May 29, 2023Ai Hrist

Xiao Ma was a little ashamed: “Dad, I’m the one who embarrassed you…”

“What’s so embarrassing for you? It’s because I, your father, didn’t check it out for you back then. Let’s figure it out together today.” Father Ma gritted his teeth and said: “If he did something wrong or unforgivable thing to you, I will support you, and you divorce that beast directly!”

As he spoke, he looked at Gu Zhisang who was at the side.

On the way here, Father Ma had already seen the screen recordings of netizens on the Internet, and only then did he know that his daughter had suffered so many crimes during this period.

Because of his wife, he especially hated those witches and mysterious masters who pretended to be gods and ghosts, so it also caused his daughter to dare not tell him when she came to the show.

At this time, for the safety of his daughter, although Father Ma felt weird, he still called Gu Zhisang, who was two rounds younger than himself: “Master.”

“Please help her to find out what’s going on.”

At this time, the staff of the director team also stated that when they came to participate in the program, Xiao Ma and her husband had signed two agreements with the program team’s ‘disclaimer’.

At the time of signing, Xiao Li didn’t think about the strange things would be related to himself or his father at all, otherwise, he wouldn’t have signed so happily.

With the guarantee of the agreement, and because Xiao Ma herself has the intention to ask for help, Gu Zhisang nodded and said:

“Then I will continue.”

She prepared a pen and paper, recalled the face of the man surnamed Li, and asked Xiao Ma, “Do you know his birth date? If not, to be more specific, you can give me the words he wrote, so I can more accurately deduce his father’s information and numerology.”

Xiao Ma nodded: “Yes, there is his notebook at home.”

She went into the room and took out the notebook with her husband’s handwriting, as well as the photos they had taken together, and handed them to Gu Zhisang.

After about five or six minutes of deduction, when Father Ma was still doubting whether she could read his parents’ information just by looking at their handwriting and birthday, Gu Zhisang put down her pen and stood up straight.

She flicked the paper with her fingertips, thoughtfully:

“So, it’s not that you haven’t met your husband’s father at all. On the contrary, according to the result of divination, you are not just passers-by who only met once. You have met at least a dozen times in the past few years.”

“I don’t know the specific number and meeting address, but one thing is clear. You don’t know him, but he knows you and cares about you.”

“The reason why this snake spirit appeared by your side is indeed because of him.”

Xiao Ma was stunned, and blurted out: “How is it possible? My husband has never brought me back to my hometown!”

“Every time I proposed to go back and take a look, he was particularly resistant, saying that the people in that village treated him badly before. He will only remember all the bad things in the village if he goes there. When we were in our senior year, we went to the house he bought before, at that time… …”

As she spoke, Xiao Ma’s voice stopped, as if she had thought of something, her expression gradually became unbelievable.

Father Ma hurriedly asked: “What did you think of?”

“I, I suddenly thought of a person. If he is my husband’s father, then we have met quite a few times.” Xiao Ma said with a difficult tone: “Dad, do you still remember the reason why I was so moved by him? It’s because he has been working hard in stocks for our future in his junior year and bought a small house.”

Father Ma nodded and said, “Of course, it’s also for this reason that I agree with you to marry that poor boy.”

When he learned about this, Father Ma felt that from a male point of view, this young man loved his daughter very much and was a reliable person.

He was able to earn his first pot of gold in his junior year. It can be seen that his abilities were also very good, so he was a suitable marriage partner.

Xiao Ma said in a daze: “When the house was bought, he said that we would write our names there. I was the madam of the house, so I can choose the decoration I liked. After it was repaired, we would go to see it every weekend to take a look.”

“I once suddenly thought that I had forgotten to take something, so I went by myself the next day, but when I opened the door, I found a very strange uncle in the room. He kept staring at me when he saw me.”

“I was very scared at the time because he looked very old. His hair was all gray, and he looked lifeless. I didn’t know him and I didn’t know how he entered our house. I thought he was a beggar or a thief, so I give Xiao Li a call.”

After her husband heard about it, he told her not to be afraid and rushed over immediately.

Xiao Ma recalled the scene at that time, and said: “He told me that uncle was a part-time worker he hired.”

Xiao Ma also felt a little strange at the time, but her husband explained it this way:

“This old man’s spirit is not very good, and there is no one at home, so life is very difficult. I see that he works very quickly, so I simply hired him as a helper.”

Upon hearing this, she immediately felt that her husband was a kind person.

In addition, the old man didn’t look at her again later, and every time he met her, he kept his head buried in his work and didn’t speak. Xiao Ma gradually got used to it.

She felt that the old man was thin and dark, and he looked very unhealthy. She felt sad for the poor man. Sometimes she took some of her father’s old clothes and cooked extra dishes for him, trying to make his life easier.

Each time, the old man will lower his head, wiped his tears with his dark fingers in silence, and said ‘thank you’.

Xiao Ma’s voice trembled a little: “Master Gu, is that old ‘part-time worker’… … my father-in-law?”

Gu Zhisang said: “You already have the answer in your heart, don’t you?”

Father Ma was stunned, and said in disbelief: “Hey, what’s going on? What’s the need for that kid to do this? When he said that he was an orphan, our family doesn’t dislike him, so what if he has an old father who isn’t rich? He even called him a part-time worker!”

Gu Zhisang sneered: “Of course it is necessary. Because in his heart, from the beginning to the end, he feels that it is a shame to have such a father, so he would rather not have one. As far as I can see from his face, his cheekbones are slightly protruding, indicating that he has an irritable and impulsive personality. Even if he usually pretends to be very kind, sometimes he will accidentally leak it. Although he has a good father, he never thinks from the perspective of his parents, he is not a filial son. The two of them pay extremely unequal efforts. If his father gave him 100% affection, he may not even give his father a 1% of affection.”

“Secondly, his nose is pointed, his lips are long and thin, and his lips are darker. In addition, the lower half of his face looks wider. This kind of face is the so-called face prone to crime. It often has extremely pathological jealousy and cynicism. Emotions such as indifference to the world. But fortunately, your husband has not committed any crimes yet. His only evil thoughts lie in the relationship between father and son.”

As Gu Zhisang said, she looked at the picture carefully.

After a while, she raised her head and said coldly: “From his appearance, your husband is not a capable person. On the contrary, he is an idiot who claims to be extraordinary. He can earn very little money with his own hands in this life. No, it stands to reason that he can’t earn money through stock and fund management.”

While listening, Xiao Ma and Father Ma’s eyes gradually widened, as she continued:

“And I also saw a very interesting thing. Your husband’s father should live up to 77 years old, but he died when he was in his fifties. His remaining life was converted into money and flowed into your husband’s hands.”

“I guess that’s how your so-called house from stock trading came about.”

What made Gu Zhisang a little headache was that, because she didn’t have any information about Xiao Li’s father, such as photos, birthdate, etc., she could only see the result from the divination according to Xiao Li, but it was difficult to see the reason.

This also makes the whole thing incomplete.

Just as she was contemplating how to obtain the old man’s information, the ‘Snake Immortal’ who had been standing behind Xiao Ma suddenly opened his eyes, and a pair of vertical pupils fixedly at her.

After a while, the Snake Immortal spit out a ball of fluorescent light from its mouth.

Gu Zhisang was slightly stunned and followed the movement of the halo to catch it in her palm. As soon as it touched her palm, she felt that the world in front of her was spinning.

These were some fragmentary memories belonging to Snake Immortal.

A few years ago, the Snake Immortal was already a big demon who cultivated. It lived in the mountains and forests for a long time and never entered the world.

On the day when it was time to cross the catastrophe, the Snake Immortal actually had a vague feeling that the current situation was weak and that he might fail, but he still tried his best to try, and the result was naturally a failure.

It rained heavily that day, and its body was scorched by lightning.

It stands to reason that it should have followed nature. Died from serious injuries and was swallowed by other animals in the mountain.

However, when it opened its eyes, the Snake Immortal found that its body had become as thin as a wooden stick, and the scales on its lower body had fallen off, leaving only flesh and blood.