Chapter 136 White Head is depressed

Pan Lei and Tian Yuan were tangled and having a good time. Pan Lei had tossed Tian Yuan and devoured him thoroughly. They kept at it, the separation intensifying their reunion. Meanwhile, the four deputy instructors gathered in White Head's room were in discomfort. They all pinched their noses and lifted their heads, refusing to miss any sound from next door. They were still clinging to the wall.

"Hey, how about I keep track of how many times Squadron Leader Pan has tormented Dr. Tian? Shh, listen! Did you hear it? Dr. Tian has been begging for mercy."

"Ge, don't, don't, let me go," they heard through the wall at that moment. This eavesdropping business was eye-opening for them, allowing them to comprehend Pan Lei's incredible physical power. Dr. Tian was in tears. He was a warm and graceful man. Imagine how tormented he must have been to cry in this way!

White Head glanced at his wrist watch, and expressed his approval.

"The captain is worthy of being the captain. He is the best combatant, and his marksmanship is also number one. He’s the best at everything. He’s also number one in stamina. It’s been an hour and a half. I can’t keep on for so long; it’ll kill me. He’s too manly."

"He's too strong. It's been an hour and a half, and the pounding and groaning has not stopped."

"Do you think they’re in a casual relationship? People who have never married don't understand anything."

"Doctor Tian has been pleading for mercy. He keeps saying, "Let me go, don't!, it's too deep, I can't take it anymore." Squadron Leader loves and obeys Dr. Tian. Why isn't he listening this time?"

"You don't grasp these small pleasures because you aren't married. The more your partner cries, the faster you must move to satisfy them. When you get a wife, you'll understand. It's no surprise that the captain adores Dr. Tian. Who wouldn't submit to the bones after listening to such delicate coquetry?"

White Head, the experienced instructor, generously shared his wisdom with the three single persons. Do you get what I'm saying? This is a little delight between husband and wife.

It is unknown whether the trio understood or not, but it is known that they grasped that their trousers felt a little snug. Fortunately, they were dressed comfortably. The pants were tucked into the boots, but they were roomy. They were young and full of vigor. Their reaction was understandable given that they had been listening in on a loving couple.

They overheard a loud groan and a hoarse cry all of a sudden. They couldn't hear it very clearly, but it made them fantasize about the wildest things.

"Baby, let's switch places."

Pan Lei was still in a lustful mood. He rolled over, wrapped his arms over Tian Yuan, adjusted the quilt, and then made Tian Yuan sit between his thighs. Tian Yuan was on the verge of passing out. His brain had stopped working as a result of the excitement, and his thoughts had gone blank.

Pan Lei draped the quilt around Tian Yuan's shoulders and pulled on the quilt's sides to ensure he could move securely on his lap without swaying. With this position, he was able to thrust into Tian Yuan and move deeper than ever before into the tight channel.

Tian Yuan desperately shook his head. He'd die, he'd die, he'd definitely die on him.

He didn't want to play this way, and he couldn't bully himself in this manner. Pan Lei was feverishly squeezing him dry as if there would be no next time. He felt hollowed out in the front, and stuffed to the brim at the back. He couldn't accept more, and even more importantly, he couldn't do this again. Tian Yuan believed he'd hit his limit, but Pan Lei swept him away to the skies once more. He overcame his tolerance as Pan Lei shoved into him once more.

The four men next door took a big breath and exhaled when they only heard heavy breathing. Whew, it's finally over. Dr. Tian didn't make much sounds in the end. He occasionally uttered a few sounds like a small milk cat, the sweet mewls tickling their hearts.

These four men appeared to be more weary than the pair in the adjacent room by the time the sounds of the bed rocking and crying for mercy ceased. They mourned for Doctor Tian. He'd worked extremely hard. It was not easy to be Squadron Leader Pan's sweetheart!

The trio had strange looks on their faces. What now? Let's go back to the room.

Swish! The trio dashed back to their own rooms.

Hey! They were all unmarried, energetic young men who were aroused. Naturally, they returned and took care of their own needs. Squadron Leader Pan had overstimulated the trio that night, so they worked extra hard.

White Head, on the other hand, had just gotten out of the shower, made his bed, and lay down when the sounds from next door resumed.

White Head couldn't wait to hammer the wall. Damn, Squadron Leader Pan, please give Doctor Tian a break and let me get some rest. Please stop playing! You just fought bravely for more than two hours and now you're starting over? Your physical strength has recovered far too quickly!

Will Dr. Tian be able to live until tomorrow? You'll really tear him apart.

When the "get out of bed" whistle blew at 6 a.m., Pan Lei's body instinctively wanted to sit up. He quickly realized that his upper body was weighted down and relaxed his body. He couldn't move too much because he didn't want to wake Tian Yuan up. He'd been a little ruthless the night before.

Tian Yuan frowned as he spread his arm over Pan Lei when he heard the whistle. His arm was covered in traces of cyan, purple, and red, both large and small. Pan Lei had clasped him in the blue-green ones, sucked in the purple ones, and kissed in the red ones.

You can imagine the state of his body based on the number of marks on his arm alone.

His face was pale, and his lips were a deep red color. Pan Lei had sucked and bitten his lips the night before, so they were obviously swollen.

Tian Yuan had almost passed out by the end of last night. Because he couldn't stand still, Pan Lei had to hold him and assist him in bathing. He was paralyzed on the bed and felt pain throughout his body regardless of how he lay down. He fell into a deep sleep as soon as Pan Lei hugged him in his arms and let him sleep on his body.

Pan Lei didn't want to wake Tian Yuan up after only a few hours of sleep. He wanted Tian Yuan to rest well.

Because the double quilt was quite large, Pan Lei used half of it as a bed-cover and covered Tian Yuan's body with the other half to prevent Tian Yuan from feeling that the bed was too hard.

Pan Lei pushed Tian Yuan's hair aside and kissed his forehead before pulling the quilt up, leaving his mouth and nose exposed so he could breathe freely. Pan Lei got up without letting outside noises bother him, carefully put on his clothes without even opening the curtains, opened the door, and then closed the door with his breath held, locking it. From beginning to end, he was as quiet as a mouse.

When he got outside the door and locked it, he exhaled a sigh of relief. He couldn't risk having someone come into his dorm room. His husband was sleeping naked beneath the quilt. Others couldn't see his body.

Pan Lei stood on the observation stand with his hands clasped behind his back, and looked majestic. White Head, who had enormous dark circles, glared at him resentfully. His heart was filled with unspeakable bitter suffering. He wanted to say, “Devil Pan, I beg you, don't harass Doctor Tian too much at night, it’s too stimulating. The bed board shook until two in the wee hours of the morning! Do you not want him to live? Do you not want me to live? I couldn’t get to bed until two o'clock and had to start a fresh day of training with only a few hours of sleep. I'm too miserable. Having fun while collectively punishing others is criminal torture! We live in a civilized society, so be a little civil, alright? Be a little considerate of neighbors.”

How could a person who fought fiercely till late night have more vigor than everybody else? He’s beaming with happiness. Peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze[1], eh?

I’m sure Doctor Tian can't get up. He probably won’t be able to leave the dorm room for two or three days. Poor Doctor Tian is such a nice and elegant man, but he encountered a wild wolf and was eaten clean and squeezed dry.

I’m not the one who is pitiful. It’s actually Doctor Tian.

"Today, we’ll train in the artillery company’s practice field. Turn left, and start running!"

Every morning, the commandos ran 10 km, followed by an hour of counter-insurgency training before breakfast. During training, they were required to yell slogans. The mood of the day was conveyed by these loud and clear phrases; the louder and clearer, the better. Pan Lei, however, thought the loud slogans were too lively and would disturb the rest of his family's hubby, who was sleeping in his dorm room.

Training had to continue, so Pan Lei chose to practice at the artillery company location, which was 2 km distant. Tian Yuan couldn't hear the soldiers no matter how loud they were and his rest wouldn't be disturbed.

"The artillery company commander will be furious if we go there to drill."

"The purpose of going to train there is to show the artillery company soldiers how our special forces are trained. We're letting them see our abilities, so they should cordially welcome us. Our training is not something that random people can see."

Pan Lei's rationale sounded so pompous that White Head couldn't help but rub his nose in embarrassment. He took the entire team, double marched, and proceeded to the artillery company. It would be bad if the two companies (of troops) fought. Wasn't it evident that the commando company was strutting their stuff? Take a look at our abilities, then at our training, and last at you all. All you can do is run back and forth with ammunition crates.

Pan Lei trailed behind and cast a distant glance towards his dorm room. Sleep well, baby. I'm not going to let any noise bother you.

The artillery company commander stomped over to Pan Lei, hurled his jacket, and declared he had to fight with Pan Lei or he wouldn't be able to let go of his rage. Why was Pan Lei training commandos on his land? Was he planning to invade and occupy his territory? However Pan Lei tried to justify, it was still a dove occupying a magpie's nest.[2] Pan Lei was bullying people in their own nests. He had to fight if he didn't want to be bullied.

The barracks were, in fact, partitioned and ruled by warlord-like company commanders - This area is my domain, and that hilltop is yours. Going to another commander's area for training without being invited was considered odious.

Did Pan Lei think he was afraid of him because one of them was on the front lines, and one of them sat in the office? In that case, let’s fight.

The artillery company's training site was a modest place. The special forces were extremely popular. When they dropped to the artillery company's training grounds to practice counter-attack, no one dared to disagree. Why, you might ask? Because the company commander had lost the fight, had a black eye from being punched by Squadron Leader Pan, and the magpie was now smoking with the dove.

What else could they say when the company commander was defeated? They could only look on in admiration and envy as they watched the commando training. That expertise, strength, and imposing manner were all so enviable. Every soldier desired to join the special forces. That was the highest honor for any soldier. It was simply that only the best soldiers were allowed to join the special forces.

Pan Lei put a cigarette in his mouth and patted his pockets to get the lighter, but then he realized it was in his sweetheart's pocket. Oh, right! My baby's been lighting my cigarettes for me ever since he arrived.

"What are you looking for?"

The artillery company commander threw him a lighter. Pan Lei had no choice but to utilize it.

"I’m thinking about my hubby. When he’s by my side, I don't need to use a lighter at all. As long as I touch a cigarette, he will light it for me promptly."

"Tut! So you’ve come here to show off that someone wants you."

"My hubby is absolutely top-notch. Yup, I have someone who wants me. Alas! Someone who is a bachelor will not comprehend just how lovely it is when you have a lover to sleep with at night."

Pan Lei was cocky and arrogant.

The artillery company commander almost gave him the middle finger. He’d never seen such a person. Not only did he flaunt his husband around but also provoked bachelors like him stating how amazing it was to have someone hug you to sleep, and awesome it was to have your spouse visit you at the barracks.

Just you wait. When I marry, I’ll also show off. It was not like others couldn’t marry and get a wife.

"I wonder if he’s awake. You know, I tossed him a bit hard last night. He was still asleep when I left. If it wasn't for the concern of waking him up, I wouldn't bring my boys to you for training. You know what, he’s going to be here for more than a month. How about you lend this training ground to me? I'll bring the boys over for training every day."

"F*ck! Pan Lei, you want to be stationed here, don’t you? Let’s fight again."


[1] It's a line from a poem. I'm assuming the author meant it literally to depict a beautiful sight, because this is the poem's final line, and it actually implies "the girl is no longer there, only the peach flowers." In short, it's a sad poem.

[2] Idiom: forcibly occupying someone else's house, land, property, etc.