Chapter 759 758. Double Surprise

Name:I Became The Pope, Now What? Author:
Chapter 759 758. Double Surprise

"This proves it." Aveda voiced after listening to Sylvester's roaring statement. "It must be father's doing."

"Do not make hasty decisions in panic, Aveda. We watched Father fade away from existence before us." Ashraska refuted his brother, "We merely have to find out how and why these last two remaining worlds hold such resistance towards us. This mortal should not be untouchable for us."

"But he is, and we witnessed our loss. If every iteration of this mortal is mentally the same, then his mere existence goes beyond common laws of existence. It goes against the principles of alternate space and time, against common sense." Aveda added, being more extensive in his deliberation. "Our meddling not only gave him answers but also a weapon to conceal himself from our notice."

Ashraska's voice sneered, "We were too proud and overconfident. He must have someone's blessing, someone who wishes to see us fall."


"He's not strong enough."

"Then why is he still alive?" Aveda questioned further. "Be it your plaything or mine. Both have shown us resistance we never expected. The appearance of Johnathan and Diana was not natural—it's a preconceived plan."

The anger Ashraska felt couldn't be contained, as the helplessness they felt made no sense. As if there was an invisible wall between them and their enemy that even they couldn't comprehend. "There is no one who can go against us. We are the absolute! We are above all! There are only two Primordial Gods left, Aveda—us!"

Indeed, the current situation made no sense. Despite their omniscient existence, Sylvester was one creature they couldn't look through.

"Let us not lose ourselves in rage," Aveda advised.

"And wait for him to come for us?"

"He's not strong enough."

"Yet!" Ashraska barked back. The realm beyond existence crackled. "We have watched him enough, and his rise is swift. No more! It's time we start responding directly."

However, Aveda was more cautious. "What of the one behind him?"

"We cannot live in fear of that. It is time to lure our real enemy out. See who dares challenge us. For far too long, we have allowed this mortal to play his little schemes and earn glory. We'll put an end to his story."

Two brothers but inherently different. Ashraska was confident in dealing with Sylvester no matter what, and took a more direct approach. But Aveda didn't feel the same. Nonetheless, he supported his brother.


Holy Land, Pope's Palace,

Sylvester calmed his nerves and knelt before the dead body of Johnathan. It was the strangest feeling to see himself from the old times. Seeing the dark circles under his eyes and the wrinkly skin; they reminded him of how miserable he was living during those times, chasing after the traitor who blew his and Diana's cover.

"I hope you find peace," Sylvester muttered, disintegrating the entire body as if it never existed. He couldn't let someone get their hands on his original blood or body, just in case some forbidden magic he didn't know about existed.


At last, he clapped his hands clean and turned to Gabriel, "So, how are you?"

Gabriel was still as dumbfounded as before. "How are you? Seriously?! What about Felix? He said he knew about Felix!"

"Felix jumped into the damn portal," Sylvester immediately clarified. "That's why Johnathan mentioned the two words that aren't under the direct control of one of the two gods. Don't worry, I'll bring him back."

This was something even Sylvester found trouble accepting. But from what he had seen and heard, it made all the sense. "I don't know, Gab. And I'm sure even the Primordial Gods don't know. A few questions still remain to be answered, but now you know most of it."

"I was better off not knowing. I feel my heart will never be at peace now. Will I be reincarnated after death? Will I get the good ending or the bad ending? I feel nervous all of a sudden."

Sylvester chuckled and pulled his friend by the arm. "Don't think too much, my friend. I'm sure we're all going to hell."


"Come, take me to Mum and Xye now." Sylvester dragged him along.

He opened the door and addressed the Guardians waiting there like hounds, ready to kill anyone who dares try to enter.

"The visitor has left this world." Sylvester's words were indirect but very clear. "You're free to return to your duty. Or you can follow me to the Sick Bay."

As expected, Julius left while Aurora and Lord Inquisitor followed behind Sylvester. They had never felt it before, but now they couldn't bring themselves to make small talk with Sylvester. Mainly Aurora, who felt an invisible pressure on her being just by being close to him.

"Come over to my home this evening. I'll cook dinner for all of us." Sylvester invited them to do some catching-up later.

But for now, he had a double dose of delightful surprises for Xavia.

'Chonky, do you want to make Mum happy?' He spoke mentally.

'Aye, aye!' Miraj chirped.

'Then do as I tell you to.'

After a short walk, they all entered the massive building of the Sick Bay. All the staff and visitors dumbfoundedly stared at the Pope's back, walking as if he wasn't just rumored to be dead a day ago.

"This room." Gabriel brought them to the top floor's private suits.

Sylvester smiled and turned the doorknob. "Go in, Chonky."

"Meow meow!" Miraj chirped and flew off through the wide gap in the door Sylvester made. The big ball of fur made as much noise as possible with his fluttering wings and melodious meowing. "I'm back, Big Mum!"

Inside the room, all heads turned towards the voice—Xavia, Xylena, and Ella were there.

"Chonky?!" Xavia called for him, being worried for so many days due to his disappearance. But, to her utter surprise, it wasn't just the sound she heard this time. No, she could even see him too, for the first time, like a fluffy white cloud in the air.

The reaction was the same for others. Ella was the first to rush forward and try to grab Miraj from the air. "We can see Chonky now, Grandma!"

Knock! Knock!

"Of course you can." Sylvester entered the room. "Since I'm back."


A/N: Pretty much Xylena, Xavia, and Ella's faces after seeing Maxy.