Chapter 137 Doctor Tian, ​​are you alright?

Tian Yuan left the dorm room after four o'clock in the afternoon, but he had actually awoken at midday and lay on the bed. Pan Lei took his food into the room, gave him a massage, and rambled on for what seemed like an eternity. Tian Yuan came up to the window after Pan Lei had left to observe the commando training.

Aren’t many of them about to retire? Why is the training still so intense?

He struggled to fold the blanket into tofu cubes. He'd learnt it during his college's mandatory military training, but he thought that the quilt he was folding now was not square in shape. He examined the quilt's corners several times, fattening it up, but couldn't figure out why it didn't feel right. Forget it.

The bedsheets had been changed. Pan Lei stated yesterday that they would not get out of bed if the bedsheets were not soiled. When they eventually came to a halt, the sheets were drenched. Pan Lei's actions were always quick, and he'd changed the linens the night before. That pair of sheets was now put in the bathroom's small laundry basket, along with their dirty underwear.

Tian Yuan crouched down while supporting his waist to see if there were any stinky socks or shoes under the bed. It was spotless.

He'd gone through the wardrobe the day before and found no filthy clothes. Let's wash the sheets and underwear then.

What a shame he had to wash the bedsheets the next day after being pushed down for half the night and acting as a mattress the night before. Pan Lei had assured Tian Yuan that he didn't need to do it and that he'd wash the linens once he got back to the dorm in the evening. Tian Yuan, on the other hand, believed that Pan Lei was extremely busy every day and that he even had meetings after supper, leaving him with little free time. He'd wash the linens because he was idle. Tian Yuan soaked the sheets in a basin of water and rubbed them between his palms.

Underwear and other clothing could be hung to dry on the balcony. The bed sheets, however, were a touch too large to dry on the small balcony. Tian Yuan exited his dorm room to see where other people's clothes were drying.

White Head appeared to have returned to fetch something, and he was super excited on meeting Tian Yuan.

"Doctor Tian, are you alright?"

Looks like his spirit is not bad, and his complexion is also okay. But his movements are a little slow. In fact, his entire body looks sluggish. Those who'd been around the block could see and understand the three or four thumb-sized red marks on Tian Yuan's neck at a glance. They were, of course, hickeys.

Tian Yuan smiled and nodded at him: "I'm fine. What's going on?"

I believed you were devoured, gnawed, and torn apart by that wild wolf and couldn't get out of the room for three or four days, so I wanted to convey my condolences, White Head coughed a couple of times while silently cursing in his heart.

"Nothing, I didn't see you come into the cafeteria at noon to eat. Squadron Leader Pan mentioned that you weren't feeling well, so I asked."

I'm talking nonsense here but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my mouth shut.

"Thank you for asking, Bai dage, but I'm fine. Oh, by the way, Pan Lei informed me that Bai dasao is ill. What's the matter with her? I'm a doctor. If I know anything about the patient's condition, I might be able to assist you."

"Oh, yeah! How could I have forgotten about this?! I was in a rush, and forgot this fact. She has stomach bleeding. I've been here a long time, and I'm just too tired to keep doing this. Do you have any suggestions, Doctor Tian?"

Tian Yuan frowned: "Has Bai dasao done a gastric angiography? Let me check the diagnosis, symptoms, and so on. Whether the ulcer is deep or shallow, this condition must be treated. Otherwise, please allow me to refer you to a specialist. We have a good friendship. You take saozi there for testing."

White Head felt very grateful. Dr. Tian is a decent man and a good doctor. He's a gentleman, which sets him apart from bandit soldiers like us. Squadron Leader Pan is a lucky b*sta*d to have duped him into getting together.

Tian Yuan went to dry the bed linens in a basket after finding a place where he could do so, and ran right into the deputy instructors who'd eavesdropped the night before. Tian Yuan smiled and nodded at them. They had weird expressions as they hurriedly said hello and fled at lightning speed.

What the hell happened? He wasn't some awful scourge. Why on earth were they avoiding him?

What did Pan Lei warn them about? Forget it. I'll wait for Pan Lei to come back and ask him.

"Motherf**ker, why did I recall last night’s affair as soon as I saw Dr. Tian?! How can a gentle and elegant doctor turn Squadron Leader Pan into a wild animal?"

One of the deputy instructors felt his wilding beating heart and thought it was unfathomable. He remembered how Tian Yuan was gasping and groaning last night, and his sultry voice that titillated the heart and soul, as soon as he saw him. No wonder Squadron Leader Pan adores him and hates parting with him! He is unquestionably top quality.

"Squadron Leader Pan, have a fulfilling sex life!"

This blessing was well received by the others. One eavesdropping session was enough for them to infer that he had a terrific sex life.

It was merely that they would have to walk with their necks lifted and their noses squeezed the next time they saw Dr. Tian. They would remember Dr. Tian's charming and seductive voice as long as they saw him after that night. It was too much for them to endure, and it caused them to experience severe internal heat!

Pan Lei walked over to Tian Yuan and rubbed his waist as he untied the belt around his waist in the dorm room.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It's okay. You’re done?"

"Yes, the day's training is over. I’m soooo tired."

Pan Lei sat at Tian Yuan's side, arching into his arms. Tian Yuan smiled and extended his arms to embrace him. Pan Lei was like a big kid in front of him, acting like a spoiled brat.

"I want to ask you, why won't the training stop as some people are retiring from the army and others wish to leave?"

"Because missions can occur at any time. It is just too risky to let up on the training. They must battle till the very end. They are commandos and must receive training as long as they do not remove their uniform, collar insignia, cap, and badge."

"It's just a few days."

"The veterans will be honored with a discharge ceremony the day after tomorrow. The new recruits will arrive in three days. I'll show you how I train the newly arrived commandos."

It turned out that the recruits would replace the veterans so fast. The soldiers were as tough as iron and as fluid as water, so the military camp was always in its youth. The old was replaced by the new. It was just that it was difficult to let go of battle companions. They were all the same, whether old or new: comrades-in-arms.

"In that case, I'm going to have an expert examine White Head's wife. Didn't you mention his wife is in bad shape? Besides, he has worked with you for a long time. I also know you have a sharp tongue but a tender heart, so you're just as concerned about him as I am. I believe his wife's ailment is grave. It is better to have a subtotal gastrectomy. The operation fee is a little high. I referred him to a doctor who specializes in this type of surgery. Can you assist him in any way? Just a little? He stays in the military camp all year and does not have much money saved."

Pan Lei rested his head on Tian Yuan's leg while they talked, and Tian Yuan stroked Pan Lei's hair. There was no one in the entire military camp who could compare to Pan Lei in terms of background. Although veterans received a discharge pay, it was insufficient to support a family with a seriously ill wife and a school-aged child.

"Why not, I've considered it myself. But I'm at a loss on what to do. Every man has dignity, you know. White Head would not have requested discharge from duty if he had not been obliged to do so by circumstances. If you give him money, he’ll undoubtedly end our friendship."

Tian Yuan rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a bank card with the password scribbled on the back.

"Your salary for four months. My salary alone can cover all of the family's expenses, and there is still money left over. I haven't touched your paycheck. Work out a plan to push this card onto him. Once he's on the train, phone him and tell him that even if he wants to repay you, there's nothing he can do."

"Oh, my sweetheart, how thoughtful you are, you are my sweet little angel. We were made for each other. I'm the boss on the outside, you're the boss on the inside, we cooperate tacitly, you understand my thoughts, worry about what I worry about, you're my confidant, my lover, my baby."

Pan Lei hugged and kissed him repeatedly. How could he possibly love him enough? He considered everything for him. How could Tian Yuan know what he was thinking as soon as he thought it? He was practically his small heart, a roundworm inside his gut. How lucky that he'd been able to dupe him.

"Knowing you so well has its drawbacks. If you dare to have even a smidgeon of intention toward others, I'll find it, and you'll have to suffer as a result of your actions."

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible. I don't have enough time to love you since you're so charming. How can I look at others?"

"Don’t sweet-talk me. Get up and wash your face. I'm hungry, let's eat."

The main benefit of staying in the barracks was that they didn't have to cook their own meals or do the dishes or clean the sink. They could eat and then simply leave.

Pan Lei accompanied Tian Yuan to dinner with pride. In the perspective of all the instructors, he was just showing off with his beloved little lover, like ostentatiously parading himself through town.

During this dinner, there was no wacky behavior. They sat properly and ate their food while conversing in hushed tones. White Head sat at Tian Yuan's table once more. Tian Yuan smiled at him and told him in detail about his wife's sickness, as well as how stomach problems had to be handled. The patient couldn't be tired and couldn't consume anything stimulating. The patient's state of mind was also crucial.

"I've prescribed some typical medications for saozi, but they only address the symptoms, not the underlying problem. It is better to go to a large hospital for a thorough checkup. I believe that an operation is required for saozi. You must be extra cautious after the procedure."

"Do any precautions need to be taken?"

Every soldier will feel obligated to his family and lover. They are not present all year, and all matters must be carried by the partner alone, causing them to grow tired. White Head had been thinking about where he should live after being discharged from the military so that he could look after his family and care for his wife and child. Squadron Leader Pan's lover had excellent medical expertise, which he had demonstrated numerous times. Such a good doctor would undoubtedly give sound advice.

"Yes, there are. I'll write you a note and some commonly used specialized medicine at night. I'll hand it over to you tomorrow."

"Thanks a lot, Dr. Tian."

Dr. Tian was a million times better than their Squadron Leader. How considerate, attentive, and patient. If it had been Pan Lei, he would have kicked him and yelled, "Screw it! Is she my wife, or yours? Why should I be concerned?"

What a nice man! How could he be swindled by Squadron Leader Pan?

"It's not good for him to be tired."

White Head despised Squadron Leader Pan: why don’t you say what you did last night to make Dr. Tian tired.

Tian Yuan gave Pan Lei a meaningful look as they finished their meal. Pan Lei coughed and exited, his arm over White Head's shoulder.

"Come on, let's go to your room and have a few drinks."

Huh? Aren't you in a hurry to return tonight? No more rushing to close the door and getting busy? Why did you decide to have a drink with me? Was it because he was leaving the army? They had been brothers in arms for many years, and no one was pleased to be released from the army. Having drinks sounded great. They yelled and summoned the other deputy instructors, then went to White Head's room after grabbing beer, shelled peanuts, and chicken feet from the cafeteria.

"Don't bother waiting for me. If you're tired, go to bed."

Pan Lei remembered shouting instructions to Tian Yuan from a distance. Everyone turned to gaze at Tian Yuan. Dr. Tian is such a wonderful wife...bah! such a wonderful lover. He waits for the Squadron Leader to sleep with him.