Chapter 257: New hurdles journey (part 2)

From 2017, when Su Zhe first made his debut, to the 2024 of the Paris Olympics, 7 years have created a Chinese legend that has attracted the attention of the world.

Just like Song Chen back then, the name Su Zhe has now become a special label.

The name Su Zhe, for the Chinese sports arena, is already at the pinnacle and one of the most dazzling stars.

When he was the flag-bearer of the Olympic election delegation in China, Su Zhe easily won the victory internally with a high number of votes. At the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, as the flag-bearer of the delegation, he attracted attention from all over the world.

After the opening ceremony, Holness, who was also the flag bearer of the delegation, quickly clung to Su Zhe's side and talked to him that this game will definitely show him a good look in the finals.

The track and field team members of the Chinese delegation have long been accustomed to Holness’s attitude towards Su Zhe, and they all smiled and looked at Su Zhe and Holsney.

Occasionally someone would come over and tease: "Oh, I said Azhe, you and Holness have such a good relationship, won't Shao Xingchen be jealous?"


? ? ?

Su Zhe was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard this: "This is where and where..."

But speaking of it, Su Zhe also flashed in his mind at this moment and occasionally watched sports-related news reports with Shao Xingchen in his spare time. When he saw Holness appeared, Shao did not seem to have a good face. ?

Before Su Zhe had time to think, Xu Zhi from the domestic sports channel had already found him and was about to invite him to do a live interview.

Holness is used to being a personal madness. He was extremely excited when he saw the interview. Le Diandi rubbed against Su Zhe. When Xu Zhi said hello to him, he also waved his arms vigorously to say hello to the camera. .

Since Holness and Su Zhe really got to know each other, Holness seems to have found a confidant in life. After meeting Su Zhe, he often rushed to Su Zhe's side with great enthusiasm. The subject of the interview was Holness or Su Zhe, so Holness was rubbing against Su Zhe like a Siamese baby.

As long as it is an interview between two people in the same game, reporters rarely can interview a single person. Therefore, people all over the world already know that these two people have a good relationship.

Just like Xu Zhi at this moment, interviewing Su Zhe with Holness, this is about to become a habit.

This is a simple live interview after the opening ceremony. After Xu Zhi said hello to Su Zhe and Holness, Holness also replied "Hello" in Chinese decently.

In the past two years, Holness has also learned Chinese because he has been rubbing Su Zhe every day, and various domestic social apps in China have been installed on his mobile phone. If he has nothing to do, he can talk to Su Zhe.

Nowadays, speaking Chinese, I can handle simple daily conversations.

Here, after Xu Zhi, Su Zhe, and Holness greeted them, they quickly threw the question to Su Zhe.

"The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has ended, which means that the official schedule is about to begin. We all know that in this Olympic Games, Su Zhe, you will become the first to participate in the men's 100-meter sprint, men's 4*100 relay and Competitors competing in the 110-meter hurdles, according to conventional speculation, Su Zhe, you are likely to run eight shots in a row in this Olympics. This is a great test and burden on your physical fitness and competitive state. The audience has always been worried about your load, so are you ready for your overall preparation?"

This topic is indeed one of the current hot topics in China. After all, at the last Tokyo Olympics, Su Zhe only participated in the men’s 100m and men’s 4*100 relay. It’s not like he is now at the same time. He shouldered the expectations and burdens of winning cards in the 100-meter sprint and 110-meter hurdles, and after Chen Zhi retired, he has become the absolute core of the 4*100 competition of the Chinese men’s relay team.

An Olympic Games, it can be said that the burden of the three projects are piled up on him, and no one can not worry about it.

Su Zhe smiled with a good temper: "This problem has actually been encountered in the World Track and Field Championships last year. I think everyone can rest assured. And since the winter training, the national team has assigned me a careful The training plan, I am currently in the peak period of a scientifically adjusted state, coupled with long-term physical training and reasonable physical distribution, I think that with these careful preparations, I can face the entire Olympic cycle well. Track and field schedule."

As Su Zhe said, in fact, there are too many people who care about and worry about his competitive state, including the coaching staff of the national team, the people in the field management center, etc., after determining his Olympic event. Although he is not worried in front of him, the psychological pressure on anyone in the national team is not small.

Last year’s World Championships, for the coaching staff of the national team, was more like an advance survey of Su Zhe’s overall training plan, allowing them to clearly see what results they can achieve by running eight shots in a row. .

But even after the test of last year’s World Championships, the Olympic and Athletics World Championships still have different weights in everyone’s minds. Not to mention ordinary people, even within the track team, they must be more cautious about the Olympic games. some.

With the coaching staff of the national team being so cautiously escorting behind, Su Zhe is naturally ready to go all out.

The interview time for this live broadcast connection was relatively short. After Xu Zhi briefly understood Su Zhe's overall state and confidence, he was ready to end the conversation.

But Holness had been listening for a long time, and he didn't know what information he could hear from these Chinese conversations.

But in the end he beckoned seriously at the camera, then turned his head and said to Su Zhe: "This time the must be me!"

Su Zhe smiled and said, "That will only be known after the comparison."

When this interview was connected, it was only 5 or 6 in the morning in China. After most people woke up, all talents saw the content of the interview again in relevant news.

For most people, people don't understand the state of Su Zhe so deeply, but more people can see the state of Su Zhe.

From his more relaxed conversation and smile, everyone read out messages that made them feel relieved.

In the end, the declaration of war between Holness and Su Zhe made many people smile.

After the opening ceremony, about a week later, the track and field schedule of the Paris Olympics finally officially opened. If people are most worried about before the game, besides Su Zhe's physical fitness and athletic state, there is another item that is the schedule. After all, In previous competitions, there was no precedent for players participating in these three events at the same time. Therefore, in some of the Olympic schedules in the past, there will be a very close connection between the men’s 4*100 competition and the 110-meter hurdles competition. .

Fortunately, this did not happen at the Paris Olympics.

Although the men's 4*100 preliminaries and the 110-meter hurdles semi-finals are indeed tightly connected before and after, there is still a 1-2 hour transition time in between, which can give people a chance to breathe.

And as Su Zhe said in the pre-match interview, he is indeed fully prepared for this competition. Whether it is personal mentality, physical fitness or competitive state, he is now in a rare situation. At the peak.

Throughout the men's 100m preliminaries, semi-finals and finals, he completely swayed and proved everything he said to everyone.

In the preliminaries, even if he had converged his speed, he still ran a 9.97 seconds. Later in the semifinals, he also easily broke through with the group's first result and entered the Olympic arena again. 100m finals.

When standing on the top of the 100-meter competition, he also did his part and steadily overwhelmed all his competitors. In the end, he was able to refresh his personal PB with his astonishing results and disregard the top 100 meters. China Athletics won the first Olympic gold medal in men's 100 meters!

From the time when Su Zhe won the men's 100m and 110m hurdles at the World Track and Field Championships in 2023, people were looking forward to the moment when Su Zhe won the 100m gold medal in the Olympics, but they felt that Su Zhe already had this. Strength, more domestic track and field fans are still worried in their hearts, worried about his personal status, worried about his various things.

And when this moment finally arrived, in front of the TVs and countless computer screens that were ignored in China, I do not know how many people roared in the early hours of the morning, or were tearing their eyes.

This is too grand a medal, and it has too many meanings on its body.

With just this gold medal, everyone already feels that Su Zhe can already return home in this Paris Olympics!

However, Su Zhe's journey did not end there.

All the Chinese were closely following Su Zhe, watching him easily qualify for the first place in the group in the 110m hurdles preliminaries and semifinals, watching him lead the Chinese men's 4*100m relay team to win the preliminaries The first success, watching him create one after another shiny enough to make people unable to open his eyes, it seems like a dream.

In the kingdom of track and field, some people posted posts one after another, saying that this Olympic Games will definitely be Su Zhe’s battle for the gods.

However, at this moment, Su Zhe has won an unprecedented gold medal in the 100m, and the replies of the friends on the forum have inevitably added some humor.

[Brother, don't be so cautious, and remove the word'must'. This Olympics is Su Zhe's battle for the gods. 】

Of course, even though it is said, whether it is really a **** or not depends on the final duel between Su Zhe and Holness on the 110-meter hurdle.

In the past two years, at the beginning, Su Zhe was still suppressed by Holness, even until now, the victory or defeat between the two of them is only between the two.

That terrifying Jamaican legendary genius, even though he was only 180 years tall, he could not play manually the 110-meter hurdles of other people.

Since Su Zhe made his debut in the 110-meter hurdles, the 110-meter hurdles all over the world have been suppressed to lose their temper. The former 110-meter hurdles, Lister and Elano, now have few opportunities. Able to win victory in the hands of these two lunatics.

Because of the existence of Su Zhe and Holness, even some countries have begun to try to train 110-meter hurdle athletes of similar height, trying to create a new miracle.

Whether this new miracle has been recreated is unknown, but now in the world's top 110-meter hurdles related competitions, it is indeed, as Hornis said, that it has been dominated by the "Dwarf King Group".

In 2024, on August 22, at 2 pm French time, the 110-meter hurdles final will officially start.

At this moment, the eyes of the whole world have gathered here, waiting for the final winner of this game of kings.

At the starting point of the track, Su Zhe and Holness were on the fourth and fifth tracks respectively. Beside them, there were top players such as Vist and Elano. Everyone had already seen the race. The finish line at the end of the road is eyeing.

Even in such a field, Holness still has a fearless attitude. He has absolute self-confidence for himself.

Believe, although there is a super genius like Su Zhe among the opponents he has to face, this will only arouse his higher morale and excitement.

Su Zhe is also in a state of excitement at this time. Whether it is the pre-rebirth era that is a bit distant for him today, or the world after rebirth, Hornis is enough to make Su Zhe felt a good opponent for excitement.

After all, for athletes, a fairly strong opponent is also an important existence that motivates them to keep moving forward.

At this time, it was 9 o'clock in the evening in China, and countless Chinese audiences were already squatting in front of the live broadcast, looking forward to the game.

In the Olympic live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were also full of tension and anticipation for the game.

"Dear viewers, the final finals of the 110-meter hurdles of this Olympics are about to begin. At this time, there are two athletes from China standing on the starting line. They are Su Zhe and 31-year-old Ye Jun this year."

"Ye Jun is in a surprisingly stable state on the Olympics this year. With his current age and what good state is there, we can see how much effort he has put in for this game..."

With the introduction of Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan, the preparation time for the players on the scene finally ended. At the referee's signal, all the players squatted down.

With this action of the players, the atmosphere on the scene entered a state of even more fighting spirit.

The spectators in the audience also began to hold their breath after seeing the players entering the preparatory action-the war has been triggered at this point.

When he squatted on the starting blocks following the starter's instructions, Su Zhe felt that the world around him was so quiet for a while, and the steady heartbeat in his heart was beating in his ears.

He closed his eyes slightly, just for a moment, he seemed to think of many things in the past, and he didn't seem to think about anything.

When he opened his eyes again, he calmly looked at the track in front of him, smiled in his heart and said to himself-the game is about to begin!

"Each in place."


During the broadcast, it seemed that the voices of starters all over the world were so mechanical and without emotion, but Su Zhe had listened to this voice thousands of times and felt extremely cordial.

After the starter’s preparation sound, there was only a very brief pause, and the crisp sound of the starting gun broke into the ears of all players.


With this shot, this 110-meter hurdles king's peak battle officially lit up!

From the moment the starting gun was fired, the nine figures on the track had already galloped out, their feet were extremely vigorous, after the first step on the starting blocks, everyone used this explosive force to let themselves Quickly enter the state of starting and converging acceleration.

Among all the people, the one with the fastest reaction to listening to the gun was Holness.

This Jamaican genius has an extremely keen ability to respond to guns, and his response to guns is so fast that it is staggering. Even if Su Zhe is compared with him, there are few times when he can beat him in guns. .

0.119 seconds, this speed close to the human body’s reaction limit when listening to a gun, is just one of the better times for Holnes.

Su Zhe's reaction to listening to the gun followed closely, and the speed of listening to the gun of 0.121 seconds had already surpassed the other players present.

On this track, at this moment, no one is advancing without the heart to win the final victory. Whether there is hope or not, no matter how strong opponents there are on this track, everyone’s beliefs are surprising. Ground is unanimous-victory, only victory!

In the pre-hurdle stage, Su Zhe’s seven-step attacking hurdle is no longer lost to any player, even Lister and Elano can’t drop him in the hurdle stage.

Hornes is even more terrifying. At the stage of the hurdle, his body is in a forward-leaning position with lower pressure. This position is the inevitable result of the seven-step attack, and the second is his deliberate downward pressure adjustment. In this posture, he was like a slightly low black lightning, almost instantly before the first fence.

Throughout the years of fighting with Holness, Su Zhe and Holness have their own tacit understanding and understanding. In the hurdle stage, Holness's speed is beyond Su Zhe's, but starting from the seventh hurdle. , Su Zhe’s ability to accelerate backwards can force Holnes to resist.

On the field at this time, Holness took the lead, and behind him, Lister, Elano and Su Zhe followed closely behind!

In the auditorium, from the moment of the start, everyone had torn their throats and made cheering shouts that almost tore their throats.

On and off the field, athletes and spectators, everyone is holding the most engaged and surging mood, conquering this track, and doing everything in this short time of more than ten seconds!

The roar of shouts reverberated throughout the stadium. This atmosphere, which was enough to make the air boil and burn, made the players on the field even more crazy!

The blood and surging passion burst in the body of every player, whether it is Hornes, Su Zhe or any other person on the court!

From the start of the first hurdle, Su Zhe has clearly felt his control over his own rhythm. He can even clearly feel his breathing, his every step, the amplitude of his swinging leg, and the flight into the air. After the depression.

The extreme boiling brought extreme calm in his mind at the same time.

His perception ability has soared to the apex at this time.

The take-off leg kicks the ground, the body presses down to vacate, the swing leg swings over the hurdle, vacates, the swing leg presses down quickly, the take-off leg quickly swings over the hurdle...

Pedal! Pedal! Pedal!

The three steps between the hurdles are compact and powerful, and the rhythm of the hurdles is also perfectly controlled in the heart.

Everything around it seemed to have been isolated from afar, only the railings and the track in front of him remained in Su Zhe's heart.

Outside the live screen of the sports channel, everyone is in a state of tension. On the field, Su Zhe is not yet ahead. Although everyone knows that Su Zhe is a late player, this does not affect people's anxiety about this.

The only thing that can bring people comfort is that Holness has not been able to get rid of Su Zhe too far, and behind Su Zhe, Lister and Elano have fallen to the third group.

With just the third hurdle, Su Zhe has already got rid of these two terrifying and powerful opponents!

This recognition made everyone happy, and watching Su Zhe still did not slow down, all the audience were breathing deeply, watching everything in front of them nervously, clenching their fists and waiting for the one that seemed to be near. Yes, possible, glorious result!

The arena is always changing rapidly and elusive. For example, at this moment, Holness, who was not far from Su Zhe, has accelerated his speed again!

This has never happened in previous games. The acceleration of Holness has even confused Lister and Elano behind for a moment, and his own rhythm has also changed slightly.

Su Zhe was also keenly aware of Holness’s speed increase, but at the same time, he more keenly discovered that this should not be

It is not the speed increase that Holness originally planned. This forced speed increase, even for Holness, is somewhat reluctant.

It is this slight reluctance that gives Su Zhe a more favorable opportunity!

The spectators in the audience didn't know what was happening in the arena in this instant, everyone just hissed and shouted, cheering for the players on the track who were constantly attacking the fence.

"Come on! Come on!!!"

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan had no explanation at this time. They could only clenched their fists like ordinary viewers, watched nervously at the track on the screen, and watched Su Zhecong. Track 6 officially broke out, and then sprinted forward in an unstoppable state!

On the track, Holness had clearly felt that his previous forced acceleration was a failed choice, but he did not regret it.

Even if he fails, he can continue to sprint forward, give it a try, and see who owns the final victory!

Starting from the eighth hurdle, the arena is already the final battle between Su Zhe and Holsney!

Everyone's voices are already hoarse, and everyone's heartbeats are already beating to the extreme!

Who is it?

Can you win the final victory in this game? !

Is it Holness?

Or is it Su Zhe who has reached the extreme in every movement and posture at this moment? !

When Holness and Su Zhe crossed the line at the same time in the final scene, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan had already taken the lead in seeing the final result through the live TV screen.

"The ultimate winner is Su Zhe!!!"

Until long after the end of this Olympics, countless people still remember that in the Paris Olympics, a team led a team to win the men's 4*100m relay gold medal, and also won the men's 100m sprint and 110m hurdle champion.

That is, from China, Su Zhe.


Ah ah ah, QAQ did not overturn today! But it's too late to say more, see you tomorrow! Woo woo


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-2123:58:00~2020-02-2223:58:19~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 2 in One Autumn Leaf;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: they are so capricious and good as water ♀ 2; that cloud, Turbo fish, a vegetable bag, Xiaoya, bean sprouts, kazikazibang, LITASA, Zimoyoulian , Youling, and Happiness Zhuzicao 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 159 bottles of Haomian; 40 bottles of Youmeng; 30 bottles of Warm Banqing and Weifeng; 27 bottles of Yuanzhi; 21 bottles of Ningjing; 20 bottles of Duye, Nangong Shenfeng, and Zhuozuo; patients with advanced procrastination 11 bottles; Dou☆Sprout, Chuchen, GLORY, Wusheng, Muxi, Ansel, Luoluo, Suyuchen, Yaya, Nuonuo, Xiayang, Rongcheng Leyu 10 bottles; Xiansi 9 bottles; mc Mengmeng , Zhimei q6 bottles; gardenia, eyes, weiwei, drying quilt on the floor, 5 bottles of qiong tea; 4 bottles of e Moon Moon; 3 bottles of a happy silly rabbit; Lianlong little wife, ★Miyi☆, 556677882 bottles; rotten clothes, small kelp floating in the wind, hee little sweetheart, happy comfrey, and human heart 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!