the live room, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan discussed Su Zhe's growth so far before the game.

"It feels that Su Zhe's achievements have reached the current level in a blink of an eye." Zhang Jing smiled and said with emotion: "When we both explained Su Zhe's game for the first time, he was only the one to participate in the championship. A newcomer to the challenge."

"Yes." Wang Miaochuan also expressed a lot of emotion in his tone: "I still remember that at that time, the staff of the S city sports team reported a mistake in the competition. In addition to the 100 meters, there was an extra 110 meters hurdle. He also caused condemnation from many people. Everyone felt that his 110 hurdles project would only end the competition after one round of the challenge."

More than a year ago, who would have known that this young player would grow to such a rapid pace in more than a year.

After a brief sigh, Zhang Jing looked at the live broadcast, and the athletes were already on the court.

"Ah, the game is about to start, and the players have already appeared."

Suddenly, everyone's attention was once again attracted by the figure on the field and the atmosphere of the game about to begin.

Zurich Stadium Diamond League year-end final match scene

When the men's 100-meter event players stepped onto the field, there was a wave of cheers like a tsunami, and people welcomed the heroes who came to the battlefield. These 8 players who stood at the peak of this year's 100-meter event.

From stepping onto the arena and being welcomed by this wave of shouts, the eight players on the scene rekindled a strong sense of fighting.

The feeling of smoking cigarettes began to permeate among the few people. Everyone put down their faces and put themselves into a tense and intense fighting state.

Su Zhe is no exception.

Standing on this arena, everyone wants to reach out and win, his right hand is pressing on his chest, his heartbeat is pulsating vigorously, he looks at the end of the track ahead and wants to run forward. His impulse is also filling his body.

The on-site commentary is introducing every player in the 100m event finals. When each player's name is called out, the audience will give him warm applause and cheers.

When the voice of the commentary introduced Su Zhe, the camera on the scene also pointed at him. After raising their hands to signal to the camera, the audience also sent him crazy screams, which belonged to Su Zhe. The sound seems to be a bit bigger than that of other players before.

When the camera was aimed at Su Zhe, Evanson and others on the side also glanced at Su Zhe, then retracted their gaze and focused their attention on the track in front of them.

After all the players were introduced one by one, the year-end finals of the Diamond League, which belonged to the men's 100m event, also came to the beginning.

At the starting point, all eight runners squatted onto their own starting blocks and began to wait for the referee's instructions.

"Each in place."

The players are ready.


Before the starting line, every runner gathered their energy, gathered all their attention, and waited for the moment when the gun shot.


At the moment when the starting gun was fired, the eight runners all exploded with their strongest strength on the starting line, stepping on the starting blocks with their own power legs, and sending themselves to the track the fastest.

In this annual top decisive battle, every athlete tried his best to exert his strongest and fastest strength and reaction. In the reaction stage of listening to the gun, the speed of the 8 players on the scene was almost the same. He is the player with the slowest reaction speed, and his reaction time is 0.159 seconds.

Su Zhe’s reaction to the gun in this field has reached the limit of 0.118 seconds, but what is incredible is that Evanson's reaction to the gun in this field is even above him!

With 0.116 seconds of listening to the gun reaction, he occupies the fastest speed in this field.

Sandy, Gate, and Hilme's reaction time for listening to the gun was between 0.125 seconds and 0.135 seconds. From this stage of the start, the competition in this competition was fierce to the point where strong gun smoke filled.

Su Zhe can feel that in today's game, his state is very good. This state of excellence is not only reflected in the speed of his reaction to the gun, but also reflected in his excitement in the state of the game at this time and the surrounding environment. Above the feeling of atmosphere.

From the moment his left foot was on the starting block to explode, to the moment he started sprinting forward and accelerating with this explosive strength, he could clearly feel the improvement in his control over the body.

Swinging arms, raising legs, sending hips, the connection between every technical movement gives him a feeling of being able to rush forward faster and further.

In the first 30-meter stage, Su Zhe has felt a further control over speed that he has never had before.

He can be faster, at this time his pace is not his limit.

This clear perception emerged in his heart, and then his eyes looked forward, and the desire for victory emerged in his heart, making him start to rush forward with the instinct of the body.

On the field at this time, it is Evanson who is also in the forefront position with Su Zhe. In this game, he also has a strong desire to win. As long as he wins this game, he will be the unprecedented triple crown in the 100-meter final of the Diamond League finals. How could he easily win Is this victory hand in hand?

The audience in the auditorium has long been infected by the fierce competition on the scene, everyone is shouting loudly, cheering for the players they support on the field.

In the commentary stand, the on-site commentators are also staring nervously at the arena. On this short 100-meter track, all the players are releasing their full strength. Every second, people may be generated on the arena. Unimaginable changes.

Domestically, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were very satisfied with Su Zhe's starting state in the commentary of the sports channel.

For Su Zhe, the starting acceleration stage is not where his advantage lies, but in the starting stage can suppress most of the players, then Su Zhe's results in this game will definitely not be bad!

In front of the late-night TV, domestic track and field fans are also nervously watching the familiar figure on the field, clenching their fists, and silently shouting for him in their hearts.

On the field, after the first 30-meter stage, Evanson and Su Zhe are still leading the first group for the time being. About half a meter behind Su Zhe, Sandy is firmly biting behind. He and Hilme also maintained a state of following closely, and the three of them competed against each other, but in a flash, there may be a round of changes before and after.

Su Zhe did not spare any energy to pay attention to everything around him, or that all his attention was focused on his current arena, from every step he took to the pounding heartbeat in his ears, and then here. When every trace of the wind on the track he was running on, he took his own steps seriously and quickly, and began to subconsciously increase his pace.

He has a hunch that his speed can be faster!

Although in the state of fast running, his muscles have entered a state of anaerobic state and made his physical energy begin to enter a state of rapid consumption, but this kind of exhaustion derived from the body has brought him stronger spirits The stimulus made him in this slightly exhausted state of body, but his mental and personal state entered an increasingly excited mood.

The steady and short breathing sound filled with the sound of heartbeat in Su Zhe's mind. This kind of sound with a steady rhythm is not only the sound he is most familiar with, but also the sound that most evokes his blood boiling feeling.


Hurry up.

Su Zhe kept repeating this sentence to himself in his heart-in today's arena, he has hope and wants to truly grasp the crown of the world's peak!

Huh, Huh.

Evanson also tried his best on this track today. At the moment of the start of the race, there was a strong premonition telling him that once he lost his victory in today’s race, then in the future In the time, he will step by step away from the top of the world today, completely losing his glory as a sprint king.

This premonition made his state particularly anxious. Such anxious emotions gave him strong mental stimulation, and while sprinting forward, it also gave him an indescribable sense of mental exhaustion.

When he was about to enter the mid-run stage, Evanson decisively realized that this mental state was not conducive to his strongest strength in this peak struggle. He suddenly felt like this should not be The fear that existed on the field was forgotten.

After discarding the inexplicable fear in his heart, Evanson increased his stride length and frequency. During the running phase, he must completely leave Su Zhe behind!

From the standpoint of the audience, it can be seen that on the track, after entering the mid-run stage, Su Zhe took the lead for a moment, but soon, his advantage could not even be maintained for more than one second, and Evanson accelerated The stride length again suppressed Su Zhe behind him.

In the second group after the two, Sandy also suddenly accelerated during the running stage. His speed increase allowed him to get rid of the second group that was stalemate with him, and successfully entered the second group that originally belonged to Su. The battlefield between Zhe and Evanson!

This kind of instantaneous change makes the scalp numb and makes all the spectators who watched the game fall into a carnival-the exciting and unpredictable stadium is really full of unspeakable charm.

"Sandy is catching up!"

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Zhang Jing could only shout such a sentence.

The changes on the arena are so fast that even a narrator who is known for his sharp lips cannot tell more about it in this short time.

"Come on, Su Zhe!!!"

Thousands of words finally converged into such a sentence, which is their sincere blessing and expectation for Su Zhe, as well as all the audience watching before the live TV broadcast.

On the track at the scene, Su Zhe finally felt the approach of Sandy from the rear. This sense of chasing from the rear made his spirit more excited.

Faster, faster.

This kind of urging from the bottom of his heart, accompanied by the stimulus from the exhaustion from the muscles, made him suddenly produce stronger strength, and in the state of running on the way, he gave him speed again. Greater improvement!

This change of Su Zhe made him a certain distance from Sandy once again, and he and Evanson once again entered a stalemate.

After Sandy noticed the change in Su Zhe's rhythm and the increase in speed, his teeth were clenched, and he further accelerated his pace.

This is just a stage on the way!

Both Sandy and Evanson understand that if Su Zhe cannot be suppressed in this stage, then in the final sprint stage, they may only be able to watch this Chinese teenager rush to the finish line in front of their eyes.

Whether it is Sandy or Evanson, they have forcibly accelerated their pace. Even if they sacrifice a little of their current rhythm, they must suppress Su Zhe to the rear!

This strong speed increase on the way obviously achieved the effect they wanted. In the 60-meter stage, Evanson was temporarily in the first leading position. Sandy also succeeded in overtaking Su Zhe and suppressing him at In the third place on the field!

The various changes on the field made everyone’s hearts hang high. This strong smell of gunpowder, engulfing the tense atmosphere on the field, swept the entire Zurich Stadium, and involved everyone on the scene. The anxiety and concern of this game.

The cheering shouts in the audience did not stop for a moment, even if it was purely to see Su Zhe himself, Victor and François, in such a field full of sweat and roughness, they couldn’t help themselves. Under the influence of this atmosphere, he let go of his throat and cheered for Su Zhe on the field.

Even in such a strong atmosphere, there is still a person in the audience, holding the machine in his hand, carefully recording the figure on the field, recording his concentration, persistence and opposition on the track at this moment. The desire for victory.

On the track, Evanson and Sandy changed their rhythm on the field in order to suppress Su Zhe. The direct consequence of this is that in the final stage, they must continue to sprint according to the changed rhythm. Otherwise, the continuous rhythm change in this kind of arena will make them a complete defeat.

After improving their speed and rhythm, their physical energy consumption has inevitably increased, but this increase in physical energy consumption is still within their control.

For this kind of top players, the acceleration of the rhythm does not mean the collapse of the final rhythm, but it means that this fast rhythm is still in their training and has not been truly and thoroughly mastered in this critical event. , The performance of this rhythm can be said to be an attempt for victory, and it may also bring about the pain of failure.

But obviously, their attempt has just achieved a short-term success-but it is only a short-term success.

Under the joint blockade of Evanson and Sandy, Su Zhe looked forward sharply, and then adjusted his breathing, which also speeded up his pace.

After the increase in cadence, the short midway run stage has passed, and the final sprint stage has arrived!

Just like what Evanson and Sandy were worried about when they tried to block Su Zhe’s speed, when entering the final sprint stage, this terrible guy, the kind of sprinting power that burst out of his body, almost gave people An unstoppable illusion.

No, that may not be an illusion!

Su Zhe's steps and figure quickly appeared beside them, and then continued to move forward with an unstoppable attitude.

Su Zhe could feel the strong impulse brought about by this accumulated explosive power. He could even feel that he was tearing the wind barrier forward, completely breaking through everything that hindered him.

On this track today, in front of Su Zhe, nothing can stop him, even if Evanson and Sandy jointly suppress his attempts, even if Evanson and Sandy try to improve again. The pace and rhythm chased him.

When Su Zhe leaned forward with an unstoppable speed and pressed the line in a sprinting posture, Evanson and Sandy also put on a line-pressing posture, trying to sprint at the end. Always seize this victory.

But no matter if they are present, every viewer before the live broadcast has clearly seen it.

Today's 100m finals, the final victory belongs to Su Zhe!

At the moment Su Zhe crossed the finish line, an astonishing shout erupted from the audience. The intensity of this finals was far beyond their imagination. Every second, there may be a lethal voice on the field. Dazzling changes.

In the end, the victory of this game fell to the magical Chinese teenager.

At this moment, rushing to the scene, Zheng Wensheng, who was cheering for Su Zhe, as well as all the friends and coaches of Su Zhe's national team, screamed in excitement.

In China, in the live broadcast room of the sports channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan have been unable to restrain their excitement since they entered the sprint stage.

Champion... They saw that the champion belongs to Su Zhe's hope!

When Su Zhe finally crossed the line successfully, both Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan couldn't help but yelled out those words excitedly-"Good job!"

"This is another unprecedented victory! The men's 100m event of the Diamond League has ushered in the first Chinese champion!!!"

"This is also the first time that, Asian athletes have won the men's 100-meter championship in the world's top major track and field events!!!"

"This glory belongs to Su Zhe, and this glory belongs to China!!!"

"Let's congratulate him, congratulations to our Chinese men's 100m athletes, the 2020 Diamond League men's 100m event annual champion-Su Zhe!!!"


_(:з」∠)_Today, the flag did not fall! ! (Super loud ← too hard)

See you tomorrow at 6pm~~~

Be a heart, love you, I have already seen the voice of fan skating, and I will add a figure skating article at that time_(:з」∠)_ But how to write it, also consider first...emmm, spicy chicken dishes I am worried that I will write a crazy rainbow fart set meal orz...


Long-lost small theater

Mr. Shao: ...something?

Caicai: (guilty conscience) That... Everyone said I haven't seen you for a long time

Mr. Shao: ... is my fault?

Cai Cai:...

Mr. Shao: (sneer) Aren't many people let you be CP?

Cai Cai:...

Mr. Shao: (sneer) Do you think of me when you need to use me as a tool man?, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you so fierce?

Mr. Shao: (sneer) You might as well ask yourself why?

Caicai:........................ QAQ (grannies are so difficult..................


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-1523:57:40~2019-11-1617:59:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Mu Xinyu;

Thanks for the little angels who cast landmines: 2 Yan Shengwen critics; 1 cloud chasing the wind, big cat, past dust, Xuanxuan, and both;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: did Marvel send out 88 bottles of sugar today; 80 bottles of Muzi; 58 bottles of Yansheng literary critic; 50 bottles of Yu and Maomao; 30 bottles of Xinyue; eyes with moon, Atong, Yuan 20 bottles of smoke, ghosts, Yinci, and bamboo thousand pendants; 13 bottles of the guest in the dream; Ye Feng, (* ̄︶ ̄*), phoenix bamboo, some number, cherry rice ball 017, love to learn 10 bottles of Xiaoxie, Muzishi, Yishengyishi; 6 bottles by the side of clear water; Chinese **** author, 296743085 bottles; 1 bottle of Liuliu Liuhe, Xuanxuan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!