Chapter 121

To hear such words from a dragon.

Ian, suppressing a laugh, shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, it was something like that."

"Something like that... You enjoy cruel jokes, making me feel sad multiple times."

Despite its words, its tone was not at all displeased. In fact, Archeas seemed to enjoy it.

Archeas completely removed its veil. Its blond hair, faded as if touched by light, fell below its shoulders. Its face was spotlessly white, and its golden eyes shone

... That's why it covered its face.

"Wouldn't it be more convenient for you to change into a less conspicuous appearance rather than covering up?"

"Of course it would be. But it's uncomfortable to disguise myself in another form. My spells and body remember this form. I should have chosen a different appearance from the beginning..."

As Archeas sat across from Ian, it smiled faintly.

"When you're young, everyone enjoys standing out."

"It must be quite inconvenient for you now."

Nodding nonchalantly, Ian popped the remaining bread into his mouth. Archeas' smile deepened.

"The first question you ask upon seeing me is that. You're indeed amusing. Usually, people ask if I really have a nest full of gold, or they try to confirm my gender."

"... Do you answer such questions?"

"Of course. The rumors are not entirely false, but I abandoned such hobbies hundreds of years ago, and though dragons don't have distinct genders, I could be either if desired. I'll even tell them what gender this body is."

"How kind of you..."

Kindness from an absolute being. At least in this world, it was an utterly paradoxical notion. The largesse of the powerful, or perhaps there was a reason they had no choice. Or maybe, as with those who have lived long, they simply enjoyed babbling on.

Archeas leaned its elbow on the table and propped its chin on its hand, lazily flicking its long fingers.

"Looking at you, I think I understand how humans felt when they saw me. There's so much I want to ask."

"I know. That's why you came as soon as I awoke."

Ian, seemingly unsurprised, lifted his glass to his mouth. He showed no signs of nervousness, even in the presence of a dragon. In fact, it was true. There was no point in being tense.

That clearly seemed to have pleased Archeas.

With a gentle smile, Archeas said, "So you'll kindly answer my questions, won't you? As a small token of gratitude for me saving your life."


Ian put down his cup and looked at Archeas.

"It seems I saved you as well."

"Of course."

Archeas reached into the sleeve of its robe, and a broken sword appeared from within. It was the Sword of Judgement. Archeas laid it down with the handle facing Ian and added, "I'm talking about what happened afterward."

"... It was fortunate that you found me."

"When I stopped the explosion and looked back, I saw reinforcements in the distance. So I decided to leave the rest to them and followed you. But by the time I arrived, it was already too late. I was sad. However, that was when you surprised me again."

Staring intently into Ian's eyes, Archeas smiled. Hard to believe, a human emotion seemed to emanate from that colossal Platinum Dragon.

"I discovered you were still alive. Your body was in such a gruesome state, yet it was desperately struggling to survive. It was miraculous."


The perks of having invested in skills and stats.

The Primordial Vitality increased the recovery rate in proportion to the lost life. Since he was on the brink of death then, the effect must have been the strongest.

As he nodded, Archeas' voice continued in his ear.

"Perhaps it was because of the chaos you harbored. The power of chaos was also trying to save you."


Ian's eyes flickered slightly.

Indeed, it was the being who had infused its magic into my body. It would have noticed any chaos I harbored.

What was more surprising to Ian was the chaos power. That it had tried to save him.

A power that can be both magic and divine force... Could it also have been life force?

Ian suddenly recalled a nightmare. The purple cracks spread from him. That, too, must have been the chaotic power he harbored, protecting his consciousness from the void.

Watching the changes in Ian's eyes with enjoyment, Archeas added, "But it seemed you were lacking in strength. If I had left you as you were, you would have died. So I also lent a bit of my power to ensure your recovery outpaced death."

"Moving me to the church was also your doing... My questions are answered. I wondered why I woke up here."

"It's surprising. I thought you would have realized it right away. There aren't many who can move those timid and lazy people."

"Well, that's true but..."

"I do hope you'll be a bit more willing to answer my questions kindly. It seems you don't like to talk much."

While you love to talk at length.

"Even if you could grasp the truth and secrets of chaos?"

"They all turn insane in the end at the cost."

"Yes... Indeed... You are a mage, yet not a mage. Truly typical of you."

Archeas seemed capable of immediately discerning the truth in Ian's words.

Ian chuckled briefly. "It seems you've exceeded the stated number of questions."

"Yes. Now only my proposal remains. I honestly didn't expect to get this far."

"A proposal...?"

Ian still couldn't fathom his intentions. It was difficult to predict how his thoughts developed. Perhaps dragons were inherently such beings.

Archeas smiled faintly, as if expecting Ian's gaze.

"Don't worry. Even if you refuse, I won't force you or hold it against you. I'm just making an offer. Won't you listen?"

At that moment, a quest window popped up in front of Ian

[The Proposal of the Platinum Dragon.]

It was a simple quest that would be completed by agreeing to listen to his story.

Another conditional quest, then.

However, Ian sensed that this was a quest that would only be unlocked after meeting many conditions. The preceding conversation had provided enough basis for this assumption. It would likely also be the starting point for another series of quests. Despite these thoughts, Ian maintained an expressionless face as he spoke.

"You may not know, but my main occupation is a mercenary."

"Meaning you don't move without suitable compensation."

"Exactly. Even for someone as distinguished as you, I do not act without appropriate compensation."

"Oh... the scales of negotiation were tipped before we even began. I've already shown many of my cards."

Despite its words, Archeas didn't look upset at all. It probably saw some hope in Ian's response.

"In that regard, before I listen to your request in detail, there are things I need to clarify. Once I listen to your story, it seems there will be no turning back."

"Not even taking a small break in between, huh? Well, I already knew about that boldness. Let's hear it in order."

"I fought alongside you."

"That's true."

"So, I should have some claim over Tahumrit’s remains. Besides, I did come back from the dead, didn't I?"


Archeas blinked for a moment. After twitching its lips briefly, it couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

"Demanding the remains of another dragon in front of a dragon! I've seen many humans, but truly, I've never met one like you. You really aren't afraid or intimidated by me at all!"


Was that really something to laugh so hard about?

Ian watched Archeas, who was now wiping tears from laughter, and then added, "So, how much will you give?"

Archeas's laughter grew louder. Eventually, it shook its head amusedly and said, "Do people often tell you that you're ruthless? Even dwarves and orcs would shake their heads at you. Yes... originally, I intended to give you a small reward. But hearing you speak, it seems that wouldn't be enough."

Archeas then looked straight at Ian.

"His head will remain here as a testament that the North has overcome the dragon's trial. Will you not concede the rest to me? It must be buried in a fitting place. Dragon bones are hard to handle and not widely useful. However..."

Archeas spoke as if persuading and smiled.

"I'll give you a treasure of commensurate value. It will surely be sufficient."

It was not a bad offer. Initially, Ian had planned to sell the dragon bones to Travelga, anyway. Although some parts would have been kept, it would take a long time before he could process them, even after entering the Empire. A treasure from this Platinum Dragon right now would likely be more valuable.

"I will listen."

"I'll give you three options."

Archeas, picking up a glass, fork, and spoon, placed each in front of Ian as he continued,

"One will give strength to you, as Great Warrior of the North; another will protect you as a holy paladin of the Stern Goddess; the last will add mystery to you, a mage harboring chaos."

He spread his hands and looked at Ian.

"Which do you want to receive?"

"... Can't I have them all?"

Archeas laughed once more.

Feeling like I’ve become a cheeky grandchild...

While Ian was pondering, Archeas continued, "I'd like to, but the gods would be angry. Giving you all three would be akin to breaking the world's balance myself. The reward befitting your feats should be just one. You should earn equivalent treasures with your own strength."

Typical issues with gods.

Ian clicked his tongue briefly. This, too, might just be a dose of reality given to him. It seemed impossible to get more than that. There was no need to ponder what to choose.

Ian picked up the glass.

"I'll take the mage's reward."Fiind updated novels on no/v/elbin(.)co/m