The name Su Zhe has been legendary since he returned to the sports circle when he was 21 years old.

An athlete who transforms into a small idol in the entertainment industry;

An athlete who returned to the sports circle and won the Olympic bronze medal in the men's 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles in less than two years;

The first athlete to set the Asian 100m record to within 9 seconds and 90 seconds;

The first part-time athlete to enter the Diamond League year-end finals and win the double crown at the same time...

The first athlete to be designated as the "World No. 1" by the IAAF in both events in the same year...

Since his'formal debut' in the sports circle, he has brought shocks and miracles to people again and again, setting off a wave of track and field attention in the country. With his gradual growth, the domestic people have become more interested in track and field, especially the sprint. Project attention is also increasing.

While Su Zhe’s track and field career is growing brilliant day by day, the country has also gradually increased the promotion of track and field events. Through a series of urban events and star events, the country has established track and field stars headed by Su Zhe. Also let more people begin to be interested in track and field events, and gradually betting enthusiasm.

Not only domestically, after Su Zhe won the two "World No. 1" titles in the 2020 Diamond League finals, track and field fans all over the world have begun to be shocked by this miraculous child from China.

American Sports Times: [Su Zhe, a superman from the Chinese track and field world! The newly appointed 100-meter project and 110-meter hurdles double crown! The former world No. 1 Evanson in the US 100m event and the former No. 1 Lister in the 110m hurdles event were defeated by him. Who else can stop him from moving forward? ! 】

British Athletics News: [Su Zhe, an elegant teenager from ancient China, he is the darling of the fashion industry, and he is also the first legendary genius in track and field to win two diamond trophies at the same time! The pattern of the men's 100-meter event and the 110-meter hurdles event has changed because of him. The track and field dynasty once monopolized by the US team has opened a terrible gap, and a new dynasty is rising! 】

If it is said that the newspapers of the United States, Britain and other European and American countries are still a little reserved about Su Zhe's flattery and portrayal, then newspapers from Asian countries have already praised Su Zhe on the altar.

South Korean Sports: [Legendary origin born in Chinese civilization! Su Zhe, a young man with the beauty of Chinese philosophy in his name, he used his strength to conquer the Diamond League! He represents the glory of Asia. He is the newly-rising number one flying man in Asia. The era of Asian track and field has come! 】

Japan Sports News: [The legendary son from the Chinese Empire! Su Zhe! The first Asian champion in the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles of the Diamond League year-end finals! The prelude to the legend has been kicked off. In the world of track and field, names belonging to the East are climbing to the top! 】

This is not the first appearance of the name Su Zhe in the world, but it is the first time that many people realize the strength and potential behind this name.

On the same day, after Su Zhe successfully won the double crown in the Diamond League finals, the 30-minute news at 7pm in the country the next day appeared for the first time, with a 1-minute news time dominated by Su Zhe personally. Details Explained and demonstrated Su Zhe's key achievements and the meaning behind the double crown, and also celebrated his success in breaking the Asian 100m record.

This time the news push pushed the public opinion routines related to Su Zhe on the Internet to a higher point. The sports channel also contacted Su Zhe after the game and conducted an exclusive interview with him. After the airing of "The King", businesses and variety shows who were ready to move have once again submitted a large number of cooperation applications to the Tian Management Center.

Finally, this season is over, and the results are so good. Winter training is coming soon, right? Why don't you take advantage of this time to do some advertising and make some extra money?

This is the subtext in the hearts of many variety shows. Many people feel that taking advantage of this time to invite appointments, the possibility of cooperation should be improved a lot.

It’s a pity that the Tianguan Center still rejected all of Su Zhe’s long-term variety show invitations, and only accepted one or two well-known variety show flying guest invitations for him. In addition, some of the themed programs with track and field publicity tasks were successful. Su Zhe was invited.

For many variety shows, it is extremely difficult to invite Su Zhe; for merchants, it is equally difficult to invite Su Zhe to endorse.

Jiang He from the Marketing Department of the Tianguan Center, although he looks good to any business, he strictly abides by his commitment and plan to Su Zhe. The business cooperation plan for Su Zhe is based on his personal image. Yes, the final screening rules for cooperative brands are few but fine.

Su Zhe’s personal image can be said to be unique among sports players. It not only has the perseverance, hard work, breakthrough, and enterprising side of athletes, but also has a sense of fashion. He is even in the international fashion circle because Victor and François and the series of advertisements of the Brands Group have a great reputation. At the same time, his versatility in sports, his 100-meter sprint, 110-meter hurdles, shooting and figure skating These skills, this completely special attribute, gave birth to more possibilities in his body.

This kind of endorsement candidate who has a sense of art, sports and fashion, has a brilliant achievement, a positive image, and also has a high popularity and a certain international reputation. The only drawback is that it is difficult to get.

The brands that have reached cooperation with Su Zhe before the Tokyo Olympics are all very happy. The improvement of Su Zhe’s personal image, strength and popularity has also brought a certain positive impact on the promotion of the brand’s image. This kind of win-win and The result of 1+1>2 makes all the merchants who cooperate with Su Zhe very satisfied.

In addition, the Tianguan Center’s positioning plan for Su Zhe’s endorsement is also very good for these brands that have tasted the sweetness. In the following period, in addition to the adjustment of the brand’s own positioning, most brands have chosen Yotian The management center and Su Zhe renewed their contracts, which will continue the cooperation between the two parties in a longer-term direction.

And the merchants who failed to bet against Su Zhe before the Olympics can only wait for the limited cooperation signal from Jiang He and wait for follow-up cooperation opportunities.

Unlike these commercial brands that want to invite Su Zhe for advertising cooperation, many TV stations and some fixed variety shows have not been able to invite Su Zhe to the present, but one day, a witty staff member mentioned something. TV stations suddenly woke up from their dreams and have a new and interesting gameplay!

Although they couldn't invite Su Zhe to shoot variety shows like "Sports Almighty", but what is Su Zhe's background? Who was he before he entered the sports world?

Born in idol talent show, former lemon entertainment contract artist, one of the members of the third limited group!

Su Zhe now does not participate in variety shows, but what about Su Zhe in the past?

After thinking of this, many TV stations and variety show groups quickly began to review their past data hard disks, and then, as expected, in various corners and corners, they found a lot of video materials belonging to Su Zhe's youthful period!

What are you waiting for?

Don't hurry up to publicize and rebroadcast it?


Can the programs that have been broadcasted be broadcast now?

Oh, aren’t there any major network TVs in the world? If the TV station is not good for rebroadcasting, then there is no problem with the network rebroadcasting, right? Not to mention anything else, the Internet broadcast is more convenient than the TV broadcast!

After all the major TV stations and variety shows discovered this forgotten treasure, the staff of these TV stations were all refreshed and quickly entered a pleasant hype mode.

[You don’t know Su Zhe’s front and backstage! 】

【Before becoming an athlete, have you seen Su Zhe's appearance in the youthful period? 】

【with full force! The third boy group hot dance by Su Zhe pen-hold version! 】

Various kinds of variety shows that have already been broadcasted have cut out a variety of special versions of Su Zhe, including the scenes of Su Zhe's debut, Su Zhe's on-stage and behind-the-scenes interviews, and footage related to Su Zhe.

These program groups are also very savvy, covering these shareholder tidbits with titles such as [Limited Memory] and [Su Zhe’s 18-year-old Special Photograph], and also conducted various activities like collecting likes to unlock tidbits. After the show operation, the number of broadcasts increased, the number of downloads of the TV station’s exclusive network app increased, and the number of new users increased. After finishing Su Zhe’s tidbits, the audience’s appetite was dangling, and the follow-up content was released bit by bit. The degree of adhesion is also present.

What a special deal!

And beyond everyone's expectations, Lemon Entertainment also got this cup of soup.

This is unexpected and reasonable.

After all, the variety show that Su Zhe participated in was co-hosted by Lemon Entertainment and Orange Channel. Under this premise, Orange Channel plans to unlock Su Zhe's tidbits during the draft. Of course, it also contacted Lemon Entertainment.

Although Lemon Entertainment has gone through a series of turmoil, it still has some foundation. After discovering that his daughter is indeed not the management entertainment company, the old chairman learned from the pain and directly found a strong professional manager in the industry. Re-organized the top and bottom of Lemon Entertainment.

When the orange station came to the door, it happened that shortly after the professional manager took the stage, he personally agreed to the cooperation, unlocking the previous attitude of the company to the name Su Zhe.

After all, Lemon Entertainment is a company that Su Zhe originally belonged to. During the limited period of combination, Lemon Entertainment has also recorded a lot of images for the combination. Most of these images have not been exposed. After the official release, it will let more People have seen the appearance of Su Zhe who is still working hard in the transparent period, although unknown.

During the period when Su Zhe’s various tidbits were concentrated on various platforms, countless passerby fans who fell into the pit because of Su Zhe’s current sports achievements have fallen into the pit of “Idol Su Zhe” and began to yell at the 18-year-old Su Zhe looks so cute.

At that time, although Su Zhe was praised on the domestic Internet, with the beginning of winter training, the aura of the Diamond League double crown gradually faded, and some people began to have room for Su Zhe's follow-up development. New worries and doubts.

Track and field kingdom, sprint section

Subject: [Discussion, are Su Zhe's current achievements and personal achievements being praised too high? 】

[After observing for such a period of time, it seems that everyone is touting Su Zhe. My opinion may be different. Regarding the 100-meter performance, Evanson and Sandy have a better personal pb than Su Zhe. Among them, Evanson's personal pb is 9.74 seconds, and he is still the first person among the active 100-meter players. Su Zhe only defeated him in the Diamond League finals and got the honorary title of "World No. 1 of the Year" given by the IAAF. Is he really regarded as No. 1 in the world?

The same is true for the 110-meter hurdles. Su Zhe’s current pb is 13.00 seconds, and he has not entered the world within 13 seconds. Which of Holnes, Lister or Elano is worse than him? Not to mention others, it’s Holness. He is also a newly promoted genius. It’s just that Holness did not participate in enough events last year, and his personal track and field points were not enough for him to qualify for the Diamond League. If Holness participates, Will Su Zhe be the champion of this year's 110m hurdles? 】

This post with the name of discussion, although it states the facts, from the beginning to the end, it reveals an awkward and uncomfortable feeling. Many passers-by only left a bunch of Silent ellipsis, then turned and left silently, but some more authentic passers-by stayed behind. After reading it, they were so angry that they stayed and argued with the original po.

1L: [... Although the po master talks about discussing, but he has put on a subjective filter, he is really discussing from his own perspective. 】

3L: [This big brother, have you ever thought about the circumstances under which Su Zhe spent these achievements? How long did it take for people like Lister and Evanson to achieve such an achievement? Please review carefully, including domestic experts, how did you talk about Asians’ 100-meter limit data a few years ago? 】

5L: [Brother, haven't you been to our forum before? I went to our forum to post a discussion thread about Zhe Shao. Do you want to hack him, or do you want to hack him, or do you want to hack him? Your purpose is too obscure, right? 】

7L: [Although I don’t understand what the purpose of the host Hei Zheshao is, I doubt which entertainment tabloid the host is from. I want to use Zheshao’s news to get the most out of it? It is estimated that we have had several rounds of this discussion before in our forum. I feel that I have found a bright spot. I plan to learn from the forum, find some more extreme views and put it in the final gossip report, and rub a wave of traffic. 】

10L: [Although you look down on the host’s approach, it doesn’t matter. Since you have seen the discussion in the forum, you should know where everyone’s arguments and concerns are. We never think that Zhe Shao’s achievements are too high, nor do we think He has been praised too high. With his age, his experience and his current achievements and achievements, he deserves such praise.

What we worry about is that the yellow race is theoretically inferior to blacks and whites in terms of theoretical explosiveness in sprint events. In this case, Zhe Shao wants to achieve his goals in the next time. , Challenge better results, refresh personal pb, how difficult will it be. 】

14L: [The eldest brother of 10L is right. Another thing we worry about is that Zhe Shao is the core member of the relay team after all. He is seeing that Chen Dashen will retire soon. In the next few years, The burden on Zhe Shao will be even heavier. In this case, can he withstand the pressure and achieve good enough results in two events-after all, after the Diamond League double crown, his achievements have been reached At a new peak, in the new season, when participating in the new year's competition, everyone will definitely raise their expectations of him. This time, it is a new test for him. 】

16L: [The brothers in front are right. These are the main points of our discussion. What we worry about is whether multiple projects will affect Zhe Shao’s pursuit of extreme results on a single project, and whether we can temporarily put down a project instead of Say, Shao Zhe is not worthy of his name! If you are really a gossip reporter, I can tell you that Zhe Shao deserves so much praise for his achievements! Don't tm to write nonsense to Lao Tzu that you think makes sense, otherwise the brothers in the forum can't spare you! 】

This post is indeed as speculated by friends in the forum. The poster was a gossip reporter who came to learn from the experience. However, he did not take the warnings from the crowd into his eyes. Instead, he took the material from the forum and wrote a series about Su Zhe. Conjecture about the results, as well as whether Su Zhe can maintain his results and achieve breakthroughs in the new season, and whether Su Zhe is a veritable report.

This gossip public account is actually quite famous. The post he wrote is not insignificant. It actually lists the difficulties that Su Zhe may face, ranging from the achievement limit of the yellow race to The impact of Su Zhe's multiple projects on training and personal performance, and then the impact of multiple projects at the same time, the mutual performance of each project, of course, also contains private goods, I think that Su Zhe’s current results are far from enough King in the world, the IAAF's annual limit of "World No. 1" is just an honorary title without much meaning and so on.

This report is really not a black post by Heizi. Although the content of its discussion has obvious personal inclinations, it cannot be said that its discussion is wrong, but it obscures some of the key points. For example, Su Zhe turned back The time in the sports circle, the time gap in formal training between Su Zhe and other top athletes, and the stability of Su Zhe's performance, etc., and the focus of the discussion is on various content that is unfavorable to Su Zhe.

There are many Gua Lu people who don't know much about track and field events. After seeing this report, it is easy to be confused by it.

The comments in the entire long article are full of true and false, such as'the filter suddenly broke','it seems that Su Zhe is not so good,' and'before the official media completely controlled the right to speak. Su Zhe Comment content such as'Too much blowing'.

Many senior track and field fans and sports commentators saw this report, and they were so angry that they vomited a lot of blood in their hearts, but this article is very sophisticated and wants to report it. It's also difficult.

Many track and field fans, sports commentators and even professional sports media are aware of this article, but all they can do is to analyze and comment on Su Zhe’s future from a professional perspective, which is biased towards official and positive public opinion. It doesn’t make sense for some melons to eat melons. They just like to pick melons that they like to see and think are correct.

This way of thinking and public opinion made some passers-by accepted the statement in this gossip report. They felt that the Diamond League double crown was no big deal, and the world number one title given by the IAAF was just a meaningless honorary title. .

The track and field circles are also quite amazed at the spread of this event. Many people in the circle will chat two or three after they meet, and sigh with each other-have you won the'no big deal diamond league championship' this year? "Oh, I also really want that meaningless No. 1 title in the world."

Although people in the track and field circle have a clear heart, but for the public opinion of ordinary people, after seeing relevant reports, many people feel that they are all drunk and I am alone. I am a qualified rational party, so many people This statement has also begun to spread offline.

This momentum lasted until the second year, the beginning of the new season. When the first stop of the Diamond League in the new year was in country D, Su Zhe won the men’s diamond league sub-station with a new pb of 9.87 seconds per 100 meters. After winning the first place in the 100-meter event and breaking the record of the 100-meter event in the national D race, many talents suddenly fell silent.

Before this diamond race, the gossip media once again expressed in a sensible tone that after the end of the winter training, it is the beginning of the new season. Su Zhe’s personal state may not be adjusted to the best, and the results may be Not ideal and so on. As a result, the score of 9.87 seconds was ruthlessly hit on its face.

Immediately afterwards, in late April 21, the Asian Track and Field Championships were held in the H city in China. The track and field names of Asian countries will gather in the country, and everyone will also focus on this game-in this game, Su Zhe will participate in the men's 100m, 110m hurdles and 4*100m 3 events at the same time. Can he maintain his own state, stabilize all his opponents, win the championship and set the record?

Or is he going to be like those analyzed by the rational party, unable to withstand the pressure, affected by the decline in performance?

Facts have proved that Su Zhe still has his amazing stability. Even in the case of a shorter schedule, he still steadily won two individual championships and scored respectively. The game record, at the same time in the 110-meter hurdle, officially entered the era of less than 13 seconds.

Not only that, he and Chen Zhi also led the 4*100m relay team of the Chinese team to the championship of the 4*100m relay with a stable dual-core state.

The two consecutive face slaps did not completely converge the previous gossip magazines. They just once again gave a point of view that the Asian track and field level is low, and the Asian track and field championship does not represent anything. But by this time, the original The audience who felt that the argument of this gossip magazine was reasonable and fair finally noticed the wrong part-it is clear that Su Zhe's performance is not worse than the previous Diamond League. The 110-meter hurdle also refreshed his personal pb and entered the 12-second era. Why should it be biased? Shift the focus to lead the topic in the direction where the overall level of track and field in Asia is poor?

As more and more people saw through the face of this gossip magazine, many Chigualu reviewed Su Zhe's performance and Su Zhe's performance at the beginning of the new year season, and many people showed amazement.

The gossip magazine may have a vague focus on other things, but one sentence is correct.

[Currently only at the beginning of the season, Su Zhe is definitely not in his personal best competitive state, and there will be 21 world track and field championships held this year, and Su Zhe's personal competitive state will definitely not be adjusted to his peak at that time. 】

So... if neither the 100m score of 9.87 seconds at the beginning of the season nor the 110m hurdles score of 12.99 at the beginning of the season are yet Su Zhe’s best personal athletic state, it will be when he reaches the peak of his personal athletic state this year. What kind of scene?


_(:з」∠)_Weeping, I wanted to finish this chapter at once, but obviously, I failed...

Yesterday I saw a lot of little angels speaking to Dalor Shao’s devil...! It's terrible!

PS: There will be some chapters related to emotions, but they will be interspersed. Shooting and figure skating will also be remembered. If there is anything you want to see, you can leave a message. Spicy chicken dishes will look at it. Try to write it out, oh~~

See you tomorrow night! Meme~~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-2100:07:53~2019-11-2200:12:14~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 knife and pen;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: __Ss, Nan ssica, cherry rice ball 017, Fei, douzipmy, that duoyunna 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Jishu; 99 bottles of the little witch; 80 bottles of ruoruo; 40 bottles of Adam; 30 bottles of 猇狞; 20 bottles of Yi, Qin Xianxian; 2611197819 bottles; Hui sauce, Quyue Rushuang, carrot, 18699948. 10 bottles of Ryosuke Dabenming; 8 bottles of Meng(//?//); 6 bottles of e Yueyue; 5 bottles of BlueJa□□ine, Raindrop, Yuebanwanwan, DDDDDJ-xiang; blue, cat Ma Ma, N ., Mu Muxi 3 bottles; Evil Witch 2 bottles; 55667788, Liuliuhe, Mao Maohui, Xiao Bai, Qiqiu. , Ficus horsetail, month birth, 1 bottle of Il;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!