Chapter 145: Su Zhefan: Legendary Road (Part 2)

In 2021, the Chinese track and field world will continue the legendary wind that has been raised since 19 years.

This year, by domestic track and field fans, it is called the year of inheritance of the two generations of sprint kings in China. At the beginning of this year's season, Chen Zhi, who has reached the threshold of 30 years old, announced that he will do his best in this year. Strive for the best results, but regardless of the final result, he will retire at the end of the season and enter the university to study sports-related majors. After that, he will learn from Su Yinsheng and transform into a sprint coach.

Chen Zhi’s plan was unexpected to many people. Judging from his competition in 20 years, his personal competitive state is actually not bad. If he continues to participate in the competition, running for another two years should not be a problem.

Many people feel uncomfortable with Chen Zhi’s plan to retire. Although Su Zhe has risen in the past two years, for many track and field fans, Chen Zhi, who has grown up in the track and field circle for more than ten years, was born before Su Zhe. Those who carry the sprint banner are also their idols and memories that they cannot leave behind.

Afterwards, a track and field team member said that it is already very difficult to improve Chen Zhi’s strength and other aspects of training. He plans to do his best in the last year to improve his strength and run the best. His achievements give a perfect ending to his career.

The implied meaning of this statement is that Chen Zhi has indeed entered a period of decline in his performance. He intends to work hard for a year, and the next season after a year, it is possible that his condition will be more declining than it is now. The best ending stays at the best time.

After knowing Chen Zhi's clear situation, the track and field fans sighed, and then began to send sincere blessings to Chen Zhi.

As Chen Zhi said, in the 2021 season, he will continue to strengthen his training, and at the same time participate in a large number of competitions as much as possible, to enhance his competitive state, and also try to make breakthroughs in various competitions. Your past achievements.

In this year, when Su Zhe won the Asian Championship with a time of 9.89 seconds, Chen Zhi also won the silver medal in the same game with a time of 9.92 seconds. This result is 9 seconds higher than his personal time. The pb of 90 seconds is infinitely close.

The shining Gemini stars in the Chinese sprint world once again caused shocks in the entire Asian track and field circle. Not only that, Chen Zhi and Su Zhe’s colleague Zhao Zhixuan, at the beginning of the season, also ran into a score of 10.10. In the game, he scored a good result of 10.05, and also won the qualification for the men's 100 meters in the world track and field championships of the year.

Following the men's 110-meter hurdles event, the Chinese men's 100-meter sprint event also achieved full participation in this edition of the World Championships!

It was Su Zhe's performance at the Eugene World Championships in September that year that really contained the mouthpieces of the "reasonable passers-by" on the Internet and let the gossip public account called "Li Tao Bagua Club" completely extinguished.

In this session of the Track and Field World Championships, all the sprint team of the national track and field team entered the semi-finals. Although Zhao Zhixuan failed in the semi-finals, Su Zhe and Chen Zhi of the Chinese team, following the Tokyo Olympics , Once again, two players broke into the 100-meter finals of the world's top track and field events.

This is another event in China's track and field after the Tokyo Olympics. Domestic track and field fans couldn't help but cheer after seeing Su Zhe and Chen Zhi in the finals again.

For two consecutive years, twice in a row, the men's 100-meter sprinter of the Chinese track and field team severely tore through the 100-meter restricted area occupied by European and American countries all the year round.

Not only that, in this session of the World Track and Field Championships finals, Su Zhe and Evanson once again collided in the finals, and Chen Zhi also joined the pursuit of the final medal.

Countless Chinese spectators watching the game can always remember that scene—amidst the surging cheering on the scene, in the hoarse cheering commentary of Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan, and with Zhang Jing’s hissing, Su Zhe took the lead to cross the finish line that represented victory, and once again blocked Evanson, who was also in excellent form in the game.

In this game, Chen Zhi was also in outstanding form. After Su Zhe and Evanson crossed the finish line first, Chen Zhi also threw off Hilm, who was holding him tightly, at the last moment. Three people crossed the finish line!

No one had thought of such an ending. When Chen Zhi crossed the finish line, many viewers in front of the domestic live broadcast screen were all brainless. After a few seconds, they began to dance into madness.

The Chinese team won the gold and bronze medals in the men's 100 meters at the World Track and Field Championships? !

This kind of result, even in the idealized prediction before the game, no one dared to imagine such a result, such a result actually appeared? !

It was not a team like the US that took the final championship and third place, but the Chinese team, which has always been considered a weak country in track and field?

Even in the previous year, Su Zhe had just won the Olympic bronze medal and the 100-meter year-end championship of the Diamond League, but such a result was never expected by any country.

In this game, Su Zhe once again refreshed his personal pb, with a time of 9.83 seconds, once again set the Asian 100m record forward by a large margin, and at the same time, Chen Zhi was also in his final In a 100m contest, he successfully refreshed his personal pb to 9.88 seconds.

As the two representatives of the Asian 100-meter event and the only two yellow racers who ran within the 9-second 90 mark, Su Zhe and Chen Zhi set the 100-meter record of the yellow race to be compared with the other runners behind them. In time, opened an insurmountable gap.

But failing to wait for countries to shout "Wolves are coming" to the Chinese team, the 110-meter hurdles that followed immediately changed the face of the world's sports world.

In the 110-meter hurdles competition, Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun once again attacked together. With unreasonable aura, the three easily passed the group preliminaries. After that, Su Zhe took the first place in the semi-final group again. In the finals, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun were second and third in the group respectively, and finally ranked fifth and seventh in the semifinals. They also entered the finals.

This time, the list of finalists really broke out a public opinion sensation among all the teams that came to participate.

[Chinese wolf is coming! This country with a huge population of 1.4 billion, after a long period of accumulation, exploded with amazing energy like a nuclear explosion in track and field events! After sweeping the gold and bronze medals in the men's 100-meter event, in the 110-meter hurdles event, 3 of the final 8 finalists were from China? ! 】

Even Holness saw Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue, and Ye Jun before the final, and they swept them back and forth several times with the eyes of monsters.

Although in the final final, Su Zhe was defeated by Holness and won the runner-up in 12.93 seconds, but the three Chinese players in the 110-meter hurdles of the World Track and Field Championships this time gave the world. The 110-meter hurdle project teams from various countries brought huge shocks.

In this session of the Track and Field World Championships, the most eye-catching team is undoubtedly the Chinese team.

There is one gold and one bronze in the men's 100-meter event. Although only one silver medal was won in the 110-meter hurdles event, the deeds of three players reaching the final at the same time were shocking.

The shock brought by the Chinese team made the news that Holness scored 12.89 in the 110-meter hurdles final, and it became less shocking.

In the end, in this world track and field championships, the men's sprint group, hurdle group and relay team headed by Su Zhe won one gold, one bronze and two silvers in three events.

Regardless of the number of netizens who had been distorted by gossip magazines on the Internet, when they first learned that the Chinese team participated in the 100-meter event of the World Track and Field Championships for the first time, they also showed their expressions of admiration. After the results of the World Track and Field Championships were passed back to China, public opinion was boiling.

At that time, how many people burst into tears at the two Chinese national flags raised one high and one low at the 100-meter project award ceremony?

In the face of absolute strength, public opinion on the Internet, like Li Tao's Bagua Society, may be able to confuse people for a while, but it will never bury the truth forever.

This time, Li Tao Bagua Club closed their mouths tightly, but there were many eating melon roads who were uncomfortable with their behavior before. This time they came to their official Weibo account and began to seduce them.

【=. = Yo, Shao Zhe’s results this year have come out, and the results of the World Championships have come out. Why didn’t your family ignore it? 】

[Li Tao? Why don't you hurry up? I’m still waiting to eat your family’s melons. This time I’ve even thought out my opinion for your family. It turns out that Su Zhe can only dominate when the tiger is not at home. In the World Championship where Ernes participated, Su Zhe failed to win the gold medal! ←How about? Is this opinion explosive enough? Do you want to guide and guide again? 】

[Hey, wasn't it a courage before? What's wrong this time? 】

In fact, it wasn't that the "Li Tao Bagua Club" had been counseled. They were originally planning to start discrediting Su Zhe based on the opinions sent by passers-by when they handed the knife.

After a long period of public opinion guidance, Chigualu, who has a keen sense of smell, has long been able to smell the unusual taste of their home. After a certain "Gualulu" has gone through the cocoon, he discovered that Li Tao Bagua Club belongs to the big V public account. The company, part of the ownership of the shares was acquired by another studio a year ago, and the person in charge of that studio, another studio under his name, has an absolute controlling shareholder, who happens to be Lemon Entertainment. Missy.

This person in charge and the eldest lady of Lemon Entertainment were still classmates while studying abroad, and they had close personal relationships.

After sorting out the twists and turns of the relationship, what else does the Chigualu do not understand?


Is this the eldest lady of Lemon Entertainment coming to "revenge", right?

After all, since the rise of Su Zhe, the things that Miss Lemon Entertainment did have been mocked by everyone inside and outside the circle. Not only that, but also after Su Zhe’s incident broke out, the CEO of Lemon Entertainment completely gave up. My daughter’s plan to take over turned to recruit the current professional manager as the CEO of Lemon Entertainment.

For this eldest lady, when she goes out to socialize with people in the circle, when others hear her name, they will reflexively reveal a protective business smile, and the meaning behind this smile is always Moment reminds her of the fact that she has left a huge laughing stock in the circle.

The slogan'Lemon Entertainment Cha Lemon' was handed to her from the moment it appeared, and she was unwilling to attribute this reason to the wrong decision she made at the beginning and the untimely hype plan, but to everything Su Zhe’s problems are blamed on him.

After her father officially announced that she would hire a professional manager as the CEO of Lemon Entertainment and set up an exclusive fund for her, it was almost equivalent to her no longer having the qualifications to inherit the position of chairman of Lemon Entertainment.

Such a result is naturally unwilling to the eldest lady of Lemon Entertainment, but she is unable to resist. Finally, she discussed with her girlfriends and planted big V numbers such as'Li Tao Bagua Club' as a guide for public opinion. , With the idea that if you can't die, you will also be disgusting, and made various presuppositions.

In fact, the pre-determined threading they did this time is not too deep, but the so-called "Guardian Luren" who broke the relationship between Li Tao Bagua Society and them is obviously in the industry. They dug the thread they laid. Be clear.

Not only is the Li Tao Bagua Club, the gossip account that has always been at the forefront of public opinion guidance, they also arranged some gossip accounts that occasionally praise Su Zhe, which seems to be a good gossip account on Su Zhe Road, and also follow the Su Zhe Mimei route. , Even lurking to the public account in Su Zhechao talk.

After making these arrangements, they waited for Su Zhe to take a multi-pronged approach when his performance fell or when there was any tainted news, and completely crippled Su Zhe from public opinion.

They obviously have made a lot of preparations for this, and they clearly know what are the most untouchable black spots of public opinion for athletes, and they also clearly know from what angle to start with the public opinion of athletes to get the most interest.

It's a pity that although all these preparations have been meticulous enough, they didn't even wait for Su Zhe to burst any black spots, and they were first picked up by the so-called "Melon Eater" one by one.

When the whole plan of this Miss Lemon Entertainment was fully exposed, what she wanted was not entertainment news, but went straight to social news.

The Chigualus were still mocking on the Weibo of "Li Tao Bagua Society" a moment ago and mocking them for not opening a new public opinion guide post. The next moment, the complete set of "Chigualus" released on a well-known gossip forum will explode. Those who have to eat melon are dumbfounded.

[Fuck... Fuck? 】

After almost everyone saw the news, their first impression was that the melon would be lost after eating it.

[... The eldest lady from Lemon Entertainment is really a ruthless person, this plan, this thread... If it weren’t for Zhe Shao, he has been in stable condition this year, has excellent grades, and has not had any problems with personal conduct. Maybe this big Miss, her plan can really be done? 】

[Absolutely, this young lady is from the Five Poisons school, right? What was set for Su Zhe back then was the black-red touch porcelain route. After he failed, he was thrown away as a failed product. Now because of his own fault, he has to turn around and go back to black Su Zhe again? What kind of astounding God's logic is this? 】

[Successful, everyone said that the eldest lady of Lemon Entertainment was not learning and skillless, but now that she has learned marketing psychology and various public opinion propaganda knowledge is still very solid! Looking at this set of plans, I now believe that she is a tyrant. No wonder the boss of Lemon Entertainment, who returned to China, trusted her so much and gave her a propaganda supervisor to let her do it at the beginning. Now it seems that she has the ability, that is There is really a problem with character...]

After watching the giant melon released by the unsung hero named "Gua Lu Ren", all the Gua Lu people are deeply shocked. What kind of hatred is this really to be able to ignore the famous athletes who have won glory for the motherland. Is it so black?

After the explosion of this giant melon, the major official accounts that were inconvenient to end due to the posture of the "Li Tao Bagua Society" during the discussion were finally fried.

When Su Zhe had just won another major honor on behalf of the country, this layered and premeditated smear plan against him can be said to shock the top and become extremely angry.

Led by the Tianguan Center, the related incidents were directly reported to the Sports General Manager, and major sports-related media were contacted.

Soon, this malicious smearing of well-known athletes, known as the "Li Tao Incident," was regarded as a typical bad incident and publicly condemned in major media.

Online media, newspaper media, and television media have all reviewed and reflected on this incident, and people have also reviewed the damage and impact of malicious public opinion on the Internet on athletes in the past.

Among the many special reports, one report left a deep impression on the people on the Internet.

In this report program, they conducted a long review of the deeds of the athletes on the Internet over the years, and at the same time, in the interviews with passersby, they asked the passers-by about the real deeds of the athletes and the deeds of the slander. Passers-by instinctively think which thing is the truth.

In interviews with many passers-by, more than 50% of passers-by have been affected by deeds of slander, and have heart-wrenching misjudgments of many well-known athletes who have been hacked.

After this program was broadcast, many people were surprised by the fact that some nominal "discussions", "expression of different views", "theory of view that no one is perfect", etc. on the Internet are being misused. After that, what kind of impact will it have?

[We are not opposed to real'discussion', but as an independent, mature, and self-thinking adult, we hope that everyone can make a real'sensible discussion' after careful thinking, not expectation I look forward to flaunting my own uniqueness, so that I deliberately find a different angle from the facts to show my "reason".

Let the "discussion" return to the real "discussion", and keep the wrong rumors and hurt away from innocent people. 】

This time, the'Li Tao Incident' had a profound impact on the Internet, and it also made many people who had been deliberately guided and deceived by the sunspots exposed to a sudden feeling.

Many people who have been affected by sunspot rumors and slanders on the Internet have successively received guilt apologies from many netizens, and some public accounts and big Vs who used malicious tongues and smears for pleasure, in this incident, It was also strongly criticized and cleansed.

After the outbreak of this incident, Lemon Entertainment was naturally the first to bear the brunt. The stock price fluctuated. The internal management, which had just been cleaned and stabilized because the executive manager took office, was hit once again.

After learning that his daughter had done such a thing and caused such an impact, the boss of Lemon Entertainment immediately packed his daughter and sent it to foreign countries, ordering her not to return to China to do things.

After he packaged and sent his daughter abroad, Lemon Entertainment was exposed because of past slander deeds, and was punished and severely warned by the higher-level supervisory authority. At least in the next few years, Lemon Entertainment will be the focus of surveillance. , I am afraid that life will be very difficult.

Although the'Li Tao Incident' started because of Su Zhe, it did not have much impact on him in the end. During the fermentation process of this incident, he had just participated in the World Championships and returned to China to receive a series of commendations. Started preparations for his postponed graduation thesis.

In addition, Jiang He from the Tianguan Center also prepared a new endorsement contract for him. Cyclonus Group and Brands Group have new advertising plans to launch. The brands he endorses are holding advertising books, just wait. At the end of the season, he quickly refreshed the new ad.

Not only were these brand advertisements waiting for him, Tian Guan Center even received a fashion week invitation letter from Victor and other fashion circles to Su Zhe. When he first saw this invitation, Jiang He was almost ashamed. It was never expected that Su Zhe, an athlete, would receive such an invitation?

After the 2021 season, Chinese sprinter Chen Zhi officially announced his retirement at a press conference. At the press conference, he was in very good condition and he was also full of expectations for his new professional identity in the future.

When the media asked him why he could retire with such confidence, Chen Zhi smiled and said: "Because I can already see brand new hopes and miracles that are constantly moving towards a better future."

As he said, it was indeed because of the appearance of Su Zhe that he was finally able to do all the crazy training safely at the end of his career to chase the limit of his dream performance; at the same time, he was able to feel that his body could not bear it. After that, rest assured to unload the burden on his body, with another identity, waiting on his beloved track and field stadium, with a brand new identity, continue to run on the track.

Finally, at the end of the release, Chen Zhi answered the questions of reporters seriously: "I am very relieved of Su Zhe. I believe that Su Zhe can definitely lead the Chinese sprint project to a new commanding height that people can look up to. "

And Su Zhe did not live up to Chen Zhi's expectations.

This season of 2021 is only a starting point in his legendary journey.

Su Zhe's real war of the gods begins in the 2024 Summer Olympics.


_(:з」∠)_Ahem, in this chapter, although the boss does not have a name, but... he has a vest!

By the way, celebrate Su Zhe’s birthday here, love you! =w=!


Weird Little Theater

Mr. Shao: ...why would A Zhe's birthday be 1123?

Caicai: 0v0 because Zai Zai must be a Sagittarius!

Mr. Shao: ...?

Cai Cai: 0v0 Sagittarius is a big carrot! ! !

Mr. Shao:......! ! ! you! ! !

Cai Cai:......=. = Fake, just because grandma, I want the cub to have my birthday the day before...

Mr. Shao: (He quietly puts away the 40-meter big knife)...reluctantly believe you.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-2200:12:14~2019-11-2300:15:34~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Aqi 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 315 bottles of Jane; 30 bottles of strong wind and laziness; 20 bottles of douzipmy; 10 bottles of Erye, Wangshan Running Horse, Twilight, and Bingke Pudding; 5 bottles of You No Yu, Qing Yu Mo'an ; 4 bottles of Liushuang and Mu Muxi; Qin @琴, Han Bi Ai Pipi, Mao Maohui, Green Cloud, 6 6 6 in 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!