May 28, 2023Ai Hrist

After hesitating for a long time, the man surnamed Li’s face was scorched: “Honey, this is our private matter, there is no need to talk about it in front of the camera. Aren’t we here this time to solve the supernatural incident at home?”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Gu Zhisang with an unfriendly expression: “You, a contestant who solves supernatural events, what is your intention to expose the privacy of the help-seeker at will?!”

Gu Zhisang frowned and said in an innocent tone:

“I’m just helping you solve the problems you encounter. The reason why this snake spirit appeared in your life and by your wife’s side should be traced back to your father. How can I answer the question of help-seeker in the board without saying it.”

Following her gaze, everyone presents glanced at the question board.

It said impressively: [Please see what happened to these two young couples and explain the reason behind it.]

Gu Zhisang suppressed her smile and said to Host Liu: “The program crew and the audience, you have seen it. It’s the help-seeker who refused to hear my answer, not because I lack ability.”

Host Liu was about to break out in cold sweat again.

He thought to himself: There is no problem with your ability, it’s obvious your ability is too strong, and you always poke into the wound of the help-seeker!

Host Liu said: “…if you skip Mr. Li’s father.”

Gu Zhisang shook her head and refused: “No, the origin of the snake spirit is related to his father. Without explaining the reason, how can I explain the result.”

“And I need to remind the two of you that this fellow is not an ordinary animal spirit. He has a lot of wisdom and has never harmed anyone.”

She said in a cold tone: “You can tell at a glance that it is here to repay the kindness of its predecessors. It has the power of cause and effect, and it is a contract that is recognized by the laws of heaven and earth. Therefore, even people from Taoism and Buddhism cannot force it to leave.”

“If you have other thoughts and ask people to use improper means to expel it, or even destroy it, the retribution will be implemented on your children and grandchildren.”

Host Liu said with some regret: “Since there is no other way, and since Mr. Li insisted on hiding the important information, it is a pity that we can only stop here… …”

[? There must be something wrong with this man. He first said that he was an orphan, and now it was revealed that his father was still alive 3 years ago, and he even provoked a big snake who cultivated immortality to take revenge. It seems that his wife doesn’t know anything about it at all, isn’t this deception?!]

[Hiss… I smell conspiracy, is there any supernatural netizen who can pick this guy up?]

[Again?! Can the help-seekers who come to the show be more open-minded? You don’t want to be exposed for the bad things you’ve done but want to invite a group of masters to tell you fortune-telling and catch ghosts for free. How can there be such a good thing.]

[Isn’t it a guilty conscience not to let the investigation…]

[The “Five Great Immortals” doesn’t come out casually. Generally speaking, among the ‘Five Great Immortals”, the two immortal spirits: The Fox Immortal and the Weasel Immortal are the ones who frequently enter the human world. But once they are summoned, and you didn’t worship them properly or show a disrespectful attitude, they are also the most ill-tempered and vengeful.

Among the five immortals, the ‘Snake Immortal’ is the most difficult to invite. They have profound morals and do not like to deal with human beings. If the ‘Snake Immortal’ can protect Ms. Ma, then Mr. Li’s father must have a good relationship with it!

Similarly, those who can make ‘Snake Immortal’ feel disgusted and want to take revenge on him must have done nothing good, so imagine for yourself.]

Just when the program crew and netizens felt that this was the end of the show, Xiao Ma, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised her head and said:

“I’m asking for help.”

Everyone: “!!!”

Xiao Ma’s eyes were red, and she fixedly looked at Gu Zhisang and said in a nasal voice: “Master Gu, I want to know what is going on with this ‘immortal spirit’ around me, please help me out.”

Xiao Li was in a hurry, he pulled Xiao Ma’s arm and pulled his wife over.

Although he has tried his best to manage his expressions and restrain his emotions, the fear that his secret will be revealed still made him somewhat feel defeated.

“Let’s go and talk about it. I’ll tell you everything you want to know. Can we stop letting others see us as a joke on the show? Wife, can we go? Tell me, if our family is humiliated like this, do you think that is good?”

He turned his head and stared at Gu Zhisang and Host Liu again, “We are very grateful to the program team for taking the time to come over, but I think what you said about the snake immortal is too unbelievable. I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this statement. If there is a snake in the house again, I will contact animal control crews to get them out.”

This was expelling the program group in disguise.

Gu Zhisang watched coldly, while the system in her mind was filled with righteous indignation:

“This man has a set of good speech. Doesn’t this mean that if the woman still asks questions, it means that she is trying to make them look like a fool, and the whole family will be ashamed? It’s just coercion and lures plus selling Miserables to show softness!”

And what the system said happened to be what the man surnamed Li was thinking.

He knew that his wife was gentle and easy to be soft-hearted. He used the method of showing weakness to get close to his wife bit by bit.

This time, however, he was disappointed.

Xiao Ma broke free from his pull and stood two steps aside. Although there were still tears on her face, she had calmed down.

When she thought that if she didn’t go to this show, she might never have known that her husband was a fake orphan for the rest of her life, she felt a chill in her heart.

Even the most important information such as family situation and parents can be concealed, how much does the husband hide from himself?!

What was the truth?

“If you didn’t do anything bad, why would you be ashamed? What kind of privacy is there that even I can’t know? We have been in love and got married for almost 6 years. During this period, not only did you not bring me to meet your father, you concealed it and made all kinds of excuses. You don’t even take me to your hometown. I’ve always felt sorry for you, so I didn’t want to expose your scars and never mentioned these things, and I never disliked you. Otherwise, how could I marry you? But you, you lied to me for 6 years!”

Xiao Ma insisted on knowing the truth of the matter: “The Snake Spirit appeared beside me, I have the right to be on this show, and I also have the right to know the truth of the matter!”

Seeing his wife not letting go, Xiao Li finally couldn’t hold back.

“Why are you so stubborn? Stop making trouble…”

He stretched out his hand again to try to pull Xiao Ma over when something happened suddenly.

Everyone didn’t react at all, and saw a shadow suddenly ejected from behind diagonally, and rushed to the outstretched arm of Xiao Li, causing Xiao Ma to step up with a cry of surprise.

Gu Zhisang quickly stretched out her hand and firmly supported her back so that she would not fall backward.

At the same time, her husband screamed in pain and kept shaking his hand: “There is a snake! I was bitten by a snake!!”

Even the staff around were startled and jumped away screaming. Host Liu and the cameraman ran away with the camera on their shoulders, which made the camera shake.

In a panic, the snake was thrown to the ground by the man surnamed Li, and it didn’t attack others anymore, it wriggled and got back under the sofa.

[I’m so scared. I believe this is not the script arranged by the program team, even the camera brother was scared away, if this is a script, the cast deserved Oscar awards!]

[Was the snake just now black and white? I think, if I’m not mistaken, it’s a white-crowned snake, right? The Snake Immortal is showing his power!]

[To popularize science, white-crowned snakes are poisonous. If you do not seek medical treatment in time after being bitten, there is a high possibility that you will be paralyzed by the toxin within a few hours, and even die However, it is said that they don’t appear in houses where humans gather, and they are docile. They will not actively attack people unless they are provoked…]

“My, my arm is numb!” Xiao Li exclaimed.

A pair of teeth holes could be seen on his bitten forearm, and the surrounding area became red and swollen rapidly, and several blisters were even formed under the skin due to the toxin.

The program team felt anxious, so they hurriedly called an ambulance and sent the person to the hospital.

However, after carefully searching the whole house, the white-crowned snake disappeared out of thin air and seemed to be nowhere to be found. This made people believe that it was done by the Snake Immortal who was following Xiao Ma.

Host Liu wiped the sweat off his forehead, and looked at Xiao Ma with tight lips hesitantly: “Ms. Ma, do you want to go to the hospital to monitor your husband’s condition, or continue?”

“Continue, of course, we must continue.” A voice of gnashing teeth came from the direction of the door: “I want to see what good things that man surnamed Li has done, how dare he lie to my daughter!”

Xiao Ma turned her head and said in surprise: “Dad, why are you here?”

Father Ma came inside and snorted coldly, then said: “Your uncles have seen you on the Internet and asked me what’s going on. Something big is going on, why can’t I come?”