Chapter 226: Parallel World Figure Skating (74)

If you want to ask the audience at the scene, is this Su Zhe's "Sonata of Delusion" wonderful, the audience may be stunned first, and then nodded like a dream.

Not only the audience, but also many players who had already finished the previous game, all sat in the player area of ​​the audience and watched this performance from Su Zhe.

Xu Yihe and Wang Wei were also among them. In all, this was the first time they had read Su Zhe's Delusion Sonata completely.

"..." Xu Yihe opened his mouth, then shook his head in a sigh: "Really, it's amazing."

Wang Wei, who is accustomed to running trains with his mouth full, also closed his mouth now. After thinking and thinking carefully, he also suffocated a sentence: "Brother Zhe is awesome!"

In fact, from a purely viewing point of view, the portrayal of the character Ion in "The Song of Puppets" and the overall storytelling should be more popular and'good-looking'.

From the perspective of ordinary audiences, whether it is the puppet form at the opening of the puppet, or in the later "Miracle Gems" chapter, the joyful and wanton of Ion's soul awakening, for the performer, can more easily This emotion is conveyed to the audience, making the audience "susceptible" and willing to accept this emotion.

But "Sonata of Delusion" is not.

Even from the perspective of the opera "The Great Artist", Ralfs is not a pleasing role in the chapter of "The Delusional Sonata".

He is arrogant and conceited. Most commentators call him "lunatic", a lunatic who falls into delusion and does not want to wake up.

In the chapters of "The Delusional Sonata," he has intense emotional ups and downs. He radically believes that everyone else is a fool, and no one understands his talent.

In the original script of the entire opera, Ralves at this stage has lost control of his spirit, has serious delusions, and his personality has gone to extremes.

Even watching the performances of opera actors in the opera house, the extreme emotions can overwhelm the audience and even cause serious psychological discomfort.

Ralves is a pivotal character in the entire plot of "The Great Artist". Soon after the chapter of "The Delusion Sonata", he died of mental disorder, poverty and illness, but After his death, his only "friend" saw the oil paintings left before his death.

Some of these works are a group of weird creatures respectfully surrounding'Ralvis' and bumping'Ralvis' into the altar, and underneath the altar is a dangling abyss. The upper body of these creatures is a nobleman wearing a noble dress. The lower body is the real body of the devil.

There are also Ralves tearing the clouds and throwing these demons into the clouds...

All sorts of things, this "friend" of Ralves saw that Ralves named this group of paintings "Real" before his death, which is also this group of pictures. After the exposure, he won countless praises and Ralves was finally Everyone is called a'big artist', and this group of his last works during his lifetime is also known as a classic. All of the mental disorders, extremes, poverty and arrogance of Ralfs during his lifetime have also begun to be called the'character that a big artist should have.' .

As a world classic, this absurd story is naturally well-known to people, but while the story is well known to people, it does not mean that audiences who already know this absurd story will have too much love for this person. 'Emotions.

For the audience, the more real the emotions conveyed by the performer, the more depressed the audience feels all of this. This is not a good viewing experience, because it makes the audience feel a negative emotion almost throughout the process.

No matter from which point of view, "Sonata of Delusion" is a huge test for performers.

Can the performer accurately express that crazy state?

Can the performer control the audience's emotions throughout the entire process, pass on to them emotions that the audience is not happy to accept, and envelop them in this net of negative emotions?

If you ask questions from this perspective, the audience at the live or before the live broadcast must be able to give the questioner a positive answer.

【he made it. 】

At the end of the performance, Lin Ya, a live commentator on the Sports Channel, spoke after a short silence.

"Su Zhe once again brought us a surprise."

Lin Ya's voice was full of sighing emotions: "I must say that Su Zhe is definitely the pinnacle of artistic expression of domestic figure skaters.

So far, each of his performances has been highly artistic, and he has his own unique understanding of music connotation, theme presentation and character interpretation.

From his performance, we can clearly see his understanding of each program. From his performance, you will never misunderstand the artistic connotation he conveys.

Not only that, but the depth of his interpretation of each work and his ability to control his own artistic expression are far beyond our imagination. "

"In the performance just now, I saw Ralfs' madness, paranoia, and anger. These emotions have always been shrouded in my heart during the entire process of Su Zhe's performance.

During the performance, I was particularly impressed by a detail-it was when the music entered the stage of'destroyed delusion', Ralves fell from the apex of glory, and his delusion was suddenly shattered. Su Zhe, his body movements began to become extremely violent and exaggerated, which was accompanied by different floating leg movements such as raising his legs, focusing on portraying Ralves' madness after the dream was broken.

The culmination of this madness, after a set of footwork full of madness, leap into the rotation, and in the process of squatting and turning, Su Zhe raised up and revealed that together with his raised hand, he told Ralfs. Despair. "

Lin Ya looked at Su Zhe in the picture with emotion and said sincerely: "Perhaps for the audience, the performance of "The Delusion Sonata" is not a pleasing or pleasant performance, but from an artistic point of view, the "Dusion Sonata" Compared with Su Zhe’s previous shows, the artistic connotation and depth of performance are even higher."

If Lin Ya's commentary is still relatively restrained and praised, then after the audience wakes up, most people's emotional expressions are left with two words-awesome!

On the ice, Su Zhe, who had just finished performing, was obviously still in the emotions that belonged to Ralves, and when he stood up and bowed to the audience around him, he still seemed a little dazed.

While the audience bowed and saluted him, they finally remembered and gave him fierce applause. Many audiences who hadn't had time to send Su Zhe dolls the day before were also frantically throwing them on the ice. Produce a doll carefully prepared by yourself.

Nagasaki Masami is a member of the doll-throwing army. Her position is in the front row of the s seat, but she was worried that her arm strength was insufficient, so she ran to the guardrail and threw the doll into the field.

For Nagasaki Masami, today's performance can hit her heart more than any previous show.

From the perspective of Japanese aesthetics, the extreme madness and absurdity in the opera "The Great Artist", as well as the contemplation and manipulation of people's hearts, have completely touched them, and they are in Japan, which promotes art. , The opera "The Great Artist" has a higher status than other art masterpieces and is called the "art treasure".

The character of Crazy Ralves has extended countless artistic interpretations in Japan, and every detail of his emotions has been carefully studied.

Nagasaki Masami also liked the work "The Great Artist" very much. She was already very excited when she discovered that Su Zhe's song for today's show was "The Great Artist", and that emotion was controlled during the entire performance. The feeling made her scalp numb with excitement.

She thinks that the people who are crazy for Su Zhe must not be the only ones who are crazy about Su Zhe. The whole Japan will be crazy about Su's performance!

Just as Nagasaki Masami thought, Japan, which broadcasted this free skating match, was in a frenzy from the commentary on Tsuruta Yoichi to the audience watching the live broadcast.

Yoichi Tsuruta couldn't control his intense emotions when he explained.

"Once again! He is art itself!"

"It’s incredible that he dared to choose "Sonata of Delusion" as his free skating track, but I can’t help but thank the gods. Perhaps the **** of art has come to Su’s body to let him do it. This choice, and his choice, allowed us to see such a performance."

"I couldn't help but want to know him personally, and asked him sincerely, as a 19-year-old boy, why do I have such a deep understanding of art? His Ralves even controlled my heart and made me Gradually unable to breathe while watching.

We can see that after the end of the performance, Su's mood is still very low, and he obviously can't get rid of Ralves attached to him for a while.

I think I can be sure that during the free skating just now, he fully integrated into the emotion of Ralfs, and at the same time, he amplified and diffused this emotion and conveyed it to each of us with precise performance.

‘While blending into the characters, you can also have precise control over yourself.’ I think this is perhaps the most terrifying aspect of Su contestant’s artistic talent.

He will be art itself, and at the same time, I must also tell all Japanese figure skaters-a terrible demon has appeared in front of you. In terms of artistic expression of figure skating programs, perhaps no one can surpass him for the time being. . "

At the same time, the commentaries in the live broadcasts of various countries once again praised Su Zhe's performance today.

[Spanish commentary]

"I can't believe that today's Ralfs and yesterday's puppet Ion are from the same player...! My God, I think I have temporarily lost the ability to praise him. In today's performance In the middle, I am already a survivor, and Larvis of Su completely controls my emotions.

If he can appear in front of me, I think I would kiss his shoe upper...! "

[English commentary]

"Just now, I have been thinking about how he did it? That kind of exaggeration that is just right to express the crazy characteristics of the character of Ralfs... You know, he is not an opera actor, a drama actor, or Dance performers, in fact, I think many audiences may forget that this is a figure skating show!

Can you imagine? He needs to slide, spin, and jump at high speed on the ice. While ensuring that his program has a sufficiently high technical difficulty, he still has the power to precisely control his performance?

Someone really did such an incredible thing..."

【Canadian Commentary】

"No doubt! The figure skating fans of the whole world will be crazy for him-at least I have given my heart to him!"

While commentators from various countries praised Su Zhe wildly, he was leaving from the ice. Cui Yi greeted his disciple by the guardrail of the ice rink. He gave Su Zhe a peaceful hug and patted him on the back. , Let him ease his emotions a little, try to get away from the role of Ralves.

It was not until Su Zhe took a deep breath that he took the thermos bottle from Cui Yi's hand and took a sip of water.

"Thank you."

Cui Yi patted Su Zhe on the shoulder, and then led him to the side seats.


Flat _(:з」∠)_, hold your head, sorry, I thought about the code word last night, but I had a hard time a few days ago and I got a bit of a cold, so I couldn’t stand it last night.

Tonight is this chapter for the time being, and then Cai Cai I need to go and pack my bags. After I go home tomorrow, the holidays starting the day after tomorrow can be updated steadily, and I will try to compensate for the unstable update during this time~ ~

PS: Please pay attention to your health during this time, try to reduce going out or wear a mask for protection. I hope everyone is healthy and happy New Year, refill=w=!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-2103:37:48~2020-01-2223:43:15~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: I am also very lazy today;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Did Qiqi knock one candy today?

Thank you for the little angels who threw landmines: Lazy cat loves to sleep, Mo Qilian, loves flowers to become idiot, Liu Lifeng, slytherin, wjlxh, names without names, A Zhou, Na Luo Luo Luo Luo, You Hao, Pomelo 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 200 bottles of tea; 74 bottles of Jialingjiang crisp shell snails; 53 bottles of Xiaoxi; 50 bottles of scorpion forgetting his heart and saying yes; 49 bottles of lazy today; oh my god, please call My devil! 39 bottles; 30 bottles of Yan Lixuan; 20 bottles of FDT; variable return date, I am Babao Chicken, Daisy MR, Nitrogen Dandan, Tongxin, Yuki, Visionary, Yummy, Pinellia, Daobike, Qifeng Love, Jingjing, Sleeping God Xiao Right, Luna, mayz198110 bottles; I don’t know 9 bottles; Nine A, 6 bottles of a vegetable bag; Tingzi Baoyu, Dongxue 15 degrees below zero, Aqin, Weiwei, a happy silly rabbit 5 bottles of Bayun Yaoyin; 3 bottles of dx, Mao Ma Ma, Evil Witch; 2 bottles of e Yueyue and Dian Wumiao; names without names, ==, west of Changbai, lemon, ling color ink, Qiqiu. , 55667788, 1 bottle of rotten clothes;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!