Chapter 203 Three person family happiness model

Pan Lei fully expressed the happiness model of a three-person family.

Tian Yuan couldn't get out of bed in the early morning, and Pan Lei didn't nag him to get up and go for a jog. He now had a buddy for exercise, and he brought the dog with him.

Pan Lei took his puppy son with him, stepped outside to jog a few laps, returned, made breakfast, fed the dog, and then went back to the bedroom, dawdling with Tian Yuan and cuddling the cocooned him.

"Get up, baby. It's time to eat and get ready for work," he cajoled.

Tian Yuan finally agreed to get up after much dilly dallying. He was still down after cleaning his face, brushing his teeth, and eating breakfast. He could zealously act like a spoiled child with Pan Lei by his side. In any case, he knew that if he fell asleep on the dining table, because he'd stated he was going to work today, Pan Lei would carry him to the hospital if necessary.

Pan Lei had Tian Yuan's jacket in his left hand, his computer bag on his back, and a little bag of fruit in his right. He quickly shut the door and cradled Tian Yuan in his arms.

In fact, Tian Yuan had awoken long ago and hadn't skipped his meal. He simply lacked energy and had low blood sugar. He liked to have a lie-in in bed. He wouldn't feel refreshed until he arrived at the hospital. Anyway, he had Pan Lei to take care of everything, so he simply had to enjoy it. He lazily went downstairs, as if he were boneless. Jindou'er was in the lead. Pan Lei trembled with fear as he glanced at Tian Yuan's half-asleep appearance, worried that he would step on air and roll down the steps. He swiftly wrapped his arms around him and walked downstairs as if they were joined at the hip.

He Lian was correct in his assessment. He was still a pretty independent and ordinary man without Pan Lei by his side. Although he couldn't be a manly man of unyielding spirit, a tough guy like the strong northern men, he had the Jiangnan men's handsomeness and elegance. He was a little gent as well, but with Pan Lei by his side, he devolved into a three or four year old. He wanted to be fed his meals; Pan Lei spoiled him, and he relished it. You know, this is the model of a young couple. This is how they live their lives.

Pan Lei swerved and the vehicle came to a halt outside the hospital. Tian Yuan kissed Pan Lei and Jindou'er before exiting the automobile.

"What do you want for dinner? Dumplings?"

"I don't want to eat dumplings for the next three years. I seriously don't want to eat that stuff. Let's keep things simple and eat spicy hot pot. I’m craving the enoki mushrooms in it."

Pan Lei wrapped his arms around Tian Yuan’s neck and kissed him before lowering his voice to tease.

"Don’t you think enoki mushrooms resemble a certain organ in our bodies? You want to eat enoki mushrooms? At night, I’ll feed you with that similar organ till you’re stuffed."

Tian Yuan kicked him hard, opened the door, and got out of the car. This ba$tard didn’t stop his hooliganism for a second! Pan Lei screamed in agony and rolled down the window.

Jindou'er, who was hanging to the car window, also cried out to Tian Yuan.

"Say goodbye to your little dad, son. We’ll come pick him up in the evening and reunite our family."

Pan Lei saw Lin Mu while pulling out the car and yelled hello before driving away.

Lin Mu swayed over, embittered.

"Your three-person family is very happy I see. There is a female golden retriever in my neighborhood. Do you want him to give birth to some dog grandchildren for you?"

"I'd rather see your son, Little Blockhead[1]."

"After spending so much time with a rascal, why do I have the feeling that our good boy Tian Yuan has also gone bad?"

They laughed loudly before beginning their day of study and work.

Tian Yuan was delayed by something when Pan Lei returned in the evening to pick him up, so Pan Lei took the dog and strutted in and out of the hospital. Lin Mu fed Jindou'er some treats, teased the puppy, and accompanied Pan Lei to wait for Tian Yuan to get off work.

"Hey, I heard you’re going on another mission, and this time it’s a long one."

Pan Lei sat on a chair with a cigarette in his mouth and puffed away. He was not at all surprised to learn that Lin Mu was aware of this matter. Lin Mu's father was a part of the General Staff. Despite his retirement, the old man continued to walk around on a daily basis. This was a directive from the top, and had spread down through the grapevine. Bandits were running wild in Myanmar, and they had crossed the border. They had begun to disturb and even rob the civilians in that area.

Myanmar and China had an accord, and China also granted shelter to Myanmar refugees. Myanmar was a chaotic country in which drugs flourished unrestrained. There was a strong possibility that the turmoil of war would spread to China. Despite the Myanmar side's apology, it would pose problems for the people in the end. Some evil forces in Myanmar had recently begun to cross the border and enter into the country to plunder. The border police had dealt with it countless times, but the effect was minimal since if there was any movement in China, those dark forces took to their heels immediately.

According to intelligence, the robbers' frequent activities over there suggested that they sought to establish a drug-trafficking route from China and distribute drugs directly.

It was critical to thoroughly clean this up.

There was word that the state wanted to hand this over to the special forces, not only to eliminate the robbers in one fell swoop, but also to reinforce the military force there to assure the country's safety. So that people could always live in peace and work productively without incident. That impoverished area needed to be revitalized as well, but not for paltry reasons like these drug dealers.

The mission was going to be protracted this time.

This was also why Pan Lei had been able to stay with Tian Yuan at home for so long. If he had to preside over the overall situation, three months or even five months might not be enough. That's why he wanted to stay with Tian Yuan at home.

It was difficult to fall in love with a soldier, especially one like him. He wished to minimize this type of grievance. He intended to spoil Tian Yuan to no end. At least, Tian Yuan had always been happy whenever he stayed home.

Although this mission had not been assigned, upper-level officials were well aware of it. Those of the older generation in the military compound knew it as well, so it was not surprising that Lin Mu knew it.

"Yes. The special forces will likely be deployed."

He'd been on secret missions in other nations before, and he was used to it, but Tian Yuan and he had never been apart for so long.

Even when Tian Yuan went abroad, they would only be separated for a month. This time, they would be apart for at least three months. Would Tian Yuan be alright at home by himself?

"Pay attention to safety. This going away is sometimes quite long." {T/n: Lin Mu, if I'm not mistaken, means "Take care. Don't die while on the mission."}

Pan Lei grabbed Jindou'er and scratched its fur.

"We'll have a wedding once I return."

They had left it aside because the man who had promised to marry him was busy, so very busy. When he returned from the mission, he planned to marry Tian Yuan. Then he'd have Tian Yuan's name added to his registered residence[2], making them officially family.


Lin Mu was shocked and laughed. He assumed that what Pan Lei asserted at the time was drunken nonsense. He hadn't expected Pan Lei to bring it up again.

"Yes, marry. We'll invite all of our relatives and friends. We shall marry in the same manner as everyone else. Wedding car, wedding outfits, hotel, honeymoon... Oh! By the way, we'll go to Canada for our honeymoon, where we'll get the certificate."

Lin Mu shook his head and smiled. He admired Pan Lei's ability to create such a grand occasion.

"So you're going to marry Tian Yuan." {T/n: as in "So you’ll take Tian Yuan as your wife."}

"Given his disposition, do you think it's possible that he'll agree to let me marry him. My plan is for him to drive the wedding car to the military compound and escort me to Zhang Hui's hotel. Zhang Hui's hotel entryway will have a big arch, the largest one. It will read, "Happy Wedding, Mr. Pan Lei and Mr. Tian Yuan." We'll then arrange a banquet in his hotel. Hehehe, it'll be amazing. Everyone who passes by will be aware that we are getting married. All of my relatives and friends will be aware that I am married with a family and a husband. He'll become an official part of my Pan family."

Pan Lei's face lit up as he imagined such a beautiful scene. He would take Tian Yuan's hand and lead him to the stage. It would be a wedding ceremony decked with flowers and bunting and amidst cheers and applause from the attendees, in the presence of all their relatives and friends, with everyone there as witness, he would say, "Tian Yuan and I will eternally be of one heart from today." Gee, he'll be embarrassed, he'll blush, and he won't be able to say I love you in front of so many people.

Lin Mu laughed his head off. Only Pan Lei could think of something that theatrical. God, look at his expression! He is so high-profile. He was high-profile when he came out of the closet, high-profile when he fell in love, and he now desired a high-profile marriage; regardless of what anyone thought, Pan Lei felt that he should receive blessings in response. He wanted Tian Yuan to be treated equally. He refused to be sneaky and wished to be with Tian Yuan in a just and honorable manner. He wanted to marry and live together, letting everyone know he had a partner.

In truth, there was no need to flaunt in such a high-profile manner. Their family already knew. They’d been together for a long time but were still in their honeymoon phase, which seemed to be endless.

"Tell Zhang Hui to hold the venue for me. Help me make the arrangements while I'm not at home."

Lin Mu nodded in agreement but couldn't hide his laughter. Leizi has always been unbridled, and he isn't going to change his ways now. Lin Mu truly admired him. He had the idea and dared to do it. But this was self-evident. After all, was there anything Pan Lei wouldn't dare do? He'd killed people, witnessed bloodbaths, served on the front lines, and infiltrated behind enemy lines. He defused time bombs and saved hostages. He had done things that most people had never seen in their lives. This decision surprised Lin Mu, yet it was also within his expectations. The love and devotion he had for Tian Yuan was enough to make everyone who saw it envious.

Go! Get married, get your red book, go to Canada, and always be together. As your buddy, I wholeheartedly support you.

In any event, he wasn't the one who would have to spend money. He predicted that Zhang Hui would cry a river.

Jindou'er leapt into Tian Yuan's arms when he knocked on the door and got into the car.

"Let’s head home."

"Hey! Your three-person family will return home, eat dinner, watch TV, and cuddle. What is a loner like me supposed to do?"

"Why don't you come home and join us for dinner? You sleep on the sofa in the living room because the bed in the guest room is damaged. Just don't get a nosebleed if you hear certain sounds after the two of us retire to our bedroom and get busy."

Pan Lei was quite generous. He wasn't worried that Lin Mu would overhear them making love. He would be sad for the bride if he did not harass Lin Mu well when he married.

"I'm definitely not going. Take a look at your husband’s blushing face. If I come with you, I guess you’ll have to sleep on the floor tonight. As if I’m that bored! I’ll be better off doing something serious."

Lin Mu took out a set of scalpels.

"I'm going to the morgue."

This nutcase! He stated that he was on his way to the morgue with scalpels in hand and a smile on his face… Did he think he was walking into the canteen for dinner with chopsticks in his hand?!

After receiving two rolls of the eyes, the couple took their dog and gaily went home for dinner, completing a day of their simple life.

Lin Mu felt his stomach and concluded it would be best to stroll in the morgue.

May I offer a bit of advice to all comrades. This Lin Mu guy is a weird alien indeed. He’s a strange doctor who likes going to the morgue when he’s hungry and likes dissecting corpses after drinking too much. I don’t think he’ll be able to find a wife. He will not be liked by any woman.

Then, then, look for a man, haha.


[1] As a whole word lín mù means forest/forest tree. The mù in Lin Mu's name can mean tree; wood; simple. TY says "mù tou" which means "blockhead" or "slow-witted".

[2] Hukou is a system of household registration used in mainland China. It's like a family register since the household register is issued per family, and usually includes the births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and moves, of all members in the family.