Chapter 211 Joy here, sorrow there

Pan Lei and the assistant instructor needed to remain hidden for two days in order to eliminate the bosses. It was not a big deal to lose a phone. The biggest issue was that they couldn't make contact with the encampment using their radio walkie-talkies. The assistant instructor threw it aside, declaring it useless. Pan Lei stuffed his walkie-talkie in his pocket, thinking it was fine not to use it. When he got back, he'd show that lousy thing to the CO and tell him that the ball had been dropped at a critical time and that the commandos needed the best communication tools possible. These walkie-talkies were so terrible that they couldn't communicate with the station. This was unimportant to Pan Lei and the assistant instructor. They would triumph as long as they destroyed the bandits' lair and sent all the evil forces in this area to hell.

While the other person kept watch, one person caught up on sleep, refreshing himself for the big push. When it got dark, Pan Lei squinted and noticed someone come out of the living room with a supper tray full of white powder in his hand. A platter this large must weigh at least five kilograms.

Pan Lei jolted the assistant instructor awake and pointed towards the individual. The assistant instructor observed the situation carefully.

"It should be heroin."

"No kidding! Laozi has excellent vision. It’s a lot. These sonsofb!tches have made a fortune. We need to figure out how to destroy that stuff."

They exchanged glances and soon devised a wicked plan.

They crept in stealthily. These robbers should be labeled as a horde of idiots. Two large men had been in and out of their stronghold multiple times, and they were still walking around carrying guns, but they had not discovered it.

They sneaked into the kitchen together. They were hungry, so they rummaged for bacon and the like, and each ate a piece of meat. They also stole a bottle of booze while passing by. How else were they supposed to be nice and warm during night watch when it was so damp and cold?

They then located a plastic bag, dug into the wheat flour bags, discovered the heroin hidden within them, filled the plastic bag with it, and slipped to the wooden house where the food tray carrying person had entered. This structure should be used as a warehouse or something. It included a few firearms and bullets, but few explosives. Pan Lei and the assistant instructor seized those, then took the narcotics off the meal tray and tucked them into their pockets before rearranging the wheat flour sacks they'd stolen in the kitchen to their original state.

They bolted via the back window. You want to trade in drugs, you a$$holes? I'll see if I can't make you sell noodles.

They retreated to the woods, dug a hole, and buried the seized drugs in it. Because simply burying the poison was insufficient, they peed on it.

One of them drank a few swallows of alcohol before crawling back to the original spot and continuing to monitor.

They were free and at ease here, yet the encampment was pure chaos.

No one answered the phone, contact was broken, and just two firearms were identified on the perimeter, along with several wheel marks. Except for the two guns flung aside, they'd lost track of the instructor and assistant instructor. This was not a promising sign.

There were numerous wheel marks, yet neither the instructor nor the assistant instructor were armed. That is to say, the other party had a large number of people. Could they have abducted the instructor and assistant instructor? Did they throw them in the car and drive away? If so, would they make it back alive? This gang of ruthless robbers dared to cross the border in the middle of the night in hunt of the villagers, but their scheme was foiled. Would the robbers become furious from embarrassment and abduct the instructor and assistant instructor because of the 200+ crooks who came to raid but didn't return alive? The robbers attacked the duo and threw them into the car before speeding back to Myanmar, relying on their numbers?

The commandos who had won an overwhelming victory began to search the battlefield for the instructor and deputy instructor. Should they report to their supervisors and inquire about the next steps?

The soldiers searched but were unable to locate the pair. The teammate who was guarding the small brat pointed to the front and claimed that when the instructor and assistant instructor noticed vehicles outside, they ran after them to check the situation.

When the soldiers arrived, they saw two Type 95 sniper rifles but no human.

The leader stomped his foot. Oh no, oh f*cking no. The bandits abducted both the instructor and the assistant instructor! They promptly reported to headquarters. They couldn't possibly care about anything at this point. It was best to report swiftly to their superiors and receive aid.

Pan Zhan, Pan Ge, and Pan Lei's parents were his emergency contacts. They would be the first individuals the military would contact if something happened to him. When he returned from the UK, he made Tian Yuan his first point of contact. Tian Yuan stated that due to their special status, even if something happened to Pan Lei, he would most likely not be alerted promptly. He would wait and wait, in vain, until he died, but he would still know nothing about Pan Lei.

"I want to marry you, I want to be your family," Tian Yuan stated. "If such a day comes, I wish to learn of your safety promptly rather than foolishly waiting."

Pan Lei hesitated several times before writing Tian Yuan's name. The army would notify Tian Yuan if he became a martyr, if he sacrificed himself on a mission.

Pan Lei didn't want Tian Yuan to be alarmed. His Tian'er would most likely be unable to tolerate such a call for the first time. He did, however, understand Tian Yuan's ideas. If he died, because he was a commando, the military would not reveal how he died. He couldn’t let Tian Yuan wait in suspense.

Pan Lei included Tian Yuan's name, and an accident occurred today.

If Pan Lei had known it would cause such a screw-up, he would not have written Tian Yuan's name even if he was beaten to death.

Tian Yuan rarely woke up early and was getting ready for breakfast. His blood froze as the phone rang. While getting the phone, he hastily poured milk for Jindou'er.

"Tian Yuan, there was a call from the military region, and it appears that something happened to Pan Lei. Please don't worry! I'll pick you up right now, and we'll head to the military compound to talk with Third Uncle and Third Aunt."

Pan Ge's voice had a rare impatience; the sound of a car starting came over the phone. He hung up the phone before Tian Yuan could say anything.

Tian Yuan sat on the ground, unable to get up.

He answered the phone mechanically when it rang again.

"Doctor Tian, ​​I'm Chen Ze. I’m sorry to inform you that Pan Lei, who was on a mission on the China-Myanmar border, has gone missing in last night’s combat. You..."

Chen Ze's voice was no longer as teasing as it once was.

"Damn those people! Don't worry, troops have been dispatched for search and rescue. You’ve seen their skills, so please don't worry. I’m sure there’s no major problem. If there is any fresh information, I’ll notify you as soon as possible. Dr. Tian, try not to worry and avoid imagining the worst."

Chen Ze couldn't help but curse. How was he expected to talk about this?! Anyone with eyes could see the couple's love. They were about to host a lavish wedding, but Pan Lei went missing while on an assignment. Wasn't this a deadly shock?

He'd rather open the window and yell, "Chen Ze is an idiot," than make such a phone call to Tian Yuan.

Chen Ze quickly offered some words of comfort, hoping Tian Yuan would remain strong. Can Dr. Tian, Pan Lei's most beloved, who is held to his heart and abundantly pampered, take it?

Tian Yuan took a deep breath. His heart was aching, and he had to work hard to take that breath.

"I see. Thank you."

Tian Yuan put down the phone, feeling his heart ache as if someone had reached in and mercilessly squeezed it. He lost all strength. He was unable to get up and stayed on the floor. He sat there blankly, holding his head, not crying, yelling, or becoming upset.

"It's nothing, nothing. If you're dead, I'll accompany you. This is nothing."

His face was dry when he touched it, yet his eyes were aching, his heart was sore, and his spirit and strength had long since vanished. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he felt exhausted and let out a long sigh. It was nothing. He had mentally braced himself and was ready to take any blow.

If Pan Lei was still living, they would stay together and care for one other for the rest of their lives. They would stay together even when they were elderly grandpas.

If Pan Lei was dead, he’d follow him. He would leave both of their parents in the care of Pan Zhan and Pan Ge, and the two of them would remain together.

He was not scared of death, so how could this news lead him to crumble? He could bear it; he could get through it.

Tian Yuan rose up, gritting his teeth. As he propped himself up, his fingers on the cabinet turned white. He went to open the door when he heard the doorbell ring. He grabbed his phone and jacket before opening the door and saw Pan Ge.

Pan Ge looked at Tian Yuan’s pale face. He had always been a warm person with a faint but very sincere smile. When Pan Lei was by his side, his face was full of joy and anger, and he smiled very happily. Even if he was angry and glared with wide eyes, he was coaxed by Pan Lei after a while.

But Tian Yuan had turned into a zombie. He couldn't see Tian Yuan's feelings even though they were face to face. Pan Ge could feel Tian Yuan’s heart and soul slowly dying as he stood in front of him.

"Don't be like this, Tian Yuan. Leizi is partnered by an assistant instructor. There will be no major issues with those two working together. They are simply missing. They have dispatched additional personnel and mobilized the army to locate them."

Tian Yuan flashed him a shallow smile, but it only made Pan Ge feel worse.

"Second Brother, I'm fine. Let's go."

Pan Ge kept glancing at Tian Yuan while driving. Tian Yuan sat quietly, not making a sound. Even his breathing appeared to have disappeared.

Pan Ge frustratedly punched the steering wheel. Pan Lei, you ba$tard, if you dare to have an accident, you will take a life with you. See how your Tian Yuan looks! Quickly bring your a$$ back home for laozi and coax your husband.

You are responsible for your man! Nobody else can do it for you.

Everyone was present when they entered the door. Mama Dang Hong clasped Tian Yuan's hand in hers, her eyes turning red before she could say anything.

"It's all right, mama, it's all right."

Tian Yuan consoled his mother in reverse. He couldn't collapse now, no matter what. He and Pan Lei had made a deal. Pan Lei would be loyal while he would be filial. The elders needed all the support they could get at this time.

"The local army has been dispatched, and the border police have started searching."

Pan Lei's CO was reporting. Papa Pan was smoking a cigarette and frowning as Pan Zhan, Pan Ge, and Tian Yuan sat on the side.

"Third Uncle, my father has also begun to send troops. They should arrive in the afternoon. Don't worry."

Eldest Uncle Pan happened to be stationed in that area. He promptly dispatched troops after receiving the news. Everyone got involved in the search.

"Our station also sent people to look for them. However, there has been no further news from them. According to the report, there were multiple wheel marks and two guns left. We attempted to reach them both but were unsuccessful. So we informed the families first so that you can mentally prepare."

"Mentally prepare? Prepare what? Prepare to receive the news of his death? Why do we need to be mentally prepared when you haven't launched a large-scale search and rescue operation yet? Why were they there in the first place? Couldn't there have been more men sent? You want us to prepare in case something goes wrong? We will not give up searching for him until we find him. If you don't go looking for him, I will. I want to see him, living or dead, with my own eyes. I'm not going to accept the news that he's gone missing. I'm not going to prepare anything until I see him. I'll just keep hoping that he'll return at some point."

Tian Yuan was rather mild-mannered, but when Pan Lei’s CO said the words "mentally prepare," he became outraged, and the sorrow and dread he had been suppressing in his heart erupted into an explosion of anger.