Chapter 210 Daye loses his cellphone

Tian Yuan abruptly sat up in bed, sweating profusely.

He had a nightmare in which Pan Lei smiled at him before turning around and saying, "Goodbye, baby." Then he went farther and farther and farther. He never looked back, no matter how hard he chased him. Tian Yuan awoke from his dream, his heart hammering furiously.

Tian Yuan scrambled in the dark for his phone, wiping the cold sweat from his brow and plunging his hands into his hair, and saw that it was four a.m.

He called Pan Lei's number, but he was not in the service area.

Tian Yuan wanted to toss down his phone. China Mobile, f*ck your uncle! You let laozi down at a vital time.

"It should be OK," Tian Yuan reassured himself as he retreated beneath the quilt. "He said that this task would be safe."

Pan Lei had also stated that the signal in that crappy area was poor, and that he needed to find a higher spot to make a phone call. The battle must be over by now. Pan Lei realized it’s so late and didn’t call me. Right?

Tian Yuan flipped over. The fact was he worried about Pan Lei as long as he was on a mission, as long as he was the team leader of the commandos' squadron for a day. Pan Lei stated that when he reached the rank of senior colonel, he would become the commandos' commander-in-chief. He did not have to go out to carry out tasks when he was under the CO but above his men.

If so, Tian Yuan hoped that Pan Lei's military ranking would be raised and he would be promoted to senior colonel as soon as possible.

"You ba$tard, it’ll take you a pretty long time to rise to the rank of Senior Colonel! Can’t you do something about it? You lead troops on missions all day without a thought for others. Forget it. All I wish is that you return safe and sound."

He patted the mattress.

"Jindou'er, come on up and sleep beside Dad. Your father is really a good-for-nothing. I won’t mention how he pranks me when he’s home, but he dares to scare me in my dreams when he’s away. Just wait until he gets home to watch how I clobber him! I'm going to twist his cheeks 180 degrees. Shouldn’t that a$$hole show up sooner? We need to choose a date to reserve Zhang Hui’s venue so that no one else can snatch it from us."

Jindou'er had grown up and was no longer the little thing it had been when it was first brought home. It was also extremely spoiled. Even though it was lying on its stomach next to Tian Yuan, it preferred to rest its head on Tian Yuan's arm rather than the pillow. Tian Yuan would sleep hugging it. If Pan Lei had seen the two lords in this loving sleeping posture, he would have undoubtedly grabbed up Jindou'er and whacked its buttocks while scolding, "Who let you take advantage of my hubby! He can only hug me to sleep! Got it? Who the hell are you? F*ck off for laozi!"

Tian Yuan smiled as he stroked Jindouer's head, imagining Pan Lei's irritated expression. He stopped thinking about the scene from his dream, and lay on his side, continuing to sleep.

Pan Lei dangled the boy by his shirt collar, as if he were lifting his son Jindou'er by the scruff. He pinched the boy's nape skin and forced him to lift his head to look. It turned out to be the brat who had yelled at him earlier in the day, "Grownups are liars!"

"Do you want to die, little ba$tard? What are you doing out here? Hurry up and go back."

"Fireworks, fireworks!"

Children in rural areas are likely to be fascinated by fireworks and firecrackers. The kids thought firecrackers were being set off when they heard the gunshots and wanted to rush out to see them.

"Get lost! Go back quickly. Deputy instructor, take him back."

The assistant instructor took the child in his arms.

"Let's get back together now that the child has been found. The remaining bandits should have been dealt with by now as well. Contact Headquarters tomorrow and leave the cleanup to the local police."

Pan Lei looked ahead, recalling the cars he'd spotted.

"You take the child back first, and I'll take a look ahead. I found a few cars parked outside, and they shouldn't be too far away from here. Since they came to our country to burn, kill, and loot, I won't let them return alive."

"I’ll go with you."

Pan Lei was wounded the last time he fought the robbers on his own. With the deputy instructor around, he'd have someone to look after him this time. Pan Lei called for a teammate and dumped the boy on him when the teammate rushed over. Pan Lei grabbed his gun, bore through the forest, ran on the trails, and rushed to the farthest periphery as quickly as he could. The assistant instructor trailed him.

Pan Lei had extensive battlefield experience in such jungle operations. He could move freely at any time of day or night, and his actions would go unimpeded even with a gun on his back. When he ran to the perimeter, he discovered that the individuals in the cars had already come down and were peering through binoculars.

"Based on their clothing, they should be the mob's leaders."

Pan Lei drew his gun and checked the ammunition.

"F*ck their uncles! I'm nearly out of ammo. What about you?"

The deputy instructor looked at his gun as well.

"I don't think we have enough to completely destroy those animals. All of the bullets are in the encampment, just a few are hidden on the body."

Seven or eight vehicles carrying close to forty individuals. When the robbers counterattacked, they didn't stand a chance if they opened fire without enough rounds. Pan Lei refused to let these grandsons kill or injure them even if they were in desperate circumstances, let alone now. He still wanted to return and marry!

Pan Lei placed the gun down, set it aside, and checked his body's equipment. There was only one military knife and one grenade, and it was more than enough.

The deputy instructor also checked his equipment.

"We’ll follow them, destroy their lair, and come back."

The assistant instructor grinned.

"I still have two grenades in my hand, just enough to hit them with."

"We'll go there, destroy their den, and then return. Laozi doesn't want to spend even a single day in this shithole! I'll talk to the local government about it. They'll almost certainly leap at the chance to send a publicity team to promote the law or attract investment. Laozi is not a production team captain; laozi is returning to marry. Ready? Then proceed."

It's not like they hadn't done anything similar previously. They'd follow the robbers all the way to their hideout, where a bomb would kill them all.

Pan Lei and the deputy instructor exchanged a devious smile. Pan Lei raced for a few meters, lay on his side, rolled in, and grabbed a car's chassis, taking advantage of the robbers' inattentiveness.

The assistant instructor used the same technique to sneak beneath another vehicle.

Those folks were speaking in Burmese, which was virtually gibberish to Pan Lei, but he could understand some of what they were saying. After all those courses in the army, even if he couldn’t speak Burmese, at least he could understand part of it.

Someone remarked they'd been ambushed and there must have been a lot of casualties. Did they want to sneak in and look?

Another person stated that venturing in to look around was simply throwing away their lives. They should wait another ten minutes, and if no one came out to report to them, they would leave immediately.

Pan Lei sneered: Humph! My men and I have sent all those ba$tards to hell. Come out to report? Dream on. They’ll never return.

Someone inquired why this area was so difficult to deal with. Where were they exactly? Was there a military garrison there?

Pan Lei thought triumphantly: Humph! Laozi’s soldiers are better than a reinforcement company(military).

They did not venture in. They suspected something was awry when there was no news and decided to depart right away. They needed to think about this at length.

The crooks then jumped into the cars one by one. Pan Lei and the assistant instructor gripped the car's chassis tightly and sought to keep their bodies against the automobile to protect themselves in case of a ditch.

The journey was bumpy. Myanmar, in reality, borders China and is only a few miles away. If you're not paying attention, you might not even notice you've crossed the border and entered a different country.

This gang of idiots had no idea they had been piggybacked on. Pan Lei and the assistant instructor crouched in the shadows and conducted reconnaissance. It was a typical mountain stronghold, with stilted buildings and men wandering around in skirts[1], their bare arms carrying guns, and several cars.

They looked about but couldn't discover any arsenal. Could it be that these bandits only had the guns in their hands?

Pan Lei cautiously walked around to the back, leaped up and hung from a stilted building, and pricked his ears to hear what they were saying.

The sound within was highly clamorous, as if someone was kicking up a fuss in rage while others advised him.

They'd experienced utter defeat in their nocturnal mission and returned with their tails between their legs, not to mention the loss of men. They'd sent so many men, yet none of them had returned. The casualties were heavy.

They would obviously blame, complain about, and even penalize the individual who came up with the idea.

One of the advisors suggested that they wait for the other bosses to arrive before discussing this subject. This was, after all, their first joint operation. The other bosses would be there soon. Meanwhile, they should assess their losses, then discuss the deceased's recompense and plan the next step. They'd undoubtedly incurred significant losses this time, but those losses couldn't be in vain. They needed to regroup and return much stronger. This blood debt must be paid in blood.

The supervisor appeared to concur and inquired about the arrival of the other bosses.

One advisor responded that the other bosses would not come rashly because they were fearful of being double-crossed. "Boss, you should call them and tell them to come at the latest the day after tomorrow. And convince them that it is only to discuss matters and that they will not be double-crossed."

That boss swore roundly: Double cross? We’re all in the midst of a crisis! We don't know when we’ll die, and they’re still plotting against each other?

Pan Lei leaped off the stilted building and dragged the assistant instructor into the bushes to hide.

"All of the bosses dealing in arms in this area will gather here in the next two days. We’ll get rid of them all at that point. We’ll wait for two days before starting the operation."

"Then what do we do now?"

Pan Lei pointed to the forest five hundred meters away.

"Let's hide there first and then act when they all come."

The assistant instructor silently hid in the woods obeying the order. They'd have to wait patiently for two days, but it wouldn't be in vain. They had eliminated the 200+ bandits and would also send all of the area's big bosses to meet their maker. There would be no criminal forces in this area as a result, and the village would be stable for at least a few years. Even if this sinister power returned in the future, the Chinese police would have time to reinforce their defenses. They would finish the mission successfully and triumphantly return.

Earn a merit and build a career, then go home to marry Tian Yuan. Pan Lei thought happily. He was hidden in the grass, monitoring things while daydreaming of his own happy occasion.

The deputy instructor had also been on secret missions in other countries. It wasn’t like it was unheard of. The two men took cover in the weeds. The hard part was that they couldn’t eat for two days. However, going hungry for two days in exchange for a second-class collective merit didn’t seem like a bad deal.

Pan Lei patted himself, rummaging in his pockets for his cell phone. He had placed his phone in his pocket. This was a pivotal day, and he couldn't make phone calls during the mission. It would expose his position. He only wanted to turn it on so he could see his baby. I miss him so much. I want to kiss him. Tian'er opens his eyes with my kisses every morning.

But, after a long search, Pan Lei was unable to locate the phone.

"Damn! Laozi f*cking lost my phone. I will notify the military of the property loss later. I want the base to buy a cell phone worth more than 5,000 yuan for me. I’ll give my new cell phone to my baby, and I’ll just use his old phone."

Pan Lei made the assistant instructor want to scream.

Please see the situation clearly. We’re on a mission, a very dangerous mission. Can you not fill your brain with thoughts of your family’s husband? Be serious and proper. You’re here on official business.


[1] Myanmar's national costume is the longyi, an ankle-length wraparound skirt worn by both men and women.


(⌣̩̩́_⌣̩̩̀) It's getting darker early, which gives me the feeling that I'm working till late at night...