Chapter 233: Parallel World Figure Skating (81)

It should be said that the Winter Olympics is worthy of being the top venue for winter events. In figure skating, top athletes from all over the world have shown their best preparations and strengths. On this 30*60 ice surface, the world Show your best state and show.

There are 30 players, a total of 5 players in the group, from the first group of performances, the tense atmosphere has never stopped.

After Wang Wei retired, players from the second and third groups also stepped onto the ice. Among them, Grant, who is also from the United States as Garcia, scored 88.96 points in the second group of performances, from the United States. The two players once occupied one or two positions at the same time.

In China, Lin Ya and her colleague Wang Yuhan are also presenting the ranking situation on the stadium at the sports channel commentary room responsible for live broadcast of the game.

"In the third group of games that just ended, Russian star Igor scored 98.87 points with an outstanding performance. He is currently second. From the playback screen, I can see that Igor is in this field. His performance is very good. His short program is from the excerpt of the ballet "Sapphire Night", "Dance Invitation to a Dinner Party". This is also the style Igor is always good at. In this competition, Igor's jumping difficulty It's obviously higher than before."

"Yes." Wang Yuhan replied affirmatively: "We know that Igor's height is close to 180. It is difficult for this height to grasp his own axis during the jump, like this group of 4t+3t in the picture. Jumping, it is obvious that his first 4t axis in the air has been skewed, but he relied on his powerful core control ability to readjust the balance when falling on the ice."

"Yes, Igor's personal advantage has always been in the artistic expression, sliding and rotation of his works, but judging from his performance today, his jumps actually have strong strength."

In the process of halving, the sports channel's screen began to show several wonderful shots of Igor in the entire program in real time, especially his several jumps in the program, which were also displayed through slow key frames. Igor's postures at different stages during take-off, spinning in the air, and ice falling.

Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan were watching these instant replays of Igor while discussing Igor's performance on the ice today.

And when Igor’s score was announced, all spectators who watched the game could also see that in the column of countries belonging to Igor, it was not Russia, but an Olympic flag with five rings, and it was also marked with OAR. ——This is also because Russia is banned from the Olympic Games, so a Russian star like Igor can only use the status of a neutral person to represent Russia in the Winter Olympics.

After Igor, Yuto Tsugawa, who appeared in the fourth group, failed to achieve the desired result due to a mistake. Fortunately, the twins Yuto Tsugawa, who played in the same group, once again surprised the audience with outstanding performance, following Garcia. , Got the second short program score of more than 100, with a high score of 105.62, took the first place in the short program from Garcia's hands.

With the exit of Tsugawa Yuto, today's short program competition is about to enter the final group of schedule, and today's last group, judging from the list, can be called the death group.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, the exchange between Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan continued.

Wang Yuhan sighed: "Although there have been two high scores of more than 100 points, and there are players like Igor who scored more than 98 points, but we still cannot be sure that the top three of the short program Whose house will the throne go to."

"Yes." Lin Ya said with a smile: "It's time to clear the ice, and the fifth group of players who will debut after clearing the ice include Jeff from Spain, Tianhaiyi from Japan, and Campbell from Canada. The world ranking of these players is always in the top 10, of course, there is also Su Zhe from my country."

Wang Yuhan shook his head and said: "And Su Zhe will be the first to play among these six players. I have to say that although Su Zhe is drawn to the fifth group, the order of signing for this appearance is not too ideal."

With so many strong players in the last group, Su Zhe is really like a sheep into the wolf pack. For the referee team, for one thing, Su Zhe currently has only four continents men’s singles champions. In front of him, he is not considered a player whose strength can be stably recognized by them. Secondly, with so many strong players behind, Su Zhe's performance is excellent, but it is hard to guarantee that the players behind him in the same group will perform better? If he is given an excessively high score, will the scores of the subsequent players continue to expand?

Therefore, even if Su Zhe's performance is good enough, they will exercise restraint in their scores out of cautious consideration.

Of course, Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan also discussed this issue before the game, but this issue is not suitable for discussion on the live broadcast, so Lin Ya was silent and changed the subject: "Su Zhe had previously played in the National Championships and COC. The audience was deeply impressed at the recent Four Continent Championships, including what I know, the reason why the figure skating national team was able to invite Gallardo to perform "Song of Puppets" and "Song of Puppets" for Su Zhe The program adaptation of "The Delusional Sonata" is also because Gallardo was attracted by his artistic expression ability after seeing Su Zhe's performance."

Hearing Lin Ya's change of topic, Wang Yuhan also remembered that his expression just now might have led to the wrong direction, so he smiled and said, "Speaking of which, many ice fans are chasing Gallardo's update on ins recently, but The choreographer did not update the training situation of Su Zhe's two programs, but constantly updated Su Zhe's track and field training situation, which made many ice fans very melancholy."

"Yes." Lin Ya also smiled and said: "I didn't expect this choreographer to become Su Zhe's track and field fan?"

The words of the two people talked here, the picture in front of them changed, the ice clearing on the spot was over, and at the same time, the 6 players of the last group also appeared on the stage and they were about to start their 6-minute warm-up time.

At the scene, with the arrival of the last group of players, the scene erupted with the most enthusiastic applause from the stands on all sides. There was no other reason. In the last group, Tian Haiyi, Jeff, Campbell and Su Zhe gathered together. Star players, there is no doubt that this is the most eye-catching group among the 5 groups of players on the scene.

Among the 6 players present, the most well-known is Tianhaiyi, but both Jeff and Campbell also have their own loyal fans.

In addition, in the Four Continents Championship half a month ago, in the country where the game was broadcast live or broadcasted, countless ice fans also paid attention to the Chinese player, Su Zhe.

Internet, on the Snow Kingdom Forum

In the forum at this time, the ice fans finally entered the most exciting moment-after this short 6-minute warm-up, Su Zhe will soon be on the stage, as the first player in this group, take the lead Performance.

Theme: [Ah, ah, Su Shen is about to appear on stage, and his mind is in a mess. Here, I wish Su Shen all the best in his performance, and the adapted "Puppet Song" is perfect! 】

Under this simple blessing post, a large wave of ice fans gathered. At this moment, everyone was not thinking about how the adapted content of "The Song of Puppets" would behave or possible guesses. Everyone prayed for Su. Zhe was able to complete his performance smoothly.

Although Su Zhe has hardly made any mistakes on the ice so far, this does not mean that he will not make mistakes.

For events like figure skating, it is necessary to show all kinds of difficult skills on the ice. No one dares to say that he has not fallen on ice, but can only say who can guarantee his success rate on ice to the maximum.

Unlike on the Bingxue Kingdom Forum, Weibo is now in another style.

It was about 12 o'clock noon in city b at this time. Some Chigualu who didn't have to get up early were also awake at this time. The people who went out to visit relatives and friends all returned to their homes.

At this point in time, someone remembered that today was the garland men's singles match of the Winter Olympics, so they turned on the TV and took a look at the live broadcast. At this hour, it happened that Su Zhe and other 6 people were warming up on the ice for 6 minutes. Time for practice.

Many people thought it was a coincidence, so they took a look at it and took out their mobile phones and posted some comments on Weibo about waiting for the game.

【#冬奥会男单人滑# Just turning on the TV, I just saw Su Zhe, is this warming up? When is he on the court? 】

[#冬奥会男单人滑# Ah, don’t you know, Su Zhe seems very tall? Right now are the men's singles players warming up on the ice? I don't feel much at ordinary times, but Su Zhe was a head taller with them? ? ? 】

【_(:З」∠)_ I always thought that Su Zhe was a slender, weak and beautiful boy, but I just checked it, as if his latest height information came from his coach, saying that Su Zhe is about to be 180? Is your height 179 now? 】

The topics discussed by Chigualu on Weibo are all sorts of strange, and some people are cutting a fuzzy picture. The person in the picture is wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses, and a camera + ultra-lens zoom lens is mounted on the tripod in front of him. Staring at the ice.

Just like this vague figure, the person who took the screenshot still spoke with a vow: [Fuck! This is Shao Xingchen! Was his private trip to Pyeongchang, South Korea to watch the Winter Olympics? He and Su Zhe are still friends who have worked together, plus the group photo of 214 before... Fuck, I feel like I have discovered the truth! He and Su Zhe do not really have a leg, do they? 】



? ? ?

No, my friend, we also have to pay attention to the basic law when we eat melons. Your picture is all pasted up like this. If you put Shao Xingchen's diehard fans out, you can't recognize that this is Shao Xingchen, right? Can you tell that this is Shao?

Some people searched for the name Shao Xingchen as a keyword, and saw the content of the original po, so they persuaded him with a grievous expression: [Friend, I advise you to delete this blog. It is guilty to maliciously spread the rumors and forward the full 500. of! 】

No matter how firm this original po is, a large number of netizens can't believe that the person in the paste picture is Shao Xingchen. This Weibo is more of a joke on the Internet, and some "satellites" ran to see it. He glanced, but no one could tell who the figure in the blurry picture was.

Regardless of the amount of silly information on the Internet, the sight of the audience has long been nailed to the ice.

Almost all of the 6 players warming up on the field are of the world's top level. Even just watching them slide, you can feel a pure and smooth beauty.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The audience felt that although there was no camera lens restricting their sight, their sight was always captured by the red and green figure and couldn’t help but follow him. , Watching every trajectory of his sliding on the ice.

"What an incredible attraction..."

Gallardo was also sitting in the audience, with Eliza sitting beside him. After a brief exchange of their opinions, the two couldn't help but begin to admire Su Zhe's peculiar charm.

"On the ice at the game site, he is more dazzling than usual." Gallardo looked at Su Zhe in the warm-up, affirmed, paused, and added: "Now he, the game He on the road is even more charming."

Over the past half month, he has been paying attention to Su Zhe’s practice, and of course he knows Su Zhe’s state very well. What he didn’t expect was that Su Zhe, who was already full of charm in practice, was in a real game. , To take another level.

"Yes, he has always been like this." Eliza exclaimed.

At this time, Su Zhe had obviously devoted his mind to the role of'Puppet Ion'. From his body, you can even feel that someone is'controlling' him.

It was the first time that most of the audience at the scene saw players who had already integrated into the role during the warm-up phase. They watched in awe at Su Zhe's sliding and movements on the ice at this time, and they began to look forward to his official performance later. .

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan's commentary continued.

It is also the first time for Wang Yuhan to explain Su Zhe’s scene on a live broadcast. He was a little excited and said: "Su Zhe is really a talented performer. Even in the warm-up exercises, he has already been immersed in the role of his puppet Yon. .It’s really hard to imagine that he was able to perfectly transplant the detailed body movements of the character of'Puppet' onto the ice like this. Looking at him in the camera, you can’t help but start looking for the invisible root that controls him. Where is the line!"

"Su Zhe's control of his own limbs and observation of the performance formation have been meticulous. Whether it is his slightly tilted head or seemingly stiff limbs, it is his perfect interpretation of the role... The 6-minute warm-up is over. After Su Zhe’s last practice time, it is Su Zhe’s performance time!" Lin Ya whispered: "Let us look forward to the life of'Puppet Yaen' together!"

As Lin Ya's voice fell, there was only Su Zhe left on the scene, and after a short last practice time, he returned to the center of the ice surface, posing as a puppet sleeping.

Directly in front of Su Zhe, the referees of the referee group watched this newcomer in the international figure skating arena with scrutiny eyes, ready to see what strength he used to conquer the referee group in the last four continents competition. .

On this ice, under everyone's gaze.

With the sound of the music, the seemingly inorganic puppet boy suddenly opened his eyes. He only moved his head slightly, and it was obvious that someone had begun to manipulate him!

This exquisite puppet boy started to move on the ice surface following the operation of an unknown puppeteer. Although his gliding is so light and smooth, you can always feel the unique puppet from his body. Silly breath.

In the audience, some audience members couldn't help but whispered in their hearts: God, it's really a beautiful puppet doll... Is this really a real person performing?

You can even see that as the music changes briskly, this exquisite puppet doll is also drawing one figure after another with his own pace on the ice. His movements are clearly so dexterous, but they are not like a living thing. People.

Everyone almost looked at the puppet boy's movements on the ice with awe-inspiring eyes, and watched him as if being'lifted' out of an Axel triple jump...

Oh my god, is there any magical puppeteer who can manipulate this "puppet doll" to make such a difficult jump on the ice, under everyone's gaze?

Even the referee on the referee's bench showed a surprised look, and then quickly plunged into the focused score judgment.

Su Zhe’s original "Song of Puppets" has 5 parts from the beginning of the puppet part to the final end. The division and presentation of these 5 parts makes the sp content of the entire "Song of Puppets" too complicated.

Under Gallardo's leadership, these 5 parts have been integrated into 3 different chapters: the chapter of miracles, the chapter of love, and the chapter of dedication.

The life of Puppet Ion is a miracle. The origin of this miracle is the miracle gemstone belonging to the princess Shikali; and the most splendid part of his life is that he ignited the most beautiful emotion among the creatures-his love for Shika The love of Princess Li; and the last dedication was also due to his love, because of this love, because of this love, he gave his life from a miracle, and only hoped that his Royal Highness could live.

"May you be safe and sound, and may you be radiant.

And even if the merciless fire swallows me.

My life already has meaning. "

This is the last part of the life of Puppet Ion in the opera "Song of Puppets".

Puppet Ion's life was born because of Hikali and died because of Hikali, but he was happy for it.

This is the core idea of ​​Gallardo’s adaptation and integration. These three chapters did not adapt the original framework of the "Puppet Song" short program, but some unnecessary content was broken, making the overall performance even more impressive. It is smooth, and it also gives a sense of calm beauty of "blank".

Of course, the audience at the scene or before the live broadcast did not spare any effort to pay attention to the adaptation of the show. They only remembered to stick their eyes firmly on the delicate puppet boy on the ice, accompanied by music. Feel the ups and downs of his short and gorgeous life.

When the puppet's first jump and fall into the ice, everyone who was watching "Puppet Ion" keenly noticed that the puppet boy on the ice was a little different.

He just raised his eyes slightly, and then looked around unbelievably. The originally stiff limbs were suddenly soft and infused with life. Accompanied by the joy of music, this puppet boy who had gained a miraculous life was happily on the ice. Wandering on his face, every step he took revealed his curiosity, exploration and surprise for this new world.

What should I say?

Everyone who watched this performance worked hard to organize the language in his heart, but in the end he could only quietly admire him in the bottom of his heart-he is really a cute elf that people can't help but love.

And everyone who knows the story of "Song of Puppets" can't help but feel nervous when looking at the figure of the happy boy on the ice.

Will such a cute boy finally lose his life in the flame?

People want to stop this tragedy, but all of them are just spectators outside the ice rink. The spectators carefully watched the boy on the ice, watched him gain life, watched him play happily, and watched him again. Carefully fell in love with the princess Shikari.

What an irretrievable fate...

Even the sentimental audience, when they saw this place, they already had tears in their eyes. They didn't want this lovely boy to die... even if it was only a short ice show.

People grabbed their hearts and didn't want to see the sad ending, but they could only watch the puppet boy fall in love with the princess and lose the princess as the music progressed.

In the end, when he broke free and clearly could escape by himself, he threw himself into the flames for the princess Shikari and rescued the brightest and sweet angel in his heart.

Yes, he finally rescued his beloved princess, and he has lost his life since then, kneeling on the ice, and no longer has any vitality.

Although this was only an ice show, some people in the audience started to cry sobbing. Those ice fans who came to watch the game did not expect that they would cry on the ice rink here.

At the end of the music of "Song of Puppets", the audience went from being sparse to the enthusiastic applause moments later. Everyone admitted from the bottom of their hearts that they were captured by that cute puppet boy. He was like that. Pure, so hot, so sincere...

After enthusiastic applause, the audience quickly took out the dolls they were carrying and threw them desperately onto the ice. They didn’t know whether they wanted the cute dolls to drown the puppet boy, or they wanted to. Look at that "Puppet Boy" and the doll side by side?

In the audience, in the seats of Gallardo and Eliza, Gallardo also stood up at this time, sending the most sincere applause to the boy on the ice.

"He is a miracle." Gallardo said to his disciple Eliza in a tone of admiration: "He will be the most dazzling diamond on this ice, Eliza, you are very lucky, I too Fortunately, we are witnessing the process of polishing this diamond to its dazzling moment."

"I think the moment when the diamond is polished, it will not be too far away."

Eliza stood up beside Gallardo. She also looked at Su Zhe, who was bowing to the surroundings on the ice, and then smiled and nodded: "I think, I think so too. He is A miracle."


With tears in my eyes, I warmly celebrate Sha Diao Cai Cai, my total number of chapters has broken hundreds... (weakly kneeling down)

At this moment, I officially gave this sand sculpture a name for the figure skating chapter: the top of the ice, yes, it was decided...T___T

PS: Although there will be bj Winter Olympics, there will be one or two track and field runs ← But this extra theme is figure skating, so track and field content will not be too much ←Because there is bj Winter Olympics, so... at least There are two more programs to write... Bald Caixin is crying online

PS PS: =. =By the way, I was planning to pack my luggage at night and go back to the office tomorrow, but I was notified that Fujian will start work again on the 10th, so I can spend another week at the update will continue to work hard, oh!


Weird Little Theater

Shao Xingchen: ...Have you ever thought about digging such a big hole for yourself before writing?

Cai Cai: (humble) T__T no

Shao Xingchen: could I have such a silly mother as you?

Cai Cai: ...Is it because I have given you too much drama recently? Why are you shaking?

Shao Xingchen: ^^No, the stew hot pot for you is ready, please come in

Cai Cai:.................. Goodbye! (Jump into the pot T__T with a plop)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-2823:46:52~2020-01-2923:42:07~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: like two in the old days;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Ning, A Zhou, and Caijing 2; Shuangshuang, No, Yang Juanjuan is Fatty, Deku, Coco, Beiyue, Qiqi, Did you knock the sugar today? 39173471, 37 degrees coffee , Love the flower into a idiot, Xixi mmy1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 171 bottles of old time; 39173471101 bottles; Xiruo 50 bottles; hydra, lemonlemon 36 bottles; Handi, Miju link, calm pretty 30 bottles; Xinxin sauce, Xiying 25 bottles; Gu doll 20 Bottles; 18 bottles of Nangong Shenfeng; 15 bottles of Violet; Meng Meng Da Rabbit Essence, Lemon, Yiyu, Stop Stopping Can’t Be More Cute, Lin Zhengyu, There is a Cat, Meng Meng, Xiao Xiao, Lan Tian Yu Sheng Yan, One Tree Pear White, 10 bottles of grace; 9 bottles of Michelle Vickie; 7 bottles of Yueluer; 6 bottles of Perqing; Candice sauce, airing the quilt and laying on the floor, stupid + egg = 5 bottles of stupid; 4 bottles of a vegetable bag; one Happy Silly Rabbit Ji, 3 bottles of Paradise Sea; 2 bottles of Huanhuan and Meow Miaowu; Lizi Wenhua Wine, Qiqiu. , 1 bottle of fat for people who do not want to lose weight;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!