Chapter 122

"Unexpected. I thought you wouldn’t choose this one."

Archeas tilted its head slightly as it spoke. A bitter smile flickered across Ian's lips. It was surprising to see such a reaction from Archeas, who knew Ian was a mage.

Well, looking at me now, a warrior or knight might seem more fitting.

However, he could never give up magic. After all, magic was the basis for the skills he had learned so far and those he would learn in the future. Especially now that he had become an even more ruined character, he had to accept any external help without discrimination.

"But I respect your choice."

Archeas added leisurely, reaching deep into its sleeve and pulling out a hand. Archeas held an empty glass bottle in its grasp.

Does Archeas also have a pocket dimension as well?

While Ian was contemplating this, Archeas placed the bottle on the table and picked up the broken Sword of Judgment. Archeas glanced at Ian and then drew the remaining blade across the palm of his left hand. No blood flowed from the cut, only revealing crimson flesh. Archeas opened the bottle's cap, brought its left hand over it, and smiled slightly.

"You don't even pretend to be surprised. That's also upsetting."

With a frivolous joke, Archeas clenched its fist tightly.


Golden light shimmered between its fingers. A golden liquid flowed down from its palm into the bottle. As it flowed into the bottle, the liquid vaporized and condensed at the bottom, creating a swirling mist filled with brilliant golden light. Archeas closed the bottle after witnessing the inside fill with radiant gold.

It placed the Sword of Judgment back on the table and pushed the bottle toward Ian. As Ian took the bottle, Archeas's voice reached his ears.

"This is the purest dragon magic filtered from my heart. It's practically an elixir for a mage. I can't say for sure what kind of synergistic effect it will produce..."

"... Whatever the effect, it would have a permanent impact," Ian responded softly.

Even as Archeas nodded, Ian’s gaze remained fixed on the golden light within the bottle—precisely on the information window titled [Source of the Dragon.]

Maximum Mana, Mana Affinity, Mana Recovery, Casting Speed, Cooldown Reduction, among others—the Source of the Dragon was an elixir that would permanently grant two random enhancements from a list of nine effects. The increase wasn't dramatically high, but that was significant enough.

The higher the base stats, the greater the additional effects. ... Hopefully, it would increase my Mana.

While thinking, Ian glanced at Archeas.

"Can I consume it right away?"

"By all means. Take your time. I won't snatch it away."

Archeas motioned with its hand as if brushing away concern, its wound already healed.

Treating me like a child again.

Ian smirked, opened the cap, and downed the contents in one gulp. It was tasteless, with only a sensation of heat entering through his mouth.

"...?" Ian’s brows furrowed as the heat spread rapidly through his body. It felt as if his insides were burning. Soon, his body began to exude a foul-smelling yellow sweat.

"Ah... Hmm... So it affects you like this." Archeas smiled as Ian took a deep breath, grimacing unpleasantly.

Ian couldn’t see any changes in the status window. It seemed that the stats, which could only be checked through the detailed settings in the game, must have increased. At any rate, ?his Maximum Mana hadn't increased. It was also disgustingly uncomfortable.

"Has... the impurity in my body... been expelled?"

"Possibly. Your veins have likely become cleaner and stronger. Maybe they've even widened. Ultimately, you would know better than I."

"Hmm..." Ian murmured, flexing his hand. The magic felt more distinct. As he tried to test it, he noticed that the speed at which the magic circulated within his body had also increased.

The Casting Speed has increased. The other one might be Mana Affinity or Mana Recovery. Maybe Cooldown Reduction?

Whichever it was, it wasn't the worst outcome. Among the options were things like Elemental Resistance. This was a result that could be considered second-best. The actual effects would become clearer during a magic-using battle.


"I'm glad you're satisfied. With this, we can say there are no debts left between us."

"That's right. For now," Ian spoke with a faint smile. Expplôre uptodate stories at no/vel//bin(.)com

Archeas also chuckled briefly. It was clearly a forced laugh.

"So, future dealings are separate, I see. But yes, it's not you who's at a disadvantage. After all, in any deal, the one that is more desperate usually has to take on a bit more risk."

"You're very easy to talk to. One might expect you to play tough."

"If there was something to gain from it, I would have. But such tactics wouldn't work on you, do they? What use is a threat to someone who causally walks into a battle between dragons?"

Archeas stared at Ian for a moment before adding, "So, will you listen to my proposal now?"

"I will," said Ian.

Archeas smiled at his response.

As the quest completion window appeared, his smooth voice continued. "There are those who intentionally wish to destroy the continent. They believe it's better to destroy everything and start anew rather than trying to restore the already crumbling balance."

Archeas pulled a small talisman from his robes. "Burn this at Lu Solar's temple. It doesn't matter where. Then you'll be able to meet me shortly after."

"In that case..."

Ian extended his hand.

"This request is established."

"Thank you for accepting, Ian."

Archeas didn't just place the talisman in Ian’s hand; it also firmly clasped Ian's hand with both of its hands. Golden lights flickered in Archeas's eyes as its voice, as warm as the touch of its hands, continued.

"From this moment, you are officially and uniquely my agent. However, unlike the gods, I regret I cannot lend you power. But I always wholeheartedly wish for your safety and health."

"Let me be clear upfront. This agency role is only valid for this task." Ian smirked as he spoke.

Archeas nodded. "Of course. Afterward, we can return to being old comrades."

"Can you also have a meal in that form?"

"I can, though it's not necessary."

"Then next time, let's have a drink."

Archeas's smile deepened, looking happier than at any other point in their conversation.

"Very well. I'll prepare my finest drink and wait."

After releasing Ian's hand, Archeas stood up.

"Rest well. Make full use of the priests."

"One more question."

"Ask away."

"Does the Archduke know of your existence?"

"Of course. I knew that boy when he was just a sprout with potential."

"Before you leave, could you stop by and visit him? To ensure he doesn't bother me."

"My agent's first request is something as simple as that... But I can't refuse. I'll do so." Archeas turned to leave with a smile, suggesting it enjoyed even the last moments of their conversation. Once again veiling its face, Archeas exited.

Ian let out a quiet chuckle. After all this, now he was a dragon's agent. He shook his head in disbelief as he stored the dragon's talisman in his pocket dimension.

"Sir Ian...!"

The door burst open. Lucas stood there with a gaze full of awe, and behind him, Priest Fermat looked worn out.

Yes, they had been here all along.

"It's been a while."

"It's truly a miracle that you are unharmed... It must be the grace of the Radiant Goddess—"

"I have a lot to hear from you," Ian cut him off indifferently.

Lucas smiled. "Of course. I'll tell you everything you want to know, Sir Ian."

Ian nodded in acknowledgment.

Seems he’ll do anything for me.

Ian then turned to Fermat.

"I'll need a bath first. Could you prepare the bathwater, Priest?"

"Yes... of course, Sir Ian."

"Lead me to the bath immediately. And make sure you heat the water yourself."

"...." With his eyes tightly shut, Fermat turned away.

Following behind him, Ian looked back at Lucas. "We'll talk while I bathe. I can't stand my own smell."

"Understood, Sir Ian. But, um..."

Lucas quickly caught up, lowering his voice.

"Who was the person who just left? They appeared to be someone out of the ordinary, given that they were veiled."

Ian calmly responded. "That was a dragon. The Platinum Dragon, Archeas."
