Chapter 217: Parallel World Figure Skating (65)

Since Michiko, a Japanese student studying in China, uploaded Su Zhe's performance on the Japanese push and Japanese figure skating discussion boards, Su Zhe has already gained a certain reputation in Japan.

In the Chinese Cup of the Grand Prix after the championship, Su Zhe used his own efforts to make all the referees implement extremely strict scoring standards, and finally won the second place.

After such results and seeing Su Zhe's performance on the live broadcast again, not only ice fans in Japan, but also ice fans in many other countries also remembered this fascinating Chinese figure skater.

This time, at the Four Continents Championship (4CC), many people are excited after seeing Su Zhe on the Chinese team roster, looking forward to another wonderful performance of this newly promoted Chinese genius.

As a student in China, Michiko certainly has some knowledge of some domestic figure skating forums. When she collected some information about Su Zhe in the forums of the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, she first saw that Su Zhe was going to perform in the 4cc arena. Before she was overwhelmed by surprise, she saw another piece of news-Su Zhe is not only a figure skater, but is also training for sprinting?

For a moment, Michiko simply wondered if the Chinese she had learned in the past few years was not good enough. Why would she see an athlete doing figure skating and sprinting at the same time?

But after repeatedly verifying the news, she was sure that it was a real news.

Even so, she hesitated again and again, and only put the news that Su Zhe was about to stage a new show in the 4cc competition on the daily push and figure skating discussion boards.

The appearance of this news surprised Japanese ice fans. After all, few figure skaters make temporary preparations for new shows during the season. Such temporary preparations are too much for players and choreographers. In a hurry, it is difficult to produce fine products.

[Although I appreciate the artistic expression of contestant Su very much, his decision this time was too hasty. I am really worried about the two new shows he brought this time. 】

This argument appeared in a large number of figure skating discussion boards and daily pushes, and caused a lot of discussion before the official start of the 4cc competition.

January 25, t city

According to the schedule, the men’s singles short program will start at 4:35 this afternoon. In the morning, all participating men’s singles players will have a period of time to practice on the ice at the competition site to allow the players to adapt to the ice on the spot. , Also do some exercises in advance.

When Su Zhe arrived at the ice rink together with Wang Wei and Xu Yihe for practice, there were already many early players on the scene, including Tian Haiyi and others who Su Zhe knew during coc.

Unlike last time, the one who came with Tian Haiyi this time was obviously not the lively Tsugawa Yuto who was released last time, but the introverted and low-key Tsugawa Yuto.

When Wang Wei on the side saw Yuren Jinchuan, he muttered to Su Zhe: "Except for the World Championships and Grand Prix finals, the Jinchuan brothers rarely appear in the same stadium at the same time. This time it is Yuren Jinchuan. It seems that Tsugawa Yuto will not appear this time."

Su Zhe turned his head thoughtfully to look at Wang Wei: "A Wei, do you know a lot about these gossip news?"

Hearing Su Zhe’s question, Wang Wei was stiff for a moment, and then quickly waved his hand and laughed: “Where is it, I just followed my dad since I was a child, so I know a little bit more.”

"Hmm." Su Zhe nodded calmly, not caring about this issue anymore.

Wang Wei wiped the non-existent cold sweat behind Su Zhe, thinking in his heart that he was in the Kingdom of Ice and Snow and the newly registered "Brother Cao" vest in the Kingdom of Track and Field. After deciding to hold his vest even tighter.

The OP (pre-competition public practice) of the T City Comprehensive Gymnasium is not open to the public. However, because the 4cc is the top competition in figure skating this time, many winter sports media from T City or abroad came to watch the game. The practice is still open to these media reporters.

Among these media, many domestic media had their eyes bright after seeing Su Zhe's appearance.

Among the current domestic figure skating players, Su Zhe is undoubtedly the one with the best performance and the highest topicality in the past six months, and the one who can attract the most fan traffic. Not long ago, his figure skating and sprint events, whether it is the national figure skating team Neither the national track and field team gave reporters the opportunity to interview. This time they caught the main point, and they naturally aimed their short shots at Su Zhe.

A reporter from the Sports Channel took the lead in asking the question: "Hello, I’m Hou Xian and Su Zhe, a reporter from the Sports Channel. Both the national figure skating team and the national track and field team have admitted that while you are training for figure skating, The track team is still undergoing sprint training, but this period is a tight preparation period for 4cc. Are you also doing sprint training during this period?"

In fact, before this game, Cui Yi and the figure skating team had reminded Su Zhe that reporters he met recently would definitely mention related issues in interviews. They also reminded him not to care too much. As long as the authentication answers generously.

Su Zhe did not evade, but rather calmly gave an affirmative answer.

After the reporter asked whether the sprint training would interfere with the figure skating preparations, Su Zhe calmly gave a negative, and said that in the following official competitions, I believe the audience can see his true state.

Hou Xian didn't expect Su Zhe to be so stubborn. After the interview, he smiled and gave Su Zhe a thumbs up, let Su Zhe cheer for the game, and looked forward to his performance in the official competition.

At 4:35 pm, when the men's singles short program event officially started, the scene was already full.

As the top competition in figure skating of 4cc, the fans it attracts are far from ice fans in a city. Many figure skating enthusiasts from all over the world will go to the scene for a long time just to appreciate it. This is a competition that brings together many top players.

Nagasaki Masami is such a devout fan of figure skating. As a fraternity ice fan, whether it’s men’s singles, women’s singles, pair skating or ice dancing, she has her favorite athletes. It coincides with the 4cc game. At the event, she came to China's t city from Japan not too far away, and wanted to come and experience this ice feast in person.

In the men's singles short program competition in the afternoon, she had already recorded her favorite players and their appearance order in the memorandum book, so as to know the progress of the event and when the players she expected to appear in real time.

On the Internet, in the Ice Kingdom Forum, someone has already opened today's 4cc men's singles short program discussion forum.

Everyone in the Ice and Snow Kingdom has been looking forward to 4cc for a long time since this time. What everyone cares most about is undoubtedly Su Zhe’s personal status and how he is preparing for the new show.

Worrying about personal status, of course, is because although Su Zhe has achieved good results in the Nice Cup, but in the Nice Cup, Su Zhe started shortly after the sprint training, and the impact on Su Zhe is not too great. Exposing this 4cc, Su Zhe is not only training concurrently, but also arranging new programs at the same time.

It can be said that the part-time sprint training has an impact on Su Zhe’s figure skating training during this period of time. Then from this 4cc competition, we can see more truly that the part-time sprint is true. How much is Su Zhe's influence?

In the discussion forum, many friends in the forum are worried about this, but some are quite optimistic.

8L: [I don't think you need to worry too much, right? After all, Su Zhe is a member of the figure skating team. If the 4cc game really sees that the sprint has a significant impact on Su Zhe, then the figure skating team will definitely not let Su Zhe continue to sprint. If I just sacrificed this 4cc game and let Su Zhe devote himself to figure skating, then I think it would be worth it. 】

As soon as this statement came out, many ice fans in the forums gave initiation, and they all agreed.

It's just that the sound of approval hasn't built a few floors yet. Suddenly, some accounts that seem to be trumpets at first glance also initiated speeches in this building.

15L: [Landlord, is there a live link for this 4cc game? One ball. 】

17L: [Don’t! I beg you, please play well in this competition, don’t behave like a moth... You guys don’t hurt your back when you are standing and talking. Su Zhe’s sprint talent is really not a genius at the ordinary level. , I also look forward to a Chen Zhi and him. If he can't continue sprint training because the figure skating competition is not good, he can't continue sprint training... Hey, what a mess of tm! 】



? ? ?

The friends in the Ice and Snow Forum were puzzled by these statements for a moment, and then they realized that these trumpets seemed to be track and field enthusiasts who came from the next door Athletics Kingdom Forum.

Because of Su Zhe, many people in the Kingdom of Ice and Snow have also registered trumpets in the Kingdom of Track and Field to learn about track and field related information, and today because of the 4cc race, the big brothers of the Kingdom of Track and Field have obviously opened their own trumpets.' The enemy camp', just waiting to understand Su Zhe's first-hand information about this event.

The host who opened the special building was dumbfounded, but he still edited the webcast room address of the sports channel on the homepage to guide these track and field fans from the track and field kingdom to watch the game.

As the competition unfolded, everyone's discussion topic returned to their comments on the performance of each player's short program.

Because the 4cc short program uses a lottery in the order of playing, after 30 players are divided into 5 groups, the strength of the players in each group is actually uneven.

It is possible that the previous player's personal world ranking is only 30 or 40, and the next player will suddenly rise to the top five in the world ranking. Therefore, in the process of short program competitions, the players who came in the field before and after, It is possible that the ranking gap in scores will be huge.

Many players will feel frightened when they see top players such as Tsugawa Yuren and Igor in this group. Once they have poor psychological quality and appear before and after the top players, they are likely to be in their own Encountered Waterloo during the show.

Fortunately, Su Zhe’s two teammates, Wang Wei and Xu Yihe, are very psychologically superior. Although one of them is in the same group as Igor and the other is in the same group as Grant from the US team and Yuto Tsugawa, but Both have steadily displayed their own level and achieved good results.

Before Su Zhe's fifth group of players appeared on the stage, Igor used his outstanding performance this time to beat Tsugawa Yuto, temporarily ranking first with a short program of 90.61. At this time, Jinchuan Yuto was 89.79. Score, temporarily ranked second.

After the fourth group of players finished their performances, a round of ice was cleared on the spot. After the ice clearing, the contestants of the last group of the field, in the expectation of the audience, officially set foot on the ice rink. Do a short 6-minute exercise.


_(:з」∠)_flatten out, gurgling

Cai Cai is being madly beaten by her aunt, and she is very slow in the code word at night, and may not be able to continue to get the remaining 3k today.

The day after tomorrow will be the annual meeting of the department and project for two consecutive days. The update may be a bit difficult. I hope that QvQ will be understood.

When Caicai is alive, I will work hard to pay off the debt! (Quietly compare my heart)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-1301:54:17~2020-01-1400:17:52~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: purple ice orchid, nameless name, squirrel fish, 1 Aqi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 160 bottles of ice; 100 bottles of unnamed names; 35 bottles of Big Totoro; 32 bottles of fat; but 20 bottles of all the league, zzq, ink bamboo, and Muxi; bad girl , Yunlu, Yu, Tebati, Shuangshuang, Menghuanquan, Hanyue, The palace is scum, there are sugar in the bag, yh10 bottles; Weiwei 5 bottles; Qiqiu. 2 bottles of Ether, Ether, and Ergou’s legs are super short; after the spring breeze, summer rain, Si, cats and cats, hold the milk can tightly and do not let go of 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!