Chapter 258: The inspirational muse of the godfather of fashion

Some people say that the fashion circle is a more extravagant vanity fair than the entertainment circle.

The correctness of this sentence is unknown, but no one can deny that most of the stars in the entertainment circle are chasing fashion. Whether it is the fashion of personality and the sophisticated makeup, these are all in the hands of the stars. I hope to gain the favor of all kinds of top luxury brands, open the door of the fashion circle, and further enhance my image and compelling style.

However, the threshold of the fashion circle has always been elusive. Whether at home or abroad, their right to speak is often controlled by the editors of several first-line men and women. In addition, it is the design that has absolute right to speak among the top luxury brands. Teachers.

Victor is such a designer. He was born in Italy and grew up in Paris, France. His father is a very serious and cold old German man, and his bones also reveal a serious and cold similar to his father. However, his design world is romantic and beautiful. He is full of genius creativity and is keen to incorporate various dramatic elements into his design. From the beginning of creation, he embarked on a path with distinctive personal characteristics. Creative road.

16 years ago, Victor became a brand designer of the top luxury brands in France at the age of just 30. The brand new design led by him not only inherited the original essence of the brand, but also injected new elements. Make the brand go further on the original basis and become one of the top three luxury brands in the world.

Today, Victor is only 46 years old and is already one of the small group of people standing at the top of the fashion world. Countless celebrities, celebrities, and supermodels hope to be favored by him.

Even if he was actually a grotesque guy and he still had a poisonous tongue that could make a person's face turn blue, but that didn't affect countless people chasing after him, trying to get his approval.

Victor saw Su Zhe for the first time when he flipped through the ins a little irritably.

This is a habit of his work in recent years. Randomly browse a large number of pictures on ins. In very occasional situations, it is possible to capture things that inspired him.

This possibility is very small, but when he is upset, this kind of browsing that empties his brain is also a kind of alternative relaxation.

At that time, he was in this kind of casual browsing process, and his brain instinctively captured a bright color for him. The bright color was a group of photos of Su Zhe performing "Puppet Song" on the ice.

If we want to elaborate on what is attracted to Victor in this group of photos, Victor is also indescribable. He just instinctively feels that the performer in this group of photos is full of an unforgettable power. , Let him be willing to spend a little time, and then continue to look at the little guy in this photo.

Soon, Victor followed the link posted by the original blog and watched Su Zhe's performance on the ice.

That was the first time that Su Zhe performed "Song of Puppets" in a 4cc arena. The temperament of classical drama revealed from his bones, and the power to perfectly present excerpts from classic operas like "Song of Puppets" on another stage. , All of this gave Victor a trace of interest in Su Zhe's continued in-depth understanding.

He was originally a deep theater lover himself. He has also enjoyed the performances brought by top casts in the classic opera "Hikali" many times. He was naturally impressed by the classic chapters in the book.

Before seeing Su Zhe’s performance, he originally had a classic version of "Song of Puppets" in his mind, a version brought by top opera actors, but through the screen, he saw the performance brought by Su Zhe After that, in his heart, Puppet Ion had a brand new image.

Not only that, this brand new puppet Ion also stirred his thoughts. The puppet Ion's body is full of collision and grandiose color and Ion's essential innocence and dedication, as well as the empty ice surface, the gorgeous ice surface Figure.

All this violently collided in Victor's mind, and finally formed his brand new inspiration.

When Victor used these inspirations to apply smart colors to his design drawings, a subtle voice flashed through his inspired mind—this is my muse.

Until Victor completed his design draft, the boy still flashed in his mind from time to time, and soon he found another performance video of this boy named'Su Zhe'.

Also taken from the drama "Sonata of Delusion".

Watching the figure on the ice trembling across the ice, watching him bring a brand new image on the ice that is completely different from Ion, Victor's mind also has a brand new picture. .

Victor realized that this was indeed a muse that could bring him perfect inspiration. Some excitement climbed onto his head, and his finger nodded on the table, inviting his assistant, and asked his assistant to quickly All the materials of this Chinese teenager are arranged before him.

At that time, domestic Su Zhe had just participated in 4cc, and he had no idea that he had become the inspirational muse of a certain fashion circle.

The name Victor represents not only the brand under him, but also the cutting-edge trend of fashion, which is enough to stir the eye of the global fashion storm.

Not only the foreign fashion circles are closely watching Victor's every move, of course, the domestic fashion circles are also always paying attention to Victor.

For domestic designers, paying attention to Victor’s ins is already their essential homework. Any information that Victor publishes on ins, these top magazine editors and designers in the domestic fashion circle will never let go. In these fragmented information, there may be clues that have a vital influence on the next trend.

Just like this time.

Domestic designers and editors of various fashion magazines have seen the latest ins released by Victor.

That is a picture of a group of figure skaters performing in a performance, and Victor's accompanying text is-[My Muse].

! ! !

For people in the fashion circle, or, for designers, the role of Muse has absolutely noble meaning. The inspiration he represents is an existence that designers will never neglect.

Before that, Victor had almost never put the word muse on any "person".

The praise of this teenager in photos and videos is the first time in Victor's history.

For a while, the world's fashion trendsetters who followed the fashion circle and Victor all had a trace of jealousy and envy in their hearts for the boy in the picture.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Victor’s compliment, this teenager will be able to run wild in the fashion industry. The threshold in the fashion industry for many stars is incredibly high. Before this teenager, there will be no Re-exist.

People in the fashion industry abroad do not yet know who this Victor’s "muse" is.

In the Asian region, countless designers are thinking about which country is the lucky boy from this obviously Asian face?

Domestic designers and editors-in-chief of various top magazines are also thinking about this question: This is the lucky boy who has become the muse of Victor's inspiration. Which country is the lucky boy from?

Will it be from China?

For these designers, the sport of figure skating or sprinting on the track and field are too far away from them.

They pay attention to various international fashion information, and they also pay attention to the fame and fortune in various entertainment circles, but for them, the sports circle is more of a planning theme that is only occasionally remembered.

Because of these reasons, they couldn't know for a while that the teenager in this photo is the newly emerging figure skater in China.

Regarding Victor’s “Muse Declaration” on ins, most of Chigualu, who only pays attention to entertainment gossip, did not notice this message at first.

Or in the most lively gossip forum in a certain circle, someone posted an amazing post.

Subject: [Ah, ah, incredible, that poisonous tongue godfather Victor actually claims that he has an inspiration muse! 】

? ? ?

Victor, the godfather of the poison tongue?

Although Chigualus are not unfamiliar with this name, most of them take a second or two to react. When I think about it, people flooded into the post.

There are trumpets raised by various navy studios, as well as fans of various celebrities, and some gossip practitioners who have no direct interest in the gossip related to Victor. This information may have other influences on them, so most people will click into the post to pay attention to it, and then choose whether to leave.

On the main building of the topic post, the original poster's emotional speech.

[As we all know, Victor Na is one of the top vicious tongues in the fashion circle. It is said that it is harder to hear his praise than to climb to the sky... Well, I am a bit exaggerated.

lz I am an intern of a certain major journal. Today I heard that the editors of all groups were discussing Victor’s matter, so I took a peek at the ins. This viper indeed issued a muse declaration. And his muse of inspiration is still an oriental face, but I don't know which country is the lucky one.

Speaking of it, this muse is still a figure skater, and looks a bit familiar. Maybe he is a well-known player in which country? 】

Victor’s poisonous tongue is of course well-known to everyone, but the subject post posted by this poster revealed another message. After Victor released the “Muse Declaration”, the domestic fashion circle is obviously trying to find out who Victor’s muse is. , And then study the characteristics of that muse, boldly speculate on the trend of the follow-up fashion circle.

While thinking about it, everyone looked at the screenshot in the topic post posted by the host.


Don't say it yet.

Why do the people in this picture really look familiar?

3L: [? ? ? Victor, the muse of inspiration, looks familiar to me. Is it our domestic figure skater? 】

5L: [I also think it's a bit... but is there such a well-known figure skater in China? Is it so famous that we all feel familiar? 】

During this period of time, it happened to be shortly after the end of the 4cc game. In fact, on Weibo, Su Zhe’s "Song of Puppets" and "Sonata of Delusion" can be said to have been out of the circle, but more people just took a look. , Did not pay attention to more information, so that when he saw Su Zhe at this time, he couldn't remember it for the first time.

However, it was only a short time that I could not be remembered for the first time. Soon, people who discovered the truth appeared in this building.

8L: [Fuck! What is Victor’s muse? Isn’t this Su Zhe? ! ! 】

9L: [I read it again, carefully, seriously, in detail, and magnified again... Rub, it's really Su Zhe! ! Comrades, do you remember Mr. Wen Zhu in his previous "Book and Sword"? Wen Bowen reposted his "Book and Sword"! It was Su Zhe who retired from the third season of "Young Puppet" this year and went directly to the national figure skating team as a figure skater! ! ! A few months ago, his retired solo was still screened in your area! ! ! 】


There is an exciting reminder from Chigualu on the 8th floor that all Chigualu finally reacted, why they feel familiar.

This Nima is the first guy ever to be recognized by that fashion godfather Victor as his muse of inspiration. If nothing else, the story about him is also very interesting!

Think about it, participating in the third season of "Young Puppet", because a face attracted wide attention and attracted a large number of fans, the competition was about to advance to a critical moment. Seeing the bright and beautiful life of the entertainment industry is in front of you, this The big man quietly retreated to the circle!

These people who eat melons are people who have been eating melons in the forum for a long time and are concerned about the first-line news of entertainment gossip.

Many of them still remember that in the third season of "Young Puppet", the fans had torn up on the forum. A group of people complained that Su Zhe was a vase with only a face.

As a result, it didn't take long for the complaint, and the news of his retirement broke out, and all major public accounts were releasing various news about Su Zhe's retirement.

At the beginning, everyone didn't believe it, and felt that it had reached this critical period. Why did he retire?

Later, news of Su Zhe's retirement became more and more circulated. There were various versions for various reasons. At that time, some people also broke the real story-Su Zhe's retirement was because he wanted to be a figure skater in the national figure skating team.

But this reason is too absurd in everyone's eyes, and the real reason was not recognized by the eaters. I feel that the gossip blogger who posted this tweet probably made up this kind of material only if he had a brain hole. .

Later, on the official stage of the third season of Young Puppet, Su Zhe burst the audience and retired solo dance. At that time, the gossip forum was indeed full of ghosts and wolves, a group of eating melon roads, no matter who their original idols were. Most of them have cried on the forum about Su Zhe's retirement.

Someone concluded afterwards that Su Zhe's stage performance and his dance ability in his short 3-minute retiring solo performance were definitely at the domestic first-line level.

If someone thinks that Su Zhe's dance was relatively simple at the time, then after turning the topic to the term'stage expressiveness', everyone touched their conscience and shut up.

After all, after watching such a bursting performance, most people have left a deep enough impression on Su Zhe's scene and Su Zhe's dance.

After Su Zhe really transferred to the national figure skating team and became an official member of the national figure skating team, most of Chigualu stayed in place dumbfounded.

It’s no wonder that their psychological endurance is so weak. The world is so big. From half of the leg to the entertainment circle and then taking back the half of the leg, it turned into a national athlete’s show operation. For everyone, this is still a breakthrough. First met.

Later, because of this factor, many Chigualu paid more or less attention to the situation of Su Zhe in the national figure skating team, but when he first entered the athlete mode, he seemed to have completely forgotten the password of his Weibo account. My son has disappeared, and this recognition makes all Chigualu quite speechless.

Later, after the start of the figure skating season, the "Breeze", "Fallen Watcher" and "Book and Sword" programs were released. After these programs were transferred to their homepages, they would eat melons. I found out that Su Zhe, who said he was going to be a national team player, really went to be a national team player, and at the beginning he showed such excellent results and amazing performances that astounded everyone.

Under the reminder of Chigualu on the 8th floor of the post, everyone quickly remembered who Su Zhe was and his ins and outs, and Chigualu was directly from the self-cute post built by Su Zhe’s fans. Su Zhe's historical results and various competition pictures are moved to this gossip discussion post.

After these pictures were moved to the post, all the people in the theme building were completely flat-OK, it was definitely Su Zhe. At the moment, Su Zhe who moved from that building is on 4cc. The performance photos of "The Song of Puppets" confirms that Su Zhe is the muse of inspiration announced by Victor himself.

Everyone in this building was silent for two minutes, and the post was pushed up again or the host was yelling with excitement.

57L: [Ah, ah, I’m the host. Just after seeing the news, I packaged a copy of Su Zhe’s information and gave it to my superior editor. She said that she was very optimistic about me, and I think my internship is expected to change to trial! 】


Okay, congratulations to the original poster.


After the host’s scream, the Chigualus were silent for a while, and then turned the topic in another direction.

59L: [...I am in a complicated mood right now. It's true that my little Qiangtou didn't look very pleasing to Su Zhe in the young puppet competition at the beginning, and seemed to have complained about him in private. Originally, I thought it would be okay to spit out in private, but it doesn’t matter, but after I made my debut in a group, because the sense of fashion is pretty good, I’m now trying to follow the fashion route...]

61L: [_(:з"∠)_...This... I probably know which one of the small walls of 59L is, sisters on the 59th floor, sorry. 】

That is really to be mourned...

Of course, the real mourning should be the small wall of 59L that eats melons.

Who could have imagined that the opponent who was originally displeased went to the sports circle and became a complete athlete, but after going around such a big circle, he could meet again here? ? ?

Where can he go to reason with such an unreasonable thing?

After the incident of the small wall on the 59th floor, some more hidden information appeared in the building, of course, all with emotion.

66L: [My cooking is also following the fashion circle route, but so far, I have only been on the cover of a top-tier magazine. I don't know where the next one is. 】

67L: [My cooking... The cover of first-line magazines has been featured a lot, but what's the use? In the domestic fashion circle, he can still eat well, but in foreign countries, he has not yet opened up the situation anyway. 】

Speaking of which, whose cooking is not like this?

Or in other words, people in similar situations all over the world don't know where they are.

And the guy who has long since retired from the entertainment circle and rooted in the sports circle now has a pass to the top fashion palace.

Everyone knows that the top domestic magazines, after confirming Su Zhe's information, are afraid that they will soon issue an invitation to Su Zhe for cover shooting.

As long as Su Zhe agrees, sooner or later, he can sweep the cover of these top journals with a relaxed attitude, and win the first-line grand slam achievement that only the top domestic big spenders or young students can achieve.

Not only that, as long as Su Zhe is willing to nod his head, there will never be a shortage of him for the first row of foreign fashion week shows.

Even if Victor has only a short-term interest in Su Zhe, the words he expressed are enough for people in the fashion circle to go crazy around Su Zhe for a while.

So, is Victor only briefly interested in Su Zhe meeting?

This question was answered perfectly during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. The proud Victor not only mentioned the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics with great interest, but also said that he would go to the scene in person to watch his inspiration muse. the match of.

It's a pity that Victor's news was released a bit late. Many people in the domestic fashion circle did not make it to the same time to go to Pyeongchang, South Korea, to have a "chance encounter" with this fashion godfather.

As the Chigualus expected, after learning about Su Zhe’s resume, the top domestic fashion publications all sent him invitations for cover shooting, but most of these invitations were ruthlessly rejected-the Winter Olympics is coming soon Most of Su Zhe's energy is devoted to figure skating training, not to mention that he has sprint training in addition to figure skating training.

Faced with such a situation, these top fashion magazines are also quite helpless. This is a time when they are rarely rejected, but even so, they still dare not ignore this Victor's muse.

As for the question of "When will Victor forget this muse of inspiration" that many people talk about, anyway, until Su Zhe retired from figure skating, Victor still posted his thoughts on watching Su Zhe track and field events on ins.

Until many years later, in Victor's personal autobiography, the name Su Zhe will still be mentioned in his creative career.


_(:з」∠)_Flat, gooooooo, today, it is also a handsome dish!

Today, there is no such thing as life and death too fast...

=. = I saw someone asking, why I work from home and work at a fast speed... QvQ is because I returned to work from my hometown on Friday, and the speed at life and death on Friday is because I got off the train and started crazy codewords directly after I got home, Saturday and today Organized and cleaned the room, and moved back from the company to the desktop computer for office use.

Lie flat, God of Cooking will open immediately after I squeeze out the extra side that I can squeeze out, it is expected to be next week (holding glasses)

=w=Alright, time is running out, I'm going to have dinner orz, see you tomorrow!


Weird Little Theater

Shao Xingchen: --? Do you remember me?

Caicai: 0v0...what is this? You are my cub, how can you not remember you!

Shao Xingchen: (sneer) Do you want me to remind you? The name Shao Xingchen appeared 1174 times in the full text.

Caicai: 0.0, then, then...

Shao Xingchen: And do you remember that Chen Zhi's name appeared 1210 times?

Cai Cai: ...Where is the pot, don't worry, Mom, I will do it myself, QvQ baby, bye


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-02-2223:58:20~2020-02-2323:57:14~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Q and A Zhou 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast the mines: Zeng Wuyouyi, You Ling, Yu Xiaoba, Q, Lemon Drop, Happy Zhuzicao, 1 vegetable bag;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 70 bottles of bald tea; 53 bottles of pipi; 50 bottles of Moon Shadow Morning Hei; 30 bottles of First Color; 26 bottles of Yu Xiaoba; 24 bottles of La La La; Muxi, Fuyi asked Qianyuan, A 20 bottles of Nord and Luyu; 15 bottles of Dye Tong; Yuanzhen, Dawn, A Nuan, Su Yuchen, Mimi, Gemini Starry Sky, Luochen Shadow, Uncertain Return Date, Li Li, Great.? 10 bottles; hee hee 9 bottles of my sweetheart; 8 bottles of binghao; virtual leaves, seven-color camellia^O^6 bottles; Yangyang Mumu1. If you don’t like meat, please go forward boldly, 5 bottles; my wife add more 4 Bottles; 2 bottles of a happy silly rabbit and evil witch; green clouds, Xiaobai, Niaoguan, Han Ling, stupid + Dandan = 1 bottle of stupid;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!