Chapter 225: Parallel World Figure Skating (73)

When Su Zhe appeared, many ice fans immediately focused on the performance clothes he was wearing.

This is a costume composed of black and white. The lower body is still a pure black trousers, and the upper body is made of interlaced white and black color blocks. The interweaving of this kind of smudged blocks extends from the top to the waist, and then Gradually disappear, other than that, there is no other special content.

The only thing worth paying attention to may be Su Zhe’s hairstyle. His hair today is not as clean and orderly as before, or his back is combed meticulously like the Watchman’s performance. Today, his slightly longer hair looks a little messy and flamboyant. From another point of view, it seems to have some decadent appearance.

Not only that, in today’s 6-minute warm-up time, Su Zhe’s state has changed differently from the past. In today’s practice stage, his every movement and body changes are more varied than before. A little bit bigger, but the drastic physical changes bring a more exaggerated and arrogant posture visually.

On the forum of the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, many ice fans watched this short 6-minute warm-up while checking the list of possible free skating tracks discussed by everyone before. In the end, everyone focused on "Dreamland" and " "The Life of Frode the Arrogant" and "The Delusional Sonata" are included in the three tracks.

57L: [...These three songs, no matter which one Su Shen chooses, are amazing. 】

Based on the state of Su Zhe's current performance costume and practice time, after the ice fans guessed these three tracks, they were a little uncertain for a while.

These three pieces are all world-famous songs, and each has its own complexity in the expression of content intentions. For example, "Dreamland", the intention it conveys is a pure dream. Everything in the dream is changed and blurred. Famous players have chosen "Dreamland" as their program music, but so far, no particularly classic and successful works have been left.

"The Life of Frode the Pride" seems to be a story with a clear theme, but the character of Frode is also a multi-faceted character, from the arrogance on the surface to the humble hesitation in his heart. A story that is difficult to fully express on the ice.

Among the three pieces, the most difficult to perform is "Sonata of Delusion".

As a classic representative of the absurd opera, as long as opera lovers mention the absurd opera, they will never bypass the opera "The Great Artist". In the opera "The Great Artist", the classic sing of "The Delusional Sonata" is even more important. The top priority.

In the opera performance of "The Great Artist", the sings of "The Delusion Sonata" show the delusion of the protagonist Ralves. It is the most insane and insane of the life of Ralves, who has been living at the bottom of the bottom with false delusions. A dream of Zhang Yang, in this dream, the delusions that had been suppressed in Ralves's heart in the past were realized one by one, and the dream collapsed at the moment of his most ecstasy.

Even on the opera stage, the interpretation of "The Delusion Sonata" is also known as a big test for opera actors. Many well-known opera actors have also said that after being fully involved in the role of Ralfs, The intense emotional transformation on the stage is a great burden on one's own spirit.

Until the end of the 6-minute warm-up time, after the players other than Wang Wei left the ice rink, the ice fans on the Internet were also intensively discussing the speculation of Su Zhe's free skating song.

79L: ["Breeze", "Fallen Watcher", "Book and Sword" and "Puppet Song", if today's free skating song is really any one we guessed, and his performance If he can maintain the same high level as the previous tracks, then in my heart, he will really be a god. 】

81L: [+1, no kidding, to be honest, only with the previous 4 shows, among active players, he has opened an insurmountable gap with other players in terms of artistic expression, but if he is really in today’s If I chose one of these tracks in free skating and still maintain the high level as always...]

Ice fans on the Internet naturally don’t know that Su Zhe actually chose "Sonata of Delusion" as the song for the show, but in the figure skating department, Zhang Hongguo, Luo Chao and other members do know this selection of Su Zhe.

Zhang Hongguo shook his head and sighed with Luo Chao: "This Cui Yi actually dared to choose this song for Su Zhe. He was too courageous. The momentum was so good before, so don't fall into the free skating..."

Hearing what Zhang Hongguo said, Luo Chao smiled and said nothing.

In fact, in the early stage of the selection, how can one know how effective Su Zhe will be in the end? Su Zhe’s greatest advantage lies in his artistic expression. The coaching team headed by Cui Yi also used this as a point of difference in the selection of music. In addition, the two performances of Breeze and Watcher are also not low. Only when Cui Yi's team dare to place such a bet with his work.

Luo Chao could probably also think of Cui Yi's thoughts-since he decided to change the song and reorganize it temporarily during the season, he would just take a look at it.

Now it seems that their team’s selection of songs this time is really tricky, and in yesterday’s short program, Su Zhe has already succeeded halfway. In today’s free skating, as long as Su Zhe can hold the "Delusion Sonata", then This year's Winter Olympics...

Thinking of this, Luo Chao couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement in his eyes.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Lin Ya, as a commentator, already has the free skating music and related annotation information in her hand. For her, she couldn't help but feel a little worried when she saw "The Delusional Sonata".

Su Zhe... can he really show Ralf's delusion on the ice?

The fourth group of the competition has approached the top level of the current figure skating event. Even Wang Wei, who entered the fourth group in the sixth place, has enough strength to attract attention.

Wang Wei, Igor, Jinchuan Yuren, Grant, Tian Haiyi... After the performance of these players, Tian Haiyi once again occupied the first place with a high score of 100.29 in the short program and 196.43 in free skating.

After seeing Tian Haiyi's achievements, the audience first applauded and admired them sincerely, and then couldn't help but think of Su Zhe, who once ranked first after the short program competition.

With Tian Haiyi's high score of 296.72 at this time, unless Su Zhe can also score 196.4 or more in this round of free skating...

But is this possible?

With the attention of the live audience and the ice fans watching the live broadcast on the Internet, Su Zhe and Cui Yi have arrived at the rink through the player channel.

He took off the ice blade cover on the ice skates, and after nodding with Cui Yi, he came to the ice rink to prepare for the final warm-up.

During Su Zhe’s preparations, the audience and the ice fans before the live webcast finally heard Su Zhe’s free skating selection-"Sonata of Delusion" from the mouth of the commentator Lin Ya.

The announcement of the theme of this show immediately caused an uproar among all the audience who knew something about "The Delusional Sonata."

The ice fans in the Ice Kingdom Forum still looked incredible after verifying their conjecture.

It's actually "Sonata of Delusion"?

It's really "Sonata of Delusion"...

The consternation of all the spectators at the scene did not affect Su Zhe’s state on the ice. After a short final warm-up, he stood calmly toward the referee's bench, his feet spread out, his hands were placed on both sides of his head, his head slightly drooping, Eyes closed.

After he was ready to start, the music belonging to the "Sonata of Delusion" also sounded.

The beginning of the music is a beautiful and moving melody, the soothing sound of the piano seems to be leading people into a beautiful dream, and the boy on the ice also silently opened his eyes.

Poor Ralfs has never experienced such soft, beautiful and elegant music... No, perhaps it should be said that he has heard such music, but such music has never belonged to him, but belongs to those who are high above and empty. Nobles!

They pride themselves on being elegant and noble. They listen to meaningless music with a nice melody, and they don’t understand what real art is!

After being intoxicated for a short time, Larvis quickly reprimanded those empty nobles fiercely and angrily-[everything they listened to was just decay, only me, only I, Ralfs, knew what real art is. ! 】

Accompanied by the intense emotions of Ralfs, a somewhat noisy melody was inserted into the original soothing piano music. Such a melody is not only annoying but also a manifestation of Ralfs' emotions.

The audience at the scene only saw that on the ice, every movement of Su Zhe had a sense of strength beyond the previous. This sense of strength lies in the'strength' and'exaggerated emphasis' of each of his movements, and a series of representatives After the rapid pace of Ralfs' fierce emotions, in the most intense climax of the music, people almost felt that without warning, the person on the ice had already jumped into the air for a four-week jump.

This 4Lo is perfect. Whether it is the step it enters, the step it slides out, or the jump itself, it has the characteristics of short standby time, high difficulty in entering, and good jumping distance.

If any player other than Su Zhe made such a jump, he should have received full applause and applause at this time, but at this time, after Su Zhe made this jump, the audience on the scene did not seem to notice.

If you look closely, you can see that all the audience are still staring at the person on the ice seriously, and their entire emotions are following the madman on the ice.

Oh yes, that lunatic on the ice.

[Ralves is a lunatic, he dreams that he has amazing talents, but in fact he is just a trash without any artistic accomplishments! 】

[You stupid fellows! You will never know what Ralf's art is! 】

After Ralves fiercely rebuked the vulgarity and ignorance of the nobles, this'big artist' received the pursuit of those nobles who had always been disdainful and indifferent to him. Those nobles knelt at his feet, trying to be able to Ask for a piece of his work from him.

The former indifference has become the present flattery;

The former disdain has become the current pursuit;


Oh look, that's the great artist Ralfs!

On the ice, the melody of the music has changed from the original piano music to a magnificent symphony. On the ice, the Ralves who was still despising the nobles not long ago is now accepting everyone's praise with an exaggerated attitude.

[Yes, I, Ralfs, is a real great artist. Now this kind of life and the pursuit of nobles is the life that Ralfs should have! 】

The magnificent symphony reverberates throughout the ice rink, and a series of proud and conceited emotions are also interspersed with such music. People look at the exaggerated figure on the ice, watching his every movement, Can feel the arrogance that overflows from him at this moment.

Ralves, who was praised by the nobles to heaven, was about to be on the podium, which is the highest artistic achievement. When he stepped on the podium, the original brilliant symphony was suddenly sandwiched as if it were a representative The terrible roar of fate.

The conceit that was overflowing with the figure on the ice suddenly disappeared. He looked around in horror, his eyes and face, everything about him was full of anxiety and anger.

what happened?

Why did everything disappear suddenly?

The award that should have belonged to him, and all the glory that should have belonged to him, why are they missing?

At this moment, the music began, like a strong wind and a sharp sword, ruthlessly slashing Ralves from the peak of joy into the abyss. Ralves’s seemed to be in madness, he held his head fiercely on the ice. Gliding painfully on his face, every step he took deeply carved the traces of his pain on the ice.

Those nobles who were still chasing him in the last second turned into demons from hell, seeming to be dragging him into the endless abyss and tearing him apart.

From heaven to hell, from peak to valley, it's just a moment.

[This shouldn't be! This shouldn't be my situation, Ralfs! 】

[Why do I meet all this... is it because of my stupid delusion? 】

[Wandering...? 】

【Do not! What delusion? You see how real and artistic what I have experienced. Everything I have encountered is because of my super talent! 】

[Yes, all these are my dreams, all these are my illusions, you ignorant demons are puppets manipulated by me! 】

[Laugh at it! Go crazy! Come and pounce on me like an evil spirit! Then you all can only wander in my palm, and then barely become a small decoration in my perfect artwork of Ralfs. 】

On the empty ice surface, along with the fierce and madness of the movement, a figure also became more and more fierce, and every movement of him carried a taste of madness, from ecstasy to anger, to a new round of conceit. .

It's clearly just a person, it's just an empty ice surface, why did they really seem to see that unflattering Ralves?

He was suddenly happy and angry, he was poor, ignorant and conceited. He could only set foot on the pinnacle of life in a dream, and then after everything collapsed, he was drowned in the dream and did not want to wake up.

It is clearly such a cowardly, ignorant, greedy, crazy lunatic...Why can he draw their eyes tightly on him, and then start to feel heartache because of all his sadness?

When the sound of the music gradually stopped, the figure on the ice fell into a panic. He kept this dream state constantly, unwilling to leave this dream.

But the dream will eventually wake up.

At the moment when the bell that represents awakening rang, everyone looked quietly at the ice, watching the cowardly madman forced to wake up, and then fell to his knees, hugging his head in pain.

A delusion belonging to a dream was forced to wake up.

But in the mind of the delusionist, his delusion is still not clear.


_(:з」∠)_Cuckoo, finally finished this premiere

Tomorrow will probably be another difficult journey of rainbow fart and analysis...Thinking, actually I (think I) really don’t know how to write rainbow fart... _(:з」∠)_? ? ?

Happily touched everyone, so see you in the next chapter!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-2004:22:47~2020-01-2103:37:48~

Thanks to the little angels who threw landmines: 2 A Zhou; Huanhuan_ck, You Hao, and Qiqi have knocked candy today?

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 137 bottles of Hualuo's Honey Sweetheart; 100 bottles of Liuli & Xinyu; 60 bottles of Adam; 50 bottles of Silent Vera; 40 bottles of my super fierce; 20 bottles of Ni Er and the swinging pig; Family Sanye, Shuangshuang, North and South, Fat Lotus Root, LITASA, Sulu Wangzhi, a Happy Silly Rabbit, Skyrim Fairy, 10 bottles of Bailan; 7 bottles of Hanyi; Huanhuan_ck, Xiaoyue, White嗏嗏嗏, 5 bottles of rotten clothes; 3 bottles of a vegetable bag; 2 bottles of Linglingluoluo and mangoivy; Names without names, 55667788, 4, 417784391 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!