Chapter 115: The Genitals Are Closer Than The Law (1)

Chapter 115: The Genitals Are Closer Than The Law (1)

A few days before Helen formally entered into a “flesh contract,”


“Oh my, it’s Senior Ian! Did you come looking for me because you missed me?”

“Do you have a moment?”

“Teehee~☆ Even if I’m busy, I have to help if senior needs it! By the way, I don’t really like sweets! I prefer rice over noodles for meals!”


As I remained silent, the smile on Elfrida’s face, which was initially bright, faded.

“Ha... It seems like this isn’t a date proposal. ...Is it about that thing?”


“...Then, this isn’t the place to talk. Let’s go to that place we talked about last time.”

Upon arriving at the old school building, Elfrida sat on a desk swinging her legs.

“...Senior. I warned you. It’s impossible to exorcise a demon.”


“But still, senior, you’re lucky. You have a genius high elf like me as your junior. Others rush in blindly without such information and end up in the church...”

“We managed to exorcise the demon.”

“.....What? You succeeded?”

Elfrida asked in disbelief, her eyes widening.

“Are you lying?”

“It’s not a lie. It’s a partial success thanks to dealing a lot of damage.”

“Senior... If it’s a success, it’s a success, and if it’s a failure, it’s a failure. I don’t understand what you mean by a ‘partial success’?”

Apparently, Elfrida had never heard of such a situation either, and she tilted her head in confusion.


I then shared with Elfrida everything that happened while exorcising the ‘Demon of the Scales,’ excluding what concerned Yuris.

“...That’s what happened.”

“Wait a minute. You missed the most important part. What did you offer to the scales that led to such a situation?”


I had anticipated this question, but it was not easy to answer.

Then, Elfrida puffed her cheeks and turned her head swiftly.

“Ah!! It’s really disappointing! I’m upset! I’ve told you everything, but you’re stingy about telling me just this one thing!”

“It’s not that I’m stingy...”

“Then why hide it!!”

“...Elfrida. If I tell you, it must remain a secret between just you and me for life.”

“Ha, senior... You don’t trust me? You know I’ve given you tremendous information so far, right?”

She had a point.

If it weren’t for Elfrida, I would never have known about the ‘Demon of the Scales.’

I sighed briefly and then slowly opened my mouth.



“I offered pleasure to the scales.”

After hearing the answer, Elfrida paused for a moment and then...


She blushed intensely, apparently imagining the process of offering pleasure to the scales.

“ ..Ho...How exactly did you and Estelle do, d, do such a thing!!! Driving a demon away with pleasure!! Is... Is that even possible?“

“Can’t believe it?”

“No, no... It’s not that I can’t believe it... But rather... Estelle is still alive, right?”

Then, Elfrida, with her legs crossed, gave a devilish smile.

“Your life, senior.”

ᄂJustice's Magical Girl■: I...

While walking in the hallway, I suddenly got a message from Laplace.

ᄂJustice's Magical Girl■: I'm sorry to say this because it might sound arrogant...

ᄂJustice's Magical Girl■: Could you stop by the discipline room if you're okay with it?

ᄂJustice's Magical Girl■: I have something I want to tell you...

Whether this was good timing or bad...

I was already on my way to the discipline room even without her asking.


“Ah! Isn’t this the ‘Special Inspector’? It feels like we’re meeting after ages!”

“Indeed~ It’s been a while~ Ian~”

Instead of replying to Laplace, I entered the discipline room where Garou and Kuolli welcomed me warmly.

“I’ve been a bit busy... But I don’t see Anya today either? Is she absent again?”

“No, she was here for a moment earlier.”


“Ah~ right~ Ian~ What did you do to Anya~? She was acting a bit strange~?”

“What did I do? I didn’t do anything?”



Garou squinted skeptically, but I truly hadn’t done anything.

Since the ‘Night Flower Perfume’ incident, every time I met Anya, she screamed at me to stay away and ran off, so I never had a proper conversation with her.

“And Anya is a bit weird anyway.”

“Hahaha~ That’s true~ Anya is strange~”

“Correct! Anya is strange!”

“But what about the boss?”

“She’s in her office. Perhaps... another meeting?”

“Yes, she said she has something to discuss regarding the role of the Special Inspector.”

Then Kuolli shivered and said,

“Should I say it’s expected from a ‘Special Inspector’? It’s amazing. Having meetings with the boss this frequently... A normal person would have gone insane by now.”

“Hmm. Is it that serious?”

“Huhuhu!... To be able to say that shows you’re not ‘normal.’ Truly befitting the ‘Chosen One’!”

“Alright. I’ll pass that on to the boss.”

“What? No, don’t do that! I’ll be killed!!”

I smiled reassuringly at the flustered Kuolli and knocked on the office door.

“Boss, it’s Ian.”

“Come in.”



Laplace, sitting sternly with arms crossed, looked up with an aura of nobility fitting for a princess.


Click- Thump!

“Oh... have you arrived, Sir Ian...”

As the door locked, the princess disappeared, and a submissive onahole appeared.