Chapter 758 757. Johnathan Colt Westerling

Name:I Became The Pope, Now What? Author:
Chapter 758 757. Johnathan Colt Westerling

"Named Johnathan?"

"You know him?" Gabriel questioned, suppressing his curious heart as much as he could. He wanted to go back and scream to Xylena and Xavia that Sylvester was back, but this matter took precedence.

Sylvester nodded but didn't elaborate. "Lord Inquisitor, Aurora, and Julius. Stand outside when this man comes. Gabriel, you stay inside with me. Let this be a minor example of what the true 'Gods' are able to do with a fraction of their power."

Immediately, the three Guardians left the office. Alone, Sylvester took a seat, calling Gabriel to do the same. They didn't talk, knowing it'd be a waste since that little moment wasn't enough to satisfy their questions.

Eventually, a knock came from the door.

"Send him in," Sylvester ordered.

The door opened, and an old man with white hair and beard entered. His clothes were more accustomed to this world, at least. With a wrinkled face and sharp eyes, the man exuded the energy of a hunter.

Sylvester recognized him, of course. He had seen that face for an entire lifetime in the mirror. "Take a seat, Johnathan."

"I was told you'd be here today," Jonathan responded and sat down beside Gabriel on the second visitor's chair. "I was curious what you looked like personally. What a cursed life."

Sylvester shared the same mindset. "Why are you here?"

"How was Diana?" Jonathan questioned back instead of answering.

"She was born thousands of years before," Sylvester answered. "Once again, it was too late to save her, to tell her any last few words. So now, tell me, why are you here? For Diana? Did they promise you that?"

"Of course, what else could drive us?" Jonathan responded and put forward a bag on the table that he had brought along. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I don't believe the promise, and even if it was the truth, I don't want it."

"Don't you want to be with Diana?" Sylvester amusedly asked. After all, it took him so many years and devastating experiences to get over her. It was impossible that his other versions would give up so easily.

Gabriel was absolutely confused by their exchange but tried to focus on it nonetheless. He knew he'd get the explanation later on. But it scared him to a degree since Johnathan appeared to have known Sylvester better than even he himself did, from the way they talked.

"Even if we do all they say, and their promise is real. Can they guarantee that it's my Diana? Not a version of her plucked from some other time and space, forced to be with me?" Jonathan said and finally took out a little dagger from his bag. "None of us ever accepted 'their' commands. We were brought here against our will, and we responded accordingly. We're intruders, and there can only be one Johnathan—for this world."

"What was the mission?"

"To kill Sylvester Maximilian. We were given all the information on you, except for the fact that I was you, and you are me, just from a different variation. We were dropped across various times throughout your life—yes, that child who tried to kill you with Moonshade Poison was one of us."

Sylvester fell silent, remembering his extremely active life. Faintly, he remembered a boy trying to kill him many years ago when he was young. It happened somewhere near Goldstown's port.

"So you're accepting that you're here to kill me?"

"This isn't my story either."

Johnathan laughed like an old man at that. "Then patiently wait for your end."

"You don't want to take my place?" Sylvester asked further.

"I don't." The dagger gently slid into Johnathan's chest. "None of us did. We were mere tourists here against our will. This one's your canvas, and you are the quill."

Sylvester chuckled, "So you learned to rhyme?"

"You're not too bad either." Despite the dagger killing him, Johnathan was able to quip. "Kill those two bastards, will you? They troubled Diana too—unacceptable."

'Is this what's most common among us? Love for Diana?' Sylvester wondered and waited for Johnathan to find his peace against the forced prison he was thrown into.

Sylvester finally thought about the entire experience, especially what Solis had said to him. 'Are all Johnathans similar?'

By then, Johnathan's heart was punctured, and he began to die rather quickly. The dagger stabbed through the lungs, too, making him cough blood. But there was no sign of fear or pain on his face.

Just an old, wise smile remaining constant.

"G-Good luck, old boy." Johnathan blurted his last words with a mouth full of blood and fell backward, his body relaxing but not hitting the ground, locked by the knees. His white beard was stained crimson, his heart stopped beating, and his lungs empty.

Sylvester walked closer to the dead body and pulled out the bloodied dagger. As if in a stupor, he stared at it without saying a word. Not even noticing Gabriel's shouting words, and shaking body.

"Why did you let him die?! He didn't tell us where Felix is!" Gabriel bellowed.

"Ha ha..." But Sylvester abruptly exploded in a burst of hysterical laughter. His face stared at the ceiling as if he could see something there, something that Gabriel could not. "So this is the reason? This is why Johnathan became Sylvester?"

He laughed even more at the two gods who were undoubtedly watching him and seething in rage or something. Their grand plans had all failed, and each time, Sylvester was the reason in one way or another.

"You failed to realize what made Johnathan Colt Westerling uncommon!" Sylvester boomed, "No version of me will ever betray himself!"

In simple words, Johnathan Colt Westerling was made to be Sylvester Maximilian.

Sylvester Maximilian was made to be the end of Aveda and Ashraska.


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