Chapter 235: Parallel World Figure Skating (83)

Although the men's singles short program schedule for the February 16 Winter Olympics has temporarily ended, the enthusiasm and public opinion on the Internet have not yet receded.

Whether it is a professional ice fan forum like the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, or a place like Weibo where a large number of eating melons gather, everyone's mood is very consistent.

Those who knew the reason for the referee's pressure would also feel uncomfortable. Those who didn't know that the referee pressured the points were all confused about "why Su Zhe's score is not as good as the others".

[#冬奥会男单人滑#? ? ? I followed the trend and watched today’s figure skating competition. I didn’t understand anything else, but I think Su Zhe’s score is not a problem? Why is his score lower than the others? I think the commentator is also complimenting Suzhe’s performance and jumping, right? It is said that he can be so stable and particularly powerful at this height jump. I thought he could at least be the top two? The result is fourth? 】

On Weibo, like this, I don’t know much about the rules of figure skating, and there are many people who don’t know much about the scoring habits of figure skating referees, and their unified perception is that "the score does not seem right"?

Although it is the afternoon session on the first day of the Chinese New Year, because of this issue, discussions on the Internet are full of turbulence, and even the topic of #冬奥男单花滑視視分不公# has been posted on Weibo. .

This is also the strongest moment of presence on the Internet so far in this Winter Olympics.

Many figure skating enthusiasts have also paid attention to this situation, and some people have come out to explain one, two, three, four, why the referee's score is low.

The people who eat Gualu looked confused: [Why are your scoring projects so troublesome? 】

In fact, it is precisely considering the various injustices that may occur in the referee scoring system that there will be a large number of members of the referee team, and there are also referee team leaders who will review whether the scores meet the standards, and if they are recognized by the ISU afterwards as a referee Unfair referees will also be punished accordingly.

Not only that, the figure skating score manual issued by ISU and changed almost every year also clearly stipulates the conditions for giving various scores. Its content is so complicated that the current tes technical points and pcs program content are divided into the final score, and t points The middle is further divided into bv basic score and goe execution score. The p score also needs to be composed of five scores such as sliding, connection, and performance. After the p score is scored by 9 judges, the highest and lowest scores will be removed. , And then multiply the average value by the p-score coefficient of the program.

The players’ bv basic points and goe execution points have their own very clear standards. For example, if a jump is arranged in the second half of the program, the basic jump score will be multiplied by 1.1, and the jump is saved for weeks (the number of weeks is insufficient) ) The basic score needs to be multiplied by 0.7...

In this way, the scoring and calculation are very complicated, just to avoid the excessive power of the referee and the unfairness in the scoring.

But even so, the referee team actually has room for maneuverability when scoring the players. After all, although the standards are all there, the difference in the severity of the referee's judgment will lead to a certain deviation in the final score.

For example, the J3 judge who gave Su Zhe’s 3A a goe bonus of 0. There are 8 bonus points for the so-called jumping goe, such as unexpected/innovation/difficulty entry, clear step direct entry, good height and distance, etc. Wait.

Although everyone thinks that Su Zhe's jump is very good, there will be referees who are as strong as J3 who said [I don't think].

At this time, the test is whether the referee is fair or not.



Although some ice fans have explained so many, but those who eat melons still hold the melons in their hands and are filled with indignation: [No, I said that your scoring project is really troublesome, and according to this statement, the referee actually pressured the score deliberately. Right? 】

Explaining a large area of ​​ice fans raised their heads and glanced at the reply in front of them: [...It seems that it really means this. 】

In short, everyone knows the truth, but everyone is unhappy anyway, because judging from the scoring situation of the entire sub-score table, in addition to the very conspicuous existence of the J3 referee, the scoring of other referees can only be said to be slightly harsh, but not They said that they were unfair in their enforcement, and from the point of view of scoring, there were also referees who highly recognized Su Zhe's performance, such as the J2 referee next to the J3 referee.

For Su Zhe's 3A, the goe bonus of J3 is 0, and the goe bonus of J2 is 3. It is full of subtle feelings at a glance.

In any case, the dissatisfaction of the ice fans and Chigualu on the Internet with Su Zhe's score has no way to affect the final ranking that has been determined.

Fortunately, Su Zhe’s performance is indeed outstanding, even if there is a situation of being pressured, he has successfully entered the last group of free skating tomorrow, and at the same time, Wang Wei also successfully advanced to the next day. Free skating competition.

On Weibo, the official microblog of the national figure skating team immediately released the results of Su Zhe and Wang Wei after the match result was confirmed.

Figure skating national team official micro: [#平昌冬奥花滑男单# In the short program competition of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics figure skating men’s singles at the end of the New Year’s Day, two Chinese contestants @苏哲与@王蔚都 played well, achieved excellent results, and successfully advanced to the men's singles free skating on February 17. Among them, @王蔚 temporarily ranked 9 with a short program score of 86.13, and Su Zhe refreshed his personal short program score record with a score of 101.71, and also refreshed the short program score record of domestic men's singles players. At the same time, he achieved a short men's singles score. The 4th result of the program, this is also the best result of the Chinese men's singles figure skating player in the Winter Olympics locked! 】

This is indeed a good news. In fact, for the figure skating team and the winter management center, Su Zhe’s ranking results have exceeded their expectations, but this originally happy incident was covered by problems such as referee scoring. There was a haze.

Even the official account of this good news has many people complaining about the unfairness of the referee and asking the national team to protest.

In this messy process, the sports channel successfully intercepted Su Zhe after the game and pulled him to conduct a post-match online interview.

As a reporter from the Sports Channel, it is still Hou Xian who came to report. After several previous encounters, Hou Xian and Su Zhe can be considered to know each other. They also appreciate Su Zhe's direct attitude in the interview.

[Hello everyone, everyone, I’m Hou Xian, a reporter from the Sports Channel. We met Su Zhe who had just participated in the game at the backstage of the Jiangling Ice Arena and invited him to have a short live interview with everyone. 】

After a brief oral introduction, Hou Xian handed the microphone to Su Zhe.

[Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, why don't Su Zhe pay a new year to the audience? 】

As Hou Xian’s microphone was handed to Su Zhe, the cameraman was also very proactive, and shot the lens directly on Su Zhe’s body. At this moment, he was wearing a very ordinary sportswear with a loose white down jacket. Obviously there is no special dress, but when he wears it, he feels that these clothes are very expensive.

At this time, viewers who were still running the sports channel and had not switched channels discovered this temporary live connection. Many people suddenly looked up and saw the bust of Su Zhe on the big TV screen. They all took a deep breath. a feeling of.

Not to mention anything else, Su Zhe’s looks, even without makeup, but his skin can be smooth and delicate enough to reflect light. The straight male photographer on the sports channel is so stunned and hits people's hearts so directly.

Weibo has been silent for a while, and the "philosophers" who usually only perform super-talking activities at home, after seeing this live interview, couldn't help but roar on the public screen.

[QAQ, awsl, my cub is number one in the world! ! ! 】

[Since our cubs are obsessed with sports and can’t help themselves, I’ve never seen the business selfies during the trainee period...QvQ, although the figure skaters are also great, the old mother I still want to see idols occasionally Where's the cub? 】

[Although the camera angle of the photographer's eldest brother's shooting lens is very straight at a glance, but it does not damage the beauty of the prosperous world...! QvQ, I feel that the mood of seeing the bad scoring of figure skating has been healed a bit! 】

The people who are howling on the Internet are far more than philosophers, of course, there are also people who eat melons from all walks of life, and at the sports hall, Su Zhe is also smiling and congratulating everyone on the New Year.

Su Zhe smiled and looked at the camera lens, and arched his hands: "I wish you all the best in the Year of the Dog, everything goes well, and peace and safety."

After a simple greeting, Hou Xian quickly brought the topic to today's game.

[In today’s competition, Su Zhe’s "The Song of Puppets" you performed seems to be very different from the version you performed on four continents. You can talk a little bit about how Mr. Gallardo assisted you in the show. Is the layout modified? 】

Su Zhe nodded: "Friends who have followed the previous version of "Song of Puppets" should have noticed, because we want to express too much content, so the whole program is too complicated. Mr. Gallardo helped us After sorting out the program, the whole story of "The Song of Puppets" was divided into three chapters: the chapter of miracles, the chapter of love, and the chapter of dedication, and the core of the theme was strung into an undulating line. On this basis, The previous structural adjustments are not large, but the content can be deleted and adjusted in an orderly manner."

After a pause, Su Zhe smiled and said, "I still have to thank Mr. Gallardo, because of his help, "Song of Puppets" can have the perfect version of today."

Hou Xian nodded in understanding, and then asked: [In today’s version of "The Song of Puppets", I seem to feel that the part at the end of the program should also be the part of the chapter of dedication that you said. Seems to be different from the content of the previous version? 】

Su Zhe nodded, and seemed to be able to feel the different emotions conveyed in his two performances, so he smiled happily.

Rao is Hou Xian. Seeing Su Zhe’s sudden smile at such a close distance, he couldn’t help but shook his mind slightly, and then asked after a pause: [What’s the difference between the two emotional expressions? Can you explain to everyone a little bit? 】

After simply organizing the language, Su Zhe explained: "In the first performance, my emotional understanding of Puppet Ion was that at the end of his life, he sacrificed everything he had, including his life, and saved his beloved. Princess, and for this, he gave his life. This emotion is relatively tragic and strong, giving up his life to death. I feel the emotion of "sacrifice" from it. Ion’s life is too short, and I feel pain and regret for this. Therefore, the same sentiment is conveyed to the audience, but in this adaptation, I have read the interpretation given by Mr. Gallardo and realized that there may be pain and regret in Ion’s heart, but More of his love and dedication."

"This is a character full of'love'. His life is very simple, and Shikari occupies too much weight in his life. The last life and death, I found after thinking repeatedly In fact, there may not be so many “pain” contents. His love for Shikari supports everything. This is not a sacrifice, but a kind of “dedication.” Until the end of Ion’s life, he is still Happy, because he saved his beloved Shikari, as long as this is the case, his death is not worthless."

Hou Xian knew that the expressions of the two programs should indeed be different, but after listening to Su Zhe's interpretation, it felt like'it is so'.

After the two discussed Su Zhe’s program, Hou Xian finally turned the topic to a sensitive angle: [In today’s game, your performance is obviously not lost to Garcia, Tsugawa Yuren, Tian Haiyi Waiting for the players, but your score is a little bit away from them. Does this scoring situation affect your personal mood? 】

After hearing this question, Su Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly squinted his eyes as if he was in a good mood: "Please rest assured, this situation has no substantial impact on my personal state. In figure skating, then of course we must respect the rules of the project itself."

Speaking of this, Su Zhe paused and smiled: "I always think that as long as I can put out the best state and perform the best, as long as I take every game and program seriously, then the referee will eventually Seeing a "real me" and recognizing a "real me", I will always work hard until this day comes."

Su Zhe’s answer made Hou Xian also silent for a moment. Of course he knew how strong Su Zhe’s character was, and this interview once again confirmed his character.

On the field, let’s use strength and work on the field.

Su Zhe's attitude, as well as his star-like eyes when he said these words, made Hou Xian's heart throbbed with blood.

Su Zhe...what kind of player is this?

Whether on the field or off the field, he is like a star, possessing infinite attraction and charm to everything around him.

This interview is officially over here.

On the Internet, the viewers who had just watched the interview live, at first they were just amazed at Su Zhe's face, but as the several questions in the interview progressed, everyone had different feelings.

[It turns out that Ion’s final emotional expression is really different from the previous version, not my illusion! The emotions of the two shows are really distinct. The first version of Song of Puppets, I also feel distressed for Ion, but the feeling of distress is different from the tearful feeling of tears in my eyes today.

He has sublimated in his emotional expression. This time, the puppet Ion is more simple and pure. His dedication to self. This beautiful feeling makes people even more unable to help crying for him...]

[+1, the puppet Ion after the revision is really too easy to cry, to be honest, I am still a little sad now, a bit dull in my heart, I really don't want to leave the simple and beautiful Ion. 】

In addition to the comments discussing the emotional changes of Puppet Ion, of course, it is more about Su Zhe's last answer.

[Ah ah, wsl, God Su is indeed Su God, the last answer is too domineering-I will always work hard until this day comes. How dry and decisive? There was really no sway, this kind of perseverance really made people tremble. Su Shen, I will always follow you and watch you reach the day of final victory! ! ! 】

Su Zhe's last speech made countless Gua Lu could not help but feel refreshed.

It is true that the injustice encountered now is unpleasant, but instead of entangled in this kind of emotion, it is better to use strength to defeat all unpleasant injustices.

One day, the young man in front of them will grow up to a level that people dare not ignore and dare not impose injustice.

[I really look forward to that day...! 】

Many viewers who watched this live interview uttered this sentence on Weibo—they are looking forward to a certain day together.

After Hou Xian's live interview, Su Zhe said goodbye to Hou Xian and the photographer, and followed the Pyeongchang staff to the place where the lottery was drawn.

Tian Haiyi, Jinchuan Yuren, Garcia, Igor, Campbell and other five people have reached the drawing point first. After seeing Su Zhe, everyone greeted him seriously and ranked ahead of Su Zhe. Garcia, when he saw Su Zhe, showed a trace of unnatural awkwardness on his face, and he seemed uncomfortable to see Su Zhe.

Su Zhe didn't have any special thoughts. After he greeted everyone with a smile, the staff soon came to arrange them for the lottery of tomorrow's game.

When the lottery was drawn, Su Zhe did not take the lead. Although Wang Wei always said that he was a non-chief, the ancestral black hand of their Su family was not too much. Just watch the short program when the death team first appeared on the stage.

Therefore, Su Zhe waited calmly for everyone to draw the lottery before he came up with the last lottery sequence of his own-6.



Sure enough, you didn't pull it out with your own hands, but luck seemed to be particularly good?

After confirming the order of appearance, the domestic national figure skating team also quickly issued relevant press releases. Many ice fans felt relieved after seeing the order of Su Zhe's appearance in this round.

There is nothing to worry about in the order of appearance.

Following the press release of the free skating sequence on the second day, today’s news and gossip discussion about figure skating should be brought to an end, but the one on Weibo posted a pasted picture, indicating that the person in the pasted picture should be Shao The star fellow came out again.

This guy who posted the fuzzy screenshots is a gossip enthusiast with the nickname [When the paparazzi Xiaozhuo grew up]. This time he came up and pointed out that the guy who was suspected to be Shao Xingchen arrived in a few minutes and seconds. Appeared in the audience during a few minutes and seconds.

Not only that, this guy also abruptly pulled out from the personal private server release number built by the satellites for Shao Xingchen the clothes that looked like the character in the picture, and then specially screenshots on the tail of the previous hot search, saying that Shao Xingchen is lonely After appearing in the Pyeongchang news, after taking the screenshots, he was able to search for the location of Shao Xingchen at that time, and determined that the photo was taken not far from the Pyeongchang figure skating stadium.

This pile of content, including the same hat and jacket of Shao Xingchen and the person in the past, and the positioning of the photos in Shao Xingchen’s news, etc., was sent out by this [Xiaozhuo paparazzi growing up] account On Weibo, there is also the person who @ said he spread the rumors.



? ? ?

Those who eat melons did not expect that this seemingly credible leftover melon could have a follow-up?

Someone who thought this matter was interesting, quickly posted this Weibo screenshot to a well-known gossip forum. Only then did Shao Xingchen’s fans "Satellite" see this content on a large scale. They originally wanted to enter the post and rant After a while, I took a closer look... at least the clothes in the picture, the envoy, including the fuzzy figure of the person wearing the clothes, really looked like their boss?

The satellites choked, just didn't know what to say, but suddenly found out that their boss's studio didn't know when they released Shao Xingchen's private itinerary for the second half of February.

It means "private itinerary", which means "private itinerary do not disturb." This time it was directly revealed, probably because other people in Pyeongchang knew about eating melons all over the country, so it didn't matter whether it was hidden.

In the studio's schedule, Shao Xingchen was in Pingchang until February 26.

In addition, there is a more direct itinerary during Pyeongchang [Watching the Winter Olympic Games].




In this way, the person in the picture is really Shao Xingchen himself?

The Gua Lu people have never seen it before. The main hammer's own gossip hammer is so timely and straightforward, but Shao Xingchen is so open, and the Gua Lu people feel that the gossip is not so strong.

Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe are also friends. They happened to go to Pingchang to play, the other to Pingchang to participate in the competition, to see the Olympic debut of a friend who had participated in the same movie as the celebrities. Experience?

This melon soon came to an end, until at night, Su Zhe posted a set of photos of himself when he was performing "Song of Puppets" on ice on his Weibo.

A set of 9 pictures, each of which is so beautiful that you can even feel the love for Hikali hidden in the eyes of "Yon" and the touch of the corner of the mouth before the final "death" Satisfied smile.

Su Zhe: [^^ I just received a photo taken by a friend, thank you very much. 】


_(:з」∠)_Cuckoo, Caicai, I’m here again...!

Cough, add something more, I saw it, T__T will do it when I finish my rehabilitation......=. = It’s not hot recently, I will add more when I finish my rehabilitation!


Keke _(:з」∠)_, by the way, I have been a long time since I pushed the new article of Jiyou

"I'm Going to Primary School in Xianjie" BY: Qingzun

Master and Apprentice Years [Calm and Calm VS Sperm Paranoid Attack]=w=Interested little angels can take a look~~


Gu Qing came back to the immortal realm after his death, and heard a gossip: his master avenged his lover, slaughtered and almost destroyed the nine immortal sects.

Gu Qing's face is forced, is it possible? That cold master has always regarded him as an invisible person, how could he offend the entire fairy world for him?

He had to become Master's direct disciple again and ask him face to face, why?

But I haven't seen Master for too long, and I forgot what he looked like. (@_@;)

A certain master: Rebellious disciple! I even forgot to be a teacher! Damn it!

Gu Qing: Ah, that...this...Master...light...

A certain master: Are you aware of your mistakes?

Gu Qing: Know your mistakes, know your mistakes~ woo~~~ woo~


Weird Little Theater

Cai Cai: ↑=. =Baby, look at other people’s articles, you have forgotten what the attacker looks like, you see how good I am to you, grandma? You can have a home while talking!

Shao Xingchen: ...? ? ? I have to thank you for saying that?

Cai Cai: ^0^You are welcome!

Shao Xingchen: ... (takes out the kitchen knife) ^^ Okay, then I will try to chop up a little bit for you today to make you look like a little more leaves, you are welcome.

Cai Cai:………………=口=? ? ? ? (Falls down and unconscious again)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-3023:51:39~2020-01-3123:44:26~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 short pavilion that loves the wind;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: a vegetable bag, rosemary, that cloud, did Qiqi knock candy today, KRIS, 1 natal;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 270 bottles of wind and rain; 115 bottles of wolfberry bear; 83 bottles of Sanqiandai; only 80 bottles of passerby; 70 bottles of obscurity, xieyitsh, and jumping needles; 66 bottles of landscape meeting; only, Ashu 60 Bottles; Mimi, 50 bottles of hahahaha; 42 bottles of Liao Pei; 40 bottles of not enough sleep; 30 bottles of angsat, catnip, Anyi 123, little rabbit 叽咩咩; clear 29 bottles; BlueJa□□ine, distressed holding fat 25 bottles of fat self; bamboo loves meat, wind-loving short pavilion, sea illusion, erythrina blossoms, chaos, dumb shadow, lemon mango juice, where to go, fish treasure, cheer up, Nangong Shen Feng 20 Bottles; 15 bottles of warm half-green, blue sea and sky, Lianxue; 11 bottles of a cat; Shuangshuang, Yangyang Desire, Lulu Youyou, joanna, Weiwei, 2057057, No, Fenghuaxue, Flowing Nian, Xiaoying. , Ai Mu, you have not set a nickname, Shan Shi Qiangwei, Summer Man, Jessica, Li Xiaowei, I am wild, book line, a little smile is very warm, fish, silence, 10 bottles of hard work; Savenlay, sunny day 8 bottles of Little Witch; 7 bottles of Zhaohai and Bailan; 6 bottles of e Yueyue and Tebatie; 11. Stupid + Dandan = Stupid, a vegetable bag, Ye Buxiu his wife, Dongxue minus fifteen Degree, Candice sauce, Blue silver grass, Cindy, Feimeng yarn, tea stuffed steamed buns, 5 bottles of sun fish; 4 bottles of tieudanglam; 3 bottles of liuyi, a happy silly rabbit; fat times, liquid cream, vegetarian Yana, ordinary people, purple fish rain, two dogs, super short legs, cats and cats, evil witch, hold the milk can and do not let go of a bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!