Chapter 218: Parallel World Figure Skating (66)

At the stadium in city t, with the sixth group of contestants on the field, the audience once again raised enthusiastic applause and cheers.

According to the order of the short program signings this time, the sixth group of players includes not only the newly emerging domestic players like Su Zhe, but also Tian Haiyi and the newcomer Garcia of the American adult group.

Although this American player Garcia is also a rookie, he has attracted the attention of countless players and coaches when he was in the youth group. Since he was promoted to the adult group, he has also won without suspense with outstanding performance. He won a number of awards. Just about one month before the start of the 4cc, he won three consecutive b-level championships. His ferocious posture was obviously not good.

These three heavyweight players gathered in the last group at the same time, undoubtedly adding a suspicion of unknown to the current rankings.

In the commentary room of the sports channel, with the appearance of the players, Lin Ya also began to give the audience a general introduction to the current players on the field.

"... Among the players in the current sixth group, for Chinese player Su Zhe, the most noteworthy opponents are Tian Haiyi and Garcia. Among them, Tian Haiyi is characterized by precise and difficult technical movements. In the game, his t-score has always been high, but this season, as his programming guidelines have been adjusted, in recent games, his p-score has gradually increased to a relatively healthy ratio. "

"Coincidentally, in the youth group, Garcia was also well-known for its difficult program composition. At the same time, this young player has an excellent talent for physical flexibility. It is rare among men's singles players to complete. Male players spinning Bellman."

With Lin Ya's explanation, the players on the scene are also doing their own warm-up exercises.

In today’s warm-up stage, Su Zhe didn’t wear a sports jacket, but directly dressed in a performance suit. His performance suit was a beautiful dress embroidered with a lot of sequins. Blocks of red sprinkled gold fabric, sprinkled with gold powder and matching sequins, coupled with his some unconscious eyes on the ice today, set him like a beautiful godless puppet doll.

Many viewers who are watching the live broadcast on the Internet cannot see the details of Su Zhe's expression for a while. They just look at the brightest character on the ice and can't help being a idiot.

[Oh, Su Zhe today is also beautiful! Dressed up so beautifully, it looks like a living bjd doll! 】

While some of the audience is idiot, some people feel that Su Zhe is really going to perform a new show this time.

[Before I saw Su Zhe’s Kausten, I was still thinking, maybe this time he is still performing a breeze, but I didn’t expect to change to a new show... I hope he can have a perfect performance! 】

[Looking at the previous revelations, the difficulty of the new program is probably not small... Such a short time, and he is still training on a part-time basis, a little worried]

In the live broadcast room, Lin Ya also introduced this part.

"The only Chinese player in the sixth group is Su Zhe, who is currently called the "Star of Hope" by many ice fans. Up to the present position, although he has participated in a small number of times, judging from his performance in the game, he has already It can be seen that his personal strength is strong. He is also the current domestic player who has the best performance in the artistic expression of his works.

Since this season, his three shows, "Breeze", "Fallen Watcher" and "Book and Sword", have different music styles and types. Each performance can give the audience a spiritual touch. "

Having said that, Lin Ya's words changed.

"Before, I had thought about how Su Zhe and his coaching team would rearrange the two programs of Breeze and Overwatch for this 4cc. What I didn't expect was that they chose to arrange a brand new program."

With that said, Lin Ya glanced down at the performance form of the next contestant program, frowning: "Su Zhe and his team do have the courage to choose the program, but in such a short period of time, are they Will it bring us satisfactory answers? Let us wait and see!"

In the webcast room, hearing Lin Ya's commentary, the ice fans squatting in the room were all taken aback.

Even Lin Ya said that Su Zhe and his team were brave, so how powerful are the songs used in this new show?

In the forum of Ice and Snow Kingdom, some friends stared at Su Zhe in the live broadcast for a long time, and then suddenly flashed to the forum and opened a post.

theme:【……! Su Zhe’s Costume, does he look like a puppet doll? ! ! ! 】

Subject content: [Not only Kausten, I just stared at him for a long time, every time he practiced in the warm-up phase before will bring out a little temperament and state in the performance, you take a closer look, he seems to be slightly acting today It's a bit strange, I just felt a little awkward at first, but after thinking of the puppet doll, do you look at his actions again, do you look like a puppet being manipulated? ? ?

Damn it, speaking of puppets, I can only think of that puppet bowling song...

Su Zhe and Cui wouldn't be so brave to guide them, would they? ! 】

This insightful post made by this friend soon received a response from many people. Many of the friends who were watching the live broadcast on the web and swiping the forum with their mobile phones, after seeing the subject of this speculation, All are full of excitement.

They all know how classic the song of puppets is in the first edition, but the five consecutive collisions of the song of puppets and the failure rate of multiple performers of the song of puppets at that time were as high as 80%, making this song in 12-13 After the season, he was in a dusty state, no one touched.

5L: [Wipe, although I don’t want to admit it, but I took another look at Su Zhe’s Costen and his posture during practice. The more I look at it, the more it looks like...]

8L: [Me, if it is true, I am really worried about him overturning this time! 】

At the city t competition site, Wang Wei's group has already finished the competition. He has changed into casual clothes, and while watching his practice on the ice on the player seat, he is using his mobile phone to scan the forum.

After looking down at the topics discussed by the friends in the forum, Wang Wei couldn't help but whispered "fuck".

Xu Yihe, who was sitting next to him, turned his head and looked at him strangely: "What's the matter? I was surprised."

Wang Wei turned out the phone page with a constipated face, and handed it to Xu Yihe: "Look, the current netizens are really awesome, you can guess this..."

After Xu Yihe glanced at the title and content of the topic post, he also nodded in admiration, but his eyes were quickly attracted by another name.

"Social... Brother Cao?"

Wang Wei realized that he had handed his name to Xu Yihe without logging out, so he immediately made a'shhh' gesture with Xu Yihe nervously.

"Speak quietly! I beg my Uncle Crane. When I go back to city b, I will invite you to dinner. Please forget the name just now!"

Xu Yihe caught a glimpse of Wang Wei’s nervousness, thought about it, and took out his mobile phone, touched the forum of the Ice and Snow Kingdom, and directly typed the 5 words'social you grass brother' in the search bar, and then Wang Wei was nervous Xu Yihe grinned under his staring eyes.

"I think this secret is worth at least 3 meals."

Hearing this, Wang Wei almost hugged Xu Yihe's thigh: "Okay, Uncle He, please don't click on that search. Three meals, right? No problem, I have packed!"

While Wang Wei and Xu Yihe were playing around, the 6-minute practice time on the ice rink had passed. Except for the first player in the fifth group, the rest of the players left the ice and returned to the backstage waiting area.

After the official start of the fifth group, Wang Wei and Xu Yihe also stopped playing.

Naturally, both of them have seen the ranking of the fifth group of players. After the first Kazakhstan player to appear on the stage, Tianhaiyi will be the next one, and Su Zhe will appear after Tianhaiyi. .

If it is the past Tianhaiyi, the direction he is good at is completely difficult technology, which is okay, but since the new season, his short program "Unintentional Love" has repeatedly set a personal p-score record for him. The performance of this short program has become his classic masterpiece of the most successful combination of technology and art so far.

After Tian Haiyi performed "Unintentional Love", Su Zhe who appeared on the stage was bound to face the more critical gaze of the referee.

Not only that, but "Unintentional Love" and "Song of the Puppets" also have a subtle similarity in the theme, which makes Su Zhe, who appeared in the latter, more passive.

For all these reasons, both Xu Yihe and Wang Wei couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After all, this is Su Zhe's first big competition and the first performance on a new show since he was training in a side event. If there is any accident, it will put him under tremendous pressure for Su Zhe.

However, no matter how worried the two were, they could only quietly watch the game progress one by one.

After the performance of the first Kazakhstan player, the player who appeared first in the fifth group may have made consecutive mistakes due to tension, and finally ranked 18th with only 60.89 points.

Tian Haiyi, who played after him, greeted the warm welcome of the audience just by walking out of the channel of the contestants, and he also lived up to his reputation. In the melodious music, in the pure and shallow piano solo In the movie, Tian Haiyi's indifferent face and every movement with precision to the minute showed the story of'Intelligent Inak' to everyone on the scene.

Watching Tian Haiyi's performance, Wang Wei couldn't help but admire: "This guy is really amazing. If he is not Brother Zhe next to him, I can't help but applaud him."

Unfortunately, there is nothing if.

After Haiyi scored 100.29 with this song "Unintentional Love", Su Zhe's figure also appeared in the contestant channel with his exit.

Appearing with him is his coach Cui Yi, who is holding him a sports jacket and a thermos cup that Su Zhe is used to.

When Su Zhe's figure appeared, the audience shouted again, and in the referee stand, members of the referee team from ISU also looked at the Chinese player.

The referee Anderson, who used to enforce the coc before, appeared on the 4cc referee's stand again today. He squinted at the Chinese boy, remembered the show that the boy was going to perform today, and couldn't help but raise his brows.

This is such a bold little guy!

When Su Zhe stepped on the ice to start the final warm-up practice, Lin Ya in the live broadcast room also reported Su Zhe’s song "Song of Puppets" for today’s short program, and all the audience who knew something about this song, After hearing this selection by Su Zhe, there was an uproar.


_(:з」∠)_Cuckoo, prostration, touch everyone, and then go to sleep

The next chapter can finally be officially premiered, make a fist, see you in the next chapter!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-1400:17:52~2020-01-1501:55:42~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: 2 that duoyunna; Shuangshuang, Aqi, Dou☆Yu, Congratulations, Nameless, Azhou, Zhimeiq, Fugui Badan, Ashu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of happy lemon vinegar; 50 bottles of beauty, Mo Qilian, and Jie Yu; 20 bottles of Geld and the wall; 10 bottles of Yuyu Yu and egg noodles; Double 9 Bottles; 5 bottles of Mo Ruo Xi Yao; 3 bottles of delicious watermelon, 3 bottles of 15 degrees below zero in winter snow; Evil Witch, Flowery FHSJ, a happy silly rabbit Chi, 2 bottles of four; Qin @琴,二狗打腿Super short, 1 bottle of bird official;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!