Chapter 212 Tian Yuan runs away

"Tian Yuan, stop it."

Pan Zhan nudged Tian Yuan. After all, the CO was an elder no matter what. Pan Lei was also carrying out the mission under orders. His prior experiences had been more perilous than this, only Pan Lei had not told Tian Yuan about it. They all understood why Tian Yuan couldn't remain rational after getting such a phone call. It would be difficult for anyone to bear. Banditry was rife, and human lives were as cheap as grass. Everything pointed to disaster if the two soldiers had been kidnapped.

Tian Yuan turned his head to face Papa Pan, his face resolute. He wanted to go; to the front lines; to the battlefield; wherever he might get word that Pan Lei was safe and sound first thing after it was confirmed. He wanted to see his body first if something awful had happened, and then...

"I'm heading there, Dad. I'm going to find him."

"Tian Yuan, the army has dispatched troops. Just stay at home with us and listen to the news."

Something bad had happened to one of the children, and the other must not, under any circumstances, have an accident.

"Tian Yuan, sweet boy, I know you're worried about him, but you also said it's fine, didn't you? He'll be back; you stay at home and wait for news."

This child's face was filled with an unrelenting madness. He shouldn’t go there in such a tumultuous situation. What an awful mess it would be if something happened to him!

"Tian Yuan, troops from three military regions are looking for them; Eldest Uncle, my father, Third Uncle, as well as Leizi's military area and the local armed forces, have all gone; you must not go."

Pan Ge also advised: Don't go; just wait; there will be news in two days.

"I'm speaking with a few former teammates and subordinates. They are also dispersed throughout the south and have the ability to deploy manpower. Stay at home, Tian Yuan, and accompany your mother. You’re not allowed to go. Got it?"

Papa Pan rose and patted Pan Lei's CO on the shoulder.

"My son is very worried. Please don't take it personally."

"I won’t. This is a result of insufficient preparation on our part."

Tian Yuan sat on the sofa, not saying anything. Pan Ge passed a cigarette to him. This was Tian Yuan's first time smoking in front of Mama Dang Hong.

"Don't be like this. There will be news in a day or two, so just wait at home. I’ll mobilize the SWAT team and help with the rescue. Tian Yuan, you can’t fall apart at this time. This family needs you now more than ever. Look at Third Aunt and Third Uncle; they are Leizi's parents. Even if something has happened, you must still look after them."

Tian Yuan took a long drag on his cigarette.

"We agreed that he would be loyal and I would be filial. I'll never forget it. Don't worry, Second Brother; I'll be OK. We're getting married when he gets back. Everything is ready. Zhang Hui's venue has been chosen, the invitation list has been drawn up, and everything is in order. The wedding will be unique; that ba$tard will not have an accident. I'm going to beat him up when he returns. His grandma! That rascal worries the entire family, scaring folks to death every day."

Mama Dang Hong was initially rather concerned, unsure of how to console Tian Yuan and fearful that something had happened to her son. When she heard Tian Yuan swear, "His grandma!" Mama Dang Hong reached out and lightly smacked Tian Yuan.

"If you scold Leizi, scold only Leizi, scoundrel son. What are you implicating his grandma for?"

Tian Yuan sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, realizing that swearing in front of his mother-in-law was truly inappropriate.

Pan Ge smiled. His Third Aunt may be seen as easing the current sadness.

"I won't stop you if you want to beat him when he returns. That little sonofab!tch! Why didn't he bring along more men? He insists on flaunting his ferocious combat skills. You must correct his habit of rushing up when his head is hot. Regardless, doesn't he realize he has to be more cautious now that he has a family? It's not worth his life to be scary. Don't worry, Tian Yuan; this little ba$tard has never done anything like this before. He went deep into someone else's military warehouse the previous time he took seven people abroad. He was being pursued by gunfire, yet he escaped unscathed. Just wait, okay? There will be news in a day or two. You have to endure separation and loneliness if you fall in love with a soldier, and you have to endure worry if you fall in love with a commando like him. I'm sorry for your suffering, child."

Tian Yuan's words revealed his pain.

"There's nothing hard or bitter, Mom. I miss him and wish I could see him right now. I want to know the outcome as quickly as possible, regardless of what it is. I'd like to go there. Even if I merely have to stand guard there, I want to wait for him to return."

Dang Hong sighed.

"Be obedient, dear boy; don't go. Stay with Mom and wait for the news. It's too chaotic there, otherwise they wouldn’t have sent Leizi and the others on the mission. You want to go? It won’t help if you go. What will you do if you’re injured or involved in an accident?"

Tian Yuan bit his lower lip and stopped speaking. His mother-in-law would not let him go, but he was burning with anxiety. He wanted to go, even if it was just to stand guard at the border. He would know whether Pan Lei was alive or dead as soon as there was news. He was ready for either outcome.

He would treat Pan Lei if it was only injuries.

If Pan Lei was still alive, he would accompany him back.

If Pan Lei died, he would just die by his side and follow him.

This was his entire plan. He had long maintained that life and death are a matter of chance. Even if he was unfilial, he will not receive that piece of paper or inherit the things left behind by Pan Lei. Those were merely material possessions. From him, Pan Lei was everything.

Pan Lei always said, "You are my treasure." He also told Pan Lei, "You are everything to me."

Dang Hong saw that Tian Yuan was no longer adamant about leaving and assumed that Tian Yuan had been persuaded.

This kid was so worried that he questioned even the CO. He was anxious and wanted to travel to the border.

However, this child was obedient and listened to advice so he didn’t make a fuss? Heh.

Pan Lei was the person who understood Tian Yuan the best in the world, not his parents or mother-in-law. Pan Lei had a strong impression that his husband was gentle, lovable, and obedient under normal circumstances. But if someone or something genuinely provoked him into wrath, he was a super hot tiny chili, and no one knew what he was capable of. He was obviously a skinny and frail man, yet his boldness and courage were unrivaled, as was his reckless fury. This beloved of his would erupt when he was truly anxious.

"Be obedient and wait at home, okay?"

Tian Yuan lowered his eyes.

"Mom, Jindou’er is alone at home; I'll go get him."

"Let me drive you there."

Dang Hong winked at Pan Ge, signaling: Don't let him cause any trouble right now. Keep an eye on him.

Pan Ge gave a nod.

Tian Yuan didn't say anything or decline. His face was no longer as lifeless as it had been at the start, and his eyes blazed briefly before shifting away. When he returned home, he began packing his belongings because he would be living in the military compound for the time being. Pan Ge awaited him in the living room. The place was modest, but every inch was spotless. Every nook and cranny revealed that this was a two-person home. Pan Ge clenched his fists when he glimpsed the neatly arranged slippers. Pan Lei, you have to be okay. This home needs you to return in order to be joyful.

"Please wait for me, Second Brother. I'll go down and buy Jindou'er some dog food."

Pan Ge stood up as Tian Yuan was about to leave with his wallet and jacket.

"I'll go. Isn't there a supermarket downstairs? You keep packing your things."

I can't let you go down by yourself in case you run away.

Tian Yuan remained silent and nodded. Tian Yuan snatched up a suitcase, grabbed the phone charger, and dashed downstairs after Pan Ge did. He turned and fled the neighborhood through the rear gate when he saw Pan Ge enter the supermarket. He took a taxi and went straight to the airport.

Damn it! He was now like a lady escaping the stronghold while trying to avoid this group of bandits in a reversal after getting together with Pan Lei and becoming a part of the bandit family.

He repeatedly urged the driver to accelerate saying that something serious had occurred. "Please hurry; there is an emergency."

Tian Yuan told the driver that if he sped to the airport, he would double the fare.

The driver smiled and stepped on the gas.

"So anxious; are you dodging a creditor?"

Tian Yuan sighed.

"My spouse is missing; I'm going to look for him[1]."

When the driver heard this, he assumed that the young wife had run away with someone else and that the husband was going to find them.

"Hey, she disappeared, which means she doesn't want to be with you; what's the point of trying to get her back? Just separate amicably."

Tian Yuan sighed as he gazed at the swiftly fading roadside scenery. After observing the client's zeal, the driver felt he was playing an armchair expert. Would he be so downcast if he didn't love the wayward wife with all his heart? He's not angry; he's sad.

"Separate amicably? How can you be called a couple if you break up so easily?"

How could he forget that they had agreed to spend the rest of their lives together? Why had there been no news? What was the point of having so many people searching for him? When you find a clue, you must follow it all the way through.

He was already mentally prepared, and he would not wait foolishly. Even if he waited, it would be for a man whose location, life, and death were unknown. What about the end result? He didn’t care. He had to go find Pan Lei himself. He would see Pan Lei whether he was alive or dead. He couldn't live if something had happened to Pan Lei.

Pan Lei had thoroughly spoiled him. It was so bad that he couldn’t bear living without him. If he didn’t have Pan Lei, there would be no one to get angry at, no one to cater to his picky appetite, and no one to coax and hug him to a peaceful sleep. How could he go on living?

Even if he died, he would die alongside him. Even if he’d really gone to Naihe Bridge, he would thrash Pan Lei and reincarnate with him.

Tian Yuan took a deep breath. His eyes were dry and aching, with not a single tear in them. Never mind, this is nothing. He's still alive, and we'll spend the rest of our lives together. If he's truly gone, I'll go with him.

He’d seen through life and death. What was there to cry about?

He would see Pan Lei as long as he received news.

The driver ceased speaking. He seemed to know that this spouse was an unforgettable person, and now that she'd disappeared, it was as if she'd ripped his heart out.

The driver slammed on the accelerator and drove him as fast as he could to the airport.

Tian Yuan didn't care about anything. He dashed to the airport lobby and inquired about a flight to Tengchong City. The beautiful customer service lady informed him that the next flight was in the afternoon.

"Is there an earlier flight to the south?"

There was a broadcast at the airport asking passengers traveling to Kunming, Yunnan, to board the plane quickly because the plane would take off in half an hour.

"I'm going to Kunming[2]. Is there any seat left on that flight?"

The customer service lady quickly checked for him.

"Sir, we have two first-class seats available."

Tian Yuan hurriedly took out the cash.

"Please complete the formalities for me right away."

Time was ticking away. Miss Customer Service swiftly issued him a boarding pass. Tian Yuan had never acted so fast in his life. He almost went through security at the speed of a 100-meter sprint and then used that speed to board the plane.

He was the last passenger to board the plane. It didn't take even five minutes after he boarded the plane for it to begin taxing on the runway. It then took off.

Tian Yuan sighed with relief. Nobody could stop him from searching for Pan Lei. It was pointless to keep an eye on him. He knew his family didn't want him to take any risks for fear of being wounded if he went to that dreadfully chaotic area. But he couldn't just sit there and wait, he couldn't. He was going to find Pan Lei and bring his lover home.


[1] TY uses 他, a gender-neutral pronoun. I’ve used the pronouns that the speakers intended.

[2] According to Google Maps, the distance between Kunming and Tengchong is around 770 kilometers. That’s a 7-8 hour drive.