Too excited for upcoming plot points to wait until Sunday. Enjoy~

(Also late but happy Chinese New Year!) 

At the entrance of the exhibition, guests came out one after another.

“President Qin, your younger brother really is talented.”

Another smiling visitor came over to say a few words of praise, completely not noticing the unusual atmosphere here.

Qin Yubai retracted his gaze and naturally offered a hand to the visitor. His expression became gentle again. “Many thanks.” 

The guest left after exchanging a few pleasantries. Ji Yao had already left by the time Qin Yubai turned around.

The area before the stairs illuminated by the streetlights was empty.

Qin Yubai sneered, his expression disdainful.

Ji Yao was nothing more than a wayward, spoiled second generation young master. What did Qin Yubai care about him?

“Let’s go.” Qin Yubai said to Wei Yichen, who was behind him.

Wei Yichen nodded respectfully. “Mr. Qin, I have a personal matter to attend to.”

Qin Yubai paused, looking at this robot-like butler who valued professionalism above all else. He said, slightly joking, “Going to see your little dress?”


Qin Yubai patted Wei Yichen on the shoulder. “Go then.”

Qin Yubai generously agreed to the rare personal request of a capable subordinate.

After all, people weren’t machines.

Actually, Wei Yichen showing a human side to him made Qin Yubai feel somewhat relieved. 

For some reason, Qin Yubai suddenly thought of Yan Shuang.

He wanted to see that person.

No.   Qin Yubai immediately dismissed the idea. He should go back and tell Qin Qing how well the exhibition went so that Qin Qing would be happy.

He walked in the direction of the parking lot. Qin Yubai’s temple was still twitching a bit as he got in the car. 

For him, love and desire were kept far apart for two different people. He would always value ‘love’ before ‘desire’. Always.

After parting ways with his boss, Wei Yichen got into his car– and went to see his boss’ lover.

The cool night breeze came in through the half-open window. For some reason, Wei Yichen’s heart was beginning to beat faster and faster. He felt a strong premonition of sorts.

Yan Shuang wouldn’t be so boring as to disappoint him. 

The closer he came to the campus, the more intense the scent of grass and trees became. Under the illumination of the streetlights, the endless stretches of sycamore trees morphed into shadowy figures and claws.

The black car stopped silently on the side of the road.

Wei Yichen turned off the engine and sat in the dark car. Staring at the empty back gate not far away, he smiled slightly.

Little liar. 

Although he expected this, he was still a little disappointed.

He took out his personal cell phone from his inner pocket again.

Along with the pack of cigarettes he had yet to finish off.

Wei Yichen drew out a cigarette that had been flattened a bit and sniffed it lightly. His eyes wandered to the silent back gate once more. 

He had picked Yan Shuang up from here several times.

And delivered him to Qin Yubai’s bed.

Wei Yichen bit the cigarette.

But he didn’t light it. 

He just bit it with a medium amount of force.

Ktf ylaafg ajraf bo abyjmmb rqgfjv lcab tlr wbeat.

Lbk ragjcuf.

Lbk mbeiv rbwfatlcu jr ylaafg jr atlr yf jvvlmalnf? 

Ktf rwjiifg rlvf ujaf bo atf rmtbbi ujaf revvfcis bqfcfv. Ktf rluta bo la yflcu qertfv bqfc kjr frqfmljiis qgbwlcfca lc atf delfa cluta.

C rilw oluegf ribkis fwfgufv. Lf rabbv ecvfg atf ragffailuta jcv ibbxfv jgbecv yfobgf ajxlcu bea j qtbcf ogbw tlr yju.

Sitting in the car, Wei Yichen held his breath unconsciously.

Yan Shuang was calling someone. 

–But his cell phone didn’t ring.

Wei Yichen watched intently. The inside of the car was too dark compared to the outside for him to make out Yan Shuang’s expression during the call. However, the hot blood rushing through his veins almost made him bite that cigarette in two.

He just knew that Yan Shuang wouldn’t disappoint him.

The roar of an engine pierced abruptly through the night. 

A black sports car passed by his vehicle like lightning.

The arrogant license plate, the precious young master.

Wei Yichen watched Yan Shuang hurry over to Ji Yao, who was getting out of the car. He gesticulated something. Ji Yao was taller by half a head than Yan Shuang, standing side by side, his slender figure completely eclipsed Yan Shuang.

Who knew what Yan Shuang was saying? His head gradually lowered and his shoulders heaved up and down. It seemed like he was crying. 

Wei Yichen laughed, the cigarette between his teeth shaking a bit.

Then, he saw Ji Yao open the car door and push Yan Shuang into the car.

The sports car made a u-turn and drove in his direction again. Wei Yichen sat in his dark car, his eyes firmly locked on the vehicle.

The car accelerated very quickly. In the instant the two cars were parallel, that face, as blurry as any from a movie poster, was deeply burned into Wei Yichen’s eyes. 

He was convinced. At that moment…Yan Shuang smiled at him through Ji Yao.

Wei Yichen heaved large breaths as he leaned all the way back in his seat. The cigarette between his teeth had already been bitten in two. It was like he had been pushed into a bizarre dream where someone covered his head with a bright red dress.

And the dress smelled faintly of citrus.

Ji Yao frowned. “Have you showered?” 

“En.” Yan Shuang whispered, “I’m sorry to disturb you so late at night.”

Ji Yao didn’t respond to his apology. He just said, “It won’t happen again.”

“I, I know. It’s just that everything’s been a mess these days and…I forgot. I only remembered the homework when they said it was due tomorrow. But a group. I, I don’t have a…”

Tears silently slid down Yan Shuang’s cheeks again. 

Ji Yao understood that Yan Shuang’s life had changed since that post was posted to the school forum.

Since he took Yan Shuang away, he would take responsibility.

For now, at least.

Yan Shuang would have to walk on his own two feet one day. 

Xiao Qingyang was almost speechless when he came to open the door for them in the middle of the night. “Little cousin, you’re really treating this place like a second home, ah.”


Yan Shuang glanced a bit strangely at Ji Yao after he said thanks.

“It’s not a big deal.” Xiao Qingyang was appeased. He came over to pat Ji Yao on the shoulder. “Did you go to see Qin Qing’s art exhibition today?” 


“How was it, ah? I heard that people in the art circle were praising him to high heavens, but they would say anything for enough money. Objectively speaking, what did you think?”

“It was great.”

“Wow, if even you said it’s great, it must’ve been exceptional. I’ll buy one for my collection. The value of young painters’ works are rising fast these days.”The cousins chatted quite warmly as they walked. 

It was several steps before Ji Yao seemed to remember something. He looked back at Yan Shuang who was just standing there and frowned. “Keep up.”

Yan Shuang stood helplessly in place. Then he slowly trailed after them.

He completely understood now.

Ji Yao was still treating him as an outsider. 

And so was the person beside him.

The cousins spoke like they were the only ones here. Yan Shuang trailed behind them, alone. From the moment he got out of the car, Xiao Qingyang didn’t even acknowledge him. He had the same attitude towards him the last time he came to the horse farm as well.


It wasn’t even a matter of being impolite. 

See? Ji Yao could be polite to people and say thank you too.

But he only bothered to do so with people he acknowledged.

He had a very structured way of organizing people into different groups, like relatives, friends, people he liked, and people he didn’t care for. He had different standards for each group.

So what was Yan Shuang to him? 

“Probably ‘an annoyance’,” Yan Shuang thought.

Someone he couldn’t ignore or get rid of. If it was possible, Ji Yao would definitely will it so that a person named Yan Shuang never existed in the first place.

That would save him the frustration of dealing with him.

“The rooms are still there, so do as you wish.” Xiao Qingyang patted Ji Yao on the shoulder. “I’m going to bed.” 

“Ji Yao…”

Yan Shuang whispered: “Homework.”

Xiao Qingyang paused as he walked away.

“The group work. Every member has to present in front of the class.” 

Yan Shuang said, lowering his head.

He glanced quickly up at Ji Yao when he didn’t speak. “I, I can teach you.”


Xiao Qingyang couldn’t help but laugh. He held onto Ji Yao’s shoulder as he had a laughing fit. “Fuck, now I’ve seen it all. Little cousin, who is…what’s his name?” 

Ji Yao pushed Xiao Qingyang’s arm away. “Fuck off.”

“No, I won’t fuck off.”

With his interest piqued, Xiao Qingyang went to swing an arm around Yan Shuang’s shoulders. However, Yan Shuang saw him coming and immediately hid behind Ji Yao, clutching the hem of Ji Yao’s shirt with a look of fear on his face.

“Oh? Hiding, are you? Come out, come out…” Xiao Qingyang acted like an eagle going after a little chick, only to be stopped by ‘mother hen’ Ji Yao. “It’s not good to stay up late when you’re older. Go to bed.” With that, he took Yan Shuang’s arm and dragged Yan Shuang into his room. 

Xiao Qingyang only reacted when the door closed. He hesitated over whether to go in or not for a long time.

He didn’t get it.

How could such an ordinary boy that looked so…actually he didn’t know what he looked like. Anyway, he had to be nothing special since Xiao Qingyang couldn’t even remember what he looked like.

His temperament was also quite timid. 

Just what did Ji Yao see in him?

And this kid actually wanted to teach Ji Yao how to do group work?

His cousin’s been praised as a genius since he was a child. And this kid wanted to teach a genius how to do homework?

How pure and unpretentious of him. 

Just as Xiao Qingyang was mulling over this problem, the door opened. His one-of-a-kind cousin poked his head out. “Get me a laptop. We’re making a PowerPoint.”

Xiao Qingyang: “…” Was he still dreaming?

Xiao Qingyang refused to leave after bringing them a laptop.

“I’ll make some coffee for you guys.” 

With that, he wormed his way into the room to watch the two of them do the group assignment.

That kid was actually taking the lead.

“… Wilde’s homosexuality is not clearly expressed in the works, and the “Portrait of Dorian Gray” cannot be regarded solely as his confession of homosexual affection. The main theme of the work is more to express his views on desire… ”

Yan Shuang spoke slowly as Ji Yao made the PowerPoint. Xiao Qingyang couldn’t help but laugh as time went on. “Did your teacher select this topic with you two in mind?” 

Yan Shuang stopped talking. His head lowered a lot.

Ji Yao gave Xiao Qingyang a look. “Is the coffee ready?”

The implication was that he should scram if it was.

Xiao Qingyang was kicked out. 

Ji Yao and Yan Shuang continue to make the PowerPoint.

Ji Yao was too lazy to listen to any of the literature classes, but that didn’t mean he was clueless. He had received a good education in the arts as well.

The homework was quickly polished off thanks to their cooperation.

“The professor will be grading this assignment by group.” Yan Shuang pleaded, “Let’s, let’s do our best tomorrow, okay?” 

He clutched the table with both hands, so nervous that his tendons became visible. His eyes shone brightly through the lenses.

Ji Yao saw a strong desire in his eyes.

Even someone so cowardly had something he wanted to fight for.


Ji Yao looked away and faintly answered.

But when he stood up to leave, his sleeve was caught again.

“Ji Yao, thank you.”

Those eyes were still very bright, like stars were twinkling within. 

A single teardrop was caught in the lower eyelashes of Yan Shuang’s jet black eyes.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a bit weird.

In a way that Ji Yao had never experienced before.

His sleeve was what was grabbed, but a warmth seemed to spread up the sleeve to his arm. It was slightly hot and uncomfortable. 

Ji Yao tugged his sleeve back and indifferently said: “It won’t happen again.”

He never responded to Yan Shuang’s apologies and gratitude.

Because Yan Shuang was right.

If it were possible, Ji Yao would wish that Yan Shuang had never appeared. 

Lightly closing the door, Ji Yao turned to see Xiao Qingyang leaning against the wall in the corridor with crossed arms.

Ji Yao glanced at him indifferently, coldly saying: “Disgusting.”

Xiao Qingyang: “…”

“You’re really…” Xiao Qingyang came over with a wry smile. His hand was slapped away by Ji Yao again. “Are you asexual or something?” 

“Is there no one in the world that can make you feel desire?”

Ji Yao opened the door to his room. He half-looked back at the curious Xiao Qingyang, “Fuck off.”

Ji Yao’s expression remained unchanged after closing the door.


Was too dirty.

He would never, ever fall into that trap.
