After the warm, emotional scene was over, it was time for the main, naked act.

The car drove towards the hotel. The two people who were about to do the most intimate of things were sitting as far away as they could from each other, both looking out their own windows. 

The car stopped. Qin Yubai was about to get off when Yan Shuang said, “Wait.”

Qin Yubai paused. “What’s the matter?”

Yan Shuang took out a folded check from his pants pocket. He lowered his head and handed it in Qin Yubai’s direction. “The money. I’m returning it to you.”

The atmosphere in the car became stagnant. 

Qin Yubai looked at Yan Shuang and ordered the driver to get off.

They were the only two in the car. The cold air-conditioning blew on the thin check in Yan Shuang’s hand.

“Did Ji Yao give you that?” Qin Yubai said lightly.

Yan Shuang shied away from answering. “I’ve returned the money to you. We don’t need to see each other ever again.”

Qin Yubai had it all planned out. No matter what Yan Shuang said today, he wouldn’t get angry.

Since the trap had already been triggered, he as the hunter should remain calm and patient towards his prey.

But Yan Shuang’s talent at irritating him was exceptional.

Qin Yubai took that check. 


Yan Shuang raised his head.

After tearing the check to pieces, Qin Yubai casually let them go outside the car window. Shreds of white paper were sprinkled in the night sky.

Yan Shuang: Littering! How sad! 

Qin Yubai slowly said, “I don’t need you paying me back with some other man’s money.”

Yan Shuang looked at him with little desire to compromise in his eyes.

Qin Yubai reached for Yan Shaung’s waist and brought him halfway into his arms. He looked straight down into the other party’s eyes. “If he gives you one million, I’ll give you two million. So stop making trouble, okay?”

Yan Shuang was curious if the price would rise if he continued to make trouble. The only problem was if the Transmigration Bureau would let him. 

“You did all this for your father’s sake.” Qin Yubai kneaded Yan Shuang’s earlobes. “Ji Yao can help you out once on a whim, but can he manage Yan Guofu for the rest of his life?”

“Are you saying you can?”

“I can’t either.”

Qin Yubai finally spoke the truth for once. 

Honeyed words that over exaggerated tended to arouse people’s suspicion. After all, Yan Shuang wasn’t dumb.

“But I’ll rein him in while the contract is in effect.”

“We just spoke of mutual respect.” His lips approached Yan Shuang’s neck, where the marks had already faded, and gently sucked the area. “Are you going to go back on your word already?”

Yan Shuang ‘compromised’. 

Qin Yubai was obviously a little angry.

Over the past two days, Wei Yichen reported to Qin Yubai about everything that happened to Yan Shuang and Ji Yao even though he was in another city.

When Qin Yubai received the news, he was helping Qin Qing choose desserts for the exhibition hall tomorrow.

When he saw the CCTV screenshot in the post, he almost reopened the injury on his palm, again. 

How did that picture get out?

In other words, who else checked the surveillance?

Actually, none of that was important.

What was important was that Ji Yao took Yan Shuang away in plain view of everyone, and even took Yan Shuang somewhere to spend the night. 

It was just too…

Thin nails dug deeper into his back. Yan Shuang grit his teeth, his tears falling one by one.

Such a stubborn person he was, yet he always cried in bed.

He also bit his lip and refused to make a sound. 

Qin Yubai pressed his thumb against Yan Shuang’s lips and rubbed them vigorously, eventually prying open his mouth. Saliva trickled out along his thumb as he slowly massaged Yan Shuang’s.

He stared intently at those two lips before suddenly lowering his head to press their foreheads together. Two pairs of eyes met. One contained tears, but also a refusal to give in. Qin Yubai’s fingers forcefully squeezed Yan Shuang’s chin.

He was far from done with this person, and no one would be able to snatch him away until then.

Tjc Vtejcu atbeuta atja Hlc Teyjl kjr ifaalcu mbwqfalalbc ufa ab atf yfra bo tlw. 

Lf jmaejiis tjv ygfjxojra klat Tjc Vtejcu atf cfza wbgclcu. Snfc wbgf ragjcuf, tf kjcafv ab rfcv Tjc Vtejcu ab rmtbbi.

Tjc Vtejcu kjr rtbmxfv.

Lf tjv pera qgbwlrfv Al Tjb ab cba rff Hlc Teyjl fnfg jujlc.

Even if that was a lie, he had to wait for two or three days first. 

What he wanted was the plot lines to speed up, not scum gongs at each other’s throats.

Ji Yao might seem cold, but he was actually quite hot headed inside. Yan Shuang feared that Ji Yao might just explode if he found out like this.

After almost angering Qin Yubai to the point of fainting, Yan Shuang became much more cautious.

Yan Shuang refused Qin Yubai’s offer of taking him to school for two reasons. One was traffic, and the other was because he had just been involved with Ji Yao in a peachy scandal. If he went to school in a luxury car, another great disturbance was sure to arise. 

Qin Yubai agreed. He had no real intention of sending Yan Shuang to school. “Do you want me to send someone to accompany you on the subway?”

Yan Shuang: “…” Thank you, I’m stunned by how much you care.

Yan Shuang left the hotel and went to take the subway alone. After getting on the subway, he logged into his mailbox again to check the email Qi Feiyun sent in response.

Yan Shuang requested an offline interview with Qi Feiyun, the hottest surgical expert in China, on the grounds of ‘social investigation’. 

He wrote an earnest email using plain words, and he also sent Qi Feiyun everything from the question manuscript to the theme ideas he designed.

Qi Feiyun’s reply was simple.

He agreed to be interviewed, and he sent his schedule to Yan Shuang so that he could choose a time.

Yan Shuang took a look. It just so happens that Qi Feiyun had time tonight. 

Today was the day of Qin Qing’s exhibition.

Eggs No. 1, 2 and 5 would all be there to help out and make sure nothing goes awry.

This was also the first time that Yan Shuang heard the name Qin Qing in the original novel.

Anyways, those three eggs would definitely not be looking for him tonight, which left Yan Shuang free to go meet Qi Feiyun. 

After sending an email to arrange a time with Qi Feiyun, Yan Shuang started another fulfilling day.

Of working and attending class.

His worries about running into Ji Yao were completely unnecessary.

Because Ji Yao didn’t even come to school today. 

He was probably already at Qin Qing’s gallery since this morning.

To be honest, Yan Shuang was also curious about Qin Qing.

The novel stated that the two of them were at least 95% similar in appearance.

Even Yan Shuang was curious as to what it would feel like to have someone who looked so much like him stand in front of him. 

Sure enough, his phone was silent all day like it had no signal.

So Yan Shuang went to St. Peter’s Hospital without a worry in the world.

It was unknown whether St. Peter’s Hospital was privately or publicly funded. The interior of the hospital was quite luxurious, and nurses outnumbered patients by far. When Yan Shuang explained why he was here, a nurse escorted him upstairs while apologizing to him, “I’m so sorry, Dr. Qi suddenly had an extra surgery added to his schedule so you may need to wait a little longer.”

“No worries. Saving lives comes first.” 

The nurse took Yan Shuang to Qi Feiyun’s office.

The office was huge.

There was a bookcase behind the desk, and a cupboard with a curtain pulled up inside. There was also a hospital bed and a sofa and coffee table outside. Generally speaking, this looked like any other office.

Yan Shuang stood in front of the bookcase. 

The book case was divided vertically into two sections.

The upper half was a transparent glass cabinet, full of books and documents.

And the bottom half was a solid wood cabinet that was locked.

According to the original novel’s description, there were many interesting little toys hiding inside. 

Yan Shuang was bored just sitting on the sofa. He sent a message to Wei Yichen.

“Are you back yet?”

Guests gathered in the gallery. People from both the city’s art circle and upper class were here, all praising Qin Qing’s extraordinary talents and the outstanding exhibition that had been planned.

Wei Yichen was following behind Qin Yubai when the phone in his inner pocket vibrated. He took it out for a look and replied, “I’m back.” 

Very naturally, like he was texting an old friend.

“Then why haven’t you come to see me? :crying:”

Qin Yubai turned back to see that his butler was on his phone. “What, has the Shangnan not been resolved yet?”

Wei Yichen was a person who had no personal acquaintances. 

The only texts he would reply to during work time would naturally be work-related.

“No.” Wei Yichen said to Qin Yubai, “A friend sent me a message.”

Qin Yubai looked startled for a moment. “A friend?”


“Let me see.”

Wei Yichen calmly tapped back to the messages screen and let Qin Yubai take a look.

“:crying:?” Qin Yubai didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “A girl?”

Wei Yichen: “No, but he likes to wear dresses.” 

Qin Yubai lightly commented on Wei Yichen’s rare personal relationships, “I couldn’t tell you like this sort of thing.”

“Forget it. The art exhibition was done well. I’ll give you a half hour break.”

Qin Yubai waved his hand.

His loyal butler stepped back respectfully, turning around to send a message to his own boss’ lover. 

Wei Yichen leaned against the wall in a remote corner of the art exhibition so he could take his time replying. “Do you miss me?”

—”Yeah, I miss you so much.”

“8:30, 871 Fengdu Road.”

Yan Shuang almost lol’d at the reply. 

That was when Qin Qing’s exhibition was being held.

By that time, the exhibition should be over and people would start leaving.

It seemed like he had made quite an impression on Butler Wei. The man couldn’t wait to see him make a fool of himself.

Alas, it was not time yet. 

The matter of exposing his status as a substitute would have to wait until he truly ‘fell in love’ with Qin Yubai.

“9:00, the east gate of the school.”

Want to turn the tables? Wei Yichen’s lips curled up a fraction. “Sure.”

The office door was pushed open. Yan Shuang put away his phone and got up immediately. “Hello, Dr. Qi.” 

Qi Feiyun was wearing a mask. His hairstyle was the same as in the photos, combed back. But after a long day, it became slightly looser. It made him seem less serious. His eyes were actually a bit gray. He took off his mask, his thin lips moving a fraction. “Hello.”

Yan Shuang’s heart skipped a beat.

Qi Feiyun’s voice was way too pleasing to the ears.

It was smooth, deep and gravelly. Even a simple ‘hello’ became slightly flirtatious. 

“Please, have a seat.”

Qi Feiyun looked less intimidating in person than the photo suggested. On the contrary, he seemed very gentle.

It almost felt like he was trying to be as humble as he could in his mannerisms in order to offset the sense of distance brought along by his appearance.

He wasn’t arrogant in the least in front of an ordinary university student like Yan Shuang, answering questions in an attentive and sincere tone. His amber eyes flaked with gray remained intently focused on Yan Shuang the entire time. 

He was refreshing, like a spring breeze.

Yan Shuang could only describe his feelings like this.

He believed that patients would very much like Qi Feiyun.

The two had a very enjoyable conversation. 

Yan Shuang was very disciplined and acted every bit the good student.

“Thank you, Dr. Qi. Your answers have really helped me understand my research topic.”

“You’re welcome.”

Yan Shuang looked at Qi Feiyun and suddenly said, “Dr. Qi, can I call you laoshi? It’s easier to say.” 

Qi Feiyun, who had already stood up, paused. “Yes.”

“Great,” Yan Shuang also got up. “Qi-laoshi, when I saw your photo online, I felt you looked very strict. I didn’t expect you to be so approachable.”

“Qi Feiyun took in Yan Shuang’s big smile and his carefree attitude. He smiled slightly. “I’m a doctor.”

“There are mean doctors too, ah! When I had a fever before, the doctor who gave me an injection was quite mean. My butt hurt so much when he put the needle in. And then, he laughed at me for crying a bit at my age!” 

Qi Feiyun listened quietly, like he didn’t mind Yan Shuang going off topic at all. “Some people are naturally more sensitive to pain than others.”

“That’s right.” Yan Shuang hugged his canvas bag close and said with an innocent expression on his face. “I’m really sensitive to pain.”

“Even a little injury would make me cry.”

Yan Shuang smiled and offered a hand to Qi Feiyun. “That’s all for today. I will consult with you again if I have questions in the future.” 

His hand was clasped.

Qi Feiyun grasped a mass of soft flesh and blood.

Soft to the point of being boneless, and fragile as if the slightest force could crush it. At the same time, a sturdy layer of skin enveloped it. Even if the mass were to be crushed, its bloody contents would remain encased in this wrapper of skin.

He let go. 

That ordinary child flashed pearly white teeth at him. “Goodbye, Qi-laoshi.” He waved his hand vigorously, with excess enthusiasm.

Qi Feiyun stood there for a while. Then he walked to the edge of the window, and looked down through the gap of the pleated window cover.

A young and energetic young adult, whose every step seemed to carry a bounce.

Qi Feiyun lowered his eyes to his palm. He slowly squeezed his hand before letting go again. 

He repeated the motion several times to quell the overwhelming urge for destruction seething within.

In the lonely office, Qi Feiyun quietly muttered to himself, “Pervert.”

At the door of the gallery, Qin Yubai was sending off guests on Qin Qing’s behalf.

Qin Qing didn’t feel well today and didn’t come to attend the exhibition in person. Everything was handled by his big brother, Qin Yubai. 

“Thank you for joining us…” Qin Yubai’s smile slowly disappeared when he saw the next person coming out.

Ji Yao didn’t even look at him as he brushed past.

“Young Master Ji.”

Qin Yu spoke coldly. 

Ji Yao’s steps paused. He hesitated before turning back halfway. “What is it?”

“Thank you for coming to see Qin Qing’s art exhibition.”

“No need for thanks.  I came because he’s a talented artist, not to give face to anyone.” Ji Yao coldly declared, his tone laced with both mocking and gentleness.

Qin Yubai was Qin Qing’s big brother. For Qin Qing’s sake, he wouldn’t drop all pretenses with Qin Yubai. 

Yet Qin Yubai clearly disagreed.

“Since we’re all friends here, I’ll be straight.”

As a night breeze blew past, Qin Yubai stood up on the steps, condescendingly down at Ji Yao. His tone was slightly commanding.

“Stay away from Yan Shuang.” 

The night breeze brought in arrogance and provocation.

Ji Yao remained expressionless, yet his hostility vaguely shown through. His thin lips moved a fraction. “The one who should stay away from him is you.”

The atmosphere between the two was so tense that it seemed like they were about to fight at Qin Qing’s exhibition.

Standing behind Qin Yubai, Wei Yichen could clearly see his boss’ hands at his side. Ten fingers quietly curled up. 

The phone in his inner pocket vibrated.

Wei Yichen calmly took out his cell phone.

“Come quickly, I’m waiting for you at the east gate of the school~ And I’m wearing a pretty little dress~”

The heart in his chest was so bound so tight that it hurt. 

He glanced at these two big young masters baring their fangs at each other.

Wei Yichen silently laughed. He wrote on the phone screen a reply to the culprit behind it all– “Okay.”

He would admit it.

He wanted to watch him fall into the abyss.