Chapter 234: Parallel World Figure Skating (82)

"This is a magical boy."

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Lin Ya was saying this in a voice full of praise.

By her side, the other commentator Wang Yuhan still had an excited look on his face.

Lin Ya glanced at Wang Yuhan with a smile, and said: "People who are watching the live broadcast may not know that Yuhan next to me is the first time to participate in the live broadcast of Su Zhe's game. Now he is very emotional."

"Yes." Wang Yuhan quickly answered: "In fact, the previous events that Su Zhe participated in, including the National Championships, Coc, and the Four Continents, I watched the live broadcast at the time, but I sat in the live broadcast booth and was responsible for the explanation. When Su Zhe’s game, this kind of excitement was completely unmatched when watching the live broadcast."

"After watching Su Zhe's new adaptation of "The Song of Puppets", my mood now is really hard to calm down..." Wang Yuhan took a breath and said: "In the past six months or so, Su Zhe's performance in every game The performance has been explained countless times that he is extremely good at conveying the musical connotation in his work and expressing the rich emotions in the whole work. You can easily feel what he wants to express in every show."

"This is where Su Zhe’s most unique talent lies. When watching his performances, as an audience, he is often attracted by the emotions he conveys, and then immersed in it, and his unique expressive power follows him. With the continuous improvement of the works, Su Zhe's'immersive feeling' gradually embodied in his works also makes people more indulged."

Lin Ya also affirmed next to him at this time: "Yes, from the expressive power shown by Su Zhe when he was on the four continents, we can feel that his works have become more mature, and his expressive power on ice has also made the audience more prepared. Attracted. It's like the adaptation of "The Song of Puppets" this time. Obviously, the "Song of Puppets" this time has been adapted by the choreographer Gallardo, and the overall structure is smoother and deleted. After some slightly redundant dance moves, the program itself has been greatly optimized."

"But at the same time, we should see that Su Zhe himself is more exquisite and delicate in his performance than in the four continents. At the same time, he seems to have changed different emotions and ideas in the expression of emotions. This time, "The Puppet" "Song", in the last part, always makes me feel more contagious, and my emotions can't help being affected by'Puppet Ion'."

During the exchange between Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan, the replays of the wonderful passages from Su Zhe's "Song of Puppets" have already appeared on the live surveillance screen.

From the three-cycle jump of Axel that seems to be'manipulated' in the opening part, to the jump spin that represents the infinite joy of life after gaining life, in the process of spinning, you can see this new life' Ion's body was full of joy.

"The rotation here shows that Su Zhe is even comfortable." Lin Ya commented: "His rotation speed is fast, his posture is stable and beautiful, and we can see that his hands are rotating. He is still able to make certain dance body movements, which means that he has a very high degree of control over his body during the rotation."

"Right." At this time, Wang Yuhan also restrained his excessive excitement, and turned into a professional reviewing state: "In the previous performance of the famous Russian player Igor, we mentioned that Igo Er’s height is close to 180. This height is actually very detrimental to the jump of men’s singles players. Of course, we know that about 10 years ago, there were also a group of taller figure skaters in the world, but the times were different. The importance of jumping on figure skating is actually not the same as it is now.

In today's figure skating environment, it is inevitable to master multiple quadrilateral jumps. Therefore, it is not too friendly for a player of height like Igor. "

Speaking of this, Wang Yuhan paused, and then continued: "But here I have a medical report provided by the national figure skating team during the pre-match medical examination of the Winter Olympics. It shows that Su Zhe’s current height is already 179.5, which is 1 cm higher than Igor."

Many viewers who were watching the live broadcast clearly knew Su Zhe’s current exact height data. They couldn’t help thinking back in their hearts. At the end of the previous two groups of Igor’s performances, Igor looked like The figure that was almost stuck on the ground obliquely.

But look at Su Zhe again?

In the live broadcast screen in front of me, I was switching to Su Zhe’s jumping screen, which was also slowed down through post-production special effects, like a key frame stop-motion animation of afterimages, but from the screen we can see that Su Zhe’s jumping, vertical axis is straight, The height of the jump is also amazing. The overall jump looks incredibly easy, and you can hardly even feel that this is a very difficult action.

"Su Zhe's jump is also full of amazing feeling." Lin Ya said with emotion: "His jump is elegant, relaxed, and high. We can see that he didn't even take it back in the process of turning in the air. Tightening the body and increasing the speed shows that this rotation is also easy for him."

"What's even more rare is that in such a highly difficult technical action, he is still immersed in the state of the performance at the same time. We can clearly distinguish which stage of the performance his jumps belong to, such as the initial appearance The manipulated'Axel Triple Jump' has reached the middle stage 4Lz+3t..."

In the live broadcast room, Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan had a great conversation about the content and performance of Su Zhe's short program.

In the online version of the Ice Kingdom Forum, all the friends in the forum are also excited.

Subject: [Thank you Gallardo! Thank you Su Shen! ! thanks, thanks! ! ! Ah ah ← this person is crazy]

Theme content: [QAQ has watched figure skating for so many years, but the experience of crying while watching it is really limited. Long live Su Shen, long live Gallardo...!

Oh, my poor baby Ion, I cried over the whole second half of "The Song of Puppets" and didn't want to face the final ending of Ion, but I still wiped my tears and watched the show.

The adapted version is indeed more beautiful. In addition, I don’t know if it’s my illusion that the puppet Ion in the last part is more gentle than the previous version?

That kind of gentle emotion surrounded me. Originally, it was only distressed to the point where my eyes turned red, but in the end I burst into tears. 】

3L: [Original! You are not alone! Look at the commentary, Sister Lin Ya and Brother Yuhan have the same feelings. When I watched it, I also felt very heartbroken. It was obviously the second performance of the show, but when I watched it, my feelings were deeper than the first time, Su Shen Really awesome! 】

7L: [Galardo deserves to be Gallardo, this time the adaptation has not changed in terms of completeness, but the detailed arrangement and the transition between each dance move give people a feeling More comfortable and calm, there is indeed an improvement that can be clearly noticed in the arrangement. 】

10L: [Ahhhhhh, come in and shout Su Shen Niubi! I’m not in a very good state now, my heart is beating a bit hard, I need to know what Su Shen’s score will be...]

Of course, people who pay attention to Su Zhe’s score are not only the ice fans on the Internet or the various parties on Weibo. The audience, players, and people from all over the world who are watching the live broadcast of the game, follow the figure skating team. Officials from the figure skating department of the Winter Olympics, as well as Su Zhe and Cui Yi sitting in the equal seats.

Because of the low temperature at the game site, Su Zhe had already put on a jacket representing the Chinese team uniform outside the performance uniform. He was holding a giant'Puppet Yaen' picked up on the ice rink. Puppet Ion’s doll is very delicate. It even wears the same red and green Kausten as his body. It also wears a pair of skates. When he picks up the doll, he can even hear the audience upload Screams of excitement came.

At this moment, he was sitting quietly on the waiting table, holding the doll in his arms, and next to the insulated cup that had just drunk water. Cui Yi was also sitting next to him, wearing a straight suit, watching Getting up and the track team coaches in sports suits are completely different styles.

Cui Yi's hands and ten fingers interlaced quietly, looking very calm, but from the small movement of his right index finger kept on the back of his left hand, it can be seen that he is also very nervous at this time.

At the edge of the ice rink, not far from the equal seats, Zhang Hongguo, as the leader of the Chinese figure skating team, was also waiting nervously for the announcement of Su Zhe's results.

Next to Zhang Hongguo is Han Mingmin, a young staff member of the figure skating department.

Compared with Director Zhang Hongguo, who seemed to stand tall and unmoving, Han Mingmin had obvious tension on his face.

Han Mingmin watched from left to right, endured and tolerated, and finally came to Zhang Hongguo's side and whispered: "Director, I think Su Zhe's performance just now is really good, and the reaction from the audience is so enthusiastic, look at that baby It's all like rain, so his score for this short program should be indispensable, right?"

After Han Mingmin finished speaking, he felt a little regretful again. As soon as he was about to shrink to the side, he saw Zhang Hongguo in front of him also speak.

"...This time the score should really be good!"

Not only Zhang Hongguo and Han Mingmin, but the audience was also whispering, guessing in twos and threes about the final score of Su Zhe’s short program, until everyone saw the big screen on the top of the ice rink flashing, and then, the live broadcast was also Begin to broadcast the final score of Su Zhe's short program.

Su Zhe (China), total score (TSS) 101.71 = technical score (TES) 58.49 + program content score (PCS) 43.22, of which the program content is divided into sliding (SS) 8.69, convergence (TR) 8.17, performance (PE) ) 9.05, arrangement (CO) 8.39, music expression (IN) 8.92.

Currently ranked third.

When this score appeared in the first moment, everyone's reaction was, "Sure enough, another short program score of over 100 appeared!" ’But after seeing the specific scores, many people are a little surprised.

Wait, is this score a bit lower?

What are the points for Garcia and Yuto Tsugawa just before?

Garcia 104.73, Tsugawa Yuren 105.62, right?

But looking at the overall performance, Su Zhe is obviously the superior? Regardless of the artistic expression or the difficulty of the composition of the program, Su Zhe did not lose to the other two.

Everyone took a closer look at Su Zhe's score composition and found that most of Su Zhe's p scores failed to reach 9, only the pe item gave 9.05 points.

Many ice fans knew what was going on in the blink of an eye. It was indeed a low score. Although it was not obvious, the referee team actually gave a slightly lower score on Su Zhe's short program.

Everyone immediately thought that even if the last Four Continents Championship is included, this Winter Olympics figure skating is only the second time for Su Zhe to be on the international arena. For some referees, they are more willing to give some famous players who have become famous. Be looser on the scores to avoid giving newcomers too high points due to a momentary mistake in judgment.

Not only that, but Su Zhe's appearance order is also a big disadvantage. Behind him are players like Jeff, Campbell, and Tian Haiyi who have yet to appear.

Or is there a large number of'technical' referees in the referee team?

In short, all kinds of factors are added together. Although Su Zhe's score at this time is also broken, he is the lowest score among all the players.

Some experienced old ice fans can actually understand this score after thinking about it. In other words, under the overlap of these factors, Su Zhe can get a score of over 100. This has been proved What happened.

It's just that understanding belongs to understanding, and unhappy emotions still fill my heart.

Someone quickly downloaded from the official website of the Winter Olympics the sub-score table uploaded by Su Zhe in real time for this game, as well as the sub-score table of Garcia and Yuto Tsugawa, three sub-score tables are listed on it at the same time.

Suddenly, on the Ice Kingdom Forum, a crowd of ice fans didn't care that the following performance was about to begin, but went into a frantic complaint mode.

Theme: [Let's take a look at the comparison of the sub-tables of Su Zhe, Garcia and Yuto Tsukawa! ! 】

Theme content: [From the small score table, it can be seen that the t-scores of the three people are not big, and the fluctuations do not exceed 2 points. However, the p-scores of both Garcia and Jinchuan Yuren significantly exceed Su Zhe.

It’s not that they don’t deserve this score, but it’s obvious that when Su Zhe’s sliding, arrangement, and connection are by no means weaker than them, and his performance and musical expression are obviously stronger than them, Su Zhe’s p score But it is significantly lower than them. Is this way of giving points really appropriate? 】

3L: [==When I first saw the score came out, I thought it was a three-digit number. I thought it was pretty good. After a closer look, it was ranked third. I don’t know what to say. How to give this score. The sanctions are not fair enough, but as the host pointed out, it is really uncomfortable. 】

5L: [Although I know that there are various reasons that may cause the score to be low, but the aftermath of the song of the puppets still echoes in my heart, I really feel a little unhappy about this score...]

7L: [=Mei=+The J3 referee, I remember you, Su Zhe’s opening 3A, like a vertical puppet, was shocked when I took off. It really has no human breath. So a wonderful 3A, and your goe score is 0? ? ? 】

10L: [...This J3 referee is really poisonous, looking at the p score, he is also the one with the lowest score...]

Not only on the domestic network, but all the TV stations that are broadcasting live in real time, except for Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan who can only express their dissatisfaction because of the live broadcasting regulations, such as the live commentators in Canada, the UK, France, and Japan. Dissatisfaction with the referee's pressure.

【Canadian Commentary】

"?? Oh the **** referee, isn't the puppet Ion just now worthy of the first result in a short show? Su's performance is delicate and has obvious emotional progressive changes, whether it is the "puppet" at the opening or or Isn’t Ion at the time of the final sacrifice worthy of a high score?"

[Spanish commentary]

“I’m pretty sure that I’m not in a very good mood right now. Just now, we saw the cute puppet boy whose score was obviously unfairly judged. The puppet boy who made me cry, he did not lose in technology. Points, but lose in the show points? This is really an incredible joke!"

[English commentary]

"Okay, I can understand that this is the treatment received by the first player in the last group, but is the memory of the referees the memory of the goldfish? Do they remember the scores they scored before? Such a wonderful show, lost to Since the performance is obviously not a level program, I think these judges obviously don't know what they are doing. They are insulting the aesthetic judgment of all the audience!"

On the Internet and in front of the live camera, people all over the world who follow the Winter Olympic figure skating men's singles competition have expressed dissatisfaction with this score, either slightly or more.

In the equal section, Cui Yi frowned slightly after seeing the score.

This score was indeed a bit low, but it was still within the acceptable range. He frowned and thought for a while, then turned his gaze to Su Zhe.

He was a little worried about Su Zhe's mentality after seeing this result being suppressed, but after a glance, he saw that Su Zhe's face was calm, and there seemed to be a hint of eagerness to challenge.


This kid!

After seeing the look on Su Zhe's face, Cui Yi breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Su Zhe's mentality is stable, tomorrow's free skate will be a mere three to five points difference, and it may not be impossible to win back a round.

After noticing Cui Yi's concern, Su Zhe on the side also smiled at him, and then quietly said three words to Cui Yi: "COC."

Cui Yi instantly understood what Su Zhe meant. During the COC, the referee team had a much tougher score than it is now, but he eventually scored excellent results.

I have experienced the pressure score of coc, and today’s score difference does not need to be looked at.

Cui Yi understood that Su Zhe was comforting himself in turn, and he was a little bit dumbfounded. Then he patted Su Zhe on the shoulder and signaled that Su Zhe could leave the waiting seats.

Before leaving the stadium, Su Zhe smiled and waved to the camera, then picked up the huge "Puppet Yon" doll in his hand, and waved goodbye to all the audience with the doll.

In the live broadcast room of the sports channel, Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan certainly saw this scene. Originally, both of them were a little dissatisfied with the scores. At the same time, they were worried about whether the situation of being pressured would affect Su Zhe’s game state the next day. But now it seems that Su Zhe's mentality is quite good.

Lin Ya smiled and said: "Su Zhe and his coach Cui Yi Cui have left the seat. Su Zhe is currently third. He will go to the top three players to wait for the scores of subsequent players."

"From the state of Su Zhe waving with everyone in front of the camera, it can be seen that his mental state is still very good, and we have reason to believe that Su Zhe, in such a good state, will definitely be able to give us a free skating tomorrow. Presenting a more perfect performance of the "Delusion Sonata"."

After Su Zhe left the equal seats, another player was ready on the ice.

This player is not one of the "Four Demon Kings" in the fifth group. From his look, he is obviously in a relatively nervous state.

Just like the message revealed in his expression, he was already very worried when he was drawn into this devil group, and the player Su Zhe, who played before him, performed exceptionally well, even in Su Zhe’s After the score was announced, there was an uproar among the audience because of his low score.

All these factors made the player from the Philippines feel infinite pressure on the field.

When this kind of pressure affects his control of his body, his performance on the ice is of course bad.

Of course, compared to the Ukrainian player who scored only 48.79, the Filipino player's performance is still slightly better, but unfortunately the degree of "slightly better" is also very limited.

Including the row of referees on the referee stand, the Filipino player's performance was particularly eye-catching after watching the previous performance by Su Zhe.

In the end, this hapless Filipino player only got a score of 56.65, ranking the bottom three among all the current players. Obviously, this ranking and score at this moment also shows that he is destined to miss the second day of performance. The game is up.

After this, most of the remaining 4 players performed smoothly, but even Jeff and Campbell did not get particularly high scores.

Among the four, the only high score comes from Tian Haiyi. His short program "Unintentional Love" performed equally well, and just as he belonged to Su Zhe half a month ago, in the short program, he further added Not only that, but he also completed the entire program with consistent accuracy.

For Tian Haiyi, the degree of fit between the short program "Unintentional Love" and his personal characteristics has reached the apex. Therefore, his performance on ice also captured all the audience who watched his performance on the spot.

In the end, this short program also successfully scored the highest score of 107.51.

Until the 30 players in the short program finished their performances, a total of 4 players scored more than 100 in the short program.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan were also amazed.

"With the announcement of Tianhaiyi's score, Su Zhe is currently ranked fourth, but he has also successfully entered the last group of the free skating competition tomorrow.

The Winter Olympics men's singles event can be said to make people breathless and dare not miss the minutes. The players present also showed their strongest strength, showing what the world's top men's singles players should have. Style.

Now the list of all the players who have advanced to the free skating has appeared, and we are also looking forward to tomorrow's free skating competition, these players can bring us more exciting performances! "


_(:з」∠)_Cuckoo, I’m here again!

Yesterday, it seemed that a little angel asked why Russia was banned mainly because of doping issues. It was said that both track and field events and ice events have the problem of ‘systematic doping from top to bottom’......=. =So...

Ooo, I don’t have much time today. See you tomorrow in the next chapter! =w=


Weird Little Theater

Shao Xingchen: (sneer) I heard that you announced yesterday that you had 100 chapters full?

Caicai: (guilty conscience) Yes, yes...T__T

Shao Xingchen: (sneer) You count again, is it 100 or 91?

Caicai: QAQ I... The document chapter name on my computer is clearly 100...

Shao Xingchen: (sneer)...Would you like to check again, did you skip 9 numbers in the document chapter?

Food: QAQ...

Shao Xingchen:...Hey, numbers within 100 are not good. How could I have a grandmother like you?

Caicai: T___T Then, I will write 100 anyway... Okay, where is the pot, I jumped by myself today... (Plopping off the pot)

Shao Xingchen: ……== Slow down, today is spicy hot pot

Cai Cai: ... (screaming coma, everyone QvQ for nothing)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-2923:42:07~2020-01-3023:51:39~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Ashu;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: You Hao 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: 20093 sweet babies; wjlxh, Jie, that cloud, Xin Bao, Shuangshuang, Huanhuan_ck, Su Xu, 41702375, dot, in short, you are 2 catties fatter, eh?, cute Mengda Junqing sauce, long dumplings, cats called Mi Miao, and Qiqi today have one of them?

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 21889779193 bottles; 72 bottles of robbery; Yebo’s beloved little motorcycle, Miss Ben, old appreciation of the new Qing, Bethofani#^_^#50 bottles; 47 bottles of the refining furnace; 30 bottles of Hua and Caigeng; 25 bottles of hard to name; 24 bottles of Nostalgia for Seeing Zi Zi; 20 bottles of yummy, puja no うと思ったの, spicy fish; 15 bottles of Mu Qiran; green control, Yunshu, mallow Xiaoli, Green Poison, Feng Yaozi, Black and White Sesame Crisp, 10 bottles of Pure Violet, Unyeong, Xiying; 8 bottles of Flower Dance; Fantasy World, Poppies, Return of the Swallows from the Clouds, YC, Missie, Joan Ying, Qiong Tu, Jin Luli, Stupid + Dandan = Stupid, Feng Huaxue 5 bottles; 3 bottles of sweet noodle sauce, a happy silly rabbit; 2 bottles of Mo Hong and Si; rotten clothes, green clouds, light Shallow·Xinglei, cxll, ether, ordinary people, cats and cats, two dogs with super short legs, fat times who do not want to lose weight, 1 bottle of pear warm flower wine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!