Chapter 204 Issuing important orders

Pan Lei was leaving for the military sector for a meeting, promising to return afterward. In fact, he wasn't certain, but he didn't want to worry Tian Yuan, so he stated he'd return home when he was free.

However, he went to the pet store and returned with fifty kilos of dog food before leaving. Jindou'er ate a lot after it recovered. The puppy had blown out like a balloon after a few days of eating like there was no tomorrow. It was only the size of a newspaper when he brought it home; what was the deal with it getting increasingly heavier and bigger?

"You have class as well as work. Why don't I bring Jindou'er along?"

Pan Lei started changing his clothes. He said he was going to a meeting, but he probably understood what the agenda was. Tian Yuan was baffled. Do they need to be in full dress uniform for a meeting? Why didn’t he know this? Wasn’t dressing up for a meeting too formal? Pan Lei was quite casual while he was with his men. Could the meeting be with his commanders? Tian Yuan couldn’t inquire about military matters, so he simply hoped Pan Lei would return home after the meeting.

Wearing a tie bothered Pan Lei the most. It wrapped around his neck, making him feel uneasy. He felt irritated every time he donned a tie. In his hand, the dark green tie had turned into a vegetable leaf. Tian Yuan stood in front of him and fastened his necktie, straightened his cuffs, and helped him put on his coat.

"No, I do not want him to go. I can look after him."

"Then confine him at home and take him for a stroll whenever you have time. Remember to fill his dog bowls with water and dog food before you go to work. Lock the door tightly and don't let him escape."

Buttoned up, crisp and ironed, stiff and solemn. People are involuntarily awed by uniforms, and so was Tian Yuan.

Pan Lei kissed and hugged Tian Yuan.

"Wait for me at home. Pay attention to your health and don't overwork yourself. If you feel that you can't take it any longer, go to the military compound for a few days. If Jindou’er annoys you, you can send him to Lin Mu or Mom."

"The child is crying and being noisy; can you carry the child and throw it into the trash can?"

"Well, it's absolutely impossible for me to throw you out. Give me a kiss, baby. I want a French kiss."

Tian Yuan approached him and allowed him to bite his lips, leaving a little wound. This became habitual. He had to take a bite every time he left. It took four or five days for the wound to heal. Tian Yuan's lips hurt every time he touched them, reminding him of Pan Lei. He'd reprimand him as a ba$tard, then smile sweetly.

Pan Lei kissed Tian Yuan till he went weak in the knees.

"Now an English kiss, deepthroat."

"Give me an American kiss, the wash-face kiss."

Pan Lei was still unsatisfied, contemplating how to scam a few more kisses. Tian'er is such a sweetheart! I request a kiss, and he simply kisses me. Pan Lei couldn't help but ask for more kisses after seeing how readily he was getting them.

"I'll give you a Chinese-style kick if you want another one. Get lost for laozi! Your demands are endless."

Pan Lei grabbed up Jindou'er with grievance after noticing his uniform pants had a footprint as well.

"Protect your mother when I, your Dad, am not at home."

When Tian Yuan heard this, he suspected something was wrong. He lifted his foot for another kick. Pan Lei laughed, flung open the door, and bolted.

Tian Yuan laughed angrily as he saw his foot fly through the air. He yelled downstairs as he opened the window. Pan Lei had already ran out of the building at this point.

"Pan Lei, you big ba$tard."

Pan Lei blew him a kiss.

"Honey, when I come back, marry me and take me home."

Tian Yuan closed the window as he got into the automobile, and the corners of his lips lifted in joy that he couldn't hide. This hooligan could easily coax him into happiness. He took Jindou'er in his arms and petted it.

"It's just the two of us lords. Will you be afraid by yourself when I leave for work? Forget it. You must be obedient and well-mannered. Dad will bring you to work."

Jindou'er was quite well-mannered and did not rush around the hospital. He and Pan Lei attempted to take it into the hospital. Although such little things were not permitted in the hospital, the notion of leaving it at home all day made him uneasy. He was sure to be met by a depressed and angry son when he got home from work!

Tian Yuan was born soft-hearted.

Wasn't it fine to just lock it up in his office with its toys and dog food? Damn! But because he couldn't drive, he couldn't drive it to and from work. His 'driver' was unavailable, so he needed to come up with a solution.

I need to get my driver's license as soon as possible. He was now engaged at the Armed Police Hospital, which was quite a distance away.

He might as well contact Pan Ge.

"Do you have any recommendations for a good driving school, Second Brother? One in which the instructor doesn’t scold. I want to get my driver's license."

Pan Ge burst out laughing.

"Oh, you should wait for Leizi to return. It's preferable to attending driving school. If a teacher yells at you and he finds out, he'll go to destroy the driving school. Isn't it safer if Leizi or I drive you? I heard you've been quite busy lately, so don't be like a sponge, trying to absorb everything. Simply follow Third Aunt. We'll discuss the driver's license issue later."

Tut! Why do people think I need Pan Lei to escort me? You think I'm powerless without him?

Whatever. He brought Jindou’er to work with him. He’d focus on being a good doctor.

Pan Lei did not return to the military area, instead driving straight to the Security Bureau. His CO was present, as were some acquaintances from his parents' generation. It was reasonable to suggest that he address them as "uncle." The stars on their shoulders shone brightly.

He knew the task had been assigned as soon as he received a call indicating he was heading to a meeting.

Everyone in the massive conference room was solemn. Someone detailed how the frequent robberies on the China-Myanmar border were a well-planned and orchestrated operation. Their movements were coordinated and quick. They were not common people, but rather individuals who had been trained in a certain country. The area was impoverished, and if a modest benefit was offered to the locals, someone would help them distribute drugs. That location was simply a wild zone with no contact with modern civilization.

They required technology, someone to lead them out of poverty, law enforcement professionals, and armed forces.

"This job is daunting and exhausting. It is vital not just to grasp the bandits in that area, but also to create significant legal awareness. The harassment of bandits in that area has made civilian livelihood tough in recent years. The goal is to let the locals settle in and live normal lives before withdrawing. To protect themselves, it is best to organize a local army."

Pan Lei was addressed by the CO.

"The SWAT team was called in because the bandits were out of control. The SWAT unit was deployed several times, with significant losses. The cost was rather high. Everyone on your team is exceptional, having excellent skills and kung fu. Even if you battle them, they will be no match for you. You will arrive quietly and not draw notice to yourself. When the moment comes, you will eliminate the bandits in a single blow. You will be commanded to infiltrate Myanmar and destroy the bandits' hideout if necessary."

Pan Lei frowned as he read the information. In truth, this task was quite cumbersome. He would have preferred to resolve a crisis in that location. His team would have flown over, promptly concluded the battle, and returned. This task, however, was going to take a long time.

"Is there any problem?"

It was time to fight for the country. Even if he didn't want to go and hated leaving Tian Yuan, now was not the time to indulge in love.

"No problem."

The CO patted Pan Lei's shoulder with a look of admiration.

"Good lad, you deserve to be called the old general's son; you’ve inherited your family’s glorious tradition."

"I'll return to reorganize the team, get my men, and we'll set off tomorrow, determined to finish the job."

"If you encounter any issues or face any local challenging scenario, report to us and contact us. We will accommodate any request. If the manpower is insufficient, I will provide you with SWAT support from Tengchong city."

The military region's commander-in-chief opened his mouth and assured that any request could be fulfilled.

"Our special forces helicopters are getting a touch old and are a little small. Why don't you replace our helicopter? And look at foreign commandos like the US Navy SEALs. We covet the weapons they use. Please give me the most advanced McMillan TAC-50, rocket boosters, and amphibious armored vehicles."

"Well done! You try to use tens of millions of military budget as soon as you open your mouth, Leizi. You intend to rob me!"

Rob? Well, why not? Every soldier is tempted by those cutting-edge weapons. A good horse needs to be equipped with a good saddle. They were at the forefront and faced the most risk, thus their equipment had to be most advanced. It would be amazing to have equipment similar to those used by Navy SEALs.

"OK, as long as you finish this task successfully, I'll give you what you want."

Despite being robbed, the old commander, whose military rank was the same as Papa Pan's, was extremely happy. He was pleased to see a qualified successor and considered it a source of pride for the Pan family to have such a man.

Pan Lei gave a salute in high spirits.

He leapt into the car, rushed to the special forces, and told his men to pack and be ready to head to the battlefield the next day.

He had to run back and tell his baby that the mission would take a long time and that he needed to take good care of himself at home.

Pan Lei found a notepad and started writing in it while pondering.

The young driver who was driving him was perplexed. What was Lieutenant Colonel Pan thinking so seriously about?

What Pan Lei wrote was how many people were in the Pan family and what was the number of people when relatives and friends were counted. How many people were in Tian Yuan's family, how many friends he’d invite, how many tables to set up, and the banquet standards.

We need best men, not bridesmaids. Oh, yeah! Pan Yue won’t come, will she? I can’t let her cause a ruckus.

As for the best man, there are several buddies readily available. No matter what, Zhang Hui has to provide the booze. I must build a big box to hold the red envelopes...

Nah, I’ll think about these things later. He was currently on a mission and would be gone for an extended period of time. What should he do about his darling?

"Mom, I'm going on a mission that will last at least three months. Please bring some food from home for Tian'er every day, but no dumplings. He really doesn't want to eat that right now. He can take the food home and eat it. Prepare some more soup. Is anyone else present besides Dad? I'll be gone for quite some time. Please don't let me return to a skinny birdman."

"I know, I know, I’ll pay attention to safety. Don't worry. Okay, I promise I’ll wear a bulletproof vest. To be honest, it makes little difference whether you wear it or not when the moment comes. Alright, alright, don’t worry. I’ll be careful, really. My baby is still waiting for me, so I must come back intact. Hey, Mom, plan a wedding for me when I return. I want to get married to your son."

Pan Lei laughed and told his mother that he no longer wanted to just live together. He desired to marry openly and publicly and to be together. They were to be a well-known and involved married pair.


I'm hoping author-sama doesn't give us some MIA bs…